Author Topic: BoP: Napoleonic Wars [Game Live]  (Read 24811 times)

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Re: BoP: Napoleonic Wars [Game Live]
« Reply #60 on: September 22, 2016, 08:38:16 pm »

His Majesty wholeheartedly accepts both Alliances offered: by Austria and Saxony. May our relationship flourish!

Prussia accepts both Alliance offers.
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Re: BoP: Napoleonic Wars [Game Live]
« Reply #61 on: September 23, 2016, 04:13:46 pm »
Württemberg questions the Emperor's intentions in regard to protecting the HRE's borders, in this case the Swabian Circle.

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BoP: Napoleonic Wars Update (Jan-Mar 1804)
« Reply #62 on: September 24, 2016, 06:17:12 am »

January - March 1804.

-The Austrian Empire begins reforming its Army.

-The Russian Empire embargoes the French Empire.
-The Kingdom of Prussia embargoes France.

-The Kingdom of Prussia begins reforming its Army.

-The Kingdom of Portugal begins reforming its Army.

-The Kingdom of Sweden begins reforming its Army.

-Napoleon Bonaparte of the French Empire crowns himself with the Iron Crown of Lombardy. The Kingdom of Italy is formed with Napoleon Bonaparte as King.

-The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland embargoes the Kingdom of Sweden.
-The Kingdom of Prussia embargoes the Kingdom of Sweden.
-The Russian Empire embargoes the Kingdom of Sweden.

-The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway and the French Empire enter into a Non-Aggression pact.
-The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway and the Kingdom of Sweden enter into a Non-Aggression pact.

-The Kingdoms of Sicily and Naples unify into the Kingdom of The Two Sicilies.

-The Kingdom of Sardinia enters into a Military Alliance with the French Empire.

-The Kingdom of Sweden enters into a Military Alliance with the French Empire.
-The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway enters into a Military Alliance with the French Empire.

-The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland enters into a Military Alliance with the Austrian Empire.

-The Kingdom of Prussia enters into a Military Alliance with the Electorate of Saxony.
-The Kingdom of Prussia enters into a Military Alliance with the Austrian Empire.

-The United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland blockades the Skagerrak. Trade vessels of all nations passing through the Skagerrak are harassed, sunk, or forced to turn back by the British Navy, including:
  • The Kingdom of Denmark-Norway
  • The Kingdom of Sweden
  • The Russian Empire
  • The Kingdom of Prussia
  • The Kingdom of Spain
  • The Batavian Republic
  • The Ottoman Empire
  • The Kingdom of Italy
  • The Kingdom of Etruria
  • The Kingdom of Sardinia
  • The Kingdom of Portugal
  • The French Empire
  • The Swiss Confederation
  • The Ligurian Republic
  • The Barbary States

-Hostile Act: The Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland has blockaded, harassed, and sunk Swedish and Danish trade passing through the Skagerrak.
-Hostile Act: The Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland has blockaded,harassed, and sunk Neutral trade passing through the Skagerrak.
-Hostile Act: The Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland has blockaded, harassed, and sunk Allied trade passing through the Skagerrak.

-Hostile Act: A French Spy has been caught, tortured, and executed after trying to infiltrate London!

-Hostile Act: British ships have fired upon Danish-Swedish ships and entered Danish-Swedish territorial waters aggressively.

-The Duke of Enghien has been arrested and sentenced to life in prison for fighting against Revolutionary France.

-The British Navy has begun blockading: Amsterdam.

The 1st and 2nd Battles of the Oresund

1st Battle of the Oresund

Defender = Danish-Swedish Navy: 2 +1 (Carl Olof) + 0 - 1 + 0 = 2
Attacker = British Navy: 2 + 0 + 2 - 1 + 0 = 3
Minor Skirmish; Tactically Inconclusive

The day was January 24th. The icy waters of the Skagerrak were calm as the combined Danish-Swedish navy patrolled quietly, ready for any foreign invaders. Far on the horizon a large ship of war was spotted, sporting the colors of the United Kingdom. As the ships drew closer to one another near the waters of Copenhagen, more and more ships began to appear on the horizon, likewise for the British who were advancing upon the Danish-Swedes. Unsure of either side's intentions, both fleets kept their distance for the remainder of the morning, until the rather small British fleet began advancing upon Copenhagen. Trying to discourage the British ships from any actions, a Danish frigate fired a warning shot over the bow of the leading British ship. Ignoring the warning shot, the British ships refused to yield, and a minor skirmish ensued. It is unclear who fired first to kill. Who fired first matters no longer however, as that morning the seemingly neutral relationship between Denmark-Norway and Sweden with the United Kingdom was all but destroyed. Sporadic and scattered cannon shots filled the air, most missing their mark on both sides. The British ships, landing slightly more shots than their Nordic counterparts, quickly withdrew from the Oresund. Both sides lost no ships, only minor damage and a few men lost on both sides.

