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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #540 on: January 18, 2016, 03:04:21 pm »
Kongeriget Danmark
The king of Denmark is absolutely disgusted at the treaty of Moscow and how Germany could fall their ally of Austria in the back so easily, we condemn the German Empire for this vile act!
Until a peace treaty is signed to end this war we find it necessary that we must enact Partial Mobilization to protect our borders and our national interests, we also encourage our population to form local militias to aid our army incase someone threatens our borders
We recognizes Spain's right to tax all ships entering the straight of Gibraltar the Danish state will pay the tax for all Danish ships passing through

Offline The Mighty McLovin

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #541 on: January 18, 2016, 04:21:43 pm »

The French Republic

The French Republic agrees to signing a non-aggression treaty with the Japanese Empire.

Raymond Poincaré
French Republic

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #542 on: January 18, 2016, 04:40:21 pm »

The French Republic

The French Republic returns its Swiss embassy and apologises for causing an unnecessary conflict with Switzerland.

Raymond Poincaré
French Republic

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #543 on: January 24, 2016, 04:10:21 am »
January 1st-6th

The Kaiser's Government begins negotiating with the People!
The Tsar's Government begins negotiating with the People!

The Republic of France signs a Non-Aggression treaty with the Kingdom of Ethiopia.
The Republic of France signs a Non-Aggression treaty with the Empire of Japan.

The Kingdom of Spain raises Tariff on all imports and exports into the country. Spanish trade begins to falter.
The Kingdom of Spain begins taxing trade through the Strait of Gibraltar.

January 7th-13th

Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria has died of illness. Long Live Emperor Charles I!

Austro-Hungarian Empire reverts to Full Mobilization.

Austro-Hungarian Empire accepts the Peace Treaty with the German Empire! Tensions remain high.
Austro-Hungarian Empire accepts the German return to the Central Powers!

Spain enters Excessive Mobilization.

Republic of Switzerland enters Full Mobilization.

Kingdom of Denmark enters Partial Mobilization.

Western Front
On the Western Front, the war continues its so-far unending cycle of Death. Another French offensive has begun, this time with even more men and more vigor. In the North, the French armies attempt to break the stalemates in Picardy and Alsace-Lorraine. Despite their brave efforts and many French dead, the major breakthrough the French hoped for continues to elude them. Suffering a total 30 thousand casualties from both Picardy and Alsace-Lorraine, the frontlines have remained the same, with only very minor German gains in Alsace-Lorraine. The German army in Alsace-Lorraine, despite unrest back home, remains in fighting condition and continues the struggle against the French while the discontent Germany army in the North, despite being significantly outnumbered, holds fast with heavy fortifications. A total count of 25 thousand casualties from both offensives on the German side have been reported.

Further south, the French offensives against the Italians have been halted. The valiant French attacks have been all but futile as the Italians continue to bring in more and more troops from the Italian Peninsula. Despite the winter impairing military action, the French continue to move back and forth, with many predicting a continuation of their current offensives. French casualties number so far at 19 thousand, while Italian casualties number 22 thousand.
Mediterranean War

In the Mediterranean, France has continued its efforts to dominate the war on the seas. Increasing numbers of French ships have been spotted off the coasts of North Africa, Sardinia, Sicily and the "tip" of the Boot of Italy. Italian trade and shipping has been severely impaired as a result, with the blockade of Sardinia remaining unbroken.

On the Island of Sardinia, the French invasion continues in-so-far unopposed. A growing portion of Sardinia is under French occupation, leaving many fleeing south in fear of the French soldiers. Treatment, according to the French however, of civilians has been benevolent.

In Sicily, the French have staged another invasion. This time onto Italian soil, opposition has remained so far non-existent. Despite the lack of resistance, the civilian population of Sicily has remained mostly uncooperative. Advances are slow, which may put the French in a tough position, as rumors of another huge Italian "horde" circulate throughout the invading French ranks. The French expeditions into Italian lands may prove disastrous.
North African Front

In North Africa, the French have begun what appears to be a major offensive operation. Thousands of French, Colonial, and Légion Étrangère troops have begun the bloody battle for North Africa. The fighting in North Africa is so far a bloody stalemate, with the French unable to make a significant gain upon the huge horde of entrenched Italians. Despite this lack of success on both sides, many see still believe that a quick victory in North Africa is on the horizon. While the French offensive has been halted, it may be only the beginning of long, arduous fight for Africa's Mediterranean coast.

