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Re: 85e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne - RGL CHAMPS [FR/EU]
« Reply #345 on: June 16, 2017, 03:54:08 pm »
happy bday klesh
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Re: 85e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne - RGL CHAMPS [FR/EU]
« Reply #346 on: June 16, 2017, 06:09:00 pm »
Joyeux anniversaire!

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Re: 85e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne - RGL CHAMPS [FR/EU]
« Reply #347 on: June 16, 2017, 09:05:15 pm »
happy burfday

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97p Lone : By himself he's a very good duo. So he deserve a spot of his own.

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Re: 85e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne - RGL CHAMPS [FR/EU]
« Reply #349 on: June 18, 2017, 03:34:59 pm »
Gandalf coming back to active duty at the rank of Aide de Camp. Lets hope his precious advices will be well-used for the regiment to come back at its strongest peak ! :)
Don't worry about what people think, they don't do it very often.

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Re: 85e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne - RGL CHAMPS [FR/EU]
« Reply #350 on: June 21, 2017, 02:51:00 pm »
"Unable to perceive the shape of You...
I find you all around me.
Your presence fills my eyes with Your love...
It humbles my heart...
For You are everywhere."

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Re: 85e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne - RGL CHAMPS [FR/EU]
« Reply #351 on: June 21, 2017, 03:14:29 pm »
I hope i can make it to more events soon! :-*

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Re: 85e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne - RGL CHAMPS [FR/EU]
« Reply #352 on: June 21, 2017, 03:22:53 pm »
I hope i can make it to more events soon! :-*

Offline Tardet

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Re: 85e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne - RGL CHAMPS [FR/EU]
« Reply #353 on: June 23, 2017, 10:59:38 pm »
It’s with a lot of sadness that I have to announce you that the 85e Régiment d’Infanterie de Ligne is going to cease all activities on NW and will play its last event this Monday 26th of June at 19:30BST. Besides the regiments invited, anyone who was at one point part of the regiment is welcome to join us and play within our ranks. As per consequences, this will be my last official message about the regiment and due to the special occasion, I will return to my rank of Capitaine to lead this bunch of French bastards one last time.

But what would be the last moments of the 85e without a Tardet’s novel? I know, simply unimaginable. Very well then, hold your breath (hello janne), its coming.

When I joined this regiment, about 4 months ago, I was really far to imagine it would bring me where I stand now. Because let’s be frank, without sounding too arrogant (which I’m, don’t mislead yourself on that), I played among the very best regiments of this community, for almost 6 years now. There is hardly anything which can impress me nowadays, in term of regimental structures.

That being said, I bet on the fact there was something special within this regiment, and this was the fact a fair bunch of its members were not necessarily best friends, far from it actually. But they were all united towards the same goal of getting a French structure back to the top of the EU NW community, years after the 14e won the NWL. Looking back at, it’s easy to minimize what we did but when we started the RGL quite soon after the regiment made its first steps into the competitive scene, we hardly made it to the League 1 and were never considered favorites until we got to prove ourselves on the field. What we achieved, is nothing usual but something any 85e member can be proud of. We created our own legend, and with the manner, s'il vous plait.

After winning the RGL, many expected us to disband because we had achieved what we had been created for and many of our core members had left or been squeeze out. It could have happened, it was a possibility which was heavily considered back then. But the 85e and its members have never been big fans of going where you expect them to. Instead we tried our best to change our way of doing. From an ultra-competitive structure, expected to perform due to its new status of RGL winner, we tried to bring a friendly atmosphere while always sticking to what defined the regiment, being competitive, no matter the situation. It was not easy but everyone tried its very best to make it work.

After months of ups and downs, and a recent following of insufficient and unsatisfying results and activity, the Etat Major of the 85e Régiment d’Infanterie decided it was for the best to cease all activities. Initially registered for the European Infantry Cup, something we were all really looking forward to, we realized we might not make it past this summer vacations and out of respect for the organizers of what promises to be amazing event, we preferred leaving before it starts, rather than disbanding mid-way through because we wouldn’t be capable of having enough members attending. It was all but not an easy decision to take but we lost our competitiveness and motivation, two things which were the essence of our regiment, and forcing ourselves to continue would have simply mean slowly killing ourselves.

It was an amazing run and a fabulous experience. I wasn’t necessarily ready for this, and definitely not expecting it. But I enjoyed every second of it. From the bottom of my heart, thanks to all the 85e members who managed to bring back something in me I thought lost forever. The joy to play the game and to involve myself into this community. I owe you all more than you can imagine.

