Author Topic: 26th Elite Cameronian Scot Rifles  (Read 1002 times)

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26th Elite Cameronian Scot Rifles
« on: July 14, 2015, 12:13:18 pm »
We are a sub regiment of the 26th Cameronian Scot Rifles , and their Elite troop.
For all the Historical BlaBlaBla which nobody is interested in anyways , please go to the
26th Cameronian Scot Rifles post. We usually woudnt count as a new Regiment as we started only as a squad , but since we are now becoming as big as the whole 26th , i think the Elites also deserve a seperated Post.
We have Multiple leaders and we arent as structured as the rest. we are rather a fun regiment where you kinda relax instead of feeling like being in an actual army , like in NW Regiments.
We just dont like to be strict. Its just a game , afterall.