Author Topic: The General Political Thread  (Read 545278 times)

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Offline Edwin

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Also, the army was put in place because of the massive rioting of the people that did not want to vote for either Macaroni or Le Penis. Not because of "le scary Muslims", you massive sperg.

Incorrect as usual, armed officers and sniffer dogs were placed on sight among terror threats:

massive rioting

Hahaha, don't flatter yourself. I checked up on the riots to find they'd already been quelled within the hour. Absolutely pathetic, but I wouldn't expect else from subhuman Anfaggots like yourself.

Offline Edwin

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Is that the best you can do?

One of your articles is pure speculation of what could break out (it didn't):

The other talks about 50,000 police and elite soldiers standing on guard due to the ISLAMIC TERROR that has plagued the country:
"Speaking after an emergency meeting of top security officials, Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said all elite units were on top alert for the election to back up the 50,000 police already earmarked for special election duty."

"Nothing must be allowed to impede the fundamental democratic process of our country. It falls to us not to give in to fear and intimidation and manipulation which would play into the hands of the enemy."

Do the French consider their own civilians "the enemy"?

Do you read your articles before linking them as source? Your "riots" had an impact of fucking zilch.

Offline Edwin

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Do the French consider their own civilians "the enemy"?

Isn't that the reason behind all the support for Le Pen? Because she is going to fight for "their interests."?

So which is it?

The PM clearly stated that the armed guards were assigned to their post to ward off "intimidation and manipulation", the two things Islamic terrorists currently strive for. As if that wasn't enough evidence within itself, the article then states the threat level of terror in France - Jesus Christ, the entire article is based on Islamic terror, rioting doesn't cross the mind of the reader.

Tell me, do you have a wardrobe full of tinfoil hats or does the same one suffice over and over? Not everything is a hidden message from the elite. The PM's reasoning for stationing guards is one sound and based upon the fact that hundreds have been killed by the very real threat that is Islamic terror. The fact you think you and your blackblock buddies are on their level, and would have the attention of the government, is pure ignorance.

Offline Riddlez

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Can we like.... Keep the voices down a bit? This thread has been going fine for at least 100 pages... please let the ad-hominems not influence that streak. Show we're better tha US politics thread.

I'm not really asking

More on topic:

Those soldiers are mostly for show and preventing a panic. It is an established idea in counter-terrorism that the more visible you are, the more the crowd things you're getting things done, but the less you're actually achieving.
The most successfull counter-terrorism operations (as had been deployed after the Brussel Bombings) were for the far, far greatest part invisible to the public. Systems then were unlocked that are normally prevented from being used by privacy law (yes, that is a things, does actually happen and is abided by (yeah I was surprised too).

A regular increased presence is only a little less capable than the soldiers you see on the pictures. Yes I am aware that is contra-intuitive, but that is how it goes. Especially in the major cities there is armed police spec-ops on-scene within 5 minutes. In those couple minutes, sure, The Legion can make a difference but it is necligable to the costs and effort it is to keep the lads on the streets. More police almost reaches the same effect.

And because I know you're going to ask for sources:
Gendarmerie general, couple of staff officers
A marine major
Former Military intelligence director
Some civilian Ph.D. lecturers
« Last Edit: May 08, 2017, 12:24:43 pm by Riddlez »
Probably one of the very few old-timers here who hasn't been a regimental leader.

Offline StevenChilton

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Not trying to gloat, but are things seriously that bad that France (and other EU countries) had to put armed police and the actual military on the streets during an election? From a British perspective that seems insane.

Offline joer5835

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Can't really comment on France, but I believe it was to counter both protests and give people the feeling that they were safe. Even if nothing has happened for quite a while, people will always feel insecure. Perhaps some natural Frenchie can shed some light on this, as we're all just speculating on it.

