Author Topic: The community deserves better  (Read 72460 times)

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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #360 on: January 27, 2013, 11:25:35 pm »
All I can say is FSE need to SoRt their shit out unless they wanna loose support


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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #361 on: January 27, 2013, 11:27:16 pm »
All I can say is FSE need to SoRt their shit out unless they wanna loose support
They've already taken some steps. If you want to know the entire thing, you'd have to read everything. Took me forever, but then at least you can give some proper arguments. :P

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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #362 on: January 27, 2013, 11:27:39 pm »
Complaints about NA server administration likely stem from the fact that before the recent induction of a new wave of admins, rules were not strictly enforced because there were not many admins. Now that there are, some people feel that it's too heavy-handed, and it is precisely those that speak up, resulting in a good deal of observation bias on behalf of those who don't visit official US servers. As has always been stated, if you have a specific problem with a specific person on the US servers, you should contact Deo or LittleGuy and not yell about it somewhere.
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Offline Sanderos25

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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #363 on: January 27, 2013, 11:29:16 pm »
All I can say is FSE need to SoRt their shit out unless they wanna loose support
They've already taken some steps. If you want to know the entire thing, you'd have to read everything. Took me forever, but then at least you can give some proper arguments. :P
What steps? appointing reps? how much do you actually think they can do? it will be just as corrupt as it is now
"Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied." - Otto von Bismarck


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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #364 on: January 27, 2013, 11:30:07 pm »
Hello Everyone,

In light of recent comments and opinions voiced by some of the community, we feel its best to restate the position of FSE in relation to the community and the official servers. The servers which we maintain are done so on a voluntary basis at private expense for the benefit of the public players for the sake of community, we try to host servers that are open to all and and are fun to play on, to the best of our ability.

Now, the difficulty of maintaining these servers is obvious and despite our efforts, there will be failures on the part of the admin team and the owners. As a game development company we have overstepped ourselves when dealing with the community. To that end, we will be making certain changes in regards how FSE deals with the community:

1. FSE will be taking a step back from community altering decisions. In our pursuit of stopping an argument that had been made three times over the possession of the 51st name we rashly decided to remove the object that was contested, instead of punishing the ones who were breaking forum policy. Inadvertently we managed to punish the entire community by removing something that rightfully should have been theirs. For this, we apologize, and will now rectify. We will no longer withhold  any regiment number, even if it proves a source of great controversy and fighting. We will no longer involve ourselves in this process. As such we will return it to the last community member that had possession of said regiment name.

2. Now, even though we are from now going to step back from these kind of decisions and loosen the grip we try to have over the community, there may be a time in the future when such decisions may need to be made. But it will no longer only be in our hands, instead If such a time comes, we will need a base of respected players who can give an informed opinion on such decisions, before we make them. Thus, we will be instituting a new group of players on our forums, the NW Community Representatives. They will be nominated by the community, and will have access to a new forum board area. If FSE sees a need to make a community altering decision, we will first post the proposal of such in this area, in order to gain necessary community feedback so as to make an informed decision. This place will be carefully watched Their opinions will guide our policy, and allow the community a voice to the FSE management.

We will be setting up the Community Representative Process shortly. I look forward to serious dialogue taking place, with real solutions being found with help from both the administration and the community.
This is what they have decided on doing so far.

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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #365 on: January 27, 2013, 11:31:11 pm »
All I can say is FSE need to SoRt their shit out unless they wanna loose support
They've already taken some steps. If you want to know the entire thing, you'd have to read everything. Took me forever, but then at least you can give some proper arguments. :P
What steps? appointing reps? how much do you actually think they can do? it will be just as corrupt as it is now
Steps are called steps for a reason. They are gradual. You can't just magically appear in another place; you have to walk there.


Offline PrideofNi

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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #366 on: January 27, 2013, 11:34:40 pm »
Ni, I think you are correct with most of your points.
Criticizing the US side may not have been the right thing to do, though he also didn't force that topic, but merely said that he had heard some things, so I wouldn't elaborate on the US administrations, since I haven't heard any NA players specifically voice their complaints about the US Administration.
As for the EU Administration I have also never really seen any injustice, since I seldomly frequent the Official Servers, though reading some of the posts here, the appointing of admins does seem quite biased. True, they are mostly well-known players, but not all of them and why would being well known make you a good admin. You can be on the server often and still have flaws, which would allow you to play on the server, but now admin it. Other players may not be on the servers often but would have the qualities which are necessary. So that point is in my view invalid.
The rest I can agree on.

