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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #720 on: February 21, 2016, 08:47:08 pm »
June 1st-30th

The Republic of France has turned into the Glorious People's Republic of France!

The Treaty of Bern is signed between France and Switzerland!

The 2nd Treaty of Bern

- Switzerland gains the following land from France (see below)

- Switzerland and France sign another 5 year non-aggression treaty

- The Republic of Switzerland formally recognizes the new French Government

- The new French government will assist in the construction of a joint memorial to those that have fallen


The Kingdom of Belgium declares war on the Glorious People's Republic of France!

The Swedish-Norwegian Union signs a peace treaty with the Russian Empire, Kingdom of Serbia and Kingdom of Bulgaria!
The Treaty of Finland
The Swedish-Norwegian Union and The Russian Empire have signed a peace treaty ending the war before a single battle has even started. The Russian Federation will cede finland and the regions north of finland to sweden (The Territory colored in the picture). Finland will then form taking the land as a client-state/puppet under the Swedish Government. This treaty will also peace out serbia and bulgaria against the swedish.

The Scandinavian Alliance has been formed between the Kingdom of Denmark & the Swedish-Norwegian Union + Finland!

The Kingdom of Spain begins forming Militias.

The Mexican Rebellion begins forming Militias.

The Republic of Switzerland demobilizes.

The Dominion of the Congo enters Partial Mobilization.

The Kingdom of Italy has been confirmed to have used Gas Weapons!

Mexican Rebels have taken Mexico City!
Eastern Front

"When Bear Meets Wall"

The Eastern Front has seen much action in the past month of June. Hundreds of thousands of men on all sides scurry to and fro as offensive upon offensive is launched in futile attempts to break through the current stalemate. Indeed, because of the warring parties' attempts to break the stalemate, one weapon that has only been rumored to existed has finally been confirmed along with its devastating effect: Gas Weapons!

In the Balkans, the Italian Army has finally managed to land all of its invasion forces onto the beaches of Montenegro. The meager resistance that was seen in the beginning of the invasion had been completely replaced by the awesome might of the Greek and Bulgarian Armies, rushing to defend their ally Montenegro. Hundreds of thousands of men poured into the front lines in an attempt to stop the coming Italian Offensive. The men had arrived just in time for the Italian Army launched a focused and calculated offensive, with thousands of men pouring into No-Man's-Land in epic frontal assaults on the entrenched defenders. It was at this offensive that the use of Gas Weapons by the Italians had finally been confirmed for the world. Gas weapons, despite already being used against the French months earlier, were not reported or used properly and thus no mention was given to them anywhere. However in the crammed battlefields in Montenegro, Gas's full effect was terrifyingly seen. Wave upon Wave of Bulgarian Men fell to the deadly cloud of Chlorine gas. Italian frontal assaults and disgusting melee combat in the trenches made the offensive particularly bloody. The Bulgarian-Greco forces, however, proved to be the Italians' match. With a bitter defense in the face of gas and massive assaults, the Bulgarian forces managed to stop what would've been a massive breakthrough and turn it into a bitter stalemate. The front line advanced, if only barely, at the cost of 92 thousand Greco-Bulgarian troops and 86 thousand Italian troops.

Further north, the Russian Empire was launching its own series of offensives against the German Empire and their rebels. However, their offensives last month proved to be disastrous.

In Silesia, a massive push by the Russians was met with unbreakable resistance. The Russian army was not able to break the German trench line or advance an inch in the face of superior German firepower and entrenchments. The Russian offensive was halted in its tracks, with the Russians taking 80 thousand casualties while the Germans suffered 52 thousand.

In the West Prussian front, the situation was equally disastrous for the Russians. Another massive offensive was met with another bitter defeat at the hands of the Germans. Just like its sister offensive in Silesia, the Russian offensive was stopped dead in its tracks with the Russians unable to take a single inch in the face of German defenders. The offensive cost the Russians 87 thousand men while the Germans took only 37 thousand casualties.

In the "Danzig" front, the Russian offensive was also disastrous, with the same outcome and the same circumstances. The Russians suffered 98 thousand casualties while the Germans suffered 70 thousand casualties.
Western Front

"France the Punching Bag"

The past month has not been great for the Entente Powers. Failed offensives and setbacks plague Russia and France, with France taking the brunt of the action.

In Belgium, a combined Belgian-German offensive succeeded in driving the French out of Belgium proper. Despite inferior tactics and strategic mistakes causing them to attack from the front, the Belgian army had succeeded in pushing the French forces out of their country. The French, already stretched thin and now outflanked, withdrew its extended front line in Belgium and retreated back to France. The engagement cost France 78 thousand casualties while the Belgians suffered 46 thousand.