As for other countries, there were no soldiers deployed to guard polling booths during the Dutch elections.
Polan is of dangerous to FSE
Im from Poland , a land of lawlessness

Offline Riddlez

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Not trying to gloat, but are things seriously that bad that France (and other EU countries) had to put armed police and the actual military on the streets during an election? From a British perspective that seems insane.

It is insane. As I said it's noting but show.

As for other countries, there were no soldiers deployed to guard polling booths during the Dutch elections.

Technically there were, since the KMar are military personnel as well... buit otherwise? No. The army is only considered to being deployed at the highest threat level or on individual occasions, such as the Brussel Bombings when I think a single company was deployed for border control.
Probably one of the very few old-timers here who hasn't been a regimental leader.

Offline Edwin

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This is coming from the guy that thinks the EU is some sort of race mixing project lel.

Eh? Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi (may peace be upon him) said that, not me.

Offline StevenChilton

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Well that didn't take long.

And this from a man who was allegedly drunk again at a UN summit in Cyprus last week. Juncker has already ruled out a second term (quite unusual I might add-he's basically admitted he's not up to it) but he should go now to spare himself further embarrassment.

Offline Theodin

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Aren't French soldiers deployed under Operation Sentinel?

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Offline MrTiki

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They are, but that's not related to the elections. A massive number of soldiers and police are already deployed 24/7 in France atm. It's been that way for ages, which from what I heard has been really taking its toll on both military and police forces through exhaustion from the sheer number of hours they're having to put in.

Offline Furrnox

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Well that didn't take long.

And this from a man who was allegedly drunk again at a UN summit in Cyprus last week. Juncker has already ruled out a second term (quite unusual I might add-he's basically admitted he's not up to it) but he should go now to spare himself further embarrassment.

Juncker is a twat just look up the contreversies revolving him as PM of Luxembourg.

Offline Portals

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Can't argue with democracy, even if it voted in the other favor. I just love how the media blacked out and didn't report on the emails as if the bias wasn't already strong enough. I hope there's some rife stuff in there for the next few years.

Anyhow, to close with some final words: France, once the people that stopped the Muslim invasion of Europe, have now embraced Islam. It's all come full circle.

Zhere's shome top notch ideology straight from zhe trashcan. I mean, I'm talking shome really pure schtuff.*sniff* Maybe this garbage has been schtinking for a while in the hot shun. Uh vote for Macron ish apperantly a vote for scharia law, and embracing Islam and so on and so on.I guess things just sorta come together when looking into the trash. tugs shirt Zhis ish shuch a silly train of tought it's shurprishing that it even exist. I suppose ideology ish a powerful thing
« Last Edit: May 09, 2017, 02:37:36 am by Portals »

Offline Cara

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They are, but that's not related to the elections. A massive number of soldiers and police are already deployed 24/7 in France atm. It's been that way for ages, which from what I heard has been really taking its toll on both military and police forces through exhaustion from the sheer number of hours they're having to put in.

Exactly. However, it's also right that it has been increased for the elections, considering our intelligence did thwart at least 3 attacks (one was imminent against one candidate).

On the contrary of what I've read here, there is a big difference between the military deployed to prevent a terrorist attack to happen in Paris, the regular police forces deployed to secure the election (I'm one of those) and the riot police deployed to face the post-election demonstration. I know it's hard to understand but there is a big legal difference in how you can use these forces. And the 8 may demonstration against the president-elect was not massive, it was the usual far-left/anarchists people.

About the "Macronleaks", there was no black-out from french news :
- Most major newspapers did mention it but did not reveal the content for two reasons (stated by Le Monde's director) : 1/ they refuse to be used by these wikileaks activists the day before the election 2/ They weren't able yet to read it all and see if there was something relevant or only personnal stuff and meetings organisation.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2017, 10:43:41 am by Carabino »

Offline Furrnox

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Wasn't there also suspicions that some of the "leaks" where fake?

Anyhow former PM Manuel Valls links up with En Marche! Opinions?