
Would you like to have a small amount of cavalry enabled on any maps that are suitable?

10 (47.6%)
Yes but generals only.
4 (19%)
7 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 21

Voting closed: March 13, 2013, 03:00:32 pm

Author Topic: 15th Humans vs Bots Server (UNBANS WILL NOT BE GRANTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES)  (Read 307263 times)

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Offline tired

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Nickname: tired
Steam: 'tired<omar>
How active can you be?: I usually play a little every day
Current Regiment/Clan: none
Admin experience: I've run multiple CS servers, created my own scripts, Created and ran multiple Clans for Counter-Strike and have had multiple admin rights on my own servers and multiple clans I've been apart of. I've been off the scene for a few years but I love playing Bot Survival.
Why do you want this role?: I'm pretty active active on the server, and I would love to help in any way possible. I would also help keep any server rules that the admins require. I'm a little older at 32, so I'm probably more mature than your average player. I love this server, I play on it all the time, and I'm fair and balanced. I'll listen to and follow whatever the top admins/owners want me to do.I have the experience and wisdom to run a good group.

Offline MaxLam

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Why I was banned? It was on 12.01.16
My username is Andrey

After 3 days Im still cant LOGin to the server
Unfortunately admin Stevenchilton was banned for 2 months by Duuring, so come back in 2 months to complain.

The hell you talking about, get off this thread.
This is the truth. Stevenchilton has spoiled Star Wars and was banned: https://www.fsegames.eu/forum/index.php?topic=28036.msg1248798#new

Offline funyfizik

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Why I was banned? It was on 12.01.16
My username is Andrey

After 3 days Im still cant LOGin to the server
Unfortunately admin Stevenchilton was banned for 2 months by Duuring, so come back in 2 months to complain.

I should waite 2 month? really???

Offline Edwin

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Why I was banned? It was on 12.01.16
My username is Andrey

After 3 days Im still cant LOGin to the server
Unfortunately admin Stevenchilton was banned for 2 months by Duuring, so come back in 2 months to complain.

I should waite 2 month? really???

Nobody gets unbanned

Offline funyfizik

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Why I was banned? It was on 12.01.16
My username is Andrey

After 3 days Im still cant LOGin to the server
Unfortunately admin Stevenchilton was banned for 2 months by Duuring, so come back in 2 months to complain.

I should waite 2 month? really???

Nobody gets unbanned
why? what a readon?

Offline Edwin

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Why I was banned? It was on 12.01.16
My username is Andrey

After 3 days Im still cant LOGin to the server
Unfortunately admin Stevenchilton was banned for 2 months by Duuring, so come back in 2 months to complain.

I should waite 2 month? really???

Nobody gets unbanned
why? what a readon?
What a what? What's the reason? I dunno mang

Offline Lotty_the_Bulletdodger

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Ok, I am not sure if this is the correct place, but I would like to complain about the admin going by the username Harvain. Earlier this night, and while I was playing at the server, he used profound language against me, calling me a ''whiny bitch'' and telling me to ''fuck off'' (his exact words) on several occassions.

I submit the long version of this incident, explaining things as they happened from my point of view.

I was playing on the server with the bot team, and the defense team had sappers building countless planks, which we could not destroy easily because tnt was disabled (although tnt was on in the previous map). I started complaining in the chat about what the sappers were doing (sure, I was bitching), when another player says in the chat that it is the admin (Harvain) who is doing this (I guess he was playing a sapper). Then I said that I would have my bots taking sniper shots from near spawn, as the bots just kept piling in the dirt and the planks and were taken out a douzen at a time (with mortar shots), hoping that the sappers would play fair next round (or for tnt to be enabled). I actually did not do such a thing (I kept my bots charging and getting stuck just to be blown to pieces), fact which was confirmed by another player in the chat when the admin told me ''to stop being a whiny bitch and have my bots charge''. Now, I know full well that I was being a whiny bitch at that point, but having said that, I was bitching ''gracefully'' (if one can bitch that way I suppose), I did not use foul language, nor did I spam the chat. The fact that it was true (that I was bitching), did not make it okay for the admin to call me that way, at least that is what I think. When I saw that, which couldnt be missed as it was written with purple text at the top of my screen, I quited complaining, I stopped playing for half a minute to cool off 9while I had my bots charging), and then asked the admin if there was a site/forum/etc where I could make a complaint. I was being very polite, I did not try to troll, I did not try to provoke anyone, I just asked this simple question (if there was a site where I could post a complaint). The admin (Harvain) told me that these are the settings of this server, and if I did not like them, then I could just ''fuck off'' (his words), or I could be banned if I prefered (at which point another player again urged the admin not to ban me because I was not doing anything wrong). I asked the admin again, saying that I am done with complaining in the server, that I would just continue to play the game without complaining in the chat about anything, that it is within his admin privileges to ban me should he want to, that I am not in any way trolling, and I just want to know if there is a forum where I can post complaints about what is going on on this server. To which question, the admin (Harvain) replied in a series of messages the following (and I am paraphrasing since I cannot be 100% accurate, but the important words are there): '' If you want to complain about the server, you can fuck off'', ''if you want to complain about the settings, you can fuck off'', and finally, ''if you want to compalin about me, you can fuck off''. All in purple caps lock writing. Then a player remarked : ''Harvain is god'', cheering the admin talking to me like that. I quietly played the next round of the map, during which the admin did not build any planks (instead they did another trick involving the mortar, which would shoot straight at where the flag is, so it would kill players trying to get the flag - the flag was in a wagon of shorts, so the space you had to be in in order to take the flag was very limited, but I am not complaining, nor am I sure if that was the case, as another player commented on that). The point is, that during that round, Harvain told me that I was not complaining now that the defenders (aka he) were not using planks, to which I replied that my complaints did not have to do with the server, but with the way he spoke to me, and still asked him (again, being very polite and serious) if there was a site where I could post a complaint. To which, once again, he did not reply (at least he did not reply by saying to me to ''fuck off'' again). In the round after that, I said goodnight and kindly exited the server.

