Author Topic: Opinions on the development of Battle Cry of Freedom.  (Read 5626 times)

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Re: Opinions on the development of Battle Cry of Freedom.
« Reply #45 on: October 07, 2014, 12:49:40 pm »
FSE are a small team and they need the publicity that an early announcement brings - they can't afford to compete with AAA- Studios in terms of advertising.

BCoF is coming, it's just going to take time. Have faith in the team that they're going to deliver the goods, and wait until you've played the game before commenting on how unique it feels.

If a cat sits in a box in the woods and no-one is around to hear it, is it alive?

Offline Jorvasker

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Re: Opinions on the development of Battle Cry of Freedom.
« Reply #46 on: October 07, 2014, 04:04:21 pm »
FSE are a small team and they need the publicity that an early announcement brings - they can't afford to compete with AAA- Studios in terms of advertising.

BCoF is coming, it's just going to take time. Have faith in the team that they're going to deliver the goods, and wait until you've played the game before commenting on how unique it feels.
I will once they make a video from in game. Surely they have something they could show in a 2 minute video.

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Offline Riddlez

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Re: Opinions on the development of Battle Cry of Freedom.
« Reply #47 on: October 07, 2014, 04:46:16 pm »
FSE are a small team and they need the publicity that an early announcement brings - they can't afford to compete with AAA- Studios in terms of advertising.

BCoF is coming, it's just going to take time. Have faith in the team that they're going to deliver the goods, and wait until you've played the game before commenting on how unique it feels.

Though there is a point it's been too far ahead and people will be.... disgruntled.
Probably one of the very few old-timers here who hasn't been a regimental leader.

Offline Mack

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Re: Opinions on the development of Battle Cry of Freedom.
« Reply #48 on: October 07, 2014, 05:53:19 pm »

Why would a company invest in something that can't keep to deadlines they set themselves let alone ones a company would set, would you want to own/invest in something that the "workers" were not fully committed to nor seemed to keep to their own deadlines?

But to quickly take this "Soon" implies no time, time could infact be infinite as it has not even been defined hence I introduce you to "Soon TM" the international symbol for shrugging your shoulders before glazing off into the sky.

Its been a long long time since I posted on these forums and the community still goes around in circles growing ever smaller as it goes on, by smaller I mean the people fully committed to this game get fewer and fewer by the day. The ship was long since abandoned for this game and everyone pretty much knows that by now, the main stable force for driving this was the American side of the community, unfortunately that long since vanished, North and South seems to be barely propped up which was a shame really as it was more probably the main hook to go "shiney shiney looky looky" for donations ... but that never really took off.

The money raised so far is quite frankly petty in comparison to what should of been raised very quickly, which kinda added to the fact of a shrinking community base that stuck with it so long before being banned, scared off or just frankly the good old "Ah bugger this". The developers fault? Naaaawwwww, just lack of the excitement in the game, and the lack of excitement the developers showed towards their current and new game it seemed, which when trying to make one at the same time with not enough famous faces within the community still backing it makes it really hard to keep hold of that popularity needed.

The mod had it all back in late 2010, then as it progressed into 2011 started that little breaking bits, and finally to 2012 when it all really went sour with taleworlds the forum formed. Too much passive and nonpassive aggression to one another which made more and more ... still see that today with the "Rebellion" type threads which make me laugh so much as its a re-occurring problem with just general satisfaction levels that have never been fulfilled or taken note of.

Overall as a standpoint I held for a long time when the game was announced back in November 2012, it won't take off, and it really hasn't. Blame whatever you like but it founded itself on the success of the community not of the developers themselves and its management team, with that crumbling like ash in the breeze, no hope really.

Also the pictures look awfully like Warband ported into another engine don't they? I mean the crouching is Exactly the same.

