Author Topic: The community deserves better  (Read 72663 times)

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Offline Duuring

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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #270 on: January 27, 2013, 10:11:43 pm »
One last post on behalf of my friend craig:

The problem is that our criticisms are valid, but we need to state what we want changed. I was community banned for speaking up against the admins
along with daniel and biggun. I don't think that all the FSE team do an incompotent job, for instance I think Hancock does a great job with the bans and unbans
and acts in a professional manner about such things. Here are a few things that I and I hope most of the community want.

- Re-evaluate your management of the community, and how people are watched/moderated/banned.
- Re-consider people who were given admin who may not be up to the task.
- Stop your blatant favourtisim and biased, to uphold the professionalism of FSE as a company.
- Start treating your community like people you want to keep for the sake of your new game
- Give up on your idea of trying to keep the 51st name, honestly it's offensive to other regiments who have contributed just as much.
- Give community managers to completely Neutral memebrs of the community, who wont have as little bias as possible.
- The developers apologise for how they have been running the community recently, and myself, Daniel, Biggun, Cherry and others are unbanned.

I agree with all said points. And let that be the end of it.

Offline Bashy

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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #271 on: January 27, 2013, 10:11:48 pm »
I think we need a list of demands
  • Kitty removed from her Administrator position
  • The rights to the name of the 51st given to the one who asks for it
  • An official apology from FSE
  • A more universal say in the appointment of administrators (give us a say)
  • Daniel Craig ect un banned from the forums
  • More specific forum rules with new moderators

"time flys like anything these days when old friends start to become faint memories in back of our heads" - Hairywarhero

Offline James Stewart

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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #272 on: January 27, 2013, 10:12:27 pm »
20:49 - FSE_Vincenzo: we will rectify the bullshit
20:50 - [91st] USE4life: In who's favor?
20:50 - [91st] USE4life: Yours or theirs?
20:50 - FSE_Vincenzo: theirs

Apology to Vince if he does not want this to be posted but I think  it may stem the flames
Burn baby burn, disco inferno!

Offline Refleax

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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #273 on: January 27, 2013, 10:12:34 pm »
Hello Everyone,

In light of recent comments and opinions voiced by some of the community, we feel its best to restate the position of FSE in relation to the community and the official servers. The servers which we maintain are done so on a voluntary basis at private expense for the benefit of the public players for the sake of community, we try to host servers that are open to all and and are fun to play on, to the best of our ability.

Now, the difficulty of maintaining these servers is obvious and despite our efforts, there will be failures on the part of the admin team and the owners. As a game development company we have overstepped ourselves when dealing with the community. To that end, we will be making certain changes in regards how FSE deals with the community:

1. FSE will be taking a step back from community altering decisions. In our pursuit of stopping an argument that had been made three times over the possession of the 51st name we rashly decided to remove the object that was contested, instead of punishing the ones who were breaking forum policy. Inadvertently we managed to punish the entire community by removing something that rightfully should have been theirs. For this, we apologize, and will now rectify. We will no longer withhold  any regiment number, even if it proves a source of great controversy and fighting. We will no longer involve ourselves in this process. As such we will return it to the last community member that had possession of said regiment name.

2. Now, even though we are from now going to step back from these kind of decisions and loosen the grip we try to have over the community, there may be a time in the future when such decisions may need to be made. But it will no longer only be in our hands, instead If such a time comes, we will need a base of respected players who can give an informed opinion on such decisions, before we make them. Thus, we will be instituting a new group of players on our forums, the NW Community Representatives. They will be nominated by the community, and will have access to a new forum board area. If FSE sees a need to make a community altering decision, we will first post the proposal of such in this area, in order to gain necessary community feedback so as to make an informed decision. This place will be carefully watched Their opinions will guide our policy, and allow the community a voice to the FSE management.

We will be setting up the Community Representative Process shortly. I look forward to serious dialogue taking place, with real solutions being found with help from both the administration and the community.
May good health be yours.

Offline Odysseus

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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #274 on: January 27, 2013, 10:13:07 pm »
I think we need a list of demands
  • Kitty removed from her Administrator position
  • The rights to the name of the 51st given to the one who asks for it
  • An official apology from FSE
  • A more universal say in the appointment of administrators (give us a say)
  • Daniel Craig ect un banned from the forums
  • More specific forum rules with new moderators
Adding my piece, nice job on being constructive though too  ;)
#Remove the "no popcorn gifs and quoting offensive material" rule (a little drama doesn't hurt, it is the internet after all)
#Reduce crackdown (Watches instead of mutes and bans)

Offline Ronan6793

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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #275 on: January 27, 2013, 10:13:19 pm »
Am I the only one who doesn't care about the Damn regiments, I care more about the admins and think we should Help FSE to create a new way of Choosing admins, My idea is that they should Open a thread to the community asking their opinion on the person Applying and they would then decide Yes or no, Also I think we should Call a vote on the current admins and see the Community's opinion on whether or not they should Keep their Administrative Powers. Finally there should be a Place on the Forums where people Can complain about specific admins if they feel they have been Mistreated. 