Some kisses for you!  :-* :-* :-*

First of thank you Jackie for putting some points forward  :-* I only mentioned the US side as I see due to Hekko's silly accusations a valued member of the US team is lost, which I know Crunch was since I mid-night raid from time to time  :P

I mentioned well known why? Simple to show the logic that well known players shouldn't be admin doesn't make sence, if that aren't active on the server then what is the point? I am not saying its the only quality that should be looked for but its should be one, the reason being as I mentioned above. EU admins are decided upon by the invitation of the head admin and Vince sometimes. This system is different than US. Not saying its better, not saying its worse. Some of the aggressive tones have come because Hekko's friend didn't get admin, I will keep my views on that in the place they are meant to be, as we all agreed to the rules that came with being an Official admin, to which I want to follow. How can one enforce the rules if he does not follow them?

Well after reading through this thread for the last 20mins, I can't say I am surprised. Yes, the team made some weird decisions and things where getting out of control (Craigs ban, and only Craigs ban). Some of the insulting remarks is horrendous in this thread. Read through the thread again when you aren't high as a kite looking for drama, which I know for a fact some of you are. Look at what "community" you make us out to be. Not one I would want to be apart of and one I am thankful I know in reality it isn't.

Firstly lets get down to the server administration. Of which there is a lot I could say on the issue however I will keep it brief to the topics already mentioned as this isn't the place to bring up more. EU server, how many of you have been wronged by the admin, I repeat, ADMIN, not dev. I couldn't imagine the list is long. I have played on many games and we are quite lucky for the EU server and team we have. I admit we do make some mistakes, however it isn't out of ill-will, we are doing this TO HELP other players, obviously. Hence why if you ask for an admin in the chat we try and address your concern or when you message us on steam, we try and help you out. Sure there are some questionable people in the team and more thinking needs to be done before appointing more admins. There is a big uproar about "well known people getting admin". Tell me, how do you become well know? More than likely being on the server, which is pretty key when selecting an admin, so I do not understand that logic.

On to the US team. Quite frankly I have no idea how any EU member can critise them. Tell me Hekko, how many times have you been on the US server? I bet its not more than I have. You have no idea the difference and the hard job US admins have. So please, don't start busting out wild accusations by saying you heard this or that just as a way to attack FSE.

Now onto the main point. Forum administration. I think the real issue here is, rules are not specific enough and perhaps there just isn't enough coverage. I have seen plenty of pathetic drama on this forum, some of it is funny I must admit, some of it is just boring and lame (51st name). I do not agree, as previously stated with Craigs ban, was a tad heavy handed, which must be avoided so that a forum can be what it should. A place of free discussion, ideas etc. I understand that inorder to grow the community the forums need to be a welcoming place and lets be fair, we as a community somewhat fail on that one. We can not solely blame FSE team for it, however they should take some heat for their role played, of which is being over reacted upon in this thread.

Reading through this thread I saw little but pity arguing with only a few posts worth reading. We need to rethink the struct of the forum and how and what should be punished and how. With a clear and transparent system so that people know whats happening and why.

I hope that this post will be taken in the light it was wrote in and not simply bashed. I also hope you provide something to the discussion so that we can finally put this community to rest. Which btw is far more peaceful than some of the other ones I have and still am in (total goodness lol).

No that was not the point... i suggest you read it again, the point is that people that really do an effort for this game get cracked down and people that get invited to join, raise eyebrows in the community
Could you be more specific with what you are referring to as I don't understand what you are talking about.

All I can say is FSE need to SoRt their shit out unless they wanna loose support

Can you also be more specific, sort WHAT out. You post here saying they need to sort something out yet don't say what nor say what you want. Try and think as you are in the other persons shoes to imagine what they need from you...its quite helpful.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2013, 11:38:18 pm by PrideofNi »

Offline Blade

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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #367 on: January 27, 2013, 11:37:44 pm »
I hope this is a joke..

23:13 - ****: The community representative thing is utterly useless
23:13 - Blobmania [Redthorn-Dev]: Shush, people aren't meant to be realising that yet :P
23:13 - ****: so tempted to post this on the thread now
23:14 - ****: ....
23:14 - Blobmania [Redthorn-Dev]: Haha
23:14 - ****: I actually don't give a fuck about this. The community is shit from bottom to top with some exceptions.

