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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #630 on: January 30, 2016, 01:34:17 pm »

Glory to the Motherland!

The emperor agrees to serve as patron to the Northern Intellectual Committee.

May the committee bring prosperity to us all.

By the grace of God,
Nicholas II, Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias.

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #631 on: January 30, 2016, 01:38:25 pm »

The N.I.C sends an official letter of thanks to the Russian Emperor. May this agreement bring us prosperity and glory to the nations involved.
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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #632 on: January 30, 2016, 06:03:49 pm »
February 11th - 28th

The Italian Army of Sicily delivers an ultimatum to the French Army in Sicily; surrender or die! The French do not accept.

The Kingdom of Spain absolves the tax on British trade through the Strait of Gibraltar.

The Royal Navy near the Strait of Gibraltar has removed itself from combat stance and has begun to leave the area.
The United Kingdom re-allows Spanish shipping through the Suez Canal.

The Republic of Albania abolishes the Death Penalty save for Especially Heinous Crimes.
The Republic of Albania declares a separation of Church and State.
The Republic of Albania recognizes Turkish, Greek, and Serbo-Croatian as Minority Languages.

The United States of America focuses on improving the quality of their Land Army.

The Kingdom of Belgium begins a nationalistic propaganda  campaign.

The United Kingdom allows volunteers to fight for France.
The Republic of France creates a Volunteer Division for men of the UK.

Raid of Dover

Breaking news from the port city of Dover!

On a quiet Monday morning in the city of Dover, the Royal Navy was suddenly and deliberately attacked by Naval forces from the Republic of France. The large French North Fleet, acting on orders from French High Command, blockaded and attacked the British Navy stationed at Dover. The blockade was broken later that day by brave efforts from the Royal Navy, and intense combat ensued. Despite having the upper hand, the battle soon turned against the favor of the French, who were forced to retreat after taking massive losses. The Royal Navy defended their island from attack,  and see this battle as a great victory.

Many questions now sound throughout Europe: Why would the French attack the British? Did the UK know of this attack? Whatever the case may be, the battle did not end in France's favor. The French Northern Navy suffered Severe damage and the lost combat effectiveness of 7 ships, while the Royal Navy suffered Moderate Damage and only lost combat effectiveness of 5 ships.



The date is March 1st.

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #633 on: January 30, 2016, 06:10:16 pm »
"Words build bridges into unexplored regions."

"If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed."
« Last Edit: July 31, 2016, 08:51:07 pm by The Mighty McLovin »

Offline Bravescot

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #634 on: January 30, 2016, 06:14:48 pm »

"Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno"

The Swiss Government sends an open radio transmission to the United Kingdom

It is clear now the the tyrannical government that rules France has now clearly shown their hand. The Republic of Switzerland calls upon the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to ignore the please of "innocence" from their despot president and joins the war to put and end to France's regime of terror.

Offline Duuring

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #635 on: January 30, 2016, 07:00:40 pm »

His Majesty's Government of Great Britain and Ireland congratulates the men and officers of the British navy, who have shown that no matter the foe, no matter the place, no matter the time, they are willing and able to defend their homeland. All wounded and all families of the men killed will receive full benefits, even though we are officially at peace.

The UK accepts the French offer of full reparations and the French court-martials. We demand the presence of British officials to see that these men are given a fair and just trial. The official government position is that we consider this raid an act of malicious treason within the French Naval Command, angry at the British decision to leave the war-effort, rather then an attack ordered by the French government. Any man found guilty should be shot, without appeal.

The Prime Minister gave a national radio-speech, saying that although the country is of course shocked by this attack, they will refuse the Swiss request to join the war against France, just as we have refused to go to war wíth France before, for the very same reason; War against other civilized nations is not in our interest. Commenting on the British Volunteer Division, the Prime Minister once again repeated his government's position that they do not support nor oppose the formation of this unit, and that even now it's still for every man to decide for himself what he should fight for.