In the German Empire, unrest has begun to slowly calm down. The calls for reforms and actions by the People and Military have been answered, as the Kaiser's Government has agreed to convene and negotiate reforms amongst themselves and representatives from the unhappy parties. There are fears, however, that unscrupulous parties or individuals may use this opportunity to further their own agendas.

There is opposition however. From Germany's Noble classes comes outcry as news of possible democratic reforms spreads. The Aristocratic class of Germany expresses many concerns with the reforms proposed and directly oppose the people. This struggle between the German Upper and Lower class may prove catastrophic should the Government become too liberal or not appease the lower class. Many in both the Upper and Lower class are united, however, in their displeasure of the diplomatic efforts of the Kaiser. Citing the betrayal of their close ally, Austria-Hungary, and the subsequent breaking of the heinous Treaty of Moscow, many Germans view their Government now as cowardly and Un-German, specifically in their declaration of War against their German ally only 2 weeks prior. All wait the coming actions of the Kaiser.

Meanwhile in Russia, the government has succeeded in calming down the people, however they still do not have control over significant amounts of them. A portion of Russia's military still continues its march on Petrograd, growing stronger every day. More and more Enlisted Men in the Russian Military display their unhappiness with the current administration, with mutinies and strikes rampant in the Military and Laborers. In Russia's White and Little Russian regions, many unhappy peoples are using this discontent to promote nationalistic ideals, expressing the need for more autonomy and even the need for independence! Russia's Cossack populations also express their great unhappiness with the Tsar, with many joining nationalistic efforts in Little Russia. There are even talks of different political parties beginning to form to further their own ambitions. While many of these movements are still in their infancy, the actions of the Tsar will determine whether Russia recovers from this situation as a minor setback or if Russia will be broken by the hot fires of Civil War.
In Other News
The New York Stock Exchange in New York City, United States of America announces record growth in American Industry. Analysts agree that the distant war in Europe has certainly correlated with this spontaneous growth.

A factory in Amsterdam, Netherlands has exploded in what appears to be an accident. Local authorities have investigated, citing a possible cause as simple user error. Speculation arises, however, as to why the factory has exploded: it is officially a factory contracted to a Dutch weapons manufacturer.

In Ethiopia, new domestic reforms have been passed by the Royal Government. Unofficially called the "Ethiopia for Ethiopians" Bill, the new reforms apparently increase the existence of government in the daily lives of its citizens. Nationalistic ideas are among the many objects to be encouraged this year because of the reforms.

In the Far East, rumors circulate of large scale Nationalistic efforts by the Emperor. Japan, a growing Eastern power known for its bold victory in the Russo-Japanese War, has increased its nationalistic efforts and standing in the East, calling for demilitarization by Russia. What this new upstart nation may do in the future is up for debate.

Map of Europe

The date is January 14th.

Welcome: Glenn as Estados Unidos Mexicanos, Rhen as the Empire of Japan, and RedCoat as Austro-Hungarian Empire.

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #544 on: January 24, 2016, 04:27:48 am »

"Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno"

The Swiss Government refuses France
The Swiss Government withdraws its ambassador from France

It is clear that the French Government's erratic actions are a sign of their unreliability. To this extent the Swiss Government refuses to deal with France any longer. The actions of France suggests clearly that all she wishes for is War with Switzerland in order for her to try and gain a stronger foot hold against Germany. Switzerland will not be used as such a stepping stone!

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #545 on: January 24, 2016, 05:02:47 am »
The Kingdom of Bulgaria

The King of Bulgaria, Ferdinand I encourages the new Austrian-Hungarian Emperor to concede defeat and spare his people from more suffering. He promises to be merciful and would only take whats deserved. After all, it was the Empire of Austria-Hungary that started this full-scale war.
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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #546 on: January 24, 2016, 05:52:59 am »
The German Empire

The lack of respect for the Empire has slowly eroded its foundations, and so to preserve the stability of the state, Kaiser Wilhelm has proclaimed himself Kaiser for life.
The German Empire will continue negotiating with the people of the German Empire and has agreed to give citizens more civil liberties and rights, and to negotiate on what democratic reforms to make.
The German Empire starts mass producing war propaganda to boost nationality in times of need.
In order to appease to Nobles, the German Empire has decided to have more noble advisors and give them more power in decision making. Any nobles loyal to the German Empire will be awarded with medals and decorations for your unwavering faith.
An announcement is made to the German people "Now is not the time for fighting amongst ourselves, we must unite and defeat the common enemy, the Central Powers are united once again, and the French shall face swift judgement at the hands of the German Empire!"
« Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 06:08:41 am by Windflower »

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #547 on: January 24, 2016, 08:32:39 am »
Belgium condemns the actions of Switzerland.
Belgium is shocked. How can an error in a weapobs factory even happen? Belgium sends some investigators to help find the true meaning behind the explosion in the Netherlands.
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Offline Nativemann

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #548 on: January 24, 2016, 08:51:39 am »

Kingdom of Greece

Greece will direct it's focus to Industry and Naval Tactics
Greece will continue to gather the supplies and make plans for the deliveries to the front-lines. Both the I Armed Korp and II Armed Korp is to receive fresh supplies that will sustain any conflict that drags on.

