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Offline sirkaide

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The Napoleonic Roleplay Server
« on: October 30, 2014, 03:08:53 am »

The Napoleonic Roleplay Server was set up to provide an alternative experience to NW's dedicated community, and cater to the demands of those seeking the more serious of NW's historic gameplay.
Set up in early 2014, we aimed to provide the highest quality of Roleplaying over a great variety of Roleplays and maps to the players who frequent our server. These do not necessarily have to be peaceful, such as Town RP and Prison RP, but often include RPing specific battles or scenarios on custom maps designed from scratch with them in mind. New suggestions from our player base are being noted down, and are often implemented with a custom scene and set of rules. Over time, we have expanded upon the theme of Roleplaying, with new, interesting additions being made, such as the more recent Hostage Rescue and Storming the Palace Roleplays. It is certain that we offer the NW community an unparalleled set of modes, designed for those who desire a more controlled, thematic experience of the Napoleonic era on Warband.

Some Screenshots of the Roleplays we currently offer:
All were taken over the course of the last week.


Rules are vital for keeping order wiithin any public or private server, and are essential on such a large server with a focus on strict roleplay. Often, we are accused of trying to shape the game in a way that we like it by "enforcing roleplay", but that (RP) is the primary focus of the server, and so players should be prepared to learn and obey slightly more complex rules (which will obviously differ from roleplay to roleplay) in order to keep within its boundaries and so improve their own experiences, as well as the game of their fellow gamers.

No Personal Attacks against another player, for whatever reason, in either team or global chat.

No Spamming either the global or team chat - since this is Roleplay, both are vital for players to be able to communicate, and spam only impedes this and ruins the immersion.

No Insulting the Admins for whatever reason, especially when unprovoked - it only displays your ingratitude for their voluntary service and dilutes the validity of the point you are trying to get across.

Follow the Admin(s)' orders at all times, especially when they are related to the rules and your conduct within the game.

Do not Spam TNT - Spamming TNT for no purpose is considered a waste of buildpoints at the very least, or can be considered trolling if the player tries to teamkill his own teammates or destroy their fortifications. Some maps have TNT disabled. Please Use TNT with great moderation.

No Racism, Bigotry, Misogeny or other form of discrimination - please let your real-life differences aside, and focus on playing the actual game in an 18th century context

Historically-accurate names, which are relevant to the RP being played (such as Adolf_Hitler for D-Day RP), are allowed. However, names which aim to offend others explicitly (such as "Gas_The_Jews") will not be tolerated. The admin may choose to kick you after warning you to change your name, so that you will change it immediately. Coming back with the same name after a kick may result in a ban.

Be Mature and Civilised! Perhaps the most important rule, which links to every single one above. Be calm and respectful of others, try to immerse yourself into the setting, and, above all, try to enjoy your time on  the server!


Gamemode: Battle
Concept (May vary from game to game, as per the players' or the admins' wishes): The invading or occupying forces have come to town, so how will the townsfolk greet them? After a superficial period of tranquility, it seems that trouble is brewing, which may even lead to Revolt against the colonialists!
No revolt before 57:00 (Time may be changed accordingly at the admin's discretion)
1:2 Ratio UK/France/Prussian to Russia
All Russians must take partisani class. Any militias are K.O.S.
Russians may keep their tools for working. Any firearms require permits, to be obtained from the Occupiers
Random punching or kicking may result in the offender being imprisoned, or stabbed.
The Occupiers may take a General or Officer, to act as Governor of the town.
<More rules, as long as they are reasonable, can be imposed "live" in the game itself by the British/ French/ Prussians>


Gamemode: Battle
Concept: The Huge British and French armies faced each other off at Waterloo. The tense atmosphere could not be unnoticed. But would this encounter be solved by diplomacy and negotiations, or War?
Each Nation must have a Commander, picked by the admins before the round is "live". He/She will take General class. The other troops are expected to listen to his commands. A Second-In-Command (2iC) is a good failsafe, in case the General dies.
Each Nation may additionally have other Officers, for Infantry, Cavalry or Artillery. They are in charge of just their detachment, and also have to listen to the orders their Commander gives them at all times.
The Commanders must negotiate and take their positions in the forts before declaring War. War can only be declared by Generals. Anyone attacking or killing before War can expect a severe punishment, and the victim can expect to be healed.
If the round is dragging for two long (usually when one of the teams is camping), the admin can order an "All Charge", in which case they team must charge immediately, or be slain.
Killing Musicians and/or Surrenderers is unaccpeptable, and will result in a slay at least. Those who surrender are expected to drop their weapons. If the musicians and/or surredered are the only ones left, they are to be executed via firing squad.
Sappers are allowed to build sapper forts to defend their troops.
Artillery is allowed. It must start firing after War is declared, like all other troops.