2nd Battle of the Oresund
Defender = Danish-Swedish Navy: 10 + 1 (Carl Olof) + 0 -1 + 0 = 10
Attacker = British Navy: 7 + 0 + 2 - 1 + 0 = 8
Minor Danish-Swedish Victory; Tactically Inconclusive

A few days later however, the British returned with a larger fleet than the one previously encountered a week before. The British fleet, which some eyewitnesses estimated to be somewhere below 35 ships of the line, returned to the Oresund, led by one Vice Admiral William Cornwallis, seemingly making a run for the port city of Copenhagen. The Danish Swedish fleet, led by one Carl Olof Cronstedt, by then had readied itself and was prepared in order of battle. The British fleet likewise deployed into order of battle. Both sides viewed each other as hostile and were now fully committed to a direct confrontation. After hours of maneuvering and minor actions by both sides' smaller ships, the Danish-Swedish fleet managed to cross the British' "T" and began major naval actions. The British fleet, hardened and experienced after years at sea, fought gallantly and bravely against the combined Danish-Swedish fleet. Cannonballs ripped through the air, shattering wood and bone alike. The air was heavy with smoke, and grapeshot whistled to and fro as both sides delivered close volleys of the deadly ammunition into each other. Despite the exceptional performance by the British fleet however, the British found themselves being outmaneuvered by the experienced Admiral Carl Olof. Adding to their troubles, Danish-Swedish light ships harassed them exceptionally well, though with limited effectiveness. Realizing that they would not be able to continue a major pitched battle and being incredibly annoyed by the Nordic frigates and light ships, Vice Admiral Cornwallis gave the order for a fighting withdraw in an orderly fashion. The British navy retreated, leaving the waters in the control of the Nordic fleet. The British fleet suffered the loss of 2 ships of the line and a handful of light ships, with many more damaged to varying degrees. The Danes and Swedes suffered the loss of only 1 Danish ship of the line, with fewer light ships lost compared to the British, as well as less severe damages to their fleet. The Oresund remains in the hands of the Nords, with Copenhagen safe... for now.

The British Navy doesn't appear to have given up it's efforts in the Baltic yet however. Despite suffering minor defeats in the Oresund, the British fleet has begun the harassment of all trade flowing through the Skagerrak, no matter if it is flowing into or out of the Baltic. The blockade is unprejudiced; merchant ships of all nations, even allies, are not allowed passage by the British. The Danes and Swedes can only wait anxiously for another incursion by the British.

Execution of a French Spy

The streets of London were lined with spectators on one cold February morning. It was rumored that a major criminal was caught trying to break into a government building a few days ago. The criminal must've been particularly dastardly, as they were being escorted by the King's Grenadiers.

The curiosity of the spectators soon turned to anger and hatred, as the true identity of the "criminal" was revealed; the man being escorted to the gallows was in fact a filthy French spy! The crowd erupted with boos and absurdities were shouted at the poor Frenchman from all angles. Trash and rubbish were tossed at the filthy spy, and by the end of the long walk to the gallows the man was all but covered in shit, garbage, and God-know's what else.

The man was walked up onto the gallows, and had the noose tied around his neck. Refusing to wear a hood, the Frenchman was asked if he had any last words. The Frenchman, looking defiantly into the crowd, yelled with foolish passion:

"Vive la liberté!
Vive l'empereur!
Vive la France!"

The man's body was buried in an unmarked grave in an undisclosed location. He was granted no honors or rites.

