Author Topic: Minor admin changes  (Read 6400 times)

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Offline Dom13WorstNW

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Re: Minor admin changes
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2013, 06:53:40 pm »

I am not sure if this is the right topic but I'll post it here anyways.
I am admin on several servers, one of them being the 84e_NW_Siege, this server is usually very crouded (usually 150+ people), which makes it hard to properly admin in the current situation. There are 2 things I would like to change:

- There's 2 admin chats, U and I, U is for talking to the people on the server, and I is for talking to the other admins currently on the server. However, there is no difference between U and I, which causes stuff you want to say in the private admin chat (I), to be said in the public admin chat (U), which can be really annoying. Therefore, I would love that the developers make a kind of distinction between them. This can be easily done by changing the name of the chat. If you press U, instead of (Admin chat), you can make it (Public Admin Chat), and you can change I to (Private Admin Chat). This is an easy solution and it removes all the confusion between the 2 chats.

- Also, a problem I encounter whenever I am admining on the 84e_NW_Siege server, is that when there is 200 people in the server, and you try to slay someone it is really hard to find someone's name, an easy solution for this could be to put the names in the *Slay Player*, *Kick Player* (and the other lists) in alphabetical order, making it really easy to find someone and slay, kick or perhaps even ban him.

Let me hear what you think of these solutions, and I hope they will be implemented in the game !


Suggestion from other players

MyNickName - Add in a player search when you are slaying / banning
Cruor_Volt - Different colors being used to report another team's teamkills, for example to a different shade of green, so it will stand out.
Cruor_Volt - For admins to be able to see what players occupy certain troll-sensitive classes, like sappers, in case someone wastes all the buildpoints and the only sapper is nowhere to be found (Make a list of classes such as the sapper, and put the name of who occupies the certain class (sapper in this case) behind it so whenever you have to slay the sapper you don't have to search the entire map, to see who the sapper is)
I 100% agree 
All of it would be very helpful

Offline Blame Canada

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Re: Minor admin changes
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2013, 04:34:06 pm »
Yes! All these suggestions would make it so much easier for the admins and thus (hopefully) a better experience to the (non-trolling) players.

Offline Aztir

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Re: Minor admin changes
« Reply #17 on: February 11, 2013, 04:44:27 pm »
Yes, that'd be super-useful.
And maybe increase the speed on spec-cam?

you can already do that,

Hold down
Ctrl + Tab and scroll your mouse wheel forwards
takes abit of scrolling but it works

the scoreboard is supposed to be on the screen

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Re: Minor admin changes
« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2013, 12:42:51 am »

Firstly there needs a be a Search function. We need to be able to type in a name, to aid in our finding of players. Preferably it should show all people, then eliminate all those who don't have that name.
For example
People on the server:

If you type in 84e:

If you type in 84e_Sop:

If you type in 84e_SoP_Traveller:

This method would allow us to do the least work possible and get the people we want as quickly as possible.

Secondly we need the list splitting up into both teams side by side. Then its 100 people list :P

Thirdly we need relevant information and filters for us to view people. Its useless for us to know their ping, and kill death ratio is only helpful for finding dedicated trolls. If we see "Sapper is wasting build points", we need to be able to just see who is a sapper! A filter for class type would be quite helpful.

Finally, and this would likely be the most helpful and important one. Teleport to a player, while in spectator.
If we here: "Betty_The_Bomber is trolling the arty" We then have to go spectator: Check the Attacks arty for fights, then the Defenders arty for fights, or visa versa. This is tedious, time consuming and really really inefficient. If we could just pick someone off of the list and switch to them immediately, it would aid us greatly!

That's my 2 pence.
Thanks for the thread.

Offline sally100

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Re: Minor admin changes
« Reply #19 on: February 13, 2013, 02:15:53 am »

Firstly there needs a be a Search function. We need to be able to type in a name, to aid in our finding of players. Preferably it should show all people, then eliminate all those who don't have that name.
For example
People on the server:

If you type in 84e:

If you type in 84e_Sop:

If you type in 84e_SoP_Traveller:

This method would allow us to do the least work possible and get the people we want as quickly as possible.

Secondly we need the list splitting up into both teams side by side. Then its 100 people list :P

Thirdly we need relevant information and filters for us to view people. Its useless for us to know their ping, and kill death ratio is only helpful for finding dedicated trolls. If we see "Sapper is wasting build points", we need to be able to just see who is a sapper! A filter for class type would be quite helpful.

Finally, and this would likely be the most helpful and important one. Teleport to a player, while in spectator.
If we here: "Betty_The_Bomber is trolling the arty" We then have to go spectator: Check the Attacks arty for fights, then the Defenders arty for fights, or visa versa. This is tedious, time consuming and really really inefficient. If we could just pick someone off of the list and switch to them immediately, it would aid us greatly!

That's my 2 pence.
Thanks for the thread.

No offense you DONT hear `betty the bomber is trolling`

because she does NOT do that anymore, she doesnt tk or harrass or teamwound or block entrances or do anything to affect her own team playing

Saying that, you admins do a good job and on behalf of the entire NW community i want to say thank you

Offline Dom13WorstNW

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Re: Minor admin changes
« Reply #20 on: February 13, 2013, 05:35:54 am »

Firstly there needs a be a Search function. We need to be able to type in a name, to aid in our finding of players. Preferably it should show all people, then eliminate all those who don't have that name.
For example
People on the server:

If you type in 84e:

If you type in 84e_Sop:

If you type in 84e_SoP_Traveller:

This method would allow us to do the least work possible and get the people we want as quickly as possible.

