Author Topic: 61e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne  (Read 33583 times)

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Offline Lecourbe

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61e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
« on: December 01, 2014, 09:08:29 pm »

- History -

The 61e Régiment d'Infanterie was created in 1791, and it's still standing nowadays, but we will developp the historical aspect of this regiment during the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars.

His first feat of arms was his assignment of the regiment to the garrison to the royal palace of Louis XVI with the famous « Swiss guards ». Nowaday, no one can prove that the 61e defended the Palais des Tuileries against the French people, and it seems to be the case, however some soldiers would probably have defended for Louis XVI.

Once the revolution was over, the 61e was mobilized to fight for the "French Nation", against the Prussian's army.
He took part to the Siege of Longwy, defending the place at one against four! Despite this heroic defense, the French army lost this battle. By the way, it's one of the first French big defeat during the Revolution wars.

"Charge d'Infanterie à la Bataille de Valmy, 20 septembre 1792" painted by Pierre Victor Robiquet.

During the Campaign of Egypt, the 25th July 1799, the 61e took part in the Battle of Aboukir, and captured an Ottoman's position defended by 23 cannons.
When he saw that one of his regiments was not following his orders, the general Friant asked "[...] From which brigade are this men who are charging alone the ennemies positions !?"
The original sentence was: "[...] Mais de quelle brigade sont ces hommes qui chargent seuls les positions ennemies ?!"

In 1800, the light companies of the 61e honored themself once more during the battle of Heliopolis, where they resisted during more than thirty minutes against three Ottoman's brigades, on the right flanks. When Kleber saw that the light companies couldn't continue to fight, he sent a part of the 13e Chasseurs à Cheval, aslo two brigades from an other infantry regiment. With the support of these fresh troops, the 61e was able to defend the position, and even, to counter attack the Ottomans.
The battle was finally a brillant victory for the French army.

The regiment fought during the battle of Austerlitz but didn't participate to other « official campaigns » before the Russian's one, where it participated to some important battles such as Eylau.

During the retreat of Russia, the 61e tried to stop the Russians troops during the battle of the Berezina, but as the other regiments on his sides, he was completely destructed during the battle.

When the Napoleon came back from the island of Elba, the 61e joined the Emperor and fought during the battles of Ligny and Waterloo.

- In-Game History -

The 61e Régiment de Grenadiers de Front was created by Godieu and Salmstorms in august 2012.

In 2013, some importants figures started to join the regiment. At the end of 2013, the regiment joined the Xe corps d'armée with the 7e Flanqueurs and the 3e Régiment d'Artillerie de Marine.
The Xe corps and the Ve corps decided to merge and form the Légion Irlandaise, taking the idea from the ancient leader, Enix.
But the 18th may 2014, the 61e decided to leave the Légion Irlandaise.
Three months later, the regiment disbanded. It reformed in december 2014, with the name of 61e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne under the command of the former adjudant huanmpth.

In September 2015, an artillery company was created commanded by the capitaine Toy and one week later, the 52eBCA, an italian light regiment, joined the 61e as light company. It was one of the first foreign company in a french regiment. The tags were: [61e] for the fusiliers; [61eArt] for the artillery; [61eLegers] for the voltigeurs company.

But, during November 2016, the regiment faced a lack of motivation from the soldiers and the officers and reached one of its poorest level.
The 61e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne decided to stop his adventure on Mount and Blade Napoleonic Wars the 1st january 2017 to reform later, on a new and fresh game, and to continue his brillant career.

Recruitment poster of the 61e Régiment d'Infanterie.

A fusilier from the French infantry. 1812.

- Contacts -

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Lecourbe ->
Kikiri ->

The first picture was made by NiPhiX from the 1er Fusilier Grenadiers. Thanks to him!

Captain of infantry, wearing the "tenue de route". 1813.

Previous thread version:

- History -

The 61e Régiment d'Infanterie was created in 1791, and it's still standing nowadays, but we will developp the historical aspect of this regiment during the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars.

His first feat of arms was his assignment of the regiment to the garrison to the royal palace of Louis XVI with the famous « Swiss guards ». Nowaday, no one can prove that the 61e defended the Palais des Tuileries against the French people, and it seems to be the case, however some soldiers would probably have defended for Louis XVI.

Once the revolution was over, the 61e was mobilized to fight for the "French Nation", against the Prussian's army.
He took part to the Siege of Longwy, defending the place at one against four! Despite this heroic defense, the French army lost this battle. By the way, it's one of the first French big defeat during the Revolution wars.

