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Author Topic: *MIGHT RE-OPEN* Napoleonic Wars Commander Battle Campaign  (Read 66846 times)

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Offline Dukey

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*MIGHT RE-OPEN* Napoleonic Wars Commander Battle Campaign
« on: May 05, 2015, 07:21:15 am »
It is with great regret that myself and the rest of the admin team have decided to postpone the NWCBC indefinitely. The decision was taken about a month into the campaign, and I'll list all the reasons below, along with some good things. I don't believe the concept is dead, but I think the way we went about it was fundamentally flawed. None of this is throwing any blame out, it is things that we did foresee, but decided to put a bit of trust in.

The Good
- The encouragement and engagement from the community was outstanding. I mean, seriously brilliant. In the end I think we had about 300-400 signups which is unprecedented.
- The number of people throwing themselves into helping with maps, with admining and helping to make the campaign was great.
- The battles were an insane amount of fun. From the few practice battles we did before the campaign started, to the bot battles in empty provinces, to being destroyed by Prussia, every battle was intense, immersive, and best of all - troll free. Not once did we have anyone fuck around, everyone who came was committed and it was brilliant.
- A lot of the concepts were right, but required a lot more admin work than we actually put in.

The Bad
- After the initial swathe of signups, we waited to long to begin and people either forgot or lost touch. We initially set a distant start date to get as many signups as we could before starting, as well as deciding properly on rules, commanders etc, but people forgot about it and for the most part, we had no way of informing them other than the forum, which leads me to my next point.
- We had a steam group, but I feel like this wasn't advertised enough. We had 30 people sign up in the end to play as Italy, but in the end, our steam group announcements only managed to bring 4 of them online. As with regiments, joining the steam group should have been mandatory.
- The General system. I still think it's the best way to go, but we were unfortunate. While all the generals did (Up to a week late) get back to me with troop placements in the initial phase, only two countries (+ Rhine, which I was in charge of) actually gave me weekly orders as we had agreed. One country had two generals stand down without doing anything which led to a lot of awkward Steam conversations with their members, one declared an attack in the first week, but never actually got their people online to fight it.
- Events should have been scheduled for every week. The initial idea was to play it like the NWL and let the two countries decide when in the week they would play, but I'm not sure how much if any talking actually went on between the other generals. I had so many people saying "Do i have anything this week" and my reply was always "Speak to your general". I think all the battles should have been done at the same time if possible.
- There were too many countries. We shouldn't have accepted all the people who came in and wanted their own, as all it did was dilute the pool of players and make armies a lot smaller and harder to come by (Were I to do it again, I'd probably say...France(Incl Rhine, Italy, Spain), Britain (Incl Portugal?), Russia, Prussia and Austria.
- Murricans. This was a European event, but having Americans made it a lot more difficult to communicate between people. Americans could still be good and play in it (especially if we standardise the battle dates), but if not, the commanders - at least in the early stages - should be European. I was up for making an American counterpart but nobody volunteered to run it.

There are other reasons too, but it's not important. What is important is that we're teaming up with the North and South team to run an NaSCBC to celebrate the release of 1.0 when it comes out Soon(TM).

Each line features a musician, flag bearer and junior officers, and there will be unique units just for the CBC! :D

Please check the link below to register your interest and help us learn from our past mistakes!


Confirmed Rules
1. Battles will begin 1 minute after the reset. This is to allow companies to get into positions and allow artillery etc to unscramble themselves from spawn. Artillery is not allowed to unlimber until the admin says to begin.

2. 'Flanks' will be used to lower the number of bots on servers. Whether different flanks will be used will be decided by the battle admin for the round. Say there will be 3 brigades on each team for a battle. We get the 2 highest ranked officers who will be participating together, and give them a form, similar to the one below.

They will then each fill out which brigades/regiments/companies will be fighting on which flank. This will result in 3 massively smaller battles that *shouldn't* crash people out. At the end, we can have the regiments or companies that haven't been killed off participating in one final battle to determine the victor. These 3 matches could be played simultaneously (if we get enough servers) or one after the other.

3. Ramboing is allowed for people who are in their officer unit. If you have died and are in one of your regular units, then you must stay with the line. This is because as your officer, your life is in your hands. If you want to risk throwing your life away, then it is your risk to take.

4. All players must be present on the NWCBC Teamspeak. Partly to prevent trolls, partly to add to the element of teamwork.

5. The size of each squad will be 10 men.

6. A battle will not take place if a battle admin cannot be found. A list of these will be put up on this post.

7. Any number of rows is fine, but line infantry may not have any "Spread out" orders. Light infantry may have 2 man spacing, and rifles 4.

