Author Topic: ★1. Lutzow's Freikorps Infanterie Bataillon [Rekruting Mature NA ]★  (Read 429302 times)

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Offline TehGooner

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Mack's cannon kill, forgot to ss the rest.

Offline Betaknight

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good story: FKI shouting Glory to the FKI. And we charged the fort. We go through the door. I as yolo as i can be jumped out of the the gate and fell in between 3 barrels. And no one could kill me. but the barrels were close to the flag. and everyone else died so i stayed hidden and shooting. and at the last moment when i thought we lost I lowered the flag down and won the battle LOL just for derpin
The first modder for NW.

Offline Jorvasker

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Great linebattle we had 43 i think and Zulu event tommrow at 2pm EST :D

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Filthy Casual Publorde from May 2011 - Mid July 2012 / Early Services from July - November 2012, including 33rd, 63e, 1stCI / 1stFKI - November 2012 - April 2013 / Break from April 2013 - July 2013, with a short return to 63e from June until July / 1stEPI - July 2013 - January 2016 (Retired from game)

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Also, Dat Scorboard

Regiment History:
Filthy Casual Publorde from May 2011 - Mid July 2012 / Early Services from July - November 2012, including 33rd, 63e, 1stCI / 1stFKI - November 2012 - April 2013 / Break from April 2013 - July 2013, with a short return to 63e from June until July / 1stEPI - July 2013 - January 2016 (Retired from game)

Offline MackCW

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Glory to the arty!! Awesome kills tonight gentlemen! Polar and Rome did wonderful on the howi. Barnicle, Mustard, Schwann and Master did great on the cannons.



Offline Millander

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*phew* Just got back from a reenactment, had a good time. And I think I saw Landrik there. :o

tell us about it!
Of course, I also think lines should be able to move in double rank without having emotional breakdowns.

Offline Evil_Irish

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All Glory to the FKI. Great job tonight. Im glad to see all the new guys are doing so well. It felt good to shake some rust off myself. Pity we didnt do more rounds. Who is ready for RO2 tomorrow.

Offline Coconut

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So much props to the arty, you guys don't cease to amaze me ;)

Offline König

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*phew* Just got back from a reenactment, had a good time. And I think I saw Landrik there. :o

tell us about it!

Sorry, didn't have a chance to get in TS and talk about it, so I'll have to type it. :-\
(It was a WWII reenactment of the Hurtgen forest in late '44 early '45)
(Also, typed via iPad. So please excuse any mistakes.)

After arriving, I got together with the other guys in my unit, we were then designated "third squad" and tasked with guarding the rear, and digging foxholes. Yeah...

We dug two two-and-a-half-man foxholes separated by a group of trees. We could only get down to about 1 to 2 feet before we started hitting rock and solid clay. Meanwhile, the other two squads had a pre-dug trench to use...

As it got dark, it got reeeaallly cold. So when not on guard duty, we would be wrapped in as many blankets as possible. Then at about 2 AM, I wake up to find the other two guys that where in my foxhole up and talking/eating. I decided to try and go back to sleep. (All-in-all, I got maybe 3 or 4 hours of sleep).

But then... The Captain showed-up. He promptly tasked the two guys with going on a patrol to try and capture a German prisoner. Meanwhile I tried to stay as small as I could in my foxhole. Soon the two, accompanied by another guy, set out. After awhile I heard gunfire and then nothing. I quickly fell back to sleep. I woke to the voice of the third guy saying something I assumed was in Spanish, and then "wake up". I did.

Once the two came back from trying to look for the commander to tell of their lack of success (they didn't look very hard for him...) they began to tell me how it went. Apparently after they had gotten close to the German positions, a German patrol had spotted them and opened fire. During the skirmish, one of the two guys lost his trigger. Yes. The trigger, and all of its associated parts just fell out of his M1 Garand. Remember that this was still the middle of the night. So it finding before the morning was out of the question.

After telling me of their expedition, one asked "What did you think when that other guy started speaking German?" My response? "Oh... I thought that was Spanish..."

The next morning, after another quick skirmish at our outpost, we began to organize our first assault. Third squad would sneak around the ridge that the Germans where encamped on and attack the rear. The other two squads would go at it from the front and side. We advanced fairly far, until their MG-42 opened-up on us. Needless to say, we were screwed.

