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Offline JackieChan

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North American Napoleonic Wars League
« on: December 14, 2014, 05:17:18 am »


After seeing the Napoleonic Wars League successfully established in the European community we thought it is about time to bring some life and action into the North American community too. The North Amercian Napoleonic Wars League (NANWL) has the exact same principles and - mostly - the same rules as the European one. Contrary to the European league, we know that less regiments will probably be interested so we will wait to see how many regiments SIGN UP and how many leagues we can make.
If other regiments would like TO SIGN UP while the league is already running, feel free to do so. You will be put on a wait list and we will either stick you in if possible or wait until the next season and try to get all the wait listed regiments in by either forming another league or simply adding them to the existing league.
The regiment placed first in the top league will be crowned champion of North America.
Please do not mistake this for a show off competition though. The main focus is on having fun while being competitive and seeing where your regiments is compared to others. If any sign of disrespect is shown you might be booted from the league. Remember, this is only a game and even if one regiment is better at killing off virtual opponents than another, it is not something the regiment should brag about. Be proud but not condescending!


A win counts as 3 points
A draw counts as 1 point
A loss counts as 0 points

1. - No shooting while charging or out of formation! That means your line has to be stationary! Also, no reloading whilst you are engaged in melee! Officers are allowed to fire their pistols in the charge, however no ranker can fire a pistol in the charge! Officers cannot reload during the charge or in melee though either!
2. - Only 1 line per regiment (it can be single, double, triple etc file). If a line is down to 2 people, the line has to charge!
3. - Lines must act as one! If one man in your line is engaged in melee, the rest have to engage in melee too! This means, you cannot split off some men to stall the enemy line in melee and have the rest form up, waiting for those who stalled to die in melee, so that the lined up rest can shoot!
4. - No bonuses activated
5. - No musicians or ensigns
6. - Only 2 officers allowed! Officers MUST choose the Officer class!
7. - No officer targeting! (Officers charging are fair game!) If a regiment chooses to use 2 officers, shooting either is officer aim! Shooting an officer can result in anything from a warning or if vital to the round, to a repetition of the round. If officers are targeted continuously, even after warning, you can be kicked from the event. If the line is stationary and the officer moves behind or in front of his line, it is his own fault. Officers should also try to move off to the side of their line, leaving a gap to their line thus minimizing the chance of them getting shot, however if they stay in the line it is still officer aiming. Don't aim for the front of the line, simple as! If the officer is shot and the round is not reset immediately but a ranker takes over acting as an officer, you cannot shoot him either. That new officer is identifiable by being the person in the front of the line.
8. - Addressing gaps while in a fire exchange is not mandatory. However when you line up at first, you cannot have ANY spacing! Officers are allowed to move around the line freely and can stand next to the line or behind, however can not move forward on their own to get closer for shooting.
9. - 10 rounds that have to be played, after 5 rounds spawn swap
10. - Both leaders have to agree on a map
11. - The playable maps are only: Random Medium Plains, Desert, Steppe, and Snow. If both regiments agree, custom maps can be used aswell.
12. - The number of players per team is limited from 10 minimum to an open maximum (If a regiment fails to bring the minimum, they will have to play as if they had 10 or forfeit the match. Hence the opposing regiment could bring 11)
13. - The difference in numbers may only be 1 man!
14. - The home team (Team on the left) may choose its faction first
15. - The battles will take place on the home team's server. Naturally if both leaders agree on playing on the away team's server, that is allowed.
16. - Only line units are allowed; no light infantry, guard infantry, marine units, militia, or skirmishers.
17. - The battles must be fought before a certain deadline, the deadline will not be extended unless under special circumstances. Before the deadline also means, that if you are uncertain about being able to play a match during its designated week, you can play that match a week or weeks in advance.
18. - If one regiment does not appear on time (15 minutes grace period, then the battle must start), the opponent will get a 10-0 win
19. - If both teams do not appear, they will get a 0-0 loss (no points)
20. - Invites are NOT allowed; if we find out that a regiment played with invites, we will remove a win and 3 points and the opposing regiment, if it lost, will be given the win
21. - The results of a match will be posted here, take screenshots to be sure your oponent will not try to cheat you out of your victory
22. - If a regiment has something to complain about because the opponent did not follow the rules, it has to prove it (video or screenshot); there might not be referees!
23. - If the accusations are correct the organizers will decide how harsh to punish them, which can range from a warning to a kick!
24. - If a regiment complains repeatedly and then does not turn up any evidence or this evidence turns out to be false, they will be subject to the same procedure!
25. - Be respectful and use common knowledge and courtesy. Insulting or any other sort of verbal abuse will be punished!
26. - Camping is naturally allowed, but if rounds take too long and the camping becomes excessive, you will be forced to engage! Excessive camping is considered by us to be holding one position (hill for instance) for roughly 5 minutes! Forcing to engage means, you have to leave your position and get close to your enemy (close volleys or melee). You are NOT allowed to return to that position again that round!
27. - If regiments are tied in points, the regiment having a better "rounds lost and won" ratio, will receive the higher place in the league. (For instance: Regiment 1 has 3 points and Regiment 2 has 3 points too! Regiment 1 has a ratio of 9 rounds won, 1 lost and Regiment 2 has a ratio of 8 rounds won and 1 lost. Regiment 1 will then receive the higher place, since they have +8, wheras Regiment 2 has +6! If the ratio is equal too, the direct comparison will be drawn, meaning the linebattle the regiments had against each other will be looked at. The winner of that, will be placed higher. If that too was a draw, there will be a another match between the two regiments in order to determine who will be placed higher. That match cannot end in a draw! If it is 5-5 at the end of 10 rounds, one last round will be played!
28. - Referees are to be treated with respect! Their decisions count and are supposed to be accepted! If someone is a referee, that means he has earned the trust of the organizers and should not be treated any different than the organizer. If you do have a complaint about a decision a referee made or the referee himself, let the organizers know via steam or this thread and PROVIDE evidence! If you fail to comply with a referee you will be punished according to the violation (warning up to booting from competition)! So accept the referee's decisions, no matter if he is abusing and AFTER the linebattle you can complain to the organizers!
29. - Referees can enact rules or punishments during the linebattle that are not mentioned on this thread. If you feel the rules were unjust or simply not to your liking, complain on this thread and provide evidence. Do not simply ignore and undermine the referee's authority, which would mean you are breaking rules (Rule 27). Instead make a case after the linebattle!
30. - Having members that are in 2 or more regiments is against the rules! Those people who are in multiple regiments will be banned and if the regiments knowingly accepted someone from another regiment just so as to play the person, they can be banned too! European and Australian players are allowed however, seeing as they are in a seperate community! Being in multiple regimental steam groups is considered double-reging! You can remain in regimental steam groups of regiments that are inactive/disbanded, but not in active ones!
31. - The regiment coming in 1st place in League 1 will be crowned "Champions of North America". The two last regiments in League 1 will be moved into League 2. The first two regiments in League 2 will be moved into League 1. The third of League 2 will play the third last of League 1 for the spot in League 1, the loser is moved/will stay in League 2. There has to be a winner, so if after 10 rounds the score is 5-5, 1 more round will be played!