Regimental Thanks You
Colonel Blitz/DasH: Every regiment needs a leader, and you were ours. And what a beautiful leader. Kind, tolerant, fair. But also, capable of making each of us push ourselves further. You proved us you don't need to be an excellent commander to be a great leader and that's a lesson I will often remember. And despite you being very busy with IRL priorities, same as many of us, you always tried to give all the time you could to the 85e, to build up our name and legend. During my numerous years within this community, I had the chance to server under the orders of some of the greatest, and do know that to my eyes, you joined such list. It was both an honor and a pleasure to be your second in command, DasH. May you succeed in every aspect of life, as you truly deserve it.

Lieutenant-Colonel Gandalf: Gandalf and I’s relationship was a roller-coaster of emotions from the very beginning. One of the strongest personality I’ve met online and certainly one of those people which command respect the most. It’s not always easy to be friend with that man but I can assure you it’s worth it. From a regimental perspective, Gandalf was the safeguard of the regiment, the person who held it together for so long despite the difficulties and differences between the members of the regiment. Every decision he took was in the supreme interest of the 85e and nothing else. It wasn’t always easy for him to be here with us as much as he wanted but he always came back and when you know the stuff he has been going through, you can show him nothing but love and respect. On top of this amazing experience, I’m happy to say I earned a true friend.

Lieutenant Dren: Dren is certainly one of the most reliable and trustable person among my closest friends. He was the main reason which made me join the 85e in the first place and also the person who made me stay despite the difficulties. His commitment to the regiment was nothing but stellar and yet he always stayed humble and simple, his goal being nothing else but bringing the 85e to the top without caring about who would take the credits for it. I’m glad I played alongside this awesome personality, talented officer and amazing player. But more importantly, our friendship started way before the 85e and will continue way after it. And I hope that one day, chance will be given to us building something together again.

(Former) Lieutenant Drake/Haze: Certainly one of the most controversial personality I’ve met in this community. A strange man, without a doubt. Someone I will probably never be able to completely understand, and way too different se we could become friend. But also, and without a doubt, one of the best player to have ever touched the game. Haze contributed in many ways to build up the competitive structure of the regiment and the 85e success is also his success. He represented the new generation and me the oldest and for sometimes we worked together to bring the 85e to the top. No matter what happened, the results speak for themselves.

Aide de Camp ClaSh: I have probably more in common with ClaSh than with anyone else in this regiment. Together, we saw the birth of NW, its golden age but it’s also its worse moments. We both, in our own ways, contributed to building this competitiveness we love and I’ve always considered him as the best player to have ever touched the game, with Jackie Chan. Having him joining the regiment was such a huge benefit for the 85e and even though ClaSh also had IRL priorities which kept him sometimes far away from the regiment, I was happy to have this amazing possibility to play the game with someone I’ve always highly valued and respected, as it certainly contributed a lot to give me back this motivation I had lost.

Sous-Lieutenant Maharbaal : Maharbaal was one of our most important competitive asset, not only in term of skill but also because he decided from the very beginning to dedicate himself to the regiment where some would have simply preferred contributing 'on the field' and hardly more. It wasn't always easy for him as he lost motivation as the days passed but he certainly tried and succeed into making the 85e the best possible place. Taking over the lead with Dren when Haze couldn’t assume it, in the most crucial moment during the 17e RGL match, proved how much we needed him and his loyalty to the regiment remained unchanged even when some of his long-term friends were no longer part of the regiment.

Adjudant Kennedy: When I last played with Kennedy, years ago, he couldn’t get a streak of three blocking together. Looking at how much he had improved when I joined the regiment honestly had me speechless. Playing alongside him was a huge pleasure as I’ve hardly saw someone willing to team-play and offering himself so others can take the kills more than he did. He was also an honest figure within the regiment, always saying what he thought without ever sounding mean or arrogant and for that I know he was extremely well appreciated by the other members and also the rest of the NW community. It’s definitely not the place to talk about such things but what happened to him in real-life and the way he reacted to it showed me that Kennedy was certainly one of the strongest person in the regiment and that there is not much capable to take this man down. He heavily contributed to the 85e, especially in its latter days and we were all grateful to have him alongside us.

Sergent Centurion & Sergent Plantaquatix: I put them together because they were certainly our most amazing duo within the regiment. Playing but also involving themselves within the regiment together, always motivated, always willing to help wherever they could, their dedication has always been impressive and did a lot of good to the 85e. It’s no big surprise if they progressed throughout the ranks faster than anyone else but what stand out the most with them is how nice and welcoming they have always been towards anyone. I was really glad I got the opportunity to meet those two as I’m convinced our friendship will continue even after the disband.