Offline Vorlen

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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #368 on: January 27, 2013, 11:40:21 pm »
Ni, I think you are correct with most of your points.
Criticizing the US side may not have been the right thing to do, though he also didn't force that topic, but merely said that he had heard some things, so I wouldn't elaborate on the US administrations, since I haven't heard any NA players specifically voice their complaints about the US Administration.
As for the EU Administration I have also never really seen any injustice, since I seldomly frequent the Official Servers, though reading some of the posts here, the appointing of admins does seem quite biased. True, they are mostly well-known players, but not all of them and why would being well known make you a good admin. You can be on the server often and still have flaws, which would allow you to play on the server, but now admin it. Other players may not be on the servers often but would have the qualities which are necessary. So that point is in my view invalid.
The rest I can agree on.

Some kisses for you!  :-* :-* :-*

First of thank you Jackie for putting some points forward  :-* I only mentioned the US side as I see due to Hekko's silly accusations a valued member of the US team is lost, which I know Crunch was since I mid-night raid from time to time  :P

I mentioned well known why? Simple to show the logic that well known players shouldn't be admin doesn't make sence, if that aren't active on the server then what is the point? I am not saying its the only quality that should be looked for but its should be one, the reason being as I mentioned above. EU admins are decided upon by the invitation of the head admin and Vince sometimes. This system is different than US. Not saying its better, not saying its worse. Some of the aggressive tones have come because Hekko's friend didn't get admin, I will keep my views on that in the place they are meant to be, as we all agreed to the rules that came with being an Official admin, to which I want to follow. How can one enforce the rules if he does not follow them?

Well after reading through this thread for the last 20mins, I can't say I am surprised. Yes, the team made some weird decisions and things where getting out of control (Craigs ban, and only Craigs ban). Some of the insulting remarks is horrendous in this thread. Read through the thread again when you aren't high as a kite looking for drama, which I know for a fact some of you are. Look at what "community" you make us out to be. Not one I would want to be apart of and one I am thankful I know in reality it isn't.

Firstly lets get down to the server administration. Of which there is a lot I could say on the issue however I will keep it brief to the topics already mentioned as this isn't the place to bring up more. EU server, how many of you have been wronged by the admin, I repeat, ADMIN, not dev. I couldn't imagine the list is long. I have played on many games and we are quite lucky for the EU server and team we have. I admit we do make some mistakes, however it isn't out of ill-will, we are doing this TO HELP other players, obviously. Hence why if you ask for an admin in the chat we try and address your concern or when you message us on steam, we try and help you out. Sure there are some questionable people in the team and more thinking needs to be done before appointing more admins. There is a big uproar about "well known people getting admin". Tell me, how do you become well know? More than likely being on the server, which is pretty key when selecting an admin, so I do not understand that logic.

On to the US team. Quite frankly I have no idea how any EU member can critise them. Tell me Hekko, how many times have you been on the US server? I bet its not more than I have. You have no idea the difference and the hard job US admins have. So please, don't start busting out wild accusations by saying you heard this or that just as a way to attack FSE.

Now onto the main point. Forum administration. I think the real issue here is, rules are not specific enough and perhaps there just isn't enough coverage. I have seen plenty of pathetic drama on this forum, some of it is funny I must admit, some of it is just boring and lame (51st name). I do not agree, as previously stated with Craigs ban, was a tad heavy handed, which must be avoided so that a forum can be what it should. A place of free discussion, ideas etc. I understand that inorder to grow the community the forums need to be a welcoming place and lets be fair, we as a community somewhat fail on that one. We can not solely blame FSE team for it, however they should take some heat for their role played, of which is being over reacted upon in this thread.

Reading through this thread I saw little but pity arguing with only a few posts worth reading. We need to rethink the struct of the forum and how and what should be punished and how. With a clear and transparent system so that people know whats happening and why.

I hope that this post will be taken in the light it was wrote in and not simply bashed. I also hope you provide something to the discussion so that we can finally put this community to rest. Which btw is far more peaceful than some of the other ones I have and still am in (total goodness lol).

No that was not the point... i suggest you read it again, the point is that people that really do an effort for this game get cracked down and people that get invited to join, raise eyebrows in the community
Could you be more specific with what you are referring to as I don't understand what you are talking about.

Well, no. This was never a lynch mob. If people want to get up and /quit instead of constructive discussion then in my eyes that shows something. No-one is saying "OMG U GOTZ 2 QUIT". I didn't even want Kitty removed, i don't know her, i dont have an opinion on her at all. What i question is the general management and hypocritical decisions. If that causes people to act prematurely so be it. Littleguy stood up preparted to take the flak on himself, and i commend that.