The Cadoudal Affair

Despite having essentially won the French Revolution, Napoleon's enemies still roam free in both France and abroad. In fact, one such group of dissenters have apparently been revealed to have formulated a plot to assassinate and overthrow the new French Emperor! Already under investigation by the French Police, the conspirators were quickly rounded up and arrested, with many more being found and apprehended as time goes on. Among them are Georges Cadoudal and Jean-Charles Pichegru, 2 infamous Royalist sympathizers and enemies of Napoleon. However, rumors and information from questioned conspirators points to many more possible conspirators, among them the Louis Antoine, the Duke of Enghien. A known Royalist sympathizer and for his involvement in the fighting against Revolutionary France, he is widely vilified by those in the French government. Being suspected of supporting the conspiracy, the Duke was apprehended by French dragoons at his estate in Baden. Quickly brought back to Paris, he was brought before a court to be tried for his (albeit uncertain) part of the Cadoudal Affair. However, the court surprised many in the French government as he was not convicted for supporting the Cadoudal Affair. Napoleon, seemingly preoccupied with other affairs, paid no attention to the trial of 1 nobleman. Instead, the court tried and convicted him for treason for his part in fighting against France with the Royalists. For this he was sentenced to life imprisonment, a fair sentence considering the other possibilities.

With 1 conspirator behind bars and others soon to follow his footsteps, it appears the conspiracy to assassinate Napoleon Bonaparte has been dismantled. The Emperor remains safe, for now.

Battle of the English Channel and the Strait of Dover

Battle of the English Channel

Defender = British Navy: 4 + 0 + 2 - 1 + 0 = 5
Attacker = Franco-Spanish Navy: 4 + 0 + 0 -1 + 1 = 4
Minor British Victory; Tactically Inconclusive

A small fleet of under 10 ships of the line stationed in Gibraltar was forced to retreat into port after spotting "an armada of ships streaming into the Atlantic Ocean." About a month later, on February 7th, those same ships that flew past Gibraltar in January met Britain's "Wooden Walls" in the English Channel. Louis-René Levassor de Latouche Tréville, the sickly Vice Admiral of the French "Fleet of Toulon" which was now a massive armada of Franco-Spanish ships, met the British Admiral George Elphinstone in the waters near his beloved Britain. The two navies clashed in the frigid waters of the English Channel. Cannons and muskets cracked and rippled through the air. The mighty British Navy held firm against the oncoming Franco-Spanish Navy. Britain's entrenched naval tradition carried the day and the battle started to turn in favor of the British. Louis-Rene, seeing that the odds were turning against him, quickly signaled the withdraw and fled West to regroup. The battle, though not particularly pitched, was a great morale boost for the British, having just learned of the repulsion of their comrades by the Nords. The British lost no ships, though many were damaged a moderate amount. The French withdrew having lost no ships of the line, while the rest of the combined fleet was damaged to some extent. Some smaller ships were lost in the fighting by both sides. Though not the major victory both sides were hoping for, both navies are glad this minor engagement didn't spiral into something much more dangerous.

Battle of the Strait of Dover

Defender = British Navy: 5 + 2 (Nelson) + 2 - 1 + 0 = 8
Attacker = Franco-Dutch Navy: 4 + 0 + 0 - 1 + 1 = 4
Minor British Victory; Tactically Inconclusive

Further north, in the Strait of Dover, a small fleet of Franco-Dutch ships met with a significantly larger British Fleet led by one Horatio Nelson. After sallying out to meet Louis-Rene's fleet, the Franco-Dutch fleet was caught by the British shore by Nelson's larger and heavier fleet. Pitched combat ensued, with the French and Dutch desperately trying to find a way out of this grave predicament. Alas, seeing that no opportunity would appear for them to link up with Louis's Rene's fleet, the French and Dutch retired in an orderly fashion as quickly as possible back to port, fighting desperately along the way. The British considered this engagement a victory, though a very minor one at that. The French lost 2 ships of the line, some smaller ships, and sustained significant damages while the British suffered no losses besides a few very light ships & damage from battle. Pursuing the retreating French and Dutch back into Dutch waters, the British began a blockade of Amsterdam's bay area where they currently harass or sink any and all ships attempting to gain access to the Dutch port. The city remains blockaded with no aid in sight... for now.