Battle Times

The battles themselves will be fought on days arranged by the two leaders of the opposing regiments. They will receive a deadline and have to fight before it or it will be counted as a 0-0 loss for both. Deadlines will not be extended! Remember, you play on the HOME SIDES server or NA NWL Official Server (If it is up)!


For those who played the previous season you do not have to sign-up again nor do anything else. You will be counted in for the next season. If you do not wish to participate in the next season though, then please make sure to tell the organizers!

The sign-ups are open from December 15th until January 11th, and the tournament itself starts January 12th, 2014. We will try to accommodate the regiments SIGNING UP by putting them in their preferred Leagues, however if we need to equal out the Leagues number-wise you may be forced into a League not of your choosing.

Once sign ups are closed you may still sign up but may not receive a slot in the league until the next season!

You will receive an invite to the steam group, be sure to accept it!


Estimated attendance:
Leader's Steam:
Accept rules?:


Steam group

Referee's group

NA_NWL_2 Server name (Dallas)

Head Organizers




Veteran Referees



Feel free to contact any of the administrators with any question, comments, or concerns. Also, with any complaints or allegations against another regiment.

Referee Application

Community Name:
Steam Profile (link):
Why do you want to be a referee?
Why do you think you would be a good referee?
Admin Experience:
Did you read all the rules thoroughly?
Will you admin fairly and unbiased?