This guy nailed it, I haven't played this game since March/April. The game is old, investment and interest has died away from alot of people. Those who remain cling at remnants of a community which was just bitchy, selfish & a bunch of 14 year olds trying to feel important. The whole NW formula for me is wrong - its unlike any other clan game as quite clearly in some regiments it was made to just ego boost (regiments have too much power as they are the sole thing keeping the game alive). By community, I am not talking about individual regiments I am talking about how regiments interacted with 1 another. However now that I mention it their is always a some bitching within regiments, especially large ones. For me the games too serious and as said by Kator Viridian the community goes in a circle. The same shit is put on these forums as there was on the taleworld forums its a never ending cycle of repetitive whining & 'drama'. This game has a worse community than any MOBA or shooter, on here its all backstabbing and pure bollocks atleast in MOBAS one guy calls you a fucking retard you call him a cunt and thats as far as it goes. Opinions on development? The game was clearly aimed at the lower populated NA community to try and peak new interest in Americans clear love for their heritage. An indie game like this can't afford advertisement - All I would say is hope youtubers and steam does its part.

As for me, I'm off to Bannerlord, not only for the gameplay perspective but also because it doesn't have an over reliance on clans giving them too much power and allowing them to swing their dick around. Regiments in this game get to regulate players - a fatal flaw as for me the power to say "I want this guy banned from these servers" and if your 'influential enough' you can fuck their entire game. Regiments are volatile and most cannot handle the responsibility they are given by the game.

Couldn't agree more. One of the reasons that I stopped running a regiment, was because of the 'turning' community.
Lannes Mack

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Re: Opinions on the development of Battle Cry of Freedom.
« Reply #49 on: October 07, 2014, 06:38:04 pm »

Typing this from me mobile - pls no grammar h8
When a community starts to shrink, and regs start fighting over recruits, events, etc. Then obviously you get bad inter-clan/reg relationships. Think the Warband or CoD clans are any friendlier? I think that the magic of this game is that so much is community-sponsored, and so requires them to co-operate, not just co-exist, by running LBs, etc. Part of the fun with NW is that you do need to co-op with your teammate, and so teamwork becomes more relevant. Private servers, at least when the community is thriving, offer similar benefits to those seen in free markets - they run completely on donations (so no season pass etc.) and actually provide some competition between servers for who will provide the best service, etc. Mapping, a crucial part of Warband, also contributes to this. As for reg in-fighting, well, sadly, that is part of Human nature; a problem which is exacerbated here by the need for ranks. And just as you have the losers who bitch about anything, you also have people who just relax and DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THEIR IN-GAME RANK. So if you dont care, just ignore the power struggles, let them pass you by, and MOVE ON! They just play the game. And, at the end of the day, you don't need a regiment to play. You can join with a m8 and just have fun, the two of you, on whichever server you want, whatever time you want... I joined the 21o_SB at my 30th minute (now im at 1500 hours), 18 months ago, and hae only played 30 LBs, or less, since I dontt enjoy them that much. My choice - no-one forced me to do anything! (As for the Ban-On-Sight thing, that is usually employed by rather sad regiments who try to abuse their power in a game. I would recommend that you never join with your full reg tags to any server that isn't an LB or your private regimental one. Pro Tip). The regiments system is only designed for those who want to experience a more historically realistic environment, and prefer teamplay to just playing alone all of the time. And, happily, regiments are not the majority. The larger ones, at least, now that the old 91st is gone, are relatively tame. Smaller reg, and troll regs (Bush_Pirates, etc) which fragment and troll the community are the issue here. Large regiments are impressive just to see playing on a single server, let alone participate in one, even if it is for an hour or two each week.
I sadly sense that you are one of the disillusioned veterans that has witnessed everything (and there's a lot) there is to see in NW, and has probably had bad experiences of his own in a regiment in the past. I  intend to play Warband till the end, and continue to BCoF and Bannerlord as soon as they come out. But please don't try to spread your negativity to those who actually continue, and will continue, enjoying this game.
To the Bitter End.