1st of April, 1804


Winter has given way to spring in the year of 1804. Much has occurred in the past 3 months. "The Corsican" Napoleon, after just crowning himself emperor, has taken the Iron Crown of Lombardy as his and has named himself "King of Italy". By proclaiming himself "King of Italy" Napoleon, in one fell swoop, gains claims on all of Austrian North Italy, Naples, Sicily, and even Rome. Frequently trying to distance himself from the monarchs of old, Napoleon proclaims that his is not a king like the Bourbons, but an emperor as in the days of Caesar and Charlemagne. His rhetoric and ambition does not bode well for Europe, especially those monarchs clinging to their power and trying to maintain the status quo. Despite it's short life so far, the French Empire already echoes many of the values and facets of the Great Roman Empire. From the Imperial Eagles to the claiming of Italy, it appears Napoleon wishes to be a Caesar.

Indeed, France may have more opportunities to expand yet. Political turmoil in the Ligurian Republic and in Italy offers France key opportunities for expansion and the creation of their so called "Roman Empire". In Europe, there are those who recognize the power of Napoleon, and there are rumors of many who would bend the knee and join his empire should it come to that. There are those who resist the ambitions of the Corsican, namely "Perfidious Albion" and her growing number of allies including Prussia, Russia, and Austria. Already the armies and navies of the old monarchies make battle against the Imperial forces of Napoleon. However, this "Third Coalition" may be killed before it is even born: diplomatic and logistical missteps have killed grander plans before, as history has shown. What remains true, though, is that the threat of war is real and grows with every passing day. A single spark is all that is needed in order to plunge Europe into a great European war.

That spark may arrive yet.

« Last Edit: September 24, 2016, 06:06:55 pm by Volk »

Offline The Mighty McLovin

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Re: BoP: Napoleonic Wars [Game Live]
« Reply #63 on: September 24, 2016, 09:37:20 am »

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

The British government apologies for the sinking of allied ships crossing through the Skagerrak and hopes that relations will not be severred with any friendly governments other this matter. The British navy will lift the blockade for all naval vessels passing through the Skaggerak strait belonging to Prussian Kingdom, Russian Empire, Ottoman Empire, and the Kingdom of Portugal to restore relations.

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Re: BoP: Napoleonic Wars [Game Live]
« Reply #64 on: September 24, 2016, 10:23:29 am »

The Sultan Selim is appalled by the British actions in Northern Europe. How can a nation that attacks nations of
the same creed be trusted? And to add to this disgusting behaviour, the British King has permitted attacks on neutral ships.
The Sultan considers this an act of war. In response, the Sultan has decided to act;

The Ottoman Empire cuts all trade and political ties with the United Kingdom
The Ottoman Empire cuts all trade with allies of the United Kingdom namely Portugal
The Ottoman Empire seizes all British vessels in Ottoman Empire

Offline The Mighty McLovin

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Re: BoP: Napoleonic Wars [Game Live]
« Reply #65 on: September 24, 2016, 11:03:36 am »

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

The British government is appalled by the Ottoman Empire getting involved in matters that do not concern her and demand that all British vessels are given back immediately.

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Re: BoP: Napoleonic Wars [Game Live]
« Reply #66 on: September 24, 2016, 05:39:26 pm »

The Electorate of Bavaria denounces the British attack on neutral and allied ships. The Electorate of Bavaria can and does not believe in its ambassador's safety due to the recent events.

The Electorate of Bavaria orders its ambassador in London to return home to Bavaria.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2016, 05:45:43 pm by Ted »
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Re: BoP: Napoleonic Wars [Game Live]
« Reply #67 on: September 24, 2016, 06:33:08 pm »

Russian Empire
Россійская Имперія
Съ нами Богъ!

After the failure of diplomatic talks, David Alopaeus, the Ambassador of Russian Empire to Kingdom of Sweden, delivers official declaration of war to His Majesty King Gustav IV Adolf. Refusal of King Gustav IV Adolf to withdraw his shameful support to Buonaparte and regain the friendship of the Emperor leaves no place for any other decisions. Though it grieves him greatly, Emperor Alexander sees himself forced to take this step for the sake of citizens of Sweden, Empire, and whole Europe.
Alexander Pavlovich Romanov, by the grace of God, Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russias, of Moscow, Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod, Tsar of Kazan, Tsar of Astrakhan, Tsar of Siberia, Tsar of Tauric Chersonesos, Tsar of Georgia, Lord of Pskov, and Grand Duke of Smolensk, Lithuania, Volhynia, Podolia, and so forth, and so forth, and so forth, thereby declares war against Kingdom of Sweden!