Complaint about referee

Which referee/s failed his/their duty?:
What match was this in?:
What was the score?:
What did the referee/s do wrong?:
What would you like done about this?:
Show us some proof (screenshots, video):

Server reservation

League 1 or 2:
Steam link:

Ban List

(If any regiment knowingly plays these players, they will be punished!)


Unban Request

Steam Profile (link):
Date when banned:
Name the rule/s you broke:
How did you break this/these rule/s?
Do you see your fault and promise not to break the rules again?:

« Last Edit: February 12, 2015, 02:11:58 am by JackieChan »

Offline JackieChan

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Re: North American Napoleonic Wars League - New thread!
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2014, 05:17:38 am »



1. 71st Highland Regiment of Foot
2. 63eme Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
3. 18th (Royal Irish) Regiment of Foot
4. 21ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
5. 58eme Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
6. 1tes Braunschweigisches Leib-Bataillon "Black Legion"


1. 79th "Queens Own" Cameron Highlanders
2. 1er Régiment de Grenadiers-à-Pied de la Garde Imperial
3. 87th Royal Irish Fusiliers
4. 84e Régiment d'Infanterie de ligne "Un Contre Dix"
5. United States Marine Corps
6. 9th "East Norfolk" Regiment of Foot
7. Pontifical Swiss Guard

Regimental Steam Contacts
League 1
71st Highland Regiment of Foot
Leader: Cheeseypants
2nd in Command: Blade
3rd in Command: JackieChan
63eme Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Leader: Karth
2nd in Command: Offizer
18th (Royal Irish) Regiment of Foot
Leader: Tico
2nd in Command: Tammo and Bishop
21ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Leader: Ody
2nd in Command: Griffin
3rd in Command: ExplosivePaperClip
58eme Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Leader: Lawbringer
2nd in Command: Pinkerton
3rd in Command: AsianP
1tes Braunschweigisches Leib-Bataillon "Black Legion"
Leader: Deadeye
2nd in Command: ?

League 2
79th "Queens Own" Cameron Highlanders
Leader: Armystrong
2nd in Command: Modernassassin
1er Régiment de Grenadiers-à-Pied de la Garde Imperial
Leader: Gluk
2nd in Command: Revan
3rd in Command: Pooba
87th Royal Irish Fusiliers
Leader: Potus
2nd in Command: Michaud
3rd in Command: Hall
84e Régiment d'Infanterie de ligne "Un Contre Dix"
Leader: Damien
2nd in Command: Marceaux
United States Marine Corps
Leader: CommissarJdf
2nd in Command: GeneralZod
9th "East Norfolk" Regiment of Foot
Leader: Spork
2nd in Command: Bigbear
3rd in Command: Edward
Pontifical Swiss Guard
Leader: Windflower
2nd in Command: KnightofStJohn
« Last Edit: February 15, 2015, 04:47:47 am by JackieChan »

Offline JackieChan

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Re: North American Napoleonic Wars League - New thread!
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2014, 05:17:46 am »

Season 1

League 1

Place  Regiment                                                         Points      Games Won  Games Tied  Games Lost  Rounds Won  Rounds Lost  Rounds Won/Lost Aggregate 
1.1a Svea Livgarde248005921+38
2.63eme Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne217016020+40
3.22e Régiment d'Infanterie165124634+12
4.Moskovskii Grenaderskie Polki155034535+10
5.8th Kings Regiment of Foot103143545-10
6.Royal Green Jackets62063743-6
7.1st Foreign Legion62062654-28
8.73rd Regiment of Foot "Macleod's Highlanders"62062159-38
9.27th Inniskilling Regiment of Foot31073149-18

League 2

Place  Regiment                                                         Points      Games Won  Games Tied  Games Lost  Rounds Won  Rounds Lost  Rounds Won/Lost Aggregate 
1.12th "East Suffolk" Regiment of Foot15500464+42
2.3eme Voltigeur de la Garde124013911+28
3.54th Regiment of Foot "West Norfolk"93023020+10
4.United States Marine Corps41131634-18
5.4th Silesian Landwehr41131634-18
6.Pułk 8. Piechoty Xięstwa Warszawskiego0005347-44

