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Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« Reply #765 on: August 25, 2014, 06:32:48 am »
Aim - The best way to improve your aim, is to go on 128 HS only servers (preferably around 30 - 50 ping). Do not spray, do not pre-fire everything. Aim first > then one tap shoot.
Spraying - Go on an empty server (Create your own), get yourself an AK / M4 (Try to practice with both, at least 5 - 10 minutes with each) and spray at the wall.
Burst and Side stepping -  (Video from WarOwl)

30 minutes every day and you should see an improvement in no time.

NOTE : This might not be the best way, but it has worked for me.
First half is bad advice. You don't want to go on 128 tick unless you will be playing on 128 tick (ESEA, CEVO, AltPUG), they feel and perform drastically different, so practicing on seperate tick rates compared to what  you are playing on is a bad idea.

All the leagues and tournaments are held on 128 tick servers, not to mention 128 tick servers out perform the 64 tick potato servers on MM. Even though it's true that 64 tick servers are different to 128 tick servers, you're better off getting used to 128 tick.
No you aren't.... you're talking about silver 2's.... not global elites, they aren't going to any tourneys. I've played lots on both tick rates, there is a big difference and practicing on them is not recommended if you aren't playing on a PUG or league. Ask any pro, they will say the same. Hiko tells it religiously on his stream.

You do realize we are talking about aim here, right? Not spraying and praying, there is a reason why I added aim in front of it. It will still improve their aim.

P.S : They don't even need to shoot at the person, just put their crosshair on their head and manage to follow it, without flinching all over the place.
I don't think you even understand what difference tick rate makes. Playing on 128 tick as compared to 64 tick is near to the difference between LAN and online. There is a reason teams do better at LAN compared to online and vice versa, it is what they are used to, what they have their aim, movement, timings, sprays, etc. adjusted for, it's a very different environment and if you can't grasp that you aren't in the position to be giving tips on what servers to be using.

Ledger is right, he has a lot of experience and plays at a high eagle level even though that does not matter but since most people are "ohh rank is ur skill level" i will use it as a representation of his skill. When I started playing csgo and wanted to improve I went on 128tick servers and it worked, now I am Eagle Master and rocking those headshots. If you get good at 128tick, you will be good on 64 tick you will still get headshots, improve your spray etc. etc.

Source: Been playing csgo for several hundred hours, played against and with pros.
Right..... that's more experience than Hiko..... Steel.... several others..... hell I've been playing games like this since Raven Shield and I played 1.6 for years. Just because it worked for you doesn't mean it was more efficient, it's the simple fact of the matter. It's a different environment that has different timings and conditions to adapt to. Simple as that.
So fake I can't even handle it.
Don't be so sure, author is Richard Lewis and Shahzam did confirm it. Whether Shahzam is just being a scumbag is a different question (wouldn't be the first time), but it is very plausible. The way the ESEA ladder works, it wouldn't hurt IBP all that much.

Don't know why you brought other games in this, since we are talking about CS:GO not 1.6 or raven shield. And also don't know why you are talking about Hiko and Steel since no-where I mentioned I got experience of a pro, I would say I have a bit more experience than average cs:go player so that my advice would be somewhat valued. About the 128 tick dm servers, it worked for me, for my teammates, other friends and any other person I know that is highly ranked in matchmaking. As much as it is different on 128 tick servers and 64 tick it is no-where near to "oh the shots you get in 128 tick will mostly not happen in 64 tick" essentially you will still aim at a head and shoot which will most likely result in a headshot if you have the crosshair on the head perfectly and you can get the timing right which is not that much different on both of the servers.

