Author Topic: First election - List of candidates & Discussion (March-April Term)  (Read 42639 times)

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The first election of an EU and a NA Community Representative will be held on the 24th, 25th & 26th of February. Run-offs will be held on the 27th & 28th.

You may now put yourself forward as candidates, on this thread or by PM. I'll make a small format to help you tomorrow. Please, do not post troll/joke-candidates, and I may warn those who do.

Candidate format:
EU or NA?:
Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust? :
Why should you become CR? :

List of EU candidates:
- Keith (Hubert in NW)
Why should you become CR? : I think the Community Representative is essential in the EU community for solve all the misunderstandings that can really disturb and pollute a regiment topic. I have seen too many problems that have no place to be in FSE, especially the disrespect of other users. I want to be honest with you, I haven't a lot of experience in this type of activity. But my motivation can lead me to acquire this experience, and satisfy the whole community. I want to discover all of the EU members, and reignite the EU community by bring freshness and originality.
- John Price
Why should you become CR? : Well I have been a part of the NW community since March 2011 and plan to carry it on till the end (with some breaks ofc). Obviously having my own reg I am always on top of ongoings in the community. I have moderated multiple forums and websites ranging from my regimental ones, Work related ones (I am an IT Support technician for a London school) and PW mod forums. I understand that obviously I have had a bumpy road on FSE but given the means I will act accordingly with standard.
- Michael Sparks
Why should you become CR? : During my time within the NW community I've interacted and developed bonds with certain individuals, I hope to do this for the larger numbers of FSE. I have been around and been naughty a few times myself, but I wish to essentially repent what I have done and give back to FSE to help get the forums to how they used to be.
I've been with the community close to three years now and seen how the smallest amounts of drama can effect a community/regiment as a whole. I try to stay active with a few specific regiments but many don't last long so I see myself staying on the side lines as of late.
I hope to create a lasting experience for anyone who simply stays, or passes by.
Why should you become CR? : I've been a pretty long-time member of this community (late 2012). I have plenty of experience as an administrator and moderator, for example a manager of the Verdun League or administrating various clan websites. Having dealt with plenty people throughout this community and having had contact to various regiments, I believe I can represent well the varying interests within the community, and find a good balance. I don't have much going on for me within my real life, so I am able to spend excessive amounts of time on the forum (as I already do). If I set down my mind to do something, I carry on with it fully - as you can find out if you ask people that know me. Thank you for reading.
- Noorwegian
Why should you become CR? : As a person that has dealt a lot with administrative responsibilities in the past, I feel like I could be a good Community Representative. At the current moment, I am able to dedicate quite a lot of my time to the community, and since I currently have that amount of time on my hands, I would love to be able to use them for the better of this community. I know the community fairly well, and I see myself as a fair person so I won't let my personal opinion of someone or something get in the way of my responsibility. Thank you for taking time to read through this. I wish good luck to all the other candidates running for this position aswell.
-Crumpet (CrumpetAwesome
Why should you become CR? :

I have been an active member of this community from the start basically, have had negotiations with the majority and if not all community at one point or another. Tend to stay neutral in most situations and not afraid to battle a fair point. Willing to put professionalism into the role based on putting aside any previous queries with individuals. 

- Nick Lazanis
Why should you become CR? : I believe that I am a valid candidate for the position for CR due to my activity on the FSE forums,contacts in many regiments and administrative experience I have gained in regiments and some regimental forums. Lastly I have the patience to deal with the matters and problems that may occur to the community and I would like to believe that I have certain "Diplomatic" skills gained by dealing with inner regimental matters.
-Mekkil the Graet (Mikkel the Great)
Why should you become CR? :

First of all, I want to make clear that if you vote for me, you are actually going to vote for multiple persons. I act merely as a representative.

You will, infact, be voting for the intellectual thinktank that goes by the name of “MekkilsSuperHaus” or short “MSH”.
You might know us from the super successful mod “nApoleonic wArs!111”. Yes! You have read correctly. We made the only mod in history that was so successful, that the moderation team has repeatedly removed our subforum from this Website, and all talk of it suppressed. We actually made them afraid of the impact it could have on the NW player base, as well as western culture as a whole.

Additionally, we are currently working on finishing up the next “nApoleonic wArs!111” version. We have also been spending time on a new, yet unannounced mod called “Yer a Wuzard” and obviously, we have never stopped development on our stand-alone games “spAce sAmurAi!111” and “CoD Wars”, which we are sure will leave a lasting impact on the gaming industry.

We have been creating highly professional, dynamic neo-modernistic, avant garde, non hipster, modifications and games based upon neo-platonic ideas and the input from the community (aka ourselves) for well over 4 years.
We are not only the #1 in Creative Game Design, we are also the #1 in creating new political ideologies.