Now, I ve done a bit of admining myself, and I know that admins have to deal with all kind of trolls and bad fruits from time to time. I ve seen bad admins too, abusing their admin powers and talking sht to players for no reason. But even the worst and most abusive admin I have seen, would still tell players where they could make complaints about him. And I myself have done the same, when a player was complaining about the way I was administarting. That way I would spare the game chat from toxic talk, and I would transfer all this to a forum where I could reply to any complaints and engage in conversation if needed. Anything to keep the game chat clean and argument-free.

I am writing all this, despite getting really nervous that the only answer I will get will be another ''fuck off'' by Harvain, but if anyone else is readin this rant, and this anyone has some say to how things work in this server, then please, have a little talk with this admin, because the way he/she behaves and talks to people is very off putting (at least to little-sensitive-oh-me). I like this server a lot, but I think I will take a short break from it, a few days maybe. I really hope that this admin will stop talking to players like that, and I really dont think that talking this way to players is part of his admin previleges.

Thanks for listening to me.

ps: I know that it would be beneficial to provide some sort of proof, or at least the exact time and date of this incident, though I cannot do such a thing, simply because I decided to do sth about after some time passed. But if it helps, it happened somewhere between 11pm of 18/1 and 1am of 19/1 (Greenwitch time). The map was a small desert-like map, with a small village and a wagon in the centre, where the flag was. Will try to find out the map's name and come back to edit the name of that map.

Edit: map name is Arabian Cross by Ewan
« Last Edit: January 19, 2016, 02:52:44 am by Lotty_the_Bulletdodger »

Offline Nipplestockings

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That's pretty funny.

Offline MaxLam

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Harvain is God.

Offline Edwin

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1200 word report, you don't see that very often.

Offline Asquith

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Hi there,

I don't normally register onto many forums. I'd like to say that I love your server, Human vs bots - its the only server I play on when using the Napoleon mod.

Recently around 20:20(British time) 21/01/16, I was permanently banned from the server. I think I understand why, but I believe there is a general misunderstanding to why I was banned.

Large amounts of sandbags and planks were used to create a ramp for cav on a ship. I broke the sandbags underneath to free-up buildpoints (around 5 sandbags). I even announced that I was breaking the sandbags, I spoke with Harvain briefly about the amount of planks that were used. He kindly informed me that build points could not be taken back from planks, which I knew - so I left them alone.
EDIT-I would like to add that Harvain wasn't the one that banned me.

"6 - Anyone trolling the defences or wasting sapper points will be dealt with by the use of permanent bans." This is one of your rules, now I don't believe that the person who built the ramp originally intended to use so many build points, or so many planks. I think he simply struggled to get it right the first time and went on and on until he built a ramp he was satisfied with. But the points were wasted...and I wasn't trolling.

Then I was banned, unable to get back onto your server. I understand that mistakes happen. I have never been banned before and I kindly ask that you un-ban me.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2016, 01:09:57 am by Asquith »

Offline Nipplestockings

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What's the point of this thread even lol? Just to laugh at people who can't read?

Offline MaxLam

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Actually there is a contradiction between the title ("unbans will not be granted under any circumstances") and the first post:
"Do not waste your time posting unban requests here unless there are any extenuating circumstances concerning your permanent ban!"

Offline Nipplestockings

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Probably because their policy became more harsh over time. Cenkris probably will never update or look at this thread again.

Offline KL4R1N0G4MPR0S

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What's the point of this thread even lol? Just to laugh at people who can't read?
Yes. That 1% of people who are illiterate in Western countries need to play somewhere, you know...

Actually there is a contradiction between the title ("unbans will not be granted under any circumstances") and the first post:
"Do not waste your time posting unban requests here unless there are any extenuating circumstances concerning your permanent ban!"
That set of rules was written in 2013. The thread title was changed by Malakith a year later. Even if it was a genuine contradiction, I doubt anyone from the server admins would care.