Once we were all back at camp, we proceeded to do nothing until the next attack. This time we would going at it from the front, in order to support a squad that had just gone around the side. We advanced up to a creek, but were unable to cross it as a German had it well covered.

Our squad leader ordered me and two other men to try and flank the German, but he must have seen us coming, as one of our guys got hit only after advancing but a few yards through the forest. The other got hit while attempting to fire at the German (who seemed to be wearing Kevlar, if you know what I mean :P ).

Seeing this, I went back to go find the rest of our squad, but I couldn't find them, so I had to go back to base (Come to find out, most of them were also dead).

It was during the wait between that assault and the next, (i.e. lunch break ;) ) that something rather amusing happened. Me and five other guys were hanging around my foxhole eating and talking, when all of a sudden, a German comes up and tells us to drop our guns, put up our hands, and walk into the forest a yard or two. We all, half in shock, did as we were told.

Somehow he had gotten past everyone else (all the other squads), and was now taking us prisoner. He also asked if we had any food left so someone gave him a pack of sugar from a k-ration. He then asked for someone who was willing to play along, to go back to the German camp with him. Being the new guy, I was nominated/volunteered for this task.

After a long trek through the woods, we arrived at the German camp. There we talked for a bit, and the Germans got a few photos (searching the prisoner, giving the prisoner a cigarette, ect. ect. lol ). This was when I think I saw Landrik.

Then after a harrowing escape, (as-in: we said our good byes and I walked back to my own camp) I managed to reach friendly lines again. Soon afterwards we began our next assault. This time however it hadn't been that long after our previous battle so everyone was still a bit winded.

We advanced in a similar way as we did the previous attack, but this time things ground to a halt shortly after we began trading fire with the Germans. Who were also on our flank this time. We took heavy casualties, and at one point it was me, a medic, and two other guys left alive. Another squad arrived soon though, followed by others, but by then, it had just turned into a battle attrition somewhat. With either side unable to dislodge the other.

It was here I had to leave, so I'm not sure what happened in the last few hours of the event.

So TL;DR: I had a pretty good time. Especially since it was one of my first events.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2013, 06:45:30 am by König »
I don't trust anything but pizza from a pizza place.

Offline Millander

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Did Landrik recognize you? Also need picz. How many people where there and what unit are you in?
Of course, I also think lines should be able to move in double rank without having emotional breakdowns.

Offline König

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He probably didn't, as I've never posted any pictures of myself before. As for pictures of the event, I was unable to take any, but some of the other guys in my unit did, so they might share them with everyone else, and I'll show you guys. As for numbers, I'm not sure, we had roughly 30. And the Germans had about half that, from what I saw. I'm with the US 30th Infantry Division. Though all of the GIs at the event were representing the 4th Infantry Division, regardless of their parent unit.
I don't trust anything but pizza from a pizza place.

Offline Millander

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Here is our tactics for the defense of spartonivika

This is the squad equipment.

first wave
1st Squad will Garrison the church. They will have the MG and 2 rifleman at the high spawn to cover the right.

2nd Squad which is comprised entirely or rifleman and will defend the side village. They will spray fire into spawn and the field.

2nd Line of Defence - This is where we hold them


3rd (last) Line of defense
We will focus half of each squad in the house and the other half on the side to protect against flankers.

Of course, I also think lines should be able to move in double rank without having emotional breakdowns.

Offline Evil_Irish

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looks good but i would keep a few rifle men or some one as a guard for mg  to watch his flanks as it is very easier for the gunner to fix on targets and lose awareness of surroundings

Offline Millander

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Agreed. Also people should be aware they can pick up allei sguns. say machine gunner gets whacked. Pick up his gun and keep fighting or stay in cover. gunner respawn and return to his position you now then have 2 Mgs. Same can go with Svts, ppsh etc

Also thinkign about picking this bad boy up

Edit : Nah gonna get this bad boy
« Last Edit: January 13, 2013, 10:08:21 am by Millander »
Of course, I also think lines should be able to move in double rank without having emotional breakdowns.