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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #369 on: January 27, 2013, 11:40:39 pm »
I hope this is a joke..

23:13 - ****: The community representative thing is utterly useless
23:13 - Blobmania [Redthorn-Dev]: Shush, people aren't meant to be realising that yet :P
23:13 - ****: so tempted to post this on the thread now
23:14 - ****: ....
23:14 - Blobmania [Redthorn-Dev]: Haha
23:14 - ****: I actually don't give a fuck about this. The community is shit from bottom to top with some exceptions.
Oh lawd


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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #370 on: January 27, 2013, 11:43:58 pm »
Ni, I think you are correct with most of your points.
Criticizing the US side may not have been the right thing to do, though he also didn't force that topic, but merely said that he had heard some things, so I wouldn't elaborate on the US administrations, since I haven't heard any NA players specifically voice their complaints about the US Administration.
As for the EU Administration I have also never really seen any injustice, since I seldomly frequent the Official Servers, though reading some of the posts here, the appointing of admins does seem quite biased. True, they are mostly well-known players, but not all of them and why would being well known make you a good admin. You can be on the server often and still have flaws, which would allow you to play on the server, but now admin it. Other players may not be on the servers often but would have the qualities which are necessary. So that point is in my view invalid.
The rest I can agree on.

Some kisses for you!  :-* :-* :-*

First of thank you Jackie for putting some points forward  :-* I only mentioned the US side as I see due to Hekko's silly accusations a valued member of the US team is lost, which I know Crunch was since I mid-night raid from time to time  :P

I mentioned well known why? Simple to show the logic that well known players shouldn't be admin doesn't make sence, if that aren't active on the server then what is the point? I am not saying its the only quality that should be looked for but its should be one, the reason being as I mentioned above. EU admins are decided upon by the invitation of the head admin and Vince sometimes. This system is different than US. Not saying its better, not saying its worse. Some of the aggressive tones have come because Hekko's friend didn't get admin, I will keep my views on that in the place they are meant to be, as we all agreed to the rules that came with being an Official admin, to which I want to follow. How can one enforce the rules if he does not follow them?
Ah, well I might have phrased a bit mysteriously or simply incorrect there. :P
Well-known doesn't necessarily need you being active on that server. You can be active on it, but not be known at all, simply because you do not communicate much or aren't brilliant at melee. You are quite right that the admins should be active on the server and I was wrong saying that they don't have to be, since if they are not, how can they be up to date. Still that shouldn't be the soul criteria in my opinion.
As for Hekko breaking the admin rules, I already said, that I doubt he'd have achieved much by sticking to the admin circles instead of the normal community. Again I might be mistaken here, since I know close to nothing about the EU admins.
Point is, Hekko achieved something, which lots of people wanted. He might have broken the rules, but he also said he was aware of the consequences his post might have. I respect his move and I would also forgive his breaking of the rules, simply because I know him to be a respectable person and not a notorious rulebreaker.

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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #371 on: January 27, 2013, 11:44:51 pm »
I hope this is a joke..

23:13 - ****: The community representative thing is utterly useless
23:13 - Blobmania [Redthorn-Dev]: Shush, people aren't meant to be realising that yet :P
23:13 - ****: so tempted to post this on the thread now
23:14 - ****: ....
23:14 - Blobmania [Redthorn-Dev]: Haha
23:14 - ****: I actually don't give a fuck about this. The community is shit from bottom to top with some exceptions.
Oh lawd
It's called a joke, ya dinguses.  :D


Offline Chaos

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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #372 on: January 27, 2013, 11:45:24 pm »
I hope this is a joke..

23:13 - ****: The community representative thing is utterly useless
23:13 - Blobmania [Redthorn-Dev]: Shush, people aren't meant to be realising that yet :P
23:13 - ****: so tempted to post this on the thread now
23:14 - ****: ....
23:14 - Blobmania [Redthorn-Dev]: Haha
23:14 - ****: I actually don't give a fuck about this. The community is shit from bottom to top with some exceptions.
Oh lawd
It's called a joke, ya dinguses.  :D
We know :P

Offline Odysseus

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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #373 on: January 27, 2013, 11:46:44 pm »
C'mon guys, let's give this new system a chance first.

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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #374 on: January 27, 2013, 11:46:59 pm »
Just finished reading every single post before mine.

+1 100% Support from me, would love to see some change, especially the North-American side.