This makes us the perfect choice for Community Representative. We promise that we will do everything in our power to make this forum a better, stronger and more secure place.
We have the strength to do enact the changes that you are so dearly hoping for.

Our multi-national team from Denmark, Sweden and Germany is highly skilled and will be processing every report, every request and every complaint separately.
Due to our widespread knowledge in the area of linguistics,  we will be able to process those reports, request and complaints not only in English, but also in Danish, Swedish, German, French, Catalan, Dutch, American English, Ukrainian, Maltese, Russian, C++ and Python (The language that snakes talk, not the programming language).

“MekkilsSuperHaus” will be investing lots of money and time into the most important aspects of this Forum. Mainly, Security, Regiments and Management.
Those 3 aspects are sacred to us and we will do our very best to ensure those 3 core points.

Have you noticed the tone in debates on this forum? Have you noticed the amount of content less posts filling our forum? Have you, too, noticed the amount of trolls and troublemakers on this forum? Never before in history has the forum been in such a state. This are desperate times. And desperate times call for desperate moves. Only few are willing to act, but luckily, we are part of the few. We are not going to shy away from certain actions. We alone will do anything necessary to drive the evil out of the forums! Unlike other candidates, we alone have the will and courage to stand with you, and enact decisions for the betterment of us all. We alone, have the strength to take the unpopular but necessary decisions for this forum. We alone can protect the 99%.
A vote for MekkilsSuperHaus is a vote for: Security, Quality and Determination for the betterment of the forum.

With us as Community Representative, regiments will prosper. We will introduce a whole bunch of new and super creative policies that will make regiments twice strong and twice as big (actual effects may vary). We will host official events and official leagues will be introduced. Those leagues will be under direct control of the FSE leadership, to make sure that no results are rigged and that no one cheats his way up to the top, ensuring a fair and monitored playground, free of foul elements.
A vote for MekkilsSuperHaus is a vote for: Solid Hierarchy, Regimental Dialogue and Stronger Regiments

While “MekkilsSuperHaus” has only existed for a mere 4 years, Mikkel himself has been active in the community since before it was even founded. Yes! Thats right. Mikkel knew that NW would be released before it was announced.
Even more impressive is the fact that one of the core members of “MekkilsSuperHaus” has been part of the MM and NW community before it even existed. In fact, this very special person has not only set the foundation for this wonderful community but he has also set the foundation for this wonderful game.

What does the above mean for our position as “Community Representative”?  It means that we are not only informed about the history of the FSE community, but we also know the future of it. We can literally see into the future and therefore we can act faster than anyone else in the community could.

With an annual forum budget of 0 Euro a month, the current forum administration sees itself forced to enact a strange and cumbersome forum policy. You have probably noticed this problem before. The forum rules are very old and do not represent modern society very well. Rules that were written a hundred years ago do not apply to the modern world.
We strife to change that. We are currently in talks with FSE to increase the annual forum budget to a whole 1.1Million$ a month.
For obvious reasons, this budget would allow us to finally get rid of the old and outdated forum policies and introduce brand new policies that fit the time we life in. As well as securing us qualified leadership for the entire forum, today and in the future.
A vote for MekkilsSuperHaus is a vote for: A Better Forum.
Promotional Material

Signatures to show your support for MSH!

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- Ted
Why should you become CR? : If you want work to be done well I am your man! I've proofen myself as trustworthy member of this community. My efforts in destroying the Betty-Regiment lead to the foundation of the Global Banlist as well as eventually the destruction of the Betty-Regiment and him disappearing from NW. I have been Admin of ~40 servers over my four years of M&B experience, with 3 years as member of the NW-community. I currently am Admin of Jailbreak and Tropical_Paradise, working for the best of you and the whole community.

I have forwarded the idea of a "Court of Appeal", where users can appeal for an unban or unmute in a polite way. The current policy telling muted users to contact a moderator via PM is complete nonsense as the PM-System can't be used when muted. I wish to address this matter - and I need your support! Vote for Ted!

 - Cazasar
Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust? : Yes
Why should you become CR? : Well, I am probably one of the most active members of this community. Hosting Events and taking part in them is something im doing frequently. Even though Im relatively new to this community (joined 2 years ago) I have actively tried to learn as much as possible about the community and become a part of it. Hell, Ive read the the entire EU NWL thread just to get a knowledge about competetive history. I also frequently visit this Forum and now its culture, both the serious and the more banterous aspect of FSE.

 - Tenford
Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust? : Yes, I know
Why should you become CR? : I Started playing Mount&Blade in 2011, become a NW players since it was launched. I have been admin in a lot of leagues and servers, helped a lot of peole with their regiments and stuff. ALso, I am a very active member, always trying to improve the community with a lot of ideas. I know what this mean, I know how to follow rules. I have to say that this community is like my second home, sometimes the first. I love this, the people, the game, everything.