In Alsace-Lorraine, the absence of French troops from the front lines caused the German army to initiate a bold offensive deep into the French motherland. In an attempt to catch the recently withdrawn French army off guard, German forces rushed to catch up to the French army. Despite having the element of surprise, the Germans found themselves fighting a spirited and ready enemy, nothing like what they assumed the French were to be after routing. Furthermore, the hasty offensive has stretched the German Army, supply lines, and front line thin in Alsace-Lorraine. Another French army somewhere in the area also puts fear into the hearts of the now occupied Germans. The engagement garnered roughly 82 thousand casualties while the French suffered 44 thousand casualties.

Further south in Provence, another massive offensive had begun last month, this time with success. The Italian Army launched epic frontal assaults throughout the entirety of the Provence front. Hundreds of thousands of men poured into gaps and wedges in the French trench lines, splitting and breaking the French front at many points. The successful offensive had managed to cause the French to pull back, letting the Italians advance a short distance. Despite their success, the French did put up a fierce and ready defense, letting the French commit a fighting retreat and retain the overall cohesion of their front line. The front line has advanced slightly into France, but not without causing 59 thousand casualties for the French and 50 thousand casualties for the Italians.
North Africa & Arabia

"The Great Jihad"

The North Africa war zone has warmed up over this past month, as well as new hostilities being seen in the new Arabia war zone. The "Great War", as it is informally called, is spiralling out of control.

In North Africa, the Italian Army launched another vicious offensive against the French army. French Colonial troops and French Foreign Legion soldiers put up a bitter defense against this Italian assault. However, the French were ultimately pushed back in the face of eager attacks, as well as the onset of summer in an already blisteringly hot desert. The offensive managed to push back the frontlines to the old borders pre-war, causing 104 thousand casualties for the French and 98 thousand casualties for the Italians.

Further east in Arabia, hostilities have finally begun. A massive offensive for the Suez Canal was launched by British Expeditionary Forces, with the desired outcome. British troops plunged into the frontlines, with many frontal assaults being launched. Despite their eagerness however, the British were in for a total shock. The Ottoman Forces, despite being seen as week, insignificant, and backwards, put up a bitter and staunch defense against the British. Outnumbering the British in men and having more experience in the desert, the Ottoman forces managed to push back and even advance against the British at many points! The British and Ottoman troops were equal in their fighting prowess and abilities as soldiers, causing great shock to many of Britain's proud military officers. Ultimately, the Ottomans were pushed back due to inferior tactics in the face of British trench warfare, however their near victory in the sands of Sinai proved to be of great value. Many Ottoman commanders have readily accepted the new techniques seen and learned from the British in the Suez. The British claim victory, despite it coming down to the wire. The British offensive caused the British 91 thousand casualties, while the Ottoman Empire received 111 thousand casualties, in part from obsolete tactics.

Furthermore, action was seen in the southern regions of British Egypt as well, with newly landed Boer & Colonial African troops engaging in a guerrilla campaign against Nomadic rebels and pro-Ottoman guerrillas, as well as even scattered groups of irregulars claiming to be on Jihad! The guerrilla campaign has just started, albeit with no results to show for it as of now. Further north, British forces have been reported to be on the various islands to the south of Turkey, such as Cyprus. Reports of British troops emerging from Persia has also spread throughout the Arabian area. The war in Arabia appears to be heating up.
Mexican Revolution

"Viva Zapata"

The Mexican Revolution, after a period of unexplained quiet, has once again heated up in a flurry of battles. Mexico's Constitutionalist forces, representing the so-far unrecognized government of Mexico, have come under attack from their previously allied rebel partners, after disputes following victory over the previous regime. The Revolution has finally been reborn, with disastrous consequences for the Constitutionalist forces.

In Guerrero, Emiliano Zapata's Liberation Army of the South has come under siege in the province of Guerrero. Pro-government forces had sallied out from their stronghold around Mexico City, attempting to cut off Zapata's army from support and get rid of one rebel leader. The Government offensive proved to be successful, as Zapata's army was unable to move throughout this past month. The offensive caused the rebels 87 thousand casualties while the pro-government forces were dealt 75 thousand casualties.

Further north, a Rebel offensive was halted by Pro-Government forces. Troops under command of one Pancho Villa met a staunch government defensive line, unable to properly break through to their target of Mexico City. The Rebel offensive was unsuccessful, causing 23 thousand casualties for the Government and 83 thousand for Pancho Villa.

Despite grueling setbacks, the Rebels achieved one extremely major victory over the Government forces. Despite being under siege, Zapata managed to sneak a significant force of men through the government envelopment before he came under full siege. The army quickly made its way to the south of Mexico City, where a massive assault on the city was undertaken. In what can only be described as a miracle, the Government forces were caught completely off guard, unaware, outnumbered, surrounded, low on supplies, and stuck in a city that supported the popular uprising. Many troops in the city simply gave up on the spot when they saw the massive charge of the Peasants' Army. The fighting was short and scattered, ending in the complete and total occupation of Mexico City, bringing the rebels 1 step closer to total victory! The smashing offensive caused the entire garrison of Mexico city to either surrender, rout, or fall in combat to Rebel Forces. The Government forces received 53 thousand total casualties while the Rebels received 14 thousand casualties.