« Last Edit: January 30, 2016, 07:02:58 pm by Duuring »

Offline Commander Bondage

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #636 on: January 30, 2016, 07:29:38 pm »
Kingdom of Bulgaria

The Kingdom of Bulgaria formally invites the Principality of Albania to join the Russo-Balkan Defense League. We understand that your nation does not want to be part of the current Austrian-Balkan war but we believe the Balkans should stand united as one, setting aside differences and looking on to a bright, peaceful future.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2016, 07:33:05 pm by Commander Bondage »
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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #637 on: January 31, 2016, 12:59:54 am »
March 1st - 31st

The Volunteer Rate for the Britannic Legion drops to nearly 0 following the Raid on Dover.
The Volunteers of the Britannic Legion begin to leave for Britain.

Shipping and Trade going through the Strait of Dover has been impaired from reported mine fields.

The Communist Revolutionary known as "Lenin" has been captured by the German Authorities!

Tsar Nicholas II of the Russian Empire has abdicated the throne in favor of his brother. Long Live Tsar Mikhail Alexandrovich!

Western Front

"France's Great Patriotic War"

The War between Austria and Serbia has finally spiraled out of control. Despite the previous goal of subduing Serbia, many nations have taken the fight to France, resulting in many foreign troops marching within her borders. Despite the war growing into multiple fronts, France continues the fight as she struggles to survive long enough to be supported by her allies in the East.

In the Picardy Salient, the French launched a massive offensive in another effort to eliminate the German troops on French soil. Despite many brave efforts and superior numbers, the German troops defending the line held firm. The result was the most equal stalemate of the war so far. The French assaults were unsuccessful, resulting in 70 thousand French casualties and 70 thousand German Casualties. Despite their success, the German defenders urgently request reinforcements from Berlin. The stalemate continues.

In Alsace-Lorraine, the tide has turned against France's favor. A concentrated push by the German Army has broken the line, resulting in the entire front shifting deeper into the French Mainland. The defending French were completely overwhelmed by the German offensive, and were forced to retreat. The fighting was fierce and bloody, with the Germans having the clear advantage with the offensive usage of their Light Machine guns. All in all, French casualties amounted to 84 thousand while German casualties amounted to 62 thousand.

In the Pyrenees, the Spanish have held their ground in the mountains and begun fortifying. Despite having the advantage early on, the Spanish have seemingly made the right choice as news emerges that the French have raised a fresh new army to combat the Spanish in the south. With the arrival of the new French Army, the front appears to be preparing to turn into a bloody stalemate. The French and Spanish watch each other anxiously in the Pyrenees.

Meanwhile, more disasters have befallen the French military this month. With the Swiss joining the war against the French, the Swiss Army has begun their own offensive into the French Mainland. Near Alsace-Lorraine, the 2nd Swiss Army faced little opposition as it marched cautiously deeper into the French mainland. News of another large French Army coming to combat the Swiss caused them to halt the offensive and entrench. The French and Swiss meet south of Alsace-Lorraine, ready to fight to the death. Further south, the Swiss have dealt France a grave defeat at the Provence Salient. Just south of the famous city of Geneva, Swiss troops have broken the stalemate between the French and Italians on the northern part of the Provence Salient. Swiss troops, quickly transported over the Lake Geneva, deployed behind the French lines facing the Italians. The Swiss attack began in earnest, with a massive offensive towards the French rear. Despite a couragous effort, the French force was forced to retreat and wheel the front in order to prevent encirclement. The French suffered 85 thousand casualties in that battle, with the Swiss suffering only 65 thousand. As a result of this audacious attack, the northern Provence Front has folded.

More disaster awaits the French further south on the shores of the Mediterranean. The Italian Army in Provence has mounted small but highly concentrated assault on the French front lines near the city of Marseilles. Despite a gallant French defense, the huge million strong Italian army proved too much for the beleaguered French forces, and were forced to retreat. The city of Marseilles has been captured by the Italians, with the rest of the province falling under Italian control as well. The offensive caused the French 77 thousand casualties, while the Italians only suffered 38 thousand.

 The situation looks grim for France, on all fronts. The chance that Russia can rush to the aid of France before she falls under the weight of foreign enemies diminishes with every passing week. France can only wish for a miracle.