Secondly we need the list splitting up into both teams side by side. Then its 100 people list :P

Thirdly we need relevant information and filters for us to view people. Its useless for us to know their ping, and kill death ratio is only helpful for finding dedicated trolls. If we see "Sapper is wasting build points", we need to be able to just see who is a sapper! A filter for class type would be quite helpful.

Finally, and this would likely be the most helpful and important one. Teleport to a player, while in spectator.
If we here: "Betty_The_Bomber is trolling the arty" We then have to go spectator: Check the Attacks arty for fights, then the Defenders arty for fights, or visa versa. This is tedious, time consuming and really really inefficient. If we could just pick someone off of the list and switch to them immediately, it would aid us greatly!

That's my 2 pence.
Thanks for the thread.

No offense you DONT hear `betty the bomber is trolling`

because she does NOT do that anymore, she doesnt tk or harrass or teamwound or block entrances or do anything to affect her own team playing

Saying that, you admins do a good job and on behalf of the entire NW community i want to say thank you

BREAKING NEWS : Betty has changed her trolling ways   :o

Offline SeanBeansShako

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Re: Minor admin changes
« Reply #21 on: February 13, 2013, 02:46:39 pm »
I seriously agree with these changes, they MUST happen in the final patch. If you solo Admin line battles it can take you minutes to actually try and find and kick the one trouble maker in almost two hundred people with that unorganised list.

Offline Blame Canada

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Re: Minor admin changes
« Reply #22 on: February 14, 2013, 02:02:10 pm »
One thing that could be great as an admin, but would probably take too much time to actually implement is this:

Once you have finally found the culprit on the battlefield and have watched him and is want to punish him, you then have to go into the players list and find him again in order to slay him. This takes time and you risk he leaves the server in the meantime. Why not make it possible to simply right-click on the player character on the screen and then have a small pop-up of your options appear? This could perhaps be made so that you would have to press ctrl+right mouse button or something similar in order for it not to happen by mistake or it could be made available only for admins in spectator mode.

Example: I am told in the chat that player X is teamhitting near the spawn of one team. I rush there, find the player who is still teamhitting and ctrl+right click on him. I then chose "slay player" from a small meny of options. Player slain nice and easy, and I only had to find him once.

Offline sally100

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Re: Minor admin changes
« Reply #23 on: February 14, 2013, 04:19:34 pm »

Firstly there needs a be a Search function. We need to be able to type in a name, to aid in our finding of players. Preferably it should show all people, then eliminate all those who don't have that name.
For example
People on the server:

If you type in 84e:

If you type in 84e_Sop:

If you type in 84e_SoP_Traveller:

This method would allow us to do the least work possible and get the people we want as quickly as possible.

Secondly we need the list splitting up into both teams side by side. Then its 100 people list :P

Thirdly we need relevant information and filters for us to view people. Its useless for us to know their ping, and kill death ratio is only helpful for finding dedicated trolls. If we see "Sapper is wasting build points", we need to be able to just see who is a sapper! A filter for class type would be quite helpful.

Finally, and this would likely be the most helpful and important one. Teleport to a player, while in spectator.
If we here: "Betty_The_Bomber is trolling the arty" We then have to go spectator: Check the Attacks arty for fights, then the Defenders arty for fights, or visa versa. This is tedious, time consuming and really really inefficient. If we could just pick someone off of the list and switch to them immediately, it would aid us greatly!

That's my 2 pence.
Thanks for the thread.

No offense you DONT hear `betty the bomber is trolling`

because she does NOT do that anymore, she doesnt tk or harrass or teamwound or block entrances or do anything to affect her own team playing

Saying that, you admins do a good job and on behalf of the entire NW community i want to say thank you

BREAKING NEWS : Betty has changed her trolling ways   :o

Except its hardly `breaking news`..  people have known for months now

I`m a changed woman  :)

Offline Milkman Jim

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Re: Minor admin changes
« Reply #24 on: February 16, 2013, 09:00:34 pm »
Another idea that other people agree would be helpful, is to enable admins to type in global chat while spectating. If you type in global while on spectators nobody can see it.  I always find myself picking a team just to say something in global that is really not necessary to announce in admin chat.

Also, I strongly agree that some sort of player search should be added. This would make everything a lot easier.

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Re: Minor admin changes
« Reply #25 on: February 16, 2013, 10:45:11 pm »
Alfabetic order, its way better than looking the score of the player.
Nunc aut nunquam

Offline Wismar

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Re: Minor admin changes
« Reply #26 on: March 30, 2013, 11:02:12 am »
The ability to make the chat smaller?
« Last Edit: March 30, 2013, 11:39:57 am by Oscar XI Hederlööf »

Offline Jay_One

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Re: Minor admin changes
« Reply #27 on: March 30, 2013, 02:30:27 pm »
Not really an admin change, but if you're requesting that, I request the opposite. Ability to make chat bigger? Or just change text size for that matter.

Offline Cruor_Volt

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Re: Minor admin changes
« Reply #28 on: April 18, 2013, 08:35:28 pm »
Knowing ping is useful when someone does something, leaves and comes back under a different name.

And chat should just separated from casualties report.
Putting casualties at the top left and leaving the chat at the bottom left should be enough, I think.

I would really like to see someone from FSE team here so that we can know that they read this stuff.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2013, 08:37:36 pm by Cruor_Volt »

Offline Viktor 90th

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Re: Minor admin changes
« Reply #29 on: April 21, 2013, 02:48:38 am »
I would really like to see someone from FSE team here so that we can know that they read this stuff.
They probably do, but only to moderate. from what I understand the "Final" Patch for the DLC has been finished for quite a while, and I doubt they would be willing to change anything else. They seem to be 110% Focus'ed on BCOF(ailure).