Author Topic: Event Guidelines  (Read 1567 times)

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Offline Parrot

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Event Guidelines
« on: July 25, 2016, 10:00:16 pm »

These rules are guidelines for events, they're designed to make events playable, fun, and balanced.

General, "common knowledge", rules
  • Don't teamkill with malicious intent
  • Don't rambo (we'll get to this later)
  • Don't troll (you know what this means)
  • Don't be a cunt
  • Don't spam global chat
  • Listen to, and obey the administrators
  • An "all charge" will be called after a certain amount of time, or there are bellow a certain number of players alive, both sides will charge into melee
  • Revolvers, shotguns, carbines, and other short range weapons can be fired in melee, but not reloaded

Specific rules
Line Infantry
  • Naval units that double as artillery can be used as a line infantry regiment
  • Units need to have an officer playing as the officer class
  • Sergeants should be limited to members of appropriate rank/a percentage of numbers
  • Lines should start with no fewer than 8 players
  • If a line drops to 2-3 players, and isn't in combat, they should try and find a friendly group to tag along with
  • Kneeling is encouraged, if you stand still you'll probably get shot
  • Spacing should be reasonable, use your own judgement, or 2-3 man spacing if you have no judgement
  • Firing in charge is allowed
  • Reloading in charge is not allowed
  • Charging is counted as running towards an enemy line from a reasonable distance (20m - 30m sounds good) with intention to engage
  • Firing and reloading in melee is discouraged/not allowed
  • Lines should stay close to their commander, not spread out like the plague

  • A minimum of 10 players is required for cavalry
  • Cavalry should have no more than 25 players
  • Cavalry can fire on the charge
  • Cavalry do not have to dismount to reload (but it might be useful for cover)
  • Faster cavalry units are better at closing distances, but are weaker in combat
  • Cavalry should co-ordinate with their team, so they work more as a flanking/hit-and-run unit, this allows them to last longer
  • Officer's and sergeants use the same rules as line infantry (amount, firing, melee etc)
  • If a cavalry member looses their horse in charge/melee they can use their carbine to fire at the enemy

  • Artillery will bring two cannons of choice
  • Special artillery units (such as rockets and Gatling guns) count as one cannon from the cannon limit
  • Artillery will use their provided guard unit
  • Artillery should have a minimum of 10 players in total, including 1-2 sapper/s, 1 quartermaster, 1 medic
  • Non-combatants should be attached to a regiment at all times
  • Marine and naval infantry units count as line infantry units, and shouldn't need to be reserved/signed up for
  • General's staff counts as a cavalry regiment, unless your is set up in a similar way to the Union Army (NaS)
  • Officer's and sergeants use the same rules as line infantry (amount, firing, melee etc)

  • Infantry units are all very similar in stats, but each class has their own perks/disadvantages (eg. elite infantry is slower but better at melee; skirmishers are quick but weak at melee)
  • If an artillery regiment takes Gatling guns they're probably setting themselves at a disadvantage, Gatling guns are bad a range compared to field artillery
  • All field artillery guns have the same stats
  • All weapon classes have the same stats, there's no difference between weapons only classes
  • Ammunition crates can't be picked up once deployed, it's better to attach quartermasters to artillery units so there's a central fixed point for lines to return to replenish ammo
  • Engineers are useful to lines, it's recommended to have one per line
  • Medics can restore health as well as stop bleeding, it's useful to have one per line
  • Medics are faction specific: forcing them to heal the enemy doesn't seem right. Let them fight alongside their faction. If you see an enemy medic, you might want to shoot them to stop them from healing their team!

These rules are subject to editing as more is discovered about this new style of gameplay
« Last Edit: July 26, 2016, 12:25:16 am by Parrot »
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