"Ethnic Showdown"

Europe is in the middle of perilous times. With massive political upheaval, war, and revolution in the air, all of Europe will have to tread carefully in the coming months.

In the East, Russia's ethnic problem has exploded. Russian Army troops crashed into Polish Nationalist regions as well as rebel held regions in Little Russia. Despite having superior numbers and the overall upper hand, the Russian Army was repelled in both Poland and Little Russia! In Poland, despite not breaking through to occupied regions, the Russians had succeeded in at least containing the growth of the rebellion. The engagements in Poland caused the Russians 80 thousand casualties while the Polish rebels only suffered 32 thousand. In Little Russia, Russian Army was unable to dislodge Ukrainian rebels from rebel-held regions. Due to their many similarities in language, faith, and culture, both Rebels and Russian Army troops faltered in their hostilities against each other. Many Russians and Ukrainians found themselves on both sides of the battle, causing both sides to waver in their fervor for fighting. The soft offensive caused a total of 53 thousand Rebel casualties while the Russians attained 56 thousand casualties. Total stalemate.

In Central and Western Europe, unrest has been growing slightly everywhere. Despite not having any problems or unrest, small scale Socialist sentiment in all of Europe's nations bordering France is growing. UK, Germany, Belgium, Spain, etc are all seeing a small growth in Socialist-Communist fervor and unrest. Many common Europeans, although small in number, call for a Europe-wide Socialist Revolution. While benign as of now, this problem may grow out of control if Europe ignores it.


The date is July 1st, 1915. (01/07/1915)

Finland has been born! (Client State - Sweden)

Welcome The-J as the Republic of China!

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #721 on: February 21, 2016, 09:07:54 pm »

Einigkeit macht stark!

Belgium is happy of the victory at hand. Commemoration day would be established, and Belgium might enter a process of becoming more socialist, not on the price of removing kingship.

His Majesty, the King of Belgium, is happy that his troops had finally banished the French out of Belgium! He now hopes that Germany would leave Belgian lands as promised. He also says that a new commemoration holiday would be set, in which the troops fallen in the battles would receive proper honor, like they deserve. Furthermore, he is inclined to make his people happy as much as possible, and so he invites the head of the Belgian Socialist movement to learn a little bit about the agenda of said movement.   

Belgium is unhappy with Congo's decision to mobilise.

Lastly, his Majesty would like to inform the noble Congolese that the decision to muster up an army is not a smart move, as the economy is still struggling. It would be wise to remove the mobilisation until a year from the independence of Congo. This would be a friendly advice for thee. 
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Offline Bravescot

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #722 on: February 21, 2016, 09:10:23 pm »

"Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno"

The Swiss Government passes legislation allowing the formation of the Suisse Légion Étrangère

Granted moto: "Nemo me impune lacessit"

The heavily losses sustained by the Republic of Switzerland, during the Franco-Swiss war, has provoked a debate within Parliament for the need to expand Switzerland's military capabilities, especially with the new communist government of France. After multiple debates the legislation for the formation of foreign nationals into a Swiss military unit has been passed. The Suisse Légion Étrangère, inspired by the French Foreign, will become the first professional full-time military unit of Switzerland. Currently the only full-time Swiss soldiers are 240 officer instructors and 100 men who work on the repairing of fortifications. Men that server for over a period of 15 years will be granted Swiss citizenship.

Swiss nationals shall not be aloud to enlist into the Legion as rank and file, only foreign nationals. Men of this legion though will be commanded by specially selected Swiss officers and NCOs in the opening years. Members of the Legion will be permitted to become NCOs and, after 10 years, some will be given the chance to become officers unlike in other Foreign legions.

Your citizenship (if you are a Italian, American, Russian, Japanese, Brazilian citizen etc…) doesn't matter, your past criminal record doesn't matter, your race origin doesn't matter, your religion doesn't matter, your educational background doesn't matter, your qualifications doesn't matter, your social status doesn't matter, your professional status doesn't matter, your marriage/marital status or family status doesn't matter, your military or non-military background doesn't matter. All men are born again in the Legion, all will be equal.

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #723 on: February 21, 2016, 09:18:01 pm »
The Kingdom of Sweden Hereby enacts a policy that will prevent the spread of the power of the socialist, and communist parties.
The government will crack down on anyone seeking to affiliate themselves with these parties within any part of the scandinavian territory.
We believe these people are a threat to europe's safety and security and hope that other nations will also follow in preventing them from gaining power.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2016, 09:26:18 pm by Samsandre7 »
"No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn."

