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Offline Tardet

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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #1560 on: October 04, 2020, 05:14:03 pm »

Cavalry League News - Embushed by the 6e Régiment de Hussards.

Our second week in the competition had us take on the Frenchmen from the 6e Hussards, who had suffered a heavy - although understandable - loss against the 8th during the opening week. We knew, however, that the 6e could show a much better face than the result against the 8th had shown and as it was unlikely to see them underperform two weeks in a row given how hard they had trained, we had to be prepared. Unlike again the Nr4 where our preparation was average at best, we came in full-force that night, with our players hungry and motivated to get us that good start we had lacked in Week 1. For the best or the worst, the 6e had been one of our most regular sparring partners in the week of preparation which had led to the CL. That gave us a relatively good idea of how they played but the contrary was true as well, and we knew Remao and his men would be able to capitalize on any mistakes we had been silly enough to give them.

We went into the first round with the idea of putting ourselves in the driver seat from the get-go. In order to do that, our heavy fraggers Dokletian and Hannes got us the advantage we were looking for with an entry-kill each but very quickly, we got forced into that trading game with the 6e up to a point where the Frenchmen found themselves with a slight numerical advantage, their 7 men to our 6. It was only thanks to some heroics from the last players alive, such as Hannes or Quinn, that we managed to bring back that round and win it. But the message sent by the 6e was clear, we were in for one hell of a tough ride. Our start to the second round was much better with Semon getting the first blood on infamous JoeCobra while Jelly followed-up with a double of his own on Gothrad and Belgian Fury. Unfortunately in the meantime, ACE had managed to cut off the head of our formation by killing Erik, leaving Skittles in charge on the field. Although we had a +4 numerical superiority at one point, you could feel our communication was not as comfortable as it should be due to 6e constant pressuring and that tense atmosphere ended-up getting the better of us. Slowly but surely, the 6e was getting back into that round as we kept losing silly duels, giving-up the lead we had built earlier-on. Although we managed to bring back that round to a 4v5, with two 4e mounted against one only for the 6e, the Frenchmen stayed composed, with Treiz and Remao's experience probably counting a lot as they were both still alive. Tigrane getting the better of Ciiges in a horse on horse duel was probably the last nail in the coffin for that round, with the 6e evening-it up 1-1.

Although we were just two rounds in and there was no reason to panic yet, this round which the 6e had no business winning probably felt heavier on our shoulders than we would have liked. We couldn't allow such a mediocre mid-round to happen again and yet this is exactly how things unfolded in the third round. Thanks to our individuals showing up such as Bocom, Skittles or Killa, we managed to get a large advantage at the beginning of that round but also kept losing a ridiculously high number of horses. This made such an advantage impossible to capitalize upon, and the 6e saw it. They avoided fighting around our dismounted and made even more of our men eat dust, which eventually leads to a 8v5 situation which 'should' have been in our favour if it wasn't for all our men but one being dismounted while all 6e players were mounted. Once more, the 6e didn't give up on the favourable situation they were in, and as they finally dismounted Ciiges, our last mounted player, they were in a perfect position to finish all of us one by one. The end of the round was a bit chaotic and made us hope for a chance to clutch back a 2v3 (all dismounted), but the 6e kept things under control as they took the lead, 2-1.

Things were clearly not going as we had planned them. Exit our hope for an early and decisive lead, we had to change the way we were approaching the fight. In the fourth round, we attempted at a more aggressive engagement, trying to take the edge based purely on our individual skills. And we got absolutely shattered. We lost 7 out of our 15 men without being able to trade back a single 6e. Draco and Remao especially were on fire as they got a double kill each in less than 3 minutes. If it wasn't for some of us accidentally creating a cluster on two dismounted 6e, and dragging down many of their teammates into a chaotic fight, the round could have been over as soon as it started. This gave us a way back into the game, but our chances remained slim. At that moment, there was still many players on both sides, but something which probably changed the whole face of that encounter went almost unnoticed. Semon, who had managed to get a horse thanks to that cluster we had prevailed from, gave it to Ciiges who had been dismounted, in a selfless act to improve our chances. Little did Semon know, that horse was going to win us that round. Although we had been revitalized, the 6e still had the upper hand on that round, and as Semon died, we found ourselves in an almost impossible 2v9 to come back from. But not for Hannes and Ciiges. The impressive display of mental fortitude and brute skill they showed at that moment is impossible to explain with words only and will probably be worth a video on its own. But they did it. During 6 interminable minutes, they surgically dealt with each one of the 6e players as the whole 4e was witnessing excellency before their own eyes, breath-taken.