"Charge d'Infanterie à la Bataille de Valmy, 20 septembre 1792" painted by Pierre Victor Robiquet.

During the Campaign of Egypt, the 25th July 1799, the 61e took part in the Battle of Aboukir, and captured an Ottoman's position defended by 23 cannons.
When he saw that one of his regiments was not following his orders, the general Friant asked "[...] From which brigade are this men who are charging alone the ennemies positions !?"
The original sentence was: "[...] Mais de quelle brigade sont ces hommes qui chargent seuls les positions ennemies ?!"

In 1800, the light companies of the 61e honored themself once more during the battle of Heliopolis, where they resisted during more than thirty minutes against three Ottoman's brigades, on the right flanks. When Kleber saw that the light companies couldn't continue to fight, he sent a part of the 13e Chasseurs à Cheval, aslo two brigades from an other infantry regiment. With the support of these fresh troops, the 61e was able to defend the position, and even, to counter attack the Ottomans.
The battle was finally a brillant victory for the French army.

The regiment fought during the battle of Austerlitz but didn't participate to other « official campaigns » before the Russian's one, where it participated to some important battles such as Eylau.

During the retreat of Russia, the 61e tried to stop the Russians troops during the battle of the Berezina, but as the other regiments on his sides, he was completely destructed during the battle.

When the Napoleon came back from the island of Elba, the 61e joined the Emperor and fought during the battles of Ligny and Waterloo.

- In-Game History -

The 61e Régiment de Grenadiers de Front was created by Godieu and Salmstorms in august 2012.

In 2013, some importants figures started to join the regiment. At the end of 2013, the regiment joined the Xe corps d'armée with the 7e Flanqueurs and the 3e Régiment d'Artillerie de Marine.
The Xe corps and the Ve corps decided to merge and form the Légion Irlandaise, taking the idea from the ancient leader, Enix.
But the 18th may 2014, the 61e decided to leave the Légion Irlandaise.
Three months later, the regiment disbanded. It reformed in december 2014, with the name of 61e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne under the command of the former adjudant huanmpth.

In September 2015, an artillery company was created commanded by the capitaine Toy and one week later, the 52eBCA, an italian light regiment, joined the 61e as light company. It was one of the first foreign company in a french regiment. The tags were: [61e] for the fusiliers; [61eArt] for the artillery; [61eLegers] for the voltigeurs company.

But, during November 2016, the regiment faced a lack of motivation from the soldiers and the officers and reached one of its poorest level.
The 61e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne decided to stop his adventure on Mount and Blade Napoleonic Wars the 1st january 2017 to reform later, on a new and fresh game, and to continue his brillant career.

Recruitment poster of the 61e Régiment d'Infanterie.

A fusilier from the French infantry. 1812.

- Contacts -

Our Steam group:

Our forum:

TeamSpeak adress:

Huanmpth ->
Lecourbe ->

The first picture was made by NiPhiX from the 1er Fusilier Grenadiers. Thanks to him!

Captain of infantry, wearing the "tenue de route". 1813.

Previous thread version

- History -

The 61e Régiment d'Infanterie exists since 1791, but we will rather focus on it main battles in the French Revolution and the First Empire.

To protect himself against the insurgents, king Louis XVI called the 61e Régiment to reinforce the guard at his palace with the prestigious "Switzerland Guard".
In 1792, the 61e Régiment particips to the Battle of Valmy against Prussians, where the France won hir first major battle of the Revolutionary Wars.
In 1800, he takes part to the capture of Malta, against English. Malta Island was crucial to land at Alexandria, for the Egyptian Campaign.
Today, we aren't sure if the 61e participated to the Battle of the Pyramids, probably a part of, but not the entire regiment.

"Charge d'Infanterie à la Bataille de Valmy, 20 septembre 1792" painted by Pierre Victor Robiquet.

In 1799 the 61e Régiment d'Infanterie distinguished himself at the Battle of Héliopolis where he charged heroically the Ottomane positions, who were defended by 25 canons.
The 61e Régiment achieved to capture 35 canons, and the French general, Murat said:
"What is this crazy regiment, charging alone the ennemies positions !?".

In 1800, our prestigious regiment particped at the Battle of Heliopolis, the French army won. After Heliopolis, 61e Régiment no longer participated in any campaign before 1807 where he took part in the Siege of Danzig against Russian and Prussian allied troops.