Now please, ledger is trying to help people while you call his advice bad even though some people (like me) have benefited from this greatly and achieved a high rank in matchmaking which is what essentially most people are aiming for.
>Netcode isn't present on other games herp derp

That's not how tick rate works. Tick rate is how many times a server refreshes in a given time, basically meaning it is the time to preform "so and so action" or an object to get to "from point a to point b". The effects and timing of this are very demonstrable by simply playing on a CS:S server (Accuracy values are the same for both AK's in CS:GO and CS:S) which runs at below 64 tick, standing idle, and shooting at a bot set to move in a strafing pattern. Chances are you will find yourself missing a lot more than hitting at perfect center mass of the head, and in order to account for it you will have to aim a very, very slight bit off to either side that the bot is moving towards, despite CS being about as close as you get to a game with hitscan, due to bullet travel time being nearly non existent, at least not to the extent you will have to account for it. Compare that to CS:GO and you will find even on 64 tick some accounting will need to be done, it's about a 1-2/10 chance that you will miss center mass head on a moving target (with perfect accuracy, same as the C:SS example), and worse aiming at the far side of a moving target, simply because the tick rate is not refreshing consistently as another tick rate you will be used to. The only way to make it more consistent is to account for it, which is where muscle memory kicks in. Tick rate is not a value of accuracy or probability, tick rate is a value of timing, meaning you can account for it. Obviously any server will teach you how to point your crosshair at things, but if you're accounting for any movement your muscle memory will be fucked on 64 tick rate if you've been accounting for 128. I guarantee you if you were to do an experiment with Dust 2 as the control, 64 tick practice for 3 hours, play 5 matches 64 tick, then 128 tick practice 3 hours, play 5 matches 64 tick, I guarantee you will find your accuracy on the first bout to better, if only slightly. But add that practice time on top of itself and it will quickly stack up and limit your consistency in accuracy.

And if you can't understand the premise of presenting the account of someone experienced in the subject of debate.... just stop. If you bothered to read my post properly at all you would see I was saying this is all advice that has been mentioned by pro players on stream when asked. They said it's like anything, when you play in a different environment with different conditions of which to adjust your muscle memory and reactions consistently throughout. Practice on servers where you will get both peeking and accuracy practice (Aim Maps, pistol maps, duel maps) and not on maps where you will find yourself running out in the open more than peeking corners (DM maps, casual modes, community TDM modes), practice in the same environment (Same tick rate, relatively same ping, practice online for online, and LAN for LAN if possible, use the same posture, same gear, same mouse positioning and style) so on and so forth. It's really common knowledge. You wanna play on a 128 tick PUG, then by all means practice on 128 tick servers, you will need to play on a PUG eventually at DMG + ranks anyways, if you want any kind of differentiation between the ranks.

Finally if you would bother to read my post I never said all his advice was bad, just that THIS particular advice was. Of course you will get better with good advice, I'm sure you learned movement tips, map tips, nades, strategies etc., I never claimed you didn't. I claimed his advice on practicing 128 tick was poor, claiming I said anything else is running away from the fact. If you want to use the fact he taught you to play better as your argument I could just say I self taught myself using this advice from watching Hiko and Shroud's streams and have achieved a similarly high rank, and then we will have come full circle. That's the simple fact of the matter.

"Practice on servers where you will get both peeking and accuracy practice (Aim Maps, pistol maps, duel maps) and not on maps where you will find yourself running out in the open more than peeking corners (DM maps, casual modes, community TDM modes)"

DM and TDM are both very effective as it helps you with your reaction time in different situations. I honestly myself never used aim maps or duel maps, only very very occasionally I used them as I found them too repetitive and only 1 scenario actually happening. In DM you have different ranges, angles, directions etc. which gets you much more prepared then an Aim map (my opinion, know people that think the opposite).

"claiming I said anything else is running away from the fact."

Where did I claim you said something else? And what fact am I running away from? Everything I'm saying is on topic and nowehre I am "running away from the fact".