Season 2

League 1

Place  Regiment                                                         Points      Games Won  Games Tied  Games Lost  Rounds Won  Rounds Lost  Rounds Won/Lost Aggregate 
1.63eme Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne113203416+18
2.71st Highland Regiment of Foot82213317+16
3.2te Garde Grenadiere72123317+16
4.8. Leib (Nr.1 Brandenburgisches) Infantrie-Regiment72122030-10
5.54th Regiment of Foot "West Norfolk"62032030-10
6.15e Regiment de Voltigeurs de la Garde Imperiale00051040-30

League 2

Place  Regiment                                                         Points      Games Won  Games Tied  Games Lost  Rounds Won  Rounds Lost  Rounds Won/Lost Aggregate 
1.5th Northumberland Fusiliers227105723+34
2.22eme Régiment d'Infanterie206206020+40
3.United States Marine Corps155034040+0
4.Nr.7 Grenadier Battalion "Freiherr von Schroder"134134139+2
5.27th Inniskilling Regiment of Foot124044337+6
6.35th "Sussex" Regiment of Foot82243545-10
7.1er Régiment de Chasseurs-à-Pied de la Garde Impériale82243149-18
8.4th Silesian Landwehr41162951-22
9.87th Royal Irish Fusiliers10172456-32

Season 3

League 1

Place  Regiment                                                         Points      Games Won  Games Tied  Games Lost  Rounds Won  Rounds Lost  Rounds Won/Lost Aggregate 
1.71st Highland Regiment of Foot19610628+54
2.63eme Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne196105614+42
3.18th (Royal Irish) Regiment of Foot134124624+22
4.Leib-Gvardii Gusarskii Polk124033535+0
5.40th (2nd Somersetshire) Regiment of Foot82233040-10
6.79th "Queens Own" Cameron Highlanders31061545-30
7.54th Regiment of Foot "West Norfolk"31061248-36
8.33e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne10161456-42

League 2

Place  Regiment                                                         Points      Games Won  Games Tied  Games Lost  Rounds Won  Rounds Lost  Rounds Won/Lost Aggregate 
1.Nr.37 Infanterie Regiment "Freiherr von Auffenberg"248006020+40
2.Nr.7 Grenadier Battalion Stark "Carl Schröder"165124327+16
3.Pontifical Swiss Guard124044228+14
4.87th Royal Irish Fusiliers123323941-2
5.84e Régiment d'Infanterie de ligne "Un Contre Dix"103143446-12
6.United States Marine Corps93053743-6
7.30th (Cambridgeshire) Regiment of Foot93053545-10
8.Nr.9 Infantry Regiment41162733-6
9.27th Inniskilling Regiment of Foot31072347-24

Round 1
League 1 Matches:
71st 6 - 4 58e
18th 9 - 1 1tes
21e 3 - 7 63e

League 2 Matches:
1erGren 5 - 5 PSG
84e 5 - 5 9th
87th has free
79th has free
USMC has free

Round 2
League 1 Matches:
71st 8 - 2 1tes
58e 1 - 9 63e
18th 3 - 7 21e

League 2 Matches:
79th 6 - 4 PSG
1erGren 1 - 9 9th
84e 4 - 6 87th
USMC has free

Round 3
League 1 Matches:
71st 2 - 8 63e
1tes 3 - 7 21e
58e 8 - 2 18th

League 2 Matches:
PSG 4 - 6 9th
1erGren 5 - 5 87th
USMC 5 - 5 84e
79th has free

Round 4
League 1 Matches:
71st 6 - 4 21e
63e 8 - 2 18th
1tes 1 - 9 58e

League 2 Matches:
79th 8 - 2 9th
PSG 7 - 3 87th
1erGren 0 - 10 USMC
84e has free

Round 5, Deadline: Sunday, 15th of February 2015

League 1 Matches:
71st 6 - 4 18th
21e vs 58e
63e 10 - 0 1tes

League 2 Matches:
9th 2 - 8 87th
PSG 3 - 7 USMC
84e has free
1erGren has free
79th has free

Deadline Extention Request

Match you need a deadline extention for:
Why do you need a deadline extention?:
How long would you like this extention to be?