8. Generals can call for a surrender by talking to a Battle admin. At that point, the admin will put a Surrender notification in admin chat. Forces on the surrendering side will have 1 minute to survive. Any unit that survives the minute will live to fight another day.

Campaign Rules
1. Units will move in a minimum of a regiment sized formations with each Brigadier submitting their moves to a campaign admin.

2. Cavalry on it's own can move two provinces per week, regardless of quantity. Infantry and artillery can move 1 province per week. If cavalry and infantry are together will move at the rate of infantry.

3. Retreating units move at twice the speed of regular units in the direction they moved from.

4. The map to be used will depend on the province, we'll be publishing a map of provincial terrain etc soon.

5. If you die, you respawn as a Lieutenant. Colonels, Generals etc will fall, and be replaced. Having generals and colonels die means there will be a continual refreshment of people, giving others a chance to lead.

6. Each country is only allowed 2 alliances, this is to stop a situation that was already forming where one country was already allied with 4 of the others.

7. Sea tiles will be added, and countries will be able to invade across 1 sea tile. If they choose to do this, a beach assault map will be played.

8. When attacking a neutral province, the battle admin will spawn as a partizani, and lead partizanis into battle.

9. Capturing a province will come after two battles. One in the open, and the second - if there are survivors - being a siege (We will use battle maps with forts).


Steam Group - https://steamcommunity.com/groups/NWCBC
Teamspeak - vs9.tserverhq.com:9166

Yes, you did indeed read that correctly.

I'm not one for formatting. I'll let Fish make some fancy format later, but for now, here is the nitty gritty. I'm curious to see what everyone else thinks about this, and the rules and exact specific details can be sorted later.

Do you have no friends, but still want to play in a linebattle and feel like you have friends? Do you have a really girly voice, and so are under-appreciated by your regiment despite your awesome commanding ability? Regiment leader whose members can't even form a line? Then do we have the event for you!

Starting in June, myself and my good friend Heth will be hosting a Commander Battle Campaign event. We're still in two minds about exactly how everything will work, but what has been discussed and decided is this.

The map will be split into five 10 different nations - no shock, they're the 5 nations present in our beloved NW + 5 more that people bullied me into. Each of these countries will be led by a General (Or whatever the local equivalent is). How this noble paragon of virtue and dignity will be decided has yet to be...decided. Initially, we need a list of every single person who would be interested in playing.  When you sign up, you will be confirmed as a Lieutenant within the army of whatever country you have chosen to fight for and will be assigned to a regiment. Each regiment will consist of 2-5 companies depending on the type of regiment and be led by a colonel. Similar to the general situation, how the colonel of a regiment will be decided hasn't been cleared yet, but will probably be down to people signing up together and the like. When you play, you will be acting as a line's officer in a commander battle game. There will be no set army size, and commanders are free to split up their armies however they wish - You could have all of your troops in one army defending one province, but there's not really much point.

In game, the size of each company (In the admin menu, the unit size) will be 10 men, meaning a regiment will number 20-50 in game. These regiments will then be assigned to a brigade, with the Brigadier general to be selected...well, we don't know how yet. Should the need arise, the brigades will be assigned to divisions.

Should your entire line be wiped out, you will cease to exist, and any rank you possessed will be stripped, and you'll have to start again from Lieutenant with a company. We're intending on having some sort of supply mechanism for re-introducing dead or depleted companies, but the ins and outs will be decided over the coming month.

The beauty of all this is that every battle will be different. Regiments or companies caught out alone, facing a 200-strong brigade? Armies consisting purely of rifles against artillery? It's completely up to you - If your army needs more line infantry, get your buddies to sign up with line infantry companies, just like in reality...kind of. It will be completely fluid. 80 people sign up for glorious UK and only 5 sign up for (dirty) France? Well then France needs to get off their asses and recruit!

Does any of this sound remotely interesting to you? Do you want to help with the writing of rules? Well check below for the two different expression of interest forms and let me know! Please bear in mind things like France having no rifles, Prussia having no light infantry etc. For those of you special snowflakes that aren't sure, I'll slap a couple of spoilers below. The ranks will be included, as a few officer ranks have been omitted for now.