(Former) Caporal Fourrier de Première Tibérias : Known as the best 85e player in term of raw skill, alongside ExtaaZz and Drake, not many know Tiberias was the initiator of the 85e project, with Gandalf and DasH. Because he is a quiet personality, Tiberias has never been considered as one of the most involved guy within the 85e but he was. From melee advices, to statistics gathering, Tiberias has been doing the work which often get unnoticed but goes with his personality. If you get to know him, he is also a wonderful personality, with an accurate eye on the way the community currently works compared to the old days. Even though he left a few weeks before we decide to disband, he could have done it way before but decided to continue playing the game despite not being motivated anymore because he knew we needed him more than ever.

Caporal Fourrier Ekek: With Tiberias, probably the second most quiet personality of the regiment. Yet again, Ekek has been proving his worth within the regiment in the early days by an almost flawless activity and dedication to the regiment. Ekek has always been doing what he was asked to do, never looked for special attention despite being one of our most skilled player and whenever it was needed, he started recording events so I could take a break from that, something which help me releasing pressure more than people could imagine as I like to have as many of our events recorded as possible. His recording are quality ones with splendid music, I suggest anyone to check it out.

(Former) Caporal-Fourrier ExtaZz94 : Known as 'the monster', the one and only Portuguese of the regiment was certainly something to handle but provided us so many laughable moments. Going afk at the start of each two rounds without telling anyone, trash talking without any sort of special restraint, ExtaaZz was our special clown but also one of your very best melee players, deadliest no matter against who you would put him. I also learnt to know someone I probably judged a bit too fast back in the days and he provided us unforgettable moments, most memorable ones when he was discussing with LeBrave or trying to get me back to a decent melee level. Even if he decided to leave after the RGL, he always stayed in the 85e reserve because even though he will never openly admit it, he got attached to us as much as we did to him, and often came back to discuss with us on TS.

(Former) Caporal Fourrier LeBrave: You know the french meme. Ceci, cela, this could have quickly turned into an epic jock. Maybe it did, in some people's eyes. But in mine, LeBrave will always be LeBrave. An excelent and talented player, with maybe a bit too much self confidence?! Nontheless he still provided us some refreshing moments, with a quote during the RGL final match against the 17e which went down in the 85e history books. The key with LeBrave is to not take him too seriously but once you do, there is still a nice person who is simply willing to prove himself, same as each of us and sometimes just don't really know how to do it.

Caporal Freddie/Swinger: We had many Europeans players (and even a NA one!) who joined in this adventure. For many of them, they didn't stay much, some longer than others though. Freddie was our exception. Joining us for the RGL, he involved himself a lot in every of our matches, practices or officials and with Zork on one flank, they were one of the main factor which granted us the victory against the 17e. The difference though is that Freddie stayed until the end, despite probably having received many offers from great regiments, I suppose. However, Freddie stayed. Not a big fan of LBs, he still attended a fair bunch of them when the regiment was having this decisive turn after the RGL. Not a French speaker? He still always acted cheerful and never complained. For all he did, and for being an amazing personality, we gave him this 'symbolic' rank of Caporal, because we wanted to show him it mattered to us that he decided to stick with us, despite all the troubles. That's the least we could do.

Caporal Saphir: Saphir joined the regiment mid-way but his impact was felt nonetheless. A really active ranker, who also showed a lot of skill potential as well some really smart moves. His constant and overflowing joy was always something cool to have on TS when the results wouldn't go our way but he could also be very serious and disciplined whenever the situation required it. We were all willing to give him the possibility to evolve through the ranks but we ran out of time to make it a real possibility. That's the reason why he has been promoted to the rank of Corporal for the last LB. It's not much but still a way for the COs and NCOs to show him we appreciated his presence in those difficult times.

The 85e Old Guard:  I couldn't quote all them individually but I wanted to also give a big shout-out to all the 85e members who stayed with us until the end. Some couldn't be very active in the last few days/weeks but we still appreciated that you put your trust on us and sincerely hope we didn't disappoint too many of you when taking the decision to stop the adventure here. Thanks to Verox, Audric, Gogo, Maugare, Sinjide, Maximou, Breizh, BeNapoleon, BloodBringer, Elendil, Goldi, Lio, McBernick, Nock, Redbatt, Tytygus, Totor and Yuckon. If I forgot someone, I'm really sorry, let me know so I can add your name!

The 85e Fallen Warriors: While some obviously contributed more and stayed longer than others, you were all at one point part of the regiment and followed us in this crazy adventure. We hope you appreciated the ride, gentlemen, as those things don't happen twice in a decade. Thank you to Lincoln, Cr3ativity, Muha, Renard, Val, Ase, Foggins, HertZ, MarxeiL, Pancake, Crazy, Sonny, Hypno and Zork. Same again, if I ever forgot someone, I do apologize for it.