Eastern Front

"Romanian Devastation"

In the East, the front has been quiet once again throughout the lines. The probable return of the Russians makes many in the Balkans optimistic. With the return of the Russian Hordes, nothing will be able to stand in the way of the path of God's Orthodox peoples!

This excitement, however, might be getting into some people's heads. While the rest of the line has faltered and begun entrenching for possible Austrian counterattacks, the Romanian army has attempted another bold offensive towards the Austrian front lines. Thousands of Romanian soldiers, supported by Transylvanian Romanian volunteers, stormed the Austrian trenches in an effort to break the stalemate. Despite many courageous charges, the Austrians withstood every single attack. The Romanian offensive failed and the stalemate continued, with the Romanians taking 76 thousand casualties from the offensive while the Austrians only suffered 40 thousand.

All is quiet on the Eastern Front.
Mediterranean War

"The Mediterranean: An Italian Lake"

The Italian ambition of making the Mediterranean an "Italian Lake" may be more than just dreams. Following their successes at Provence, the Italian Military continues the fight against would-be "French Invaders" on their home shores and seas.

In the waters near Sicily, the Italian Navy has dealt another crushing defeat to the French in the Mediterranean Sea. The French Fleet, attempting to re-establish a blockade on Sicily, has been thoroughly crippled and routed by the Italian Navy. The Italian Navy only suffered Small damage to their ships and lost 1 ship's combat effectiveness, while the French Navy suffered Severe damage to their fleet, with 7 ships losing combat effectiveness.

In conjunction with the Naval attacks, the Italian Army of Sicily has launched another brazen assault on the French positions. Outmanned, out gunned, low on supplies and low in spirit, the French force continued to put up a spirited defense against the massive assault by the Italians. Although the French were able to repel and achieve victory over the Italian attack, casualties forced the army to once again retreat further to the beachhead. Now, with the French navy gone and the possibility of encirclement by the Italian Army and Navy, the French stranded on Sicily feel hopeless as they continue their seemingly futile defense. The assault caused a total of 21 thousand Italian casualties while the French suffered 32 thousand casualties.

In contrast to the seemingly limitless defeats suffered by France, the French can claim a small victory in the sands of North Africa. The French offensive, throughout the entire front line, has resulted in small gains for the French. The Italian force in North Africa, despite rushed fortifications near the city of Medine, have been pushed back by the French Colonial forces and soldiers of the French Foreign Legion. While the front remains a stalemate, the small gains by France are enough to push back the Italians slightly into a difficult position. The offensive caused a total of 54 thousand casualties for the Italians while the French forces suffered a total of 47 thousand casualties.
Europe's Sea War

"The Red Seas"

The Seas surrounding Europe have turned red with the blood of man. Skirmishes and Battles rage wherever there is water and room for a ship, and this past month 2 massive battles have resulted in 2 equally massive losses of life.

In the English Channel, the already battered French Navy has once again been attacked by the ferocious German Navy. The Germany Navy launched a great offensive with many ships, hoping to break the back of the French in the Sea with a quick and decisive blow. In contrast to the easy victories achieved in Alsace-Lorraine and Provence, the German Navy struggled in close and pitched combat against the ships of France. Shell and shot skipped over water and steel alike, with smoke filling the air. When the confrontation was over, the French were forced to retreat once again from the stalemate. The encounter caused Medium damage to the French Northern Fleet, with 4 ships losing combat effectiveness. The German Navy also suffered Medium damage, with 3 ships losing combat effectiveness.

Another defeat awaited France just north of the French port city of Calais. This defeat, however, would become more than just a simple defeat for France. Instead, it will go down in history as one of the deadliest mistakes to have befallen France in this era. A large transport fleet, carrying some 150 thousand French soldiers through the Strait of Dover, was hampered by a German placed field of sea mines. Many ships struck mines and were destroyed, killing hundreds, if not thousands. As the fleet continued its journey, a force of German ships befell upon the fleet like lightning. Outnumbered and outgunned, the French Transport Fleet fought desperately to escape with the few escort ships available. Resistance was futile, however, as the few escorts were either routed or sunk by the predatory German force. The unarmed Transport ships, hopelessly sailing ahead in a desperate attempt to escape, were sunk one by one by one. Over the course of a week, every single transport in that fleet was hunted and sunk by the German Navy. No French ship reached its destination. The 150 thousand men aboard the French transports all met painful, slow, watery deaths. The encounter cost the French the entire transport fleet and 150 thousand men, while the Germans walked away with only Small damages and 1 ship losing combat effectiveness.