This should have been the turning point into that game, the way to get back momentum in our side for good but it seemed we were in to make things difficult for us that night, and so were the 6e. As soon as the next round started and we got ourselves engaged in the melee again, that state of tension began to kick-in again, and we continued losing men in a stupid fashion. We eventually traded a few back but as inexplicable as it was, Ciiges and Hannes's clutch had not revitalized us entirely, and we were committing the same exact mistakes we had been making all game-long. Our spirit seemed gone entirely and to crush our morale even more, the 6e won that round with 9 men alive, the largest of advantage thus far in that match.

So be it. Ciiges and Hannes impressive heroics hadn't done the trick; it was now time for our leaders to step up and remind us who we were and what we were doing here. The situation was dramatic, but each one of us, as an accomplished veteran, knew this wasn't over yet. That's where Erik and Skittles called to our pride, to our egos. We were the fucking 4e, how were we dismissed like mere new players by people who hadn't half our playtime on this game? What happened then can only be felt if you had been with us on TS. From that point on, that's where we became the 4e. All of us, together. We shook ourselves, got our head back to the game and readied ourselves-up. If we were to go down, at least would it be on our own terms. But we didn't go down. As a group, we slashed back in the 6e face in the following round, and that's where we found it back. Our competitive spirit, our love for the 4e, our unmatched synergy. We were feeling untouchable, each kill we were getting made us stronger, built-up our confidence and helped to create a gap between our opponent and us. We evened-it up the scoreline at 3-3 in seven minutes. We took the lead in the next round in less than five.

From that point, any experienced cavalry players who watched the match live saw how momentum definitely switched in our favour. The first half of the game lasted almost 50 minutes. The second was finished in less than 30. The remaining three rounds happened to be very one-sided and allowed us to close the match on a 7-3 scoreline. In reality, that match had been much closer than what the scoreline suggested, and it's only fair to give props to the 6e for that. It takes two to tango and last week, the 6e showed they entirely deserve to be considered as a deadly regiment, entirely capable of upsetting the biggest name of the scene. Tonight, we'll be facing the Cavalry Brigade in what is likely to be an exhausting, tense and tactical battle where our patience and resilience will be as important as our skill.

« Last Edit: October 04, 2020, 05:27:32 pm by Tardet »
Don't worry about what people think, they don't do it very often.

Offline Dokletian

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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #1561 on: October 04, 2020, 11:30:13 pm »
me tonight finding out that after the first 50 minutes there still are 9 more rounds to go


Nevertheless, gg CB - very good match, you really gave us a run for our money!
Can I just say that I’m really impressed with the cav community, 10x more mature than the inf community and a lot less tolerant of the cancerous players

Offline QuinnML

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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #1562 on: October 04, 2020, 11:31:51 pm »
Can you imagine a world without Heavies?


Offline Yvrul

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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #1563 on: October 05, 2020, 12:02:50 am »

Cavalry League News - Embushed by the 6e Régiment de Hussards.

Our second week in the competition had us take on the Frenchmen from the 6e Hussards, who had suffered a heavy - although understandable - loss against the 8th during the opening week. We knew, however, that the 6e could show a much better face than the result against the 8th had shown and as it was unlikely to see them underperform two weeks in a row given how hard they had trained, we had to be prepared. Unlike again the Nr4 where our preparation was average at best, we came in full-force that night, with our players hungry and motivated to get us that good start we had lacked in Week 1. For the best or the worst, the 6e had been one of our most regular sparring partners in the week of preparation which had led to the CL. That gave us a relatively good idea of how they played but the contrary was true as well, and we knew Remao and his men would be able to capitalize on any mistakes we had been silly enough to give them.