List of NA candidates:
- Windflower
- I actively visit FSE every single day and I'm one of the most active members of the North American community.
- I play NW almost every day, and I still keep in touch with the game and its players.
- I have tons of experience in running leagues, tournaments, events, servers, and I have even lead my own regiment for around a year and a half.
- I'm friendly, unbiased, and I am capable of handling responsibility as it is not my first time with this much responsibility.
- I have been constantly active in this community and in FSE for the past year and a half now, a lot of other candidates have been active, but only for short spurts. Just a reminder that I have never once lost interest in this game or in FSE forums.

- Gluk the Walrus
Why should you become CR? :
- I am on friendly terms with many of the major regiments in NA, even the ones that dislike each other
- I would be able to bridge some of the gaps that we have in our community
- I have been active on this forum and community for quite some time
- I was elected leader of the Garde Imperiale (army including: 1er Grens, 1er Marins, 3e Grens, 58e, 84e, VC, 4e Hussards)
- I was a referee for NANWL and moderator for TNWL
- I have taken part in the administration of multiple regiments and community events

- Grimsight
Why should you become CR?:
- As most NA know, I have been active in the community for 3 years now.
- Have lead a well respected regiment for 2 years
- Have head admined multiple events and the main groupfighting server back in the day
- Currently very active in the community
- Have expressed concerns in the past over poor decision from the mod team
- Can voice my opinion constructively (have been a strong voice in many community discussions)
- I view myself as impartial, and will look at issues objectively and without bias.

- Superbad
Why should you become CR?: I have been apart of the North American community for 3 years now, I have been through it's ups and downs and I've seen it all. I've always been a "diplomat" which means I'd go out and put myself out there to make friends with others cause this is a COMMUNITY after all. I know a lot of people in the NA Community and I'm at good relations with a lot of them.

- Junedragon
Why should you become CR? : I have been continuously active in game (eg. as NA1 Admin), on the forum, and in the community since I started with NW in 2013. I've participated in a variety of events (from NANWL to the current regional gf tourney and a host of different weekly linebattles/sieges/etc.) and filled various positions in a handful of regiments.

I have a strong knowledge of the goings-on of the community, especially on the competitive side having continued to closely follow the happenings of the major events. I have also strived to maintain good relations with members of the community at large - I'd like to think I've had at least a casual conversation with most of you at some point. In terms of what I bring to the table for this position, I can offer a level headed and absolutely impartial voice for effectively communicating the concerns and ideas of the NW community to the mods/FSE.

-I have been playing since the game came out, and I have over 3000 hours in mount and blade, and have been very, very active in the community, in regiments, tournaments, and FSE
-Ive been in alot of different regiments, and have befriended a good portion of the FSE community
-I spend almost all of my time on FSE in the Events:NA/Regiments/Community boards, which is where most of the problems in the NA community arise and are discussed

- GeneralSquirts
Why should you become CR? : I have not been in the community as long in comparison to others who will most likely be submitting a form to become a CR Candidate. To be honest, I would probably be viewed as the least experienced out of the whole lot. I started out in Napoleonic Wars, exclusively, on March 15, 2015. It is rounding out to be almost a year now soon, but a year is mince meat in comparison to a lot of the other members of this community who have been a positive, growing aspect of the community. But I love playing and interacting with every individual in this community. The NA side has its squabbles here and there and sometimes we get at each other throats, but at the end of the day I genuinely believe that we are all friends or at the very least have an underlying respect for each other. Now, while I do believe this, there are still things that occur on the forums that I witness daily of individuals/groups of individuals abusing rules or acting unbecoming of a member of this community (e.g. attacking people verbally with racial slurs/very offensive imagery). And actually, I was a target of such things on a certain thread that I won't name that did end up getting locked. And even though that locked thread was punished/locked temporarily, it is now back to a normal state where they continue to post what they'd like without offending others and I even still post there to this day and go along with the camaraderie between the members of that regimental thread because even though they wronged me, I still see them as friends at heart. But I really have a passion, honestly, to just have positive vibes flow through not just the forums, but the community as well. At the end of the day, we're all people who enjoy this game to a certain standard and try to play/compete in the atmosphere in our own way. Whether it be through being in a top tier competitive NWL regiment that holds training and events daily or just being in a casual, calm regimental setting. The point being, every aspect of the community is something I hold dear (not being a weird ass hehe). I see this as a good opportunity to help pursue the goals that Duuring and others see for the NA/EU communities and put myself out there. I always try my best to go to different teamspeaks and be friendly with all the other groups present in this community and try to leave my little 63e planet  ::). And I've met a lot of great people doing so, and I will continue to do as such. I personally don't see myself being elected as a CR because there will probably be a lot more experienced individuals who sign up, but I definitely care enough about this whole community to put a portion of my thoughts and go for the position in the first place.  ;D