In 1809 he participated in the Battle of Wagram against the Austrians.
He also took part in the bloody Battle of Berizina, on side with the Swiss detachment, 61e Régiment was almost destroyed.

After his reforming, the 61e d'Infanterie de Ligne participated on October 16th to 19th at the Battle of Leipzig. He took part in the Battle of Brienne and the battle Battle of Montereau too.

When the Emperor Napoleon came back from Elbe Island, the 61e joined him, and the regiment took part to the battle of Waterloo.

- In-Game History -

The 61e Régiment de Grenadiers de Front (French) was created by godieu and Salmstorm in August 2012. At the beginning the regiment was small.

The regiment participated to many Linebattles, they brought 10~15 men in the line! But, one day, this prestigious regiment decided to form the Xe Corps d'Armée Français, with the 3e Régiment d'Artillerie de Marine [Art] and the 7e Régiment de Voltigeurs [Light].

After that, the Xe Corps d'Armée and the Ve Corps d'Armée created the new "Légion Irlandaise" (Irish Legion).

But the 18th July, 61e Régiment decided to leave the Irish Legion. Irish Legion was too big, too arrogant, too nub :P.
The 61e Régiment de Grenadiers de Front disbanded 3 months later, on august 2014, but today, he's reformed ! Now, he's called "61e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne".

- Contacts -

Our Steam Group:

Our TeamSpeak:

Steam Contacts:
Lieutenant-Colonel Huanmpth ->
Sergent-Major Crusader ->
Sergent Lecourbe ->
« Last Edit: July 09, 2019, 12:31:49 pm by Lecourbe »

Offline Lecourbe

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  • Nick: Lecourbe™
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Re: [EU│FR] 61e Régiment de Grenadiers de Front
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2014, 09:08:41 pm »

- 1ère Compagnie "Les Aiglons"-


Sous - Officier

- Sergent Major Lecourbe

- Caporal Fourrier Kikiri

- Caporal Ekek
- Caporal Anr0k
- Caporal MisterBoy

Hommes du Rang

- Grenadier Leynhart
- Grenadier Pierrehermoso

- Fusilier d'Honneur Nachitoa
- Fusilier d'Honneur Baby
- Fusilier d'Honneur Rysox
- Fusilier d'Honneur Mercurus

- Fusilier Micka
- Fusilier BaudoinIV
- Fusilier Loïc
- Fusilier Nandor
- Fusilier Lilionus
- Fusilier Saurus
- Fusilier Snekkja
- Fusilier Filip

Conscrits et Réserve

- Conscrit Teoad
- Conscrit gdt23000
- Conscrit Alpaca
- Conscrit Captaincahuète
- Conscrit JLB28
- Conscrit Océan

- Demi-Solde Kreez

Total: 26
Officier: 0
Sous-Officiers: 5
Soldats et Conscrits: 21

Previous roster version:

- Roster -

Compagnie de Fusiliers

  LtCol. Huanmpth

  Sgt. Lecourbe

  Cpl. iZoking

  Gren. Anr0k

  FusH. DeGrasse
  FusH. Pierrehermoso
  FusH. Ekek
  FusH. Rusofran
  FusH. Kikiri
  FusH. Sarda

  Fus. Sopor
  Fus. DarkLegend
  Fus. Whopper
  Fus. Mercurus
  Fus. Maurice
  Fus. Loic
  Fus. Angelus
  Fus. MrAntoine
  Fus. Pierre
  Fus. Werder
  Fus. Tiberias
  Fus. Shidenkaï

  Rec. Elessar
  Rec. Teoad
  Rec. LeoBeker
  Rec. Maxxou
  Rec. Erixxor
  Rec. Rôdeur
  Rec. Cahors
  Rec. Grityom
  Rec. Bezukhov
  Rec. LotteQC
  Rec. Sangdes
  Rec. Interficere
  Rec. Nachitoa
  Rec. Astérix
  Rec. Mathéo
  Rec. AzeohdProd

Compagnie de Voltigeurs

  Cpt. Natia

  Lt. Barri

  SgtMaj. Luca
  SgtMaj. Gentleman
  Sgt. St4rkill
  Sgt. Stefano

  Volt. Connor
  ChassV. Biotic
  ChassV. Ezio
  Chass. Blackjokey
  Chass. McCandless
  Chass. Qlo88esimo
  Chass. Kronos
  Chass. Dado
  Chass. Rafaele
  Chass. dvdute
  Chass. AssoBlaze
  Chass. MattBacon
  Chass. Hyd
  Chass. Lockspecial