We went into the first round with the idea of putting ourselves in the driver seat from the get-go. In order to do that, our heavy fraggers Dokletian and Hannes got us the advantage we were looking for with an entry-kill each but very quickly, we got forced into that trading game with the 6e up to a point where the Frenchmen found themselves with a slight numerical advantage, their 7 men to our 6. It was only thanks to some heroics from the last players alive, such as Hannes or Quinn, that we managed to bring back that round and win it. But the message sent by the 6e was clear, we were in for one hell of a tough ride. Our start to the second round was much better with Semon getting the first blood on infamous JoeCobra while Jelly followed-up with a double of his own on Gothrad and Belgian Fury. Unfortunately in the meantime, ACE had managed to cut off the head of our formation by killing Erik, leaving Skittles in charge on the field. Although we had a +4 numerical superiority at one point, you could feel our communication was not as comfortable as it should be due to 6e constant pressuring and that tense atmosphere ended-up getting the better of us. Slowly but surely, the 6e was getting back into that round as we kept losing silly duels, giving-up the lead we had built earlier-on. Although we managed to bring back that round to a 4v5, with two Lurvy mounted against one only for the 6e, the Frenchmen stayed composed, with Treiz and Remao's experience probably counting a lot as they were both still alive. Tigrane getting the better of Ciiges in a horse on horse duel was probably the last nail in the coffin for that round, with the 6e evening-it up 1-1.

Although we were just two rounds in and there was no reason to panic yet, this round which the 6e had no business winning probably felt heavier on our shoulders than we would have liked. We couldn't allow such a mediocre mid-round to happen again and yet this is exactly how things unfolded in the third round. Thanks to our individuals showing up such as Bocom, Skittles or Killa, we managed to get a large advantage at the beginning of that round but also kept losing a ridiculously high number of horses. This made such an advantage impossible to capitalize upon, and the 6e saw it. They avoided fighting around our dismounted and made even more of our men eat dust, which eventually leads to a 8v5 situation which 'should' have been in our favour if it wasn't for all our men but one being dismounted while all 6e players were mounted. Once more, the 6e didn't give up on the favourable situation they were in, and as they finally dismounted Ciiges, our last mounted player, they were in a perfect position to finish all of us one by one. The end of the round was a bit chaotic and made us hope for a chance to clutch back a 2v3 (all dismounted), but the 6e kept things under control as they took the lead, 2-1.

Things were clearly not going as we had planned them. Exit our hope for an early and decisive lead, we had to change the way we were approaching the fight. In the fourth round, we attempted at a more aggressive engagement, trying to take the edge based purely on our individual skills. And we got absolutely shattered. We lost 7 out of our 15 men without being able to trade back a single 6e. Draco and Remao especially were on fire as they got a double kill each in less than 3 minutes. If it wasn't for some of us accidentally creating a cluster on two dismounted 6e, and dragging down many of their teammates into a chaotic fight, the round could have been over as soon as it started. This gave us a way back into the game, but our chances remained slim. At that moment, there was still many players on both sides, but something which probably changed the whole face of that encounter went almost unnoticed. Semon, who had managed to get a horse thanks to that cluster we had prevailed from, gave it to Ciiges who had been dismounted, in a selfless act to improve our chances. Little did Semon know, that horse was going to win us that round. Although we had been revitalized, the 6e still had the upper hand on that round, and as Semon died, we found ourselves in an almost impossible 2v9 to come back from. But not for Hannes and Ciiges. The impressive display of mental fortitude and brute skill they showed at that moment is impossible to explain with words only and will probably be worth a video on its own. But they did it. During 6 interminable minutes, they surgically dealt with each one of the 6e players as the whole Lurvy was witnessing excellency before their own eyes, breath-taken.

This should have been the turning point into that game, the way to get back momentum in our side for good but it seemed we were in to make things difficult for us that night, and so were the 6e. As soon as the next round started and we got ourselves engaged in the melee again, that state of tension began to kick-in again, and we continued losing men in a stupid fashion. We eventually traded a few back but as inexplicable as it was, Ciiges and Hannes's clutch had not revitalized us entirely, and we were committing the same exact mistakes we had been making all game-long. Our spirit seemed gone entirely and to crush our morale even more, the 6e won that round with 9 men alive, the largest of advantage thus far in that match.