Gamemode: Battle
Concept: The 18th and 19th centuries were often decided on the high seas. Who will achieve Naval Superiority?
Both teams take Ship Crew Classes, which include Sailor, Marine, Captain, and Naval Artillery. Musicians are to be disabled.
Both teams are to attack the others, and aim to kill. Surrenderers may be killed before the round is close to ending
Any intentional delaying will result in the person being slain to end the round
Trolling, such as pushing people off boats or firing shells to sink friendly ships is unacceptable
The admin may slay the remaining players if he deems that them getting to each other will take too long


Gamemode: Battle
Concept: Our General has been abducted! We must get him back!
The Attacker's (Russian) General is teleported inside the Fort/House/Palace. He must dismount and drop his weapons. He will be escorted to a room, and guarded. Meanwhile, the Russians will attack the fort, aim to free their General and kill all the guards.
The Attackers win when all the Brits have been killed, or their General escorted back to spawn, whichever happens first!
The Defenders win if they manage to kill all the attackers!
The Attackers must take militia or partisani classes only!
The Defenders can take any infantry classes available. A sapper is useful for locking the General in.
The Defenders can only kill the General if he attempts to escape, or finds a weapon and attacks them


Gamemode: Battle
Concept: They had enough. The brutal oppression the Russians had suffered under their masters had to come to an end... one way or the other...
The Attackers aim to invade the Palace, find, and kill the General. The Defenders have to defend him at all costs. If the Defender General dies, the Attackers win, even if other defenders are still alive and fighting.
Ratio 1:2 Defenders: Attackers
Defenders may take any infantry troop they like. They must have a General, who should immediately dismount and hide inside the Palace along with his troops.
Defenders may take engineers to block entrance to the attackers and defend their General.
Attackers should take either Russian Partisani or Militia classes. Regular rankers are not allowed for the rebels!



Gamemode: Battle
Each side must listen to the C.O. in charge, and obey his/her commands. Having a Second-In-Command (2iC) is also useful. The C.O. and 2iC must be Officers.
Cavarly and Artillery may be or not be allowed, depending on the map, and the player counts
It is recommended that both teams/ sides take the same troop class, for the sake of uniformity and realism
Flag-Bearers and Musicians can be killed, just like any enemy troop. No surrendering!
The admin may choose to slay or reset the map if he sees that the round is delaying too much.
The admin may choose to create a theme in the Linebattle, such as "Russian Revolution" (where militias fight grenadiers) or other similar ideas.

Gamemode: Battle or Siege
Concept: After years of tyrannical Nazi rule, the Allie gathered on the beaches of Normandy, prepared. History would be written in due course...
About 1:2 or 2:3 Ratio Defenders to Attackers
Defenders are Prussian (it is recommended that they take Freikorps class if infantry), while the Attackers are British, who may take any class they wish.
Artillery is allowed for both teams, and is recommended escpecially for Prussia
Prussia may take Engineers to  build fortifications and defend its position
The Round is won either when the flag has been captured by the British (Siege Mode), or until the Prussian commander has been killed (Battle Mode)

Please note that half-arsed attempts at any of these will be ignored, especially if they are unban requests or admin applications. You are the ones asking the server and its administrators for something, so at least pretend to care and put some effort into them.

Exact Date and Time:
Why you were banned:
Why we should unban you:
Anyone who can vouch for your behaviour:
User ID:
Steam (link):
How you would make a good admin:
Previous Experience:
Community Members that can vouch for you:
Time you could be Online:
Name of Admin:
Exact Date and Time:
Situation (Please be very precise in your description):
How the admin violated the rules:
Screenshots (Required*):
Name of New Roleplay:
Game Mode:
Description of Roleplay:
Map (Or describe ideal map features);
Name of Offender:
Exact Date and Time:
Violation of Rules:
Screenshots (Required*):

KL4R1N0G4MPR0S for designing and creating this thread.
The Admins of this server, for ensuring that your experience is as enjoyable as possible!
Erwin_Rommel for setting up and maintaining this server.
[Lord Brook Map Team (Add for map information)
The 59th for funding the hosting of this server and keeping it up and running!

Useful Links:

[59th] Kaide 
The 59th Website
The 59th Thread
59th Jailbreak Server
Old FSE forum Thread (inactive)
Gamer's Estate (Steam Group)

St3fan's Server Hosting

Please note that this thread is only for the Napoleonic_Roleplay_Server. For the 59th_Jailbreak_Server, go here,

Edit: 06/11/2014 - The Napoleonic Roleplay Server managed to reach full capacity with nearly 200 players on over a period of a couple of hours in the evening! Thank you all for choosing our server and helping it reach the top!
At exactly the same time, the 59th_Jailbreak Server also managed to have 50 players on, a very impressive achievement for both servers.

« Last Edit: November 07, 2014, 12:56:01 pm by sirkaide »

Offline sirkaide

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Re: The Napoleonic Roleplay Server
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2014, 03:09:46 am »
Thanks for KL4R1N0G4MPR0S, great thread!

Offline KL4R1N0G4MPR0S

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Re: The Napoleonic Roleplay Server
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2014, 03:15:12 am »
Thanks for KL4R1N0G4MPR0S, great thread!