Major General (Possibly)
Brigadier General (Brigade 3-5 Regiments)
Colonel (Regiment 2-5 Companies)
Lieutenant (Company)

United Kingdom
Line Infantry
German Line Infantry (KGL)
Highland Infantry
Foot Guards
Light Infantry
Light Dragoons
Heavy Dragoons
Horse Guards
Artillery (Cannon)
Artillery (Howitzer)

France, Italy and Poland
Line Infantry
Polish Line Infantry
Bavarian Line Infantry
Grenadier Guards
Polish Lancers
Horse Grenadiers
Artillery (Cannon)
Artillery (Howitzer)

Prussia and Confederation of the Rhine
Line Infantry (Brandenburg)
Line Infantry (Rhein)
Foot Guards
Artillery (Cannon)
Artillery (Howitzer)

Line Militia
Line Infantry
Foot Guards
Cavalry Guards
Artillery (Cannon)
Artillery (Howitzer)

Austria, Spain and Bavaria
Line Infantry
Artillery (Cannon)
Artillery (Howitzer)

To Play
[b]Company Type:[/b]
[b]Ideal beginning rank (For the start of the campaign):[/b]
[b]Groups/Individuals you would like to be grouped with:[/b] 

To administrate
[b]Name: [/b]
[b]Previous administrative experience:[/b]
[b]Campaign admin or battle admin:[/b]

We have tentatively coerced Heth into letting us use his teamspeak for the purposes of this event, so please feel free to drop by and say howdy and give us your thoughts. I look forward to seeing them! vs9.tserverhq.com:9166
« Last Edit: July 27, 2016, 07:29:43 pm by Dukey »

Offline Dukey

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Re: Napoleonic Wars Commander Battle Campaign
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2015, 07:21:34 am »
Admin Team
Campaign Admins
Battle Admins

Europe, 1808 (v0.2 - Map Courtesy of AlekoTheGreek, Terrain courtesy of Murch, KingKO)

1.   Ireland
2.   Northern Ireland
3.   Scottish Highlands
4.   Scottish Lowlands
5.   Midlands
6.   The Home Counties
7.   Wales
8.   Cornwall
9.   Netherlands
10.   Benelux
11.   Nord-Pas-de-Calais                                   
12.   Normandie
13.   Lorraine
14.   Bretagne
15.   Pontou-Chrentes
16.   Centre
17.   Aquitaine
18.   Rhone
19.   Asturias
20.   Portugal
21.   Castilla y Leon
22.   Andalucia
23.   Castilla La Mancha
24.   Valencia
25.   Gibraltar
26.   Morocco
27.   West Algeria
28.   East Algeria
29.   Tunis
30.   Sardinia
31.   Corsica
32.   Norway
33.   Sweden
34.   Denmark
35.   Brunswick
36.   Niedersachsen                   
37.   Hessen
38.   Rhine-Pfalz
39.   Swizterland
40.   Piemonte
41.   Toscana
42.   Roma
43.   Campania
44.   Sicilia
45.   Brandenburg
46.   Saxony
47.   Nurnberg
48.   München
49.   Venice
50.   Romagna
51.   Bohemia
52.   Tyrol
53.   Croatia
54.   Danzig
55.   Silesia
56.   Wien
57.   Uper Austria
58.   Kujawko
59.   Mazowieckie
60.   East Prussia
61.   Styria
62.   Bosnia
63.   Serbia
64.   Albania
65.   East Hungary
66.   Moldavia
67.   Wallachia
68.   Nigbolu
69.   Macedonia
70.   Greece
71.   Constantinople
72.   Asia Minor
73.   Candar
74.   Karaman
75.   Trebizond
76.   Israel
77.   Iraq 
78.   Gaza
79.   Egypt
80.   Libya
81.   Latvia
82.   Lithuania
83.   Minsk
84.   Równe
85.   Ukraine
86.   Kursk
87.   Belarus
88.   Novgorod
89.   Estonia
90.   Moscow
91.   Volga
92.   Manyc
93.   Crimea
94.   Provence




Shit will go here, too
« Last Edit: June 20, 2015, 04:22:03 pm by Dukey »

Offline Dukey

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Re: Napoleonic Wars Commander Battle Campaign
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2015, 08:10:12 am »
Name: Dukey
Country: Confederation of the Rhine
Company Type: Artillery (Cannon)
Ideal beginning rank (For the start of the campaign): Brigadier General
Groups/Individuals you would like to be grouped with: DArcness
« Last Edit: May 06, 2015, 05:12:57 pm by Dukey »

Offline Mance

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Re: Napoleonic Wars Commander Battle Campaign
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2015, 09:22:53 am »

Offline DoubleA

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Re: Napoleonic Wars Commander Battle Campaign
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2015, 09:35:36 am »
Name: DoubleA
Country: United Kingdom
Company Type: TBD
Ideal beginning rank (For the start of the campaign): Lieutenant
« Last Edit: May 05, 2015, 09:38:19 am by DoubleA »

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Re: Napoleonic Wars Commander Battle Campaign
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2015, 09:36:52 am »
Name: Murch
Country: Austria
Company Type: Cuirassiers
Ideal beginning rank (For the start of the campaign): Colonel

Offline Dukey

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Re: Napoleonic Wars Commander Battle Campaign
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2015, 09:48:41 am »
First few signups, awesome!