I don't know how u can reasonably argue that regiments are not the majority. Join a server - most are in a regiment. Regiments keep this game going and floating, my worry is an over reliance on regiments but thats just the type of game it is. As for 'negativity' people still play the game, people still enjoy it but for me its lost its touch. As Karth said, people with undoubtedly buy BCOF I will probably try it, but the time period is of no interest to me or alot of other EU players and therefore I reckon you will see a NA sided community for a change. I can see EU players flocking to a good bannerlord mod for NW which will no doubt be created. Yes I agree there are good regiments, good people in the community, I have been here since 2010 I have met some amazing people. But within that time period I can say with confidence I have never met such a bitchy community as there is in NW. The nice people in the community are usually those guys in regiments who are just your standard ranker who comes on for a few linebattles now and then.

I just wish power could be someway shifted from such a 'clan-centric' type of game. By 'hope for youtubers and steam', I meant that these are the 2 core ways indie developers get sales. Quite frankly with steams new game policy, indie games are flooding the market daily. Will that drown out BCOF? We will see. Open markets are great in the real world, competition is good it creates better and more innovative products at cheaper prices. However in a game such as this is it ideal? Lets be honest seeing as you seem fond of economic terminology. Lets think of the big regiments as monopolies, they dominate the consumer base in servers. Small regiments just like in the big world seriously struggle to get people to actually play on their 'better' server due to the multiplier effect(barriers to entry).  With this in mind these big regs rarely improve their servers all that often with the same monotonous maps etc. Large regiments dominate this game for good or bad, leaders have huge impacts on the community for good or bad. You call it negativity, I call it another opinion.

Offline Kator Viridian

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Re: Opinions on the development of Battle Cry of Freedom.
« Reply #50 on: October 07, 2014, 07:28:25 pm »

Typing this from me mobile - pls no grammar h8
When a community starts to shrink, and regs start fighting over recruits, events, etc. Then obviously you get bad inter-clan/reg relationships. Think the Warband or CoD clans are any friendlier? I think that the magic of this game is that so much is community-sponsored, and so requires them to co-operate, not just co-exist, by running LBs, etc. Part of the fun with NW is that you do need to co-op with your teammate, and so teamwork becomes more relevant. Private servers, at least when the community is thriving, offer similar benefits to those seen in free markets - they run completely on donations (so no season pass etc.) and actually provide some competition between servers for who will provide the best service, etc. Mapping, a crucial part of Warband, also contributes to this. As for reg in-fighting, well, sadly, that is part of Human nature; a problem which is exacerbated here by the need for ranks. And just as you have the losers who bitch about anything, you also have people who just relax and DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THEIR IN-GAME RANK. So if you dont care, just ignore the power struggles, let them pass you by, and MOVE ON! They just play the game. And, at the end of the day, you don't need a regiment to play. You can join with a m8 and just have fun, the two of you, on whichever server you want, whatever time you want... I joined the 21o_SB at my 30th minute (now im at 1500 hours), 18 months ago, and hae only played 30 LBs, or less, since I dontt enjoy them that much. My choice - no-one forced me to do anything! (As for the Ban-On-Sight thing, that is usually employed by rather sad regiments who try to abuse their power in a game. I would recommend that you never join with your full reg tags to any server that isn't an LB or your private regimental one. Pro Tip). The regiments system is only designed for those who want to experience a more historically realistic environment, and prefer teamplay to just playing alone all of the time. And, happily, regiments are not the majority. The larger ones, at least, now that the old 91st is gone, are relatively tame. Smaller reg, and troll regs (Bush_Pirates, etc) which fragment and troll the community are the issue here. Large regiments are impressive just to see playing on a single server, let alone participate in one, even if it is for an hour or two each week.
I sadly sense that you are one of the disillusioned veterans that has witnessed everything (and there's a lot) there is to see in NW, and has probably had bad experiences of his own in a regiment in the past. I  intend to play Warband till the end, and continue to BCoF and Bannerlord as soon as they come out. But please don't try to spread your negativity to those who actually continue, and will continue, enjoying this game.
To the Bitter End.