Community Thanks You
Firstly, thanks a lot to the 31e Régiment d'Infanterie. When things didn't go as planned, Marc, RzR, Dius and their boys have been willing to step-in and help us like they could, attending our events, especially 1v1, starting a partnership within our two structures, providing us precious advices, and many other things. The boys are amazing and I'm happy that despite our disband, they will still continue to represent the French community and kick ass. They earned our respect and our friendship.

A true competitor isn’t one if it doesn't have a true rival. We found ours with the 17e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne. When I first heard about them, I (once again) quickly judged them, taking them for what I thought was a false copy of the former 17e lead by Posh. Pieter and his members proved me wrong by the time, with their formidable group of skilled players, old and new ones. The public relations between regiments have not always been easy as it often goes between two rivals but in our late days, the 17e showed themselves very supportive, especially Pieter. The RGL match will remain as one of the best gf match I've ever played and it was an honor to face you guys on the field.

Many thanks as well to the K-KA and 66th which we played countless of trainings and events with. Both regiments are part of the last big structures on NW and I really hope that you still have some glorious days ahead of you to keep this community somewhat alive before a new game give it a fresh breath. It was a pleasure facing you and I wish you the best in the upcoming European Infantry Cup.

Big thanks to the 15thYR who were one of our regular training partner in the 'second' period of the regiment. Facing you so often was nothing but pleasure and gave us many great memories. I hope that despite the difficulties you also faced and still are facing, you will survive and come back even stronger.

Thanks to the 18e and especially John Price who also shared some really nice words with many of our members, especially when we had difficulties. Having a regiment as old as the 18e still alive and kicking makes me really confident there is still something to do on NW. Thanks gents!

Finally, many thanks to all the other regiments or people who helped us, believed in us and shared some special moments with us. Quoting all of you would be simply impossible and I don't want to forget anyone but you know who you're anyways! It's not because you were not part of the 85e that it didn't mean anything for us. We're a community, and some must remember that it will always be more profitable for everyone, to help each other’s instead of spreading hate.

On Monday 26th, a page will turn as another opens. Thank you for everything.

Honneur et Fidélité.

Capitaine Tardet, au 85e Régiment d’Infanterie de Ligne.

« Last Edit: June 24, 2017, 07:47:32 am by Tardet »
Don't worry about what people think, they don't do it very often.

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Re: 85e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne - [Disbanded]
« Reply #354 on: June 23, 2017, 11:44:54 pm »
Amazing read, you guys will be missed!

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Re: 85e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne - [Disbanded]
« Reply #355 on: June 24, 2017, 12:15:07 am »
Tu vas me faire pleurer...  :-[  :-[

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Re: 85e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne - [Disbanded]
« Reply #356 on: June 24, 2017, 12:29:51 am »
Vous allez nous manquer, les gars! Bonne chance et merci pour les mots doux Tardet!

I think you forgot about Hypno.
| 1x 10v10 Winner | 2x 9v9 Winner | 2x 8v8 Winner | 1x 7v7 Winner | 1x 6v6 Winner | 2x 5v5 Winner | 1x 4v4 Winner | 1x 3v3 Winner |
| 1x TDT Winner | 1x NWL (2nd L) Winner | 1x NWL (1st L) Winner | 1x RGT Winner | 2x RGL Winner |
| 1x TDT Runner-up | 1x 8v8 Runner-up | 1x 7v7 Runner-up | 1x NWFL Runner-up | 1x EIC Runner-up | 1x 2v2 Runner-up |

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Re: 85e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne - [Disbanded]
« Reply #357 on: June 24, 2017, 12:30:14 am »
Np follkas  8)
lying requires that one first knows the truth, bullshitting calls for no such precondition - X Æ A-12

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Re: 85e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne - [Disbanded]
« Reply #358 on: June 24, 2017, 12:31:04 am »
R.I.P 85e :'(

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Re: 85e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne - [Disbanded]
« Reply #359 on: June 24, 2017, 12:32:03 am »
| 1x 10v10 Winner | 2x 9v9 Winner | 2x 8v8 Winner | 1x 7v7 Winner | 1x 6v6 Winner | 2x 5v5 Winner | 1x 4v4 Winner | 1x 3v3 Winner |
| 1x TDT Winner | 1x NWL (2nd L) Winner | 1x NWL (1st L) Winner | 1x RGT Winner | 2x RGL Winner |
| 1x TDT Runner-up | 1x 8v8 Runner-up | 1x 7v7 Runner-up | 1x NWFL Runner-up | 1x EIC Runner-up | 1x 2v2 Runner-up |