To reiterate - These battles will be commander battles, as a lieutenant you will not be leading real people, only bots. Feel free to include any people you would like to be grouped with (Regiment mates etc)

Offline Peter_ORiley

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Re: Napoleonic Wars Commander Battle Campaign
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2015, 10:11:43 am »
Name: Horsman
Country: United Kingdom
Company Type: King's German Legion
Ideal beginning rank (For the start of the campaign): Lieutenant
Groups/Individuals you would like to be grouped with:  If John signs up as KGL, then i'd be with him.

Offline Dukey

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Re: Napoleonic Wars Commander Battle Campaign
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2015, 10:13:24 am »
Name: Horsman
Country: United Kingdom
Company Type: King's German Legion
Ideal beginning rank (For the start of the campaign): Lieutenant
Groups/Individuals you would like to be grouped with:  If John signs up as KGL, then i'd be with him.

You'll have your own company regardless, but i'll see about getting you into a regiment together ;)

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Re: Napoleonic Wars Commander Battle Campaign
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2015, 10:20:22 am »
Name:  DarkTemplar
Country: Austria
Company Type: Line Infantry
Ideal beginning rank (For the start of the campaign): Lieutenant
Groups/Individuals you would like to be grouped with:  /

Offline Dukey

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Re: Napoleonic Wars Commander Battle Campaign
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2015, 10:53:18 am »
(All of these are being accepted)

Update: After speaking to Tenford, we've decided to add in 4 new nations (puppet states, really). The Confederation of the Rhine, Poland, Italy and Spain. Spain will use Austrian units, Poland and Italy will use French units, and CoR will use Prussian units. The purpose of these guys is to play as vassals, but with an opportunity to branch out and actually take over should they gain enough power. The map hahs been updated as such
« Last Edit: May 05, 2015, 11:01:42 am by Dukey »

Offline Tenford

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Re: Napoleonic Wars Commander Battle Campaign
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2015, 10:59:24 am »
(All of these are being accepted)

Update: After speaking to Tenford, we've decided to add in 4 new nations (puppet states, really). The Confederation of the Rhine, Poland and Spain. Spain will use Austrian units, Poland and Italy will use French units, and CoR will use Prussian units. The purpose of these guys is to play as vassals, but with an opportunity to branch out and actually take over should they gain enough power. The map hahs been updated as such

Yousaid 4 new nations... and Italy? xDDD Italy STRONK

Offline Dukey

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Re: Napoleonic Wars Commander Battle Campaign
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2015, 11:02:00 am »
(All of these are being accepted)

Update: After speaking to Tenford, we've decided to add in 4 new nations (puppet states, really). The Confederation of the Rhine, Poland and Spain. Spain will use Austrian units, Poland and Italy will use French units, and CoR will use Prussian units. The purpose of these guys is to play as vassals, but with an opportunity to branch out and actually take over should they gain enough power. The map hahs been updated as such

Yousaid 4 new nations... and Italy? xDDD Italy STRONK

I haven't slept yet...;-;
« Last Edit: May 05, 2015, 11:05:56 am by Dukey »

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Re: Napoleonic Wars Commander Battle Campaign
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2015, 11:17:57 am »
Name:  Tenford
Country: Spain
Company Type: Artillery (cannon)
Ideal beginning rank (For the start of the campaign): General
Groups/Individuals you would like to be grouped with:  i dont mind

b]Name: [/b] Tenford
Previous administrative experience: NWBC, CNWL, NWWL, Saturday and monday TvS event, Napoleonic Wars RolePlay Server.. a lot of things xD
Campaign admin or battle admin:  Both

Offline Dukey

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Re: Napoleonic Wars Commander Battle Campaign
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2015, 11:18:39 am »
Name:  Tenford
Country: Spain
Company Type: Artillery (cannon)
Ideal beginning rank (For the start of the campaign): General
Groups/Individuals you would like to be grouped with:  i dont mind

b]Name: [/b] Tenford
Previous administrative experience: NWBC, CNWL, NWWL, Saturday and monday TvS event, Napoleonic Wars RolePlay Server.. a lot of things xD
Campaign admin or battle admin:  Both

Tenford OP, alreadyy spoken to you on steam ^^