Thank you Kaide!
*Raises glass* To many sleepless days and nights of Roleplaying!


Offline sirkaide

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Re: The Napoleonic Roleplay Server
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2014, 12:27:52 pm »
Hopefully we can edit the scripts and maps soon. Some delays should be re-addressed later today. We have custom maps that have just been completed by our map team. Bring times.

Offline TheHunted0

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Re: The Napoleonic Roleplay Server
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2014, 12:30:42 pm »
nice thread :)

Offline Toffee

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Re: The Napoleonic Roleplay Server
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2014, 12:35:08 pm »
Never played on a roleplay server but I may do when I get back home with a mouse!
Brilliant thread and ideas!


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Re: The Napoleonic Roleplay Server
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2014, 12:42:52 pm »
Nice thread Kl4r. :)

Offline Gared

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Re: The Napoleonic Roleplay Server
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2014, 01:38:28 pm »

Offline AlekoTheGreek

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Re: The Napoleonic Roleplay Server
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2014, 01:55:43 pm »
Very nice thread, even though i found the black-white contrast a bit too much for my eyes :)

Offline KL4R1N0G4MPR0S

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Re: The Napoleonic Roleplay Server
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2014, 03:09:33 pm »
nice thread :)
Never played on a roleplay server but I may do when I get back home with a mouse!
Brilliant thread and ideas!
Nice thread Kl4r. :)
Very nice thread, even though i found the black-white contrast a bit too much for my eyes :)
Thank you baes <3
Just to clarify, apart from Town RP, most of these "Roleplays" are battle scenarios with specific rules (maps, "War" time, troop classes, team ratios, etc.)
For a Jailbreak experience, Kaide continues to run the 59th's Jailbreak Server, where new maps have been added. Prison RP has been removed from the Napoleonic_Roleplay_Server.

He mentions it in this post on the old thread
That'd be fantastic. NRS will lose its jailbreak elements as we have the 59th Jailbreak. We have a number of map makers currently making battle maps. This in turn will lead to NRS becoming much more competitive large scale battle types. Rather compared to the creative element in which admins dictate the flow of the game. The job of Admins will change, rather then change map, and change game type the admins sole job will now be to avoid delays, Team hitting, and general trolling. The scripts will remove admin interference. As the maps will be on a loop. To get your GUID go on groupfighting.

EDIT: Feel free to use the tenplates above to make any suggestions for new  Roleplays, even if they do require new rules or maps!
« Last Edit: October 30, 2014, 03:13:01 pm by KL4R1N0G4MPR0S »

Offline AlekoTheGreek

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Re: The Napoleonic Roleplay Server
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2014, 03:35:04 pm »
Please no size 20 font  :-\

Offline Michael Sparks

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Re: The Napoleonic Roleplay Server
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2014, 12:27:56 am »
This thread hurts my eyes  :'(

Offline KL4R1N0G4MPR0S

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Re: The Napoleonic Roleplay Server
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2014, 02:11:51 am »
Very nice thread, even though i found the black-white contrast a bit too much for my eyes :)
This thread hurts my eyes  :'(
The point of this thread was to appear as ostentatious and bold as possible (unlike the previous one, which was just size 11 text and a few spoilers), so that it matched to a certain extent the style of the era more closely. That meant that, without going over the top, I had to use relatively large images with a strong black/white contrast. In any case, it's the actual content that counts equally as much, but thank you for your feedback! ;D

The new 59th Jailbreak thread I threw together tonight is much more "subdued" in terms of style (yet still quite flashy in my opinion) - I'll see if and when Kaide manages to replace their old one with it (I'll edit this with a link when it's modified) so that  you guys can compare and see the difference.

Never played on a roleplay server but I may do when I get back home with a mouse!
Brilliant thread and ideas!

I meant to post this earlier, but I have to say that this thread succeeded in one of its roles, which is to make people aware of the server's existence and to intrigue them into playing. We look forward to seeing you on there!
« Last Edit: October 31, 2014, 02:15:33 am by KL4R1N0G4MPR0S »

Offline Erwin_Rommel

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Re: The Napoleonic Roleplay Server
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2014, 10:54:17 pm »
Very good thread. Hopefully this shall be a New era within Role-Play. With many New maps and Scripts I am sure that NRP will become one of the biggest succees on the NW Community.

Offline Dimitri Boyka

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Re: The Napoleonic Roleplay Server
« Reply #14 on: November 02, 2014, 01:39:10 am »
Name: Hand_Of_God_Priest_Dovahkiin
Exact Date and Time: 00:20 +0GMT
Why you were banned: I was banned for saying to an admin that he isn't doing his job good,I wasn't mean or anything you can check it in logs but i was just expressing my opinion on that person.
Why we should unban you: I feel like this ban wasn't fair due to i was telling my opinion to a staff member who go really mad at me and couldn't take the truth also this is my first "Rule Break" i ever did on this server and everyone deserves an other chance

User ID: 676314