  Rec. Redcross
  Rec. Zalera
  Rec. Pitchu
Compagnie d'Artillerie

  Cpt. Toy

  Sgt. Zizogian

Cpl. Sesgoude

CanE. Fioffi
CanI. Seven7
CanI. Apostrophe
CanI. ElTounzer
CanII. Morgun
Asp. Raptortoto
Asp. Jurkan
« Last Edit: July 08, 2019, 08:07:40 pm by Lecourbe »

Offline Fungus

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Re: [EU│FR] 61e Régiment de Grenadiers de Front *REFORMED*
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2014, 09:11:31 pm »
Listen to me big fat red haired spastic, you don't have half of my intelectual capacity, you are a fucking brain less animal, i think your mother throwed you on a wall when you were a baby and this is why you have the same brain as a monkey,
You understand nothing, this is why you are working at 20, because your brain did not allowed you to go to school to grab a decent degree, being toxic on a video game is not the same as being retarded, you should try to do some maths exercices because remember you can't even count to 10 if you remember one of the recent tournament, so now go threat your gambling addiction before your mom kick you out of her house.
And you should also go in an asylum, you get triggered by a fucking game and go in depression, deleting everyone on Steam and setting your profile as private, you cunt.

Offline Louisss

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Re: [EU│FR] 61e Régiment de Grenadiers de Front *REFORMED*
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2014, 09:13:43 pm »

Offline CrumpetAwesome

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Re: [EU│FR] 61e Régiment de Grenadiers de Front *REFORMED*
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2014, 09:14:20 pm »
Welcome back :D

Offline Lecourbe

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Re: [EU│FR] 61e Régiment de Grenadiers de Front *REFORMED*
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2014, 09:14:29 pm »

KraZ is now sleeping, I'm sorry 

Welcome back :D

Thanks Crumpet :-*

Offline Crescent Glow

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Re: [EU│FR] 61e Régiment de Grenadiers de Front *REFORMED*
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2014, 09:16:48 pm »
Welcome back m80s

Offline 14e_Knight

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Re: [EU│FR] 61e Régiment de Grenadiers de Front *REFORMED*
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2014, 09:17:35 pm »

The 61e Régiment de Grenadiers de Front (French) was created by godieu and Salmstorm in August 2011. At the beginning the regiment was small.

wut, you mean 2012 / 2013?

gl anyway
14e bullies, making people cri since 2011
Knight is the coolest person in the world.

Offline Moi74

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Re: [EU│FR] 61e Régiment de Grenadiers de Front *REFORMED*
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2014, 09:19:16 pm »

Why all these 1 ?
Good luck ;)

Offline Lecourbe

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Re: [EU│FR] 61e Régiment de Grenadiers de Front *REFORMED*
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2014, 09:19:34 pm »
Welcome back m80s

Thanks  :-*

The 61e Régiment de Grenadiers de Front (French) was created by godieu and Salmstorm in August 2011. At the beginning the regiment was small.

wut, you mean 2012 / 2013?

gl anyway


Fail :/


Why all these 1 ?
Good luck ;)

Another fail  :'( :'( :'(

T'es obligé d'venir gacher mon thread ?!? :P

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Re: [EU│FR] 61e Régiment de Grenadiers de Front *REFORMED*
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2014, 09:28:45 pm »
Nice thread for a nice regiment guys. I hope this is going to be a great adventure for you, proud to see people who want to make the 61e go on.

61e For Ever!
"La balle est folle, la baïonnette sait ce qu'elle fait."

                                                         Général Souvorov.


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Re: [EU│FR] 61e Régiment de Grenadiers de Front *REFORMED*
« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2014, 09:29:40 pm »
Good luck for your return! Nice thread.

Offline Lecourbe

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Re: [EU│FR] 61e Régiment de Grenadiers de Front *REFORMED*
« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2014, 09:32:10 pm »
Nice thread for a nice regiment guys. I hope this is going to be a great adventure for you, proud to see people who want to make the 61e go on.

61e For Ever!

Thanks Pikow :-*

Good luck for your return! Nice thread.

.. And thanks Draeker :-*

Offline Alexander

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Re: [EU│FR] 61e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne *REFORMED*
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2014, 09:35:31 pm »
Welcome back boyos.
Former leader of NA's - 5th, 75th 
Former Lt of the 54th
Former CSjt of 71st

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Re: [EU│FR] 61e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne *REFORMED*
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2014, 10:19:16 pm »
Welcome back and good luck :)