So be it. Ciiges and Hannes impressive heroics hadn't done the trick; it was now time for our leaders to step up and remind us who we were and what we were doing here. The situation was dramatic, but each one of us, as an accomplished veteran, knew this wasn't over yet. That's where Erik and Skittles called to our pride, to our egos. We were the fucking Lurvy, how were we dismissed like mere new players by people who hadn't half our playtime on this game? What happened then can only be felt if you had been with us on TS. From that point on, that's where we became the Lurvy. All of us, together. We shook ourselves, got our head back to the game and readied ourselves-up. If we were to go down, at least would it be on our own terms. But we didn't go down. As a group, we slashed back in the 6e face in the following round, and that's where we found it back. Our competitive spirit, our love for the Lurvy, our unmatched synergy. We were feeling untouchable, each kill we were getting made us stronger, built-up our confidence and helped to create a gap between our opponent and us. We evened-it up the scoreline at 3-3 in seven minutes. We took the lead in the next round in less than five.

From that point, any experienced cavalry players who watched the match live saw how momentum definitely switched in our favour. The first half of the game lasted almost 50 minutes. The second was finished in less than 30. The remaining three rounds happened to be very one-sided and allowed us to close the match on a 7-3 scoreline. In reality, that match had been much closer than what the scoreline suggested, and it's only fair to give props to the 6e for that. It takes two to tango and last week, the 6e showed they entirely deserve to be considered as a deadly regiment, entirely capable of upsetting the biggest name of the scene. Tonight, we'll be facing the Cavalry Brigade in what is likely to be an exhausting, tense and tactical battle where our patience and resilience will be as important as our skill.

Offline QuinnML

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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #1564 on: October 05, 2020, 12:37:03 pm »

Cuirassiers at midnight:

Offline QuinnML

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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #1565 on: October 05, 2020, 01:28:39 pm »

Offline Yvrul

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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #1566 on: October 06, 2020, 11:06:57 pm »
EU has one more year before I have good ping and start showing all these GERMANS why EL SENOR LURVY is to be feared

Offline Erik le Rouge

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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #1567 on: October 18, 2020, 10:53:34 pm »

Click this trumpet for background music !

farting at this part of my thread
Quote from: Treiz35
fuck erik
Quote from: Dokletian
fuck erik
Quote from: Sinjide
yeah fuck erik
Quote from: Aless
fuck erik
Quote from: Michnicki 1
fuck Erik
Quote from: Charles la Valette
i love erik
Quote from: TxM
fuck erik
Quote from: FreyrDS
fuck Erik
Quote from: Termito
fuck erik.
Quote from: Ciiges
fuck erik
Quote from: Remao
fuck Erik

Offline Charles la Valette

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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #1568 on: October 18, 2020, 10:55:18 pm »

Click this trumpet for background music !

guys really click this trumpet for background music!!!
Les cloches ne sonnent plus,
La cathédrale s'est tue

Offline Erik le Rouge

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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #1569 on: October 18, 2020, 10:58:14 pm »
click the trumpet
Quote from: Treiz35
fuck erik
Quote from: Dokletian
fuck erik
Quote from: Sinjide
yeah fuck erik
Quote from: Aless
fuck erik
Quote from: Michnicki 1
fuck Erik
Quote from: Charles la Valette
i love erik
Quote from: TxM
fuck erik
Quote from: FreyrDS
fuck Erik
Quote from: Termito
fuck erik.
Quote from: Ciiges
fuck erik
Quote from: Remao
fuck Erik

Offline Skittles

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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #1570 on: October 18, 2020, 10:59:30 pm »

Click this trumpet for background music !

Click this trumpet for the real background music!

Offline Charles la Valette

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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #1571 on: October 18, 2020, 11:06:39 pm »
Les cloches ne sonnent plus,
La cathédrale s'est tue

Offline Dokletian

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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #1572 on: October 18, 2020, 11:53:31 pm »
4e joining the server tonight

Can I just say that I’m really impressed with the cav community, 10x more mature than the inf community and a lot less tolerant of the cancerous players

Offline QuinnML

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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #1573 on: October 19, 2020, 01:14:27 am »
Can confirm, was there.

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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #1574 on: October 19, 2020, 01:28:41 am »

Click this trumpet for background music !

Click this trumpet for the real background music!

Wow it really works!