Author Topic: Fever Gaming Clan Presents The 13e  (Read 817 times)

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Fever Gaming Clan Presents The 13e
« on: August 03, 2014, 11:08:56 pm »
With Support from FeverClan Gaming
The 13e

We are proud to be in the NW community.  We come from a community of over 1400 gamers and we hope to bring some fun to NW.
But....First lets go over who the heck is Fever Clan Gaming and what they are all about

The community here at Fever Clan is one of a higher standard. We aren't just some ordinary run of the mill online forum community and as such we expect just a little more from our members. We do this because we want your time at Fever to be above the rest and we can only assure this for all of our members by having a few standards in place to ensure that Fever will remain a top notch community. We would ask that each member view and understand these standards and practice them at all times while wearing the |Fever| tag.

1.) The #1 standard in Fever is to respect your clan mates at all times, they are after all a part of your Fever family.

2.) We ask that if you have a problem with anyone in the clan that you handle it privately with any officer(Regular Members) or with our Founder, Bogo(Officers & Leaders), we ask that you please do not voice your problems with other members on our forums. Our Information center can be found - here.

3.) Racism & Sexual Harassment will not be tolerated here at Fever and this is your one and only warning. We maintain a Zero Tolerance policy as it pertains to this and there are no exceptions to this standard. If you are in doubt about what you are going to say then don't.

4.) Hacking, Cheating, Glitching, Exploiting or any other means of enhancing your game play to give you an unfair advantage over others will not be tolerated. If it is consider cheating by the game developers we consider it cheating as well. This also includes using modifications to mis-represent your in game profiles. We have removed many members for this in the past so think twice before you bring that to our community. This has also been expanded to include the selling of accounts/in game items on our website. Trading items legally, such as dota 2 items etc. is still allowed.

5.) Fever members are required to stay active on our forums by posting regularly and including themselves in our community. At the very least we ask that you post every 2 weeks or you may be removed from membership due to inactivity.

6.) When you are wearing the |Fever| tag whether it be on our forums, other forums, other game servers or anywhere else on the Internet you are representing Fever. You need to conduct yourself in those places by the same standards as you see listed here for our community.

7.) You are responsible for your account information at all times. This includes your forum account, in game accounts, GUID's and any other information as it pertains to you. You will be held accountable for any actions with your accounts regardless if it was you or not. Please secure your accounts and passwords at all times and never let anyone else use your accounts.

8.) Please do not post in sections where it is clearly marked to not do so. Specifically the recruiting section and the ban control section. Unless you are filling out an application, responding to Fever Admins or contesting a ban you are not to post in these sections at any time.

9.) Please do not include malicious or inappropriate links to outside sources within your signature on your forum profile. Links to other places in our forums are fine however no links to any external sources. We also ask that you keep your signature limited to 500 x 200 in size.

10.) We do allow you to be in multiple clans/communities while in FeverClan. We believe that once you spend quality time here at Fever -- you won't go back. One exception to the rule are clans that have become a problem towards FeverClan and ultimately have been Blacklisted. Only enlisted ranks are exempt from this, any clan officer, general, or leader caught in multiple clans/communities while in FeverClan will be removed. Being an officer & higher of FeverClan you hold yourself to a standard representing FeverClan as a whole.

11.) Having a microphone and using our Team Speak server is also a standard here at Fever. You will find that your gaming time with others is much more pleasant when you have the ability to directly chat with others while you are gaming with them. When playing with other Fever Members, you are required to be on Team Speak. If you are unable to speak, that is alright, but your presence, for communication, is required. Also note that a microphone is REQUIRED for the interview process.

12.) Minimum Age to join the clan is 16.

Now we at the 13e follow these rules that FeverClan Gaming has setup however we do allow a couple of things in our channels:
1.Younger people are allowed to join the regiment
2. You don't have to be in the clan to be in the regiment
The 13e is proud to have anyone join our group along with any other regs that want to join this clan.


Junior Officer

Colur Sgt


Our Week in the 13e
 8:00pm EST
 KPR Line Battle Battle This LB has been going on for over a year based on a private invitation only basis. With the community getting smaller I have decided to advertise in a small way to add a few new Regiments. Our average weekly attendance has been 150+. Specialist roles are rotated to ensure all can get a fair chance at their favorite play style. We do not tolerate trolling or abusive language or conduct. If you are looking for a quality and well run event give us a try

 TS to sign up

 8:00pm EST
 Union Gaming is proud to host the UG Tuesday and Friday line battles! We hope to provide the NA community with a fun and fair playing environment and a place to call home if they so wish.

 8:00pm EST
 KPR siege Event

 8:00pm EST
 85thKGL siege Event


 8pm EST

 Hop on TeamSpeak 30 minutes before linebattle for a brief training held by @Jack Ryan or by one of the lovely officers of the 13e. Hope to see you there!!
 Illuminati Line Battle

8:00pm EST
 63e Linebattle

So if interested in joining this great group contact Firemonkey or Jack Ryan on steam