- William (CluelessWill)
Why should you become CR? : I've been reporting people for the past three years with this being a testament of my "accomplishments." Throughout those three years I've been contributing to the community by adding meaningful discussions and doing my best to stay civil although I will admit I'm not a perfect person with a few minor hiccups over the years. Regardless, I hope to finally be able to put my skills to use by representing this community and helping to eliminate conflict in an otherwise peaceful, bantering society. If you want someone that's been through every rank stage, and has been through it all, then I'm more then willing to represent the North American community. Not to mention that being a CR would finally allow me to have something to show for the thousands of hours I have both in-game and on this forum. 

- Nathan
Why should you become CR? :
-Help run NANWL
-Been active member in game for 2 years
-Very active on forums
-Help keep trolls of the forums and maintain stability
-Hope to give everyone a experience that is cancer free
-Have friendly relations with the majority of the regiments in NA
« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 01:40:47 pm by Duuring »

Offline Sleek

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Re: First election - List of candidates & Discussion (March-April Term)
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2016, 01:37:52 am »
I nominate myself as an NA candidate
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Sleek plays like he's underwater - slow

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Re: First election - List of candidates & Discussion (March-April Term)
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2016, 02:23:57 am »
Even though some nerd will probably spam his reg into getting himself elected, I'll sign up as an NA candidate
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Re: First election - List of candidates & Discussion (March-April Term)
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2016, 04:24:19 am »
I'll try for NA

Offline Theodin

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Re: First election - List of candidates & Discussion (March-April Term)
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2016, 04:33:31 am »
Can we nominate?
Personally, I nominate Windflower.

1x NA Duel- Runner up |  3x 3v3- 3rd place (Seadderol Deflatriots) (Ez Money) (71st Guards + Russian) | 1x Duel League- 4th place | 1x Regimental Groupfighting- 1st place (71st)  l  1x 2v2- 3rd Place (Vortex/Theodin) | TNWL Season 2 - 1st Place l 1x 2v2- 1st Place (Theodin/Elite) l 2x NANWL-
 71st, Nr8(LG) l 1x 4v4- 1st Place (RussianFury, Waste, NickCole, Theodin) l 1x Cav Joust- 2nd Place l 1x 4v4-
 3rd Place (Theodin, AsianP, Sleek, Godfried, Lurvy) l 1x 5v5 - 1st Place (RussianFury, Yoshie, Krastinov, Jorge, Theodin - Thanos and his children)

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Re: First election - List of candidates & Discussion (March-April Term)
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2016, 04:37:19 am »

NAPL season 1 saw the greatest regiment winning
ribbit 🐸 cute? 😳 im not cute 😓 i mean my parents 👨‍👩‍👧 call me cute ☺️ but honestly 👉👈 ive never ❌ heard it 👂 from someone else 🗣 before 🥰 thanks i guess? 😳

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Re: First election - List of candidates & Discussion (March-April Term)
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2016, 04:59:14 am »
I nominate Jackie for NA. Idk how active he is though...

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Re: First election - List of candidates & Discussion (March-April Term)
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2016, 05:13:19 am »
So many good options
« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 05:15:38 am by Pickle »

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Re: First election - List of candidates & Discussion (March-April Term)
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2016, 05:29:46 am »
I mean... I guess I can nominate myself...

If we can nominate others then I'd like to nominate Grimsight

EDIT: Both for NA
« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 05:34:59 am by Superbad »

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Re: First election - List of candidates & Discussion (March-April Term)
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2016, 05:35:18 am »
Can we nominate?
Personally, I nominate Windflower.

Windflower is also my nomination if we can nominate.
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Offline Gluk the Walrus

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Re: First election - List of candidates & Discussion (March-April Term)
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2016, 05:43:23 am »
I don't think that nominating is a thing (however i could be wrong), there are no criteria for running so it's essentially pointless to nominate, if you want them to run, just ask them to.

Offline Gluk the Walrus

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Re: First election - List of candidates & Discussion (March-April Term)
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2016, 05:44:44 am »
I'm announcing my candidacy for CR.

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Re: First election - List of candidates & Discussion (March-April Term)
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2016, 07:23:47 am »
Nominating myself for NA
« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 07:25:33 am by Grimsight »

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Re: First election - List of candidates & Discussion (March-April Term)
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2016, 07:47:17 am »
I'm applying for EU.


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Re: First election - List of candidates & Discussion (March-April Term)
« Reply #14 on: February 18, 2016, 07:53:32 am »
I would nominate Gokiller for EU

I got too many NA s i would like to nominate. So i cant choose. :(