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #724 on: February 21, 2016, 09:25:00 pm »
A new law is passed in Italy to ban communism!

Any communist found can be punished for a maximum sentence of 25 years in jail.

Also a boost in Conservative and Monarchist propaganda is put out in all of Italy and it's colonies.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2016, 09:38:01 pm by Furrnox »

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #725 on: February 21, 2016, 09:25:26 pm »

The Portuguese Republic asks Spain for an alliance.
The Portuguese Republic goes down to Partial Mobilisation.

With an alliance you prove yourself and the countries in Europe that a united Iberia is important!

The President strongly urges the Portuguese people to not fall for these idealistic ideas of communism!

- His Excellency the President of the Portuguese Republic

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #726 on: February 21, 2016, 09:36:28 pm »
The German Empire

The German Empire will begin to crackdown on any Communist political parties, movement, and uprisings within the The German Empire. These ideals are seen as a threat to the German Empire's well being, and any sign of these treacherous motives in our country will be faced with an iron fist and criminal punishment.

The German Empire will guarentee the independance of the Kingdom of Denmark, no country shall interfere with Denmark's sovereignty as long as the German Empire and Denmark are allies fighting together against the tyrannical French.

The Kaiser congratulates its men in the Eastern Front for its staunch and brave defence against the crumbling Russian Empire, and as well as the German troops in Belgium and Alsace Lorraine against the chancy French.

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #727 on: February 21, 2016, 09:43:33 pm »

The Congo will demobilize
Stark. For being a supporter of the IRA I will not permit you to take part in any forum games I GM.

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #728 on: February 21, 2016, 09:59:55 pm »
The Republic of China

Gònghéguó wànsuì
The Chinese Government is commencing actions to expand the agricultural and industrial sectors. It would like to invite western experts to advise it upon the improvement of its naval s.
The Chinese government would particularly like to ask for help from countries such as The United Kingdom and Germany, proud owners of two of the greatest navies in the world
« Last Edit: February 21, 2016, 10:01:59 pm by The J »
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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #729 on: February 22, 2016, 08:46:09 am »

In support of Switzerlands new Foreign Legion, Spain will send a battalion of Spanish soldiers to Bern. There,
they will be be put under the command of the Suisse Légion Étrangère.

In order to promote Iberian unity and strength, Spain accepts the offer from Portugal to form an alliance,
and apologises for breaking the agreement off. We hope that this will be the last time tensions run high on the
Iberian Peninsula.

Although Spain condemns communism, peace has been made with France!. In return for peace, France
has agreed to release some of it's African colonies into Spanish hands.

All pink ares are to be controlled by Spain

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #730 on: February 22, 2016, 10:50:42 am »
Italy brakes off all diplomatic ties with Spain and expels all members of the Spanish embassy from Italy.
(and yes the embassy is now closed if that wasn't obvious)

Spain as a member of the central powers should not be making their own peace agreements without consulting the other members of the alliance we find this to be a betrayal of the alliance and requests that Spain should be excluded from the central powers.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 11:00:03 am by Furrnox »

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #731 on: February 22, 2016, 04:12:38 pm »

Einigkeit macht stark!

Belgium condemns Italy's actions against Spain. Proposes to hold a conference between the two countries to seek out a solution.

His Majesty, the King of Belgium, is appalled by the request of Italy to banish Spain from the Central Alliance, even though his Majesty does not participate in it. He says Spain is a sovereign country and has its own political right to do however it pleases. He also proposes that the two countries hereby presented shall meet to discuss the matter in a good manner (because of the hostile nature of Italy's actions) in a conference where the solution would come and end the might-be-coming feud between Spain and Italy.     
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Offline Bravescot

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #732 on: February 22, 2016, 08:36:30 pm »

"Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno"

The Swiss Government thanks the government of Spain

The Republic of Switzerland are deeply pleased by Spain's backing of the Suisse Légion Étrangère. These men are a much welcome boost to begin the formation of the Légion. The Swiss Government asks that other nations consider backing the Suissue Légion Étrangère by sending men, be they criminals or others.

In regards to the peace that has been struck between the Kingdom of Spain and the Glorious People's Republic of France the Swiss government would like to make it absolutely clear that though it backs neither side offically it does believe off records that Spain has done let the Central Powers, its allies, down. However Switzerland is glad that peace is slowly returning to Europe.

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #733 on: February 22, 2016, 09:04:57 pm »

Italy's recent actions against Spain just show how their real opinion about Spain is! They don't value Spain for what it is, they only value Spain for what they can help with!

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #734 on: February 22, 2016, 09:20:00 pm »
Spain broke their ties with you Portugal yet you came back to them as the whore you are to beg Spain to protect you against the might of our alliance.
So I tell you Portugal watch your tongue.