David Alopaeus, as diplomat, shall remain at the court in Stockholm as long as His Majesty allows, to serve him with his wisdom and advice, and to represent Emperor during negotiations of future peace treaty

Russian Empire declares war to Kingdom of Sweden
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Re: BoP: Napoleonic Wars [Game Live]
« Reply #68 on: September 24, 2016, 06:42:58 pm »
The French Empire

The French Empire will stand by its nordic ally in their time of need and urges the rest of her allies to do the same!

The French Empire declares war on the Russian "Empire".
« Last Edit: September 24, 2016, 09:23:39 pm by Furrnox »

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Re: BoP: Napoleonic Wars [Game Live]
« Reply #69 on: September 24, 2016, 06:43:49 pm »
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies

The Kingdom of the Two Sicilies is outraged by the events transpiring in Europe and in order to ensure its people are safe, will raise militia to defend it's borders. They would also like to stay out of any conflict and thus will offer non-aggression pacts

Kingdom of the Two Sicilies strengthens border security.
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies offers a non-aggression pact to the French Empire
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies offers a non-aggression pact to United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies offers a non-aggression pact to the Russian Empire
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies resends their offer to the Papal States to form a defensive alliance
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Re: BoP: Napoleonic Wars [Game Live]
« Reply #70 on: September 24, 2016, 07:17:53 pm »

His Majesty, the King of Prussia, announces with great grief that he also must declare war upon Sweden to bring more strength to his allies.

The Kingdom of Prussia declares war upon the Kingdom of Sweden.
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Re: BoP: Napoleonic Wars [Game Live]
« Reply #71 on: September 24, 2016, 07:24:14 pm »
The Kingdom of Sweden

The King of Sweden, Gustav  IV Adolf, is outraged by the the recent events. Firstly, the UK has committed a treacherous act. Not only have they broken their promise to leave Swedish trade alone, they have also violated Swedish neutrality. These actions will not be taken lightly!

Secondly, the Russian Emperor, Alexander I, has committed a heinous act. He has failed to even acknowledge the UK's attacks on Russia's ships and people. He has failed his duties as both Emperor and as a Russian.

The Kingdom of Sweden declares war on the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
The Kingdom of Sweden declares war on the Russia Empire.
The Kingdom of Sweden declares war on the Kingdom of Prussia.
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Re: BoP: Napoleonic Wars [Game Live]
« Reply #72 on: September 24, 2016, 07:35:42 pm »
The French Empire

Bonaparte agrees with his Swedish ally, the Russian emperor clearly cares very little for his people and only acts on his own personal interest. However people of Russia do not fear when my armies enter thy country we do not enter to fight de but we do enter to end the old oppressionistic monarchist-line that rules your country we promise you the same liberties as we have given to our people through the revolution so people of Russia stand with us against tyranny and oppression for liberty vive le emperur.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2016, 09:22:55 pm by Furrnox »

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Re: BoP: Napoleonic Wars [Game Live]
« Reply #73 on: September 24, 2016, 07:43:26 pm »

The Kingdom of Sardinia will follow France through the good and the bad. With all of our might we will gather our forces to fight the Evil Tsar.

The Kingdom of Sardinia Declares war on Russia
The Kingdom of Sardinia Declares war on The United Kingdom

« Last Edit: September 24, 2016, 07:45:58 pm by ~Lawrence~ »

Offline The Mighty McLovin

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Re: BoP: Napoleonic Wars [Game Live]
« Reply #74 on: September 24, 2016, 08:04:30 pm »

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

William Pitt, representing the British governments, announces that negotiations have been concluded in London and resulted in the formation of a Third Coalition against France. The coalition will consist of:

- The United Kingdom
- The Kingdom of Prussia
- The Russian Empire
- Austrian Empire

The first steps that the Third Coalition has took will be declaring war on the French Empire and her allies and satellite states, including the Kingdoms of Denmark-Norway and Sweden, who signed an unholy alliance with the French Empire.

The British government, honouring its alliance with the Russian Empire, has declared war on the Kingdoms of Sweden and Denmark-Norway. The foreign diplomats Henry Pierrepont and Francis Hill from Stockholm and Copenhagen respectively, and will cut all political ties to the two governments until a peace treaty favourable to the coalition is formed.

The British government will sign a treaty of non-aggression with the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2016, 07:18:33 pm by The Mighty McLovin »