In Germany, the situation for the Government has improved slightly. The infamous Communist "Lenin" has been apprehended and is being held on charges of Treason, Espionage, and Inciting a Revolution. He has been shown to Germany not as a communist revolutionary but as a Russian agent. Despite the denial of such accusations by Lenin, many in Germany have stopped supporting the rogue. However, their socialist sympathies still linger. The situation has also improved with news of great victories by the might German Army. Taking a huge toll on the French and advancing further into France, the recent victories have been a great boon for the government. The people, despite their previous unhappiness, take pride in their nation's recent victories and fall for the government's propaganda. In the Picardy Salient, despite the brave defense by "Rebel" German army, their requests for support make it all the way to the Kaiser himself. The situation grows difficult in the Picardy Salient. Relieving the men in Picardy may be a great propaganda tool for the Germans, as well as an opportunity to regain control of their military if they so choose it.

Meanwhile in Russia, the great changes have been made. Tsar Nicholas II has abdicated the throne, following great scandal and unrest from his incompetent rule. His brother, Mikhail Alexandrovich, has assumed the Throne. The assumption of a new and competent Tsar was met with indifference, however his actions quickly improved the mood of the people. The banishment of Rasputin from the Imperial Court pleased many from both the Nobility and the Commoners, who saw Rasputin as a source of evil in the Russian government.  The Tsar's new decree that he will work towards healthcarre for the Russian people however, was met with outcry. The people did not want healthcare, they wanted change! More change was brought, however, as the Tsar soon ordered the lifting of taxes on Russian oil, alcoholic beverages, and breweries. The people rejoiced at the reforms for cheaper booze, with many distracting themselves with drink. Tsar Mikhailovich's promise to rejoin the war against Germany in the future also sparked great fervor, with many seeing the actions as courageous and bold. Despite many calls for democratic reform, the Tsar's case that the one true government of Russia is with the Soverign, appointed by God with Divine Right, was enough to dissuade the many pious Orthodox Russians into rejecting their previous calls for democracy. The Russian Military, with new found confidence in their sovereign, has committed itself to the new Tsar, giving the government back its control of the Military. All in all, the Russian populace has been appeased for the moment. However, storm clouds brew over Russia's smaller dominions; the Catholic populations of Poland and Little Russia grow tired of the seemingly evil oppression coming from the Orthodox Russians, with small regions rising up for more autonomy, rights, and even independence. While the Russian population has calmed down, Russia's "other" ethnicities rise up.

In contrast to the peoples of Russia and Germany growing happier with the government, in France the opposite is occurring. France's recent attack on the UK has angered many French people, who view the attack as a clear example of the Government overstepping its boundaries and ignoring its people. The recent court martial of the French High Command also brews unrest in the French military, with many agreeing it the attack was ordered from the highest echelon of power. Many in the French Military see the court martial of High Commanders as an insult to the French Army and Navy, as well as a move by the government to cover its tracks. The recent devastation and losses suffered by France in the multi-front war also brews unhappiness with the people. Many see the recent catastrophes for France as sure examples of the Government's incompetence. All in all, the people of France hate their government more and more everyday, with many in the Military joining them in their unhappiness.

The situation is similar in the UK as well. The British, being proud and mighty, view the attack on Dover as a stab-in-the-back, obviously something that only a slimy Frenchman would attempt. The people of Britain call for retribution against France, with some in Parliament and the Populace even calling for war! "No one backstabs the British Empire!" is a popular rallying cry for those who wish for retribution. Volunteers for the French Britannic Legion have been turned away by the Raid on Dover, and many who have enlisted with the French return home unhappy and unwilling to serve. The unwillingness to commit to war and retribution by the current British government has made many in Britain view the current Liberal administration as "Weak" and "Un-British". The people demand retribution, and are not satisfied by their government.