I don't know how u can reasonably argue that regiments are not the majority. Join a server - most are in a regiment. Regiments keep this game going and floating, my worry is an over reliance on regiments but thats just the type of game it is. As for 'negativity' people still play the game, people still enjoy it but for me its lost its touch. As Karth said, people with undoubtedly buy BCOF I will probably try it, but the time period is of no interest to me or alot of other EU players and therefore I reckon you will see a NA sided community for a change. I can see EU players flocking to a good bannerlord mod for NW which will no doubt be created. Yes I agree there are good regiments, good people in the community, I have been here since 2010 I have met some amazing people. But within that time period I can say with confidence I have never met such a bitchy community as there is in NW. The nice people in the community are usually those guys in regiments who are just your standard ranker who comes on for a few linebattles now and then.

I just wish power could be someway shifted from such a 'clan-centric' type of game. By 'hope for youtubers and steam', I meant that these are the 2 core ways indie developers get sales. Quite frankly with steams new game policy, indie games are flooding the market daily. Will that drown out BCOF? We will see. Open markets are great in the real world, competition is good it creates better and more innovative products at cheaper prices. However in a game such as this is it ideal? Lets be honest seeing as you seem fond of economic terminology. Lets think of the big regiments as monopolies, they dominate the consumer base in servers. Small regiments just like in the big world seriously struggle to get people to actually play on their 'better' server due to the multiplier effect(barriers to entry).  With this in mind these big regs rarely improve their servers all that often with the same monotonous maps etc. Large regiments dominate this game for good or bad, leaders have huge impacts on the community for good or bad. You call it negativity, I call it another opinion.

Games that have become clan centric tend to start to become less popular, this is quite common for multiplayer mods, as more clans start to make up the dominative structure of the game itself and uphold it then that is all that's between the game ending and staying alive.

But can NW keep hold of its regiments long enough? this is the question as its that majority that will try to shift, but then again when it comes to other mods that form from NW that are predicted to cause a shift ... they simply don't. Will the game be able to deliver that or will people get themselves torn between the 2 or end up breaking down regiments that simply don't want to pay the price ... we have to remember a lot of people stopped playing MM -> NW as the price was a major "WTF?" moment for people. I for one would of been one of them as I saw nothing different from NW to MM, apart from the lack of the punishing overhead, but fortunately Steam made a major mistake in their departmental administration ... Yey for steam.

The instability of the current community and its attitudes not changing leads me to believe that BCoF will not take off as it has nothing substantial to back that up with. It will seem popular to start with, until the monotony of "Well its just like NW but bigger" ... unfortunately for a lot of people that really is a clincher in carrying on playing or suggesting it to others to play.

Unfortunately what BCoF offers is what has already been accomplished. I'll wait to see what it offers towards the end but I don't see anything changing nor being offered throughout the countless number of Developer blogs.
We'll still see though but without that special something its just shiny graphics on the same principles of what is already out there.
I believe that the 500 player multiplayer, melee system, destructible environements and ACW Era will set it apart in this crowd. If you came to BCoF expecting that FSE would try to "innovate" or something, and spit in the faces of the existing community by taking a huge risk by changing genre or something, then, frankly, you haven't really gotten the scope of the game. It's not necessary to feel a burning passion and/or desire to own BCoF- most of the community has lost that by now - it's enough, imo, to jsut be interested enough to know that it exists, read the Dev Blogs every once in a while, and possibly tell your friends about it. After all, there has been no advertisment up to now, and we have only really seen screens and description of the game - no real gameplay footage. There is no reason for BCoF to be over-hyped, as, Hype, as we saw in many of 2014's games (WD and Destiny, for example), may often lead to a product being under-delivered and disappointing for those who expected miracles.

I will be doing as I do with most games, deciding what its outcome will be when it finally get some youtube vids going ... aka once its already out.

But nothing so far has filled me full of confidence of organised events in order to hit anything near that 500 mark, if that 500 mark is even achievable without instancing.