Offline ThatSillyLucas

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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #276 on: January 27, 2013, 10:13:23 pm »
I think we need a list of demands
  • Kitty removed from her Administrator position
  • The rights to the name of the 51st given to the one who asks for it
  • An official apology from FSE
  • A more universal say in the appointment of administrators (give us a say)
  • Daniel Craig ect un banned from the forums
  • More specific forum rules with new moderators

I wish that every suggestions are looked at.I remember a phrase from Vince was 'We did it this way because our game became more popular so we did it for newcomers or beginners to make it more easy or something like that' I don't support that, because that means everyone who followed Vince to NW from MM got suddenly forgotten.

Offline TORN

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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #277 on: January 27, 2013, 10:13:31 pm »
I am currently a head admin for the US1 side of things, and I take full responsibility for any actions both admissible and inadmissible by my admin team. I have even gone so far as to personally apologize to those who have been wrongly banned, or had admin powers misused on them. Yes, we do have new admins, and yes our current method of selecting admin may seem like a popularity contest as far as the actual process goes. It goes something like this.

1. We post a thread asking for people to apply for an admin position.

2. All of the admin candidates are then added to a list and mailed to every admin on the team.

3. The admins list the candidates in to three different groups labeled "I think this person would make a good admin" "I have had issue with this person in the past and do not feel they would make a good admin, please explain if you put them here." and "Who the heck is this?"

We do this so that we can gather information on the persons past. Any rule breaking, trolling, bans etc.. This is also used to ensure that the admin team works well together, and we try to avoid any infighting as that just causes problems.

4. We tally up all the Yes/Nos each person got and drop the people will shady pasts, bans for breaking certain rules, and add the group of people that the current admin team agrees will work best.

5. We watch, and remove any admins we feel are misusing their powers even after warnings, and rectify any wrongdoing with the intent on making those admins better as they learn to handle their new position of hatred and disdain amongst the  community.

So no, our process is not perfect, and there is most certainly a period of training that comes with adding a batch of new admins. There are a few things in this game that do not help though. The inclusion of fluff admin guns and weapons that normal players don't get a chance to use does not help us. The draw of these new "toys" is simply too much for a new admin sometimes. And the only way to punish people and remove them from the game is either an hour long or a perma ban. These issues will hopefully be fixed in BCoF.

As far as my admin team's actions go. Yes, there have been mistakes, and most have been rectified. If Crunch does end up resigning, I will be sad to see him go. He above all others with the exception of myself and Deo who have to decide when someone actually gets unbanned has faced more hate and trolling than anyone else on the US1 team and has handled it far better than most would. He has become a great admin since he was added to the roster, and is both fair and logical in his decisions when it comes to banning and punishment. He even gives warnings when he's not supposed to. -_-

At any rate, as I said before. I take full responsibility for all actions taken by my team.

Unless you are a previous 92nd member, i dont know you personally. However, i (on behalf of all who wish me to) would like to say that this isn't a witch hunt, those who are iunnocent, respectfull and caring of the communities opinions, shouldnt be put in a position that they feel the need to apologize, again, Hekko didn't want this to be a witch hunt. If americans think you are at fault then that's another issue :P But, at least in my opinion, this is an issue with the devs rather than a few rogue admins who fuck shit up.

Maybe i'm wrong, in which case, as always, my disclaimer is just ignore me and say im a cock.

"Who the heck is this?" "this guy will make a good admin" "I have had issues"?

You mean..

"Pub/never heard of" "well-known" "troll"

And it's almost always the well-knowns, I have troubles believing the yes and no tallies.  ::)
Exactly what I wanted to say.
By 'Who the heck is this?!' you support favoratism

Offline Jack1995_1

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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #278 on: January 27, 2013, 10:13:40 pm »
Here's a point. This is mabie 2% to 5% of the community. The rest are happily playing the game, abiding by the server rules and not having to worry about any of these arguments. Unfortunally, as with most cases, the unhappy amount are always the most loudly spoken. They are here to complain, taking for granted a game that has given them hours and hours of enjoyment, and forgetting what the real purpose of a game is. To have fun. From the 300+ hours i have spent on NW, i have never seen any admin abuse or unfair banning. There are two sides to every story.