Offline OttoFIN

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #549 on: January 24, 2016, 08:52:41 am »

Ferdinand I of Romania speaks about the situation in France;
"Brave Frenchmen, fighting on two fronts and attempting to push the enemy back. We would be happy to assist, if we had a safe route,
but for now we're on our own, only with our dearest words to help each other. Fight on, victory can be tomorrow!"
« Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 09:28:03 am by OttoFIN »

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #550 on: January 24, 2016, 11:58:30 am »
The Spanish school system is to be reformed yet again, with focus on nationalism. All school children, will have to spend a minimum of 1 hour a week learning about the greatness of our country, and how they can make it greater by joining civil services, or signing up for military service when they leave school.

Taxes are slightly lowered on land trade coming in and out of the country.

Offline The Mighty McLovin

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #551 on: January 24, 2016, 12:42:31 pm »

The French Republic

The French Republic condemns Switzerland's actions. A so-called neutral nation has went into mobilisation and closed down their embassy with me? For what reason? I have returned my embassy and have no intentions of declaring war on you, we're already struggling in this war. But, if you wish to do this to yourself, feel free. We're not going to do anything.

The French Republic expresses its sorrow for the Netherlands, and will happily send over architects and workers to help re-build the weapons that were lost.

The French Republic thanks Romania for its kind words, and wishes the same to Romania.

The French Republic is tired of the German threat. We hereby remove anyone from Parliament that is of German origins, and higher taxes will be implemented upon the middle and upper class who are of German descent. Anti-German propaganda will be spread throughout France in school, in the newspaper and anyone in the armed forces will be taught anti-German propaganda. Anyone in France that may be distributing anti-French propaganda will be imprisoned for the remainder of the war, where they will be deported to another country after the war. For France!

The French Republic is pleased that hand grenade research is completed, and would like to announce to the world that it has completed research of hand grenades! The French Republic will be willing to sell grenades to any of the following countries:

- Russian Empire
- Kingdom of Serbia
- Kingdom of Bulgaria
- Kingdom of Greece
- Kingdom of Romania
- Principality of Montenegro
- Kingdom of Denmark
- Kingdom of the Netherlands
- Kingdom of Belgium
- Principality of Luxembourg
- Kingdom of Spain
- Republic of Portugal
- Empire of Japan
- United States of America

Raymond Poincaré
French Republic

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #552 on: January 24, 2016, 01:53:49 pm »
Belgium would happily purchase the hand grenades from France.

Belgium requests to buy the technology of the Grenades as well, to be able to manufacture it in Belgium as well and base new technologies on this presented one.
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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #553 on: January 24, 2016, 02:50:50 pm »

Japan, the Empire of the Rising Sun,

The Japanese Empire is outraged with the German and Russian Empires, and Great Britain. Its attitude towards France and Portugal improves.

The previous governmental policies remain.

Japan opens schools in Korea, to teach the Japanese language.
All children aged 8-14 are required to attend daily lessons.

Former military heroes have been awarded minor nobility titles in Korea,
along with estates and land areas.

Pro-Japanese Korean nobility can hold higher positions in society.
Japan offers France an alliance.

Japan will close the embassies of Britain, Germany and Russia.
The remaining embassies in Japan are: the French and Portuguese.

Japan wishes to purchase grenades from the French.

Offline The Mighty McLovin

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #554 on: January 24, 2016, 03:10:31 pm »

The Third French Republic

As of today, all children in school will be taught not to forget the lost provinces of Alsace-Lorraine. On maps, the provinces of Alsace-Lorraine will be painted black.

The French Republic has agreed with the Kingdom of Belgium to sell 70,000 F1 Grenades for the price of £20 each. Belgium will not be allowed to dissect the grenades and retrieve the blueprints.

The French Republic has agreed to go into a military alliance with the Empire of Japan.

The French Republic has agreed with the Empire of Japan to sell 200,000 F1 Grenades for the price of £20 each. Japan will be allowed to dissect the grenades and retrieve the blueprints.

Raymond Poincaré
French Republic
« Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 03:26:42 pm by The Mighty McLovin »