Deadline Extention Matches
« Last Edit: February 15, 2015, 05:22:55 am by JackieChan »

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Re: North American Napoleonic Wars League - New thread!
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2014, 05:17:53 am »

Season 1

League 1: 1a Svea Livgarde
League 2: 12th "East Suffolk" Regiment of Foot


Season 2

League 1: 63eme Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
League 2: 5th Northumberland Fusiliers


Season 3

League 1: 71st (Highland) Regiment of Foot
League 2: Nr.37 Infanterie Regiment "Freiherr von Auffenberg"

« Last Edit: December 15, 2014, 07:12:55 pm by Zzehth »
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Re: North American Napoleonic Wars League - New thread!
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2014, 05:18:00 am »
1 - Post only constructive comments.
2 - Do not spam.
3 - Do not instigate fights.
4 - Only NA NWL matters.
5 - Do not post random videos or images.
6 - Any complaint? Contact a NA NWL Organizer or Moderator via steam or PM.

« Last Edit: December 14, 2014, 06:22:20 am by Zzehth »
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Re: North American Napoleonic Wars League - New thread!
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2014, 05:18:17 am »
Good luck!!

"I may never make a list, and I may never make the hall of fame, but by God, I made the competitive mailing list" - Undisclosed Gamer

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Re: North American Napoleonic Wars League - New thread!
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2014, 08:54:31 am »
Updated the thread!

Changed some rules:
- From now on you cannot have 2 lines! No matter how many people each regiment has, you can only play as one line.
- Clarified the officer aiming rule a bit further.

- Nr9, 30th, 54th and the 40th dropped out.
- Nr7 has name-changed to 1tes.
- 79th and the 33e have been dropped to League 2.
- Nr37 and 1tes have been moved up to League 1.
- Depending on sign-ups the 21e and PSG might have to play for a spot in League 1, if not then the 21e stays in League 1.

Sign-up section updated!

Referees have been removed! You can reapply now!

Brackets from Season 3 are fully up to date!

I need confirmation from a few more regiments about their remaining in the League or not! For those that are, I need your updated Leaders and 2nd in Commands!

Also, added a fun poll! Just to see what people think! :)

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Re: North American Napoleonic Wars League - New thread!
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2014, 09:00:17 am »

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Re: North American Napoleonic Wars League - New thread!
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2014, 09:11:42 am »
#SecondVote, right behind Catbutts, so proud.  ;D

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Re: North American Napoleonic Wars League - New thread!
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2014, 09:41:18 am »
To post an referee app, or not to post an referee app... that is the question...
« Last Edit: December 14, 2014, 10:42:00 am by Superbad »

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Re: North American Napoleonic Wars League - New thread!
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2014, 09:49:13 am »
To post an admin app, or not to post an referee app... that is the question...

Badmin SuperBAD

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Re: North American Napoleonic Wars League - New thread!
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2014, 11:24:13 am »
87th will remain in the league event with the same officers as first and second command

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Re: North American Napoleonic Wars League - New thread!
« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2014, 04:57:17 pm »
To post an referee app, or not to post an referee app... that is the question...
Go for it dood!

Community Name: Alexander
Steam Profile (link):
Regiment:5th Northumberland Fusiliers
Why do you want to be a referee? Because I enjoy watching competitve matches and making sure they are as clean as possible.
Why do you think you would be a good referee? Because I have plenty of experince and really enjoy doing it. Also, most regiments seem to have little to no complaints about me. So I must be great!  ;D ;D ;D
Admin Experience: NANWL Season 1 and 2, NAGF, KPR Battle a few times, 7y Battle, 34th EU Battle, 8th Battle, Lifegaming event, Chantakeys Guerilla Battle, and Dan The Chefs gentlemen siege.
Did you read all the rules thoroughly?Yes!
Will you admin fairly and unbiased? Of course.
Former leader of NA's - 5th, 75th 
Former Lt of the 54th
Former CSjt of 71st

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Re: North American Napoleonic Wars League - New thread!
« Reply #13 on: December 14, 2014, 06:40:50 pm »
Subscription post ftw.

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Re: North American Napoleonic Wars League - New thread!
« Reply #14 on: December 14, 2014, 06:43:16 pm »
Why is the 63te not on the poll?
Check out my YT channel where I post NW com/c/CluelessWill
god damn, Anthony is smart, he was able to get the shit AEF to tie with the best reg in the game. The tactical geniusness needed to pull off such a feat is insane. He's the Erwin Rommel of NW.
i always get an erection when i check my subscrptions and see that phresh cluelesswill vid
It won't be FSE developing it, so it will come out!