Offline Mik_

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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #279 on: January 27, 2013, 10:13:53 pm »
We want vince not you refleax, your innocent

Offline Thomaas

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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #280 on: January 27, 2013, 10:13:58 pm »
I think we need a list of demands
  • Kitty removed from her Administrator position
  • The rights to the name of the 51st given to the one who asks for it
  • An official apology from FSE
  • A more universal say in the appointment of administrators (give us a say)
  • Daniel Craig ect un banned from the forums
  • More specific forum rules with new moderators

Offline TORN

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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #281 on: January 27, 2013, 10:15:01 pm »
I think we need a list of demands
  • Kitty removed from her Administrator position
  • The rights to the name of the 51st given to the one who asks for it
  • An official apology from FSE
  • A more universal say in the appointment of administrators (give us a say)
  • Daniel Craig ect un banned from the forums
  • More specific forum rules with new moderators
Adding my piece, nice job on being constructive though too  ;)
#Remove the "no popcorn gifs and quoting offensive material" rule (a little drama doesn't hurt, it is the internet after all)
#Reduce crackdown (Watches instead of mutes and bans)
popcorn gifs are rather annoying.
I've made a mistake on doing this. I've learned my lesson.

Offline Xeroth

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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #282 on: January 27, 2013, 10:16:07 pm »
Hello Everyone,

In light of recent comments and opinions voiced by some of the community, we feel its best to restate the position of FSE in relation to the community and the official servers. The servers which we maintain are done so on a voluntary basis at private expense for the benefit of the public players for the sake of community, we try to host servers that are open to all and and are fun to play on, to the best of our ability.

Now, the difficulty of maintaining these servers is obvious and despite our efforts, there will be failures on the part of the admin team and the owners. As a game development company we have overstepped ourselves when dealing with the community. To that end, we will be making certain changes in regards how FSE deals with the community:

1. FSE will be taking a step back from community altering decisions. In our pursuit of stopping an argument that had been made three times over the possession of the 51st name we rashly decided to remove the object that was contested, instead of punishing the ones who were breaking forum policy. Inadvertently we managed to punish the entire community by removing something that rightfully should have been theirs. For this, we apologize, and will now rectify. We will no longer withhold  any regiment number, even if it proves a source of great controversy and fighting. We will no longer involve ourselves in this process. As such we will return it to the last community member that had possession of said regiment name.

2. Now, even though we are from now going to step back from these kind of decisions and loosen the grip we try to have over the community, there may be a time in the future when such decisions may need to be made. But it will no longer only be in our hands, instead If such a time comes, we will need a base of respected players who can give an informed opinion on such decisions, before we make them. Thus, we will be instituting a new group of players on our forums, the NW Community Representatives. They will be nominated by the community, and will have access to a new forum board area. If FSE sees a need to make a community altering decision, we will first post the proposal of such in this area, in order to gain necessary community feedback so as to make an informed decision. This place will be carefully watched Their opinions will guide our policy, and allow the community a voice to the FSE management.

We will be setting up the Community Representative Process shortly. I look forward to serious dialogue taking place, with real solutions being found with help from both the administration and the community.

Let me guess, more "well-knowns" who "deserve admin"?   ::)

A melee competant 6th Season NWL Champ
Karth are we still jealous of your reg?

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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #283 on: January 27, 2013, 10:18:28 pm »
Hello Everyone,

In light of recent comments and opinions voiced by some of the community, we feel its best to restate the position of FSE in relation to the community and the official servers. The servers which we maintain are done so on a voluntary basis at private expense for the benefit of the public players for the sake of community, we try to host servers that are open to all and and are fun to play on, to the best of our ability.

Now, the difficulty of maintaining these servers is obvious and despite our efforts, there will be failures on the part of the admin team and the owners. As a game development company we have overstepped ourselves when dealing with the community. To that end, we will be making certain changes in regards how FSE deals with the community:

1. FSE will be taking a step back from community altering decisions. In our pursuit of stopping an argument that had been made three times over the possession of the 51st name we rashly decided to remove the object that was contested, instead of punishing the ones who were breaking forum policy. Inadvertently we managed to punish the entire community by removing something that rightfully should have been theirs. For this, we apologize, and will now rectify. We will no longer withhold  any regiment number, even if it proves a source of great controversy and fighting. We will no longer involve ourselves in this process. As such we will return it to the last community member that had possession of said regiment name.

2. Now, even though we are from now going to step back from these kind of decisions and loosen the grip we try to have over the community, there may be a time in the future when such decisions may need to be made. But it will no longer only be in our hands, instead If such a time comes, we will need a base of respected players who can give an informed opinion on such decisions, before we make them. Thus, we will be instituting a new group of players on our forums, the NW Community Representatives. They will be nominated by the community, and will have access to a new forum board area. If FSE sees a need to make a community altering decision, we will first post the proposal of such in this area, in order to gain necessary community feedback so as to make an informed decision. This place will be carefully watched Their opinions will guide our policy, and allow the community a voice to the FSE management.

We will be setting up the Community Representative Process shortly. I look forward to serious dialogue taking place, with real solutions being found with help from both the administration and the community.

Let me guess, more "well-knowns" who "deserve admin"?   ::)
They should have an interview process that lasts a week or so.
Watched because i dunno


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Re: The community deserves better
« Reply #284 on: January 27, 2013, 10:19:21 pm »
So does this mean i will or won't get the name ?

Jk jk jk

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