Europe Map

The date is April 1st.

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #638 on: January 31, 2016, 01:18:43 am »
The Italian Army parades through Marseilles many pictures are taken for propaganda purposes.

Offline Bravescot

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #639 on: January 31, 2016, 01:23:52 am »

"Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno"

All French prisoners of war will be handed over to the Red Cross in Switzerland for their internment

These men will be treated as the Geneva conversion demands, they have fought valiantly but now their war is over.

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #640 on: January 31, 2016, 01:40:26 am »
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

Following public outcry, the Liberal Prime Minister has decided to offer his resignation to the King. The King appointed a member of the conservative party to form a new cabinet, and today it was sworn in. Among the members of the cabinet are many known for their patriotism and loyalty to the Crown. Indeed, the phrase 'Radical Conservative' has been uttered by some. The new Prime Minister gave a radio speech today

The shame of the vile stab in Britain's back cannot and will not be washed away by a court. Spilled blood can only be cleared by spilled blood. In the name of the people of Great Britain and Ireland, in the name of our beloved King, and in the name of God Almighty, I have sent a letter to the French Government, informing them that we are now at war . I call upon all the finest patriotic British young men to take up arms. We shall not cease this mission, this holy mission, until we have shown the world that no-one, I say, NO-ONE, should dare betray us! God save the British Empire, and God save the King!

The United Kingdom declares war on France, but does not become a part of the Centrals. It is a separate war.
The United Kingdom starts a recruitment campaign (Goes on Partial mobilization)
The United Kingdom sends out their navy and invites the German Naval Command to coordinate German action's with theirs.

« Last Edit: January 31, 2016, 01:42:21 am by Duuring »

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #641 on: January 31, 2016, 02:40:46 am »

"Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno"

The Republic of Switzerland will focus on Light Artillery

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #642 on: January 31, 2016, 01:15:11 pm »

The Portuguese Republic is tired of its ally France being such a coward! Attacking neutral British ships, and causing havoc in the diplomatic ground in Europe.
The Portuguese Republic stops its alliance with France.

Portugal will aid its ally Britain on the war against France!
The Portuguese Republic declares war on France!

All French citizens in Portuguese soil will go unharmed, as its their government which is to blame for all of this!
But any French citizen, in Portuguese soil, that makes an action against the Portuguese Republic will be seen as a spy. With that they will be executed.

- His Excellency the President of the Portuguese Republic

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #643 on: January 31, 2016, 05:13:01 pm »

The Third French Republic

The French Republic is dissatisfied that it's old ally, the United Kingdom, has declared war on them. The French Republic has decided to not only withdraw the reparations that were originally going to be given to the UK, but the officers in the navy will be repositioned on their boats.

The French Republic would like to announce that research has finished on the M15 Adrian Helmet. They will replace the old felt caps, which will be collected and melted down to produce more soldiers uniforms. Research will now begin on Level 1 Gas Warfare.

Adrian Helmet

The French Republic will instead focus on the production of Heavy Artillery and Machine-Guns, rather than the Light Artillery and Machine-guns.

Heavy Machine-Gun

The French Republic will use the money it got from recent sales of grenades to start mass producing war supplies. All citizens of France, no matter if they are rich or poor, shall be taxed by 20% which shall go toward purchasing military supplies. Women are now permitted to work in factories.

Propaganda about the Germans, Italians and Spanish will be spread throughout the country, in an attempt to influence more people to develop a war fervor. Pro-French Propaganda will be spread.

French Propaganda

The French Republic speaks on the radio, in an attempt to persuade more French soldiers to join the military and fight off the German hordes:

"Citizens of France! For months, our men have been killed in battle and the warmongering Germans have advanced into our lands, pillaging as they continue their march of destruction. If we work together, we can achieve great things -- we can push back the Germans to their lands and re-claim the rightful province of Alsace-Lorainne! Do not give up, and to war!"

Raymond Poincaré
French Republic

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #644 on: January 31, 2016, 05:17:16 pm »

Treaty of Bern

- Switzerland gains the following land from France (see below)

- Switzerland and France sign a 5 year non-aggression treaty

- Switzerland re-declares its neutrality