"If you want to use the fact he taught you to play better as your argument"

I did not say ledger taught me that, what I said is that I used the same advice, which was given to me by dubt ( who is a former teammate (left the team as he was offered to join a UK pro team) and who has played at a semi-proffesional level and has a shit ton of hours on CS:GO making him much more experienced than any of us on this thread. What he said when I brought the matter up is that you never see any good players practicing on 64tick servers, talking to silvers or not they essentially wish to do what higher skilled people are doing which is playing on 128 tick servers where the shots register and it is at least somewhat a good way of practicing. This also means that lower skilled people will be at 64 tick (since better people play at 128 tick) meaning that there would be a less of a challenge on the server.

At the end, a lot of different pro's have different ways of practicing with you only referencing Hiko and shroud who have similar ways of practicing. I know for example, ScreaM, spends huge amount of time on 128tick head shot only servers to get his timing and reactions up. Friberg uses a specially designed map (training_aim_csgo) for his practice which he finds helpful. It is really up to the player himself, and ledger posted one of the ways to practice which a lot of people use (including me) and it works. You saying that 128 tick is not efficient even though a lot of people and I use it to practice and actually improve is pretty stupid since it obviously works.

Now please, stop arguing with everyone with shitty "facts" which are rarely actually related to the argument and let everyone practice and play their own way and not your "correct" way.
For Archer
No thanks, I will debate with you if I want, don't tell me what to do. The only reason you have to be upset would be that you're wrong, and acknowledge it, since I have not made a single insult. Giving tips to newer players is actually quite the opposite to instilling my own agenda as you make it out to be, ironically. Oh and please explain how the most efficient environment for practice is a debate "barely related to" the best tips for new players, you have got me thoroughly confused there.

Your friend said no pro players practice on 64 tick because guess what....... they all play on 128 tick PUGs! Shocker right?

You saying that 128 tick is not efficient even though a lot of people and I use it to practice and actually improve is pretty stupid since it obviously works.
Ah! Yet again another case of you either completely ignoring what was posted..... or maybe a comprehension problem, I don't know if English is your first language, if not I apologize for the barrier ruining the debate. If you would bother to go back, you will have seen that I never mentioned 128 tick is inefficient for practice, in fact, numerous times I have said quite the opposite, stating it is the preferred method of practice for those who will be playing on 128 tick regularly. What I indeed, did say however, is that for someone who has no intention of playing on a 128 tick enabled PUG, it is far less efficient compared to practicing on 64 tick servers, since 128 tick is not the environment they will be competing in, and therefor their muscle memory will be limited in efficiency compared to someone who always practices on 64 tick servers.

Also included in the failed to read fully/understand correctly bit is you saying that pros have their own methods of practice that work for them so on and so forth (which is correct and I absolutely will not argue against), but then go on to talk about how Scream practices on 128 tick HS only servers and I only mentioned Hiko, Shroud and N0thing bla bla bla so on and so forth as if I was saying they too practice on 64 tick??? I completely acknowledge that literally every professional player plays on 128 tick, that's no secret. Once again...... if you would look back and read my post properly and completely, you would find I actually said that was a tip GIVEN by those players, not USED by those players. In fact I even went so far as to say in an abbreviated format what Hiko told to the person who asked, which was to practice for the environment you will play in (tick rate included).

"claiming I said anything else is running away from the fact."

Where did I claim you said something else? And what fact am I running away from? Everything I'm saying is on topic and nowehre I am "running away from the fact".
Way to take that quote of context m8. Let me put it back into context. This was not referring to the entire debate, but rather to you claiming that I said Ledger's entire advice was wrong, when I infact was simply saying the advice to practice on 128 tick servers was poor, particularly when referring to silver/ nova players who will not be playing on 128 tick PUG games. So yes, you were running away from the fact that I was not attacking your friend (as you made it out to seem), and rather debating whether one tip from his entire advice was in fact a good tip for the situation.

I would get into why aim maps are better for all around practice (unless your DM server is set 24/7 to a maps such as Nuke, that encourages a lot of different peeking anyways compared to open maps like Dust 2), but their is already plenty of testimonials from professional players in the form of videos and responses on livestreams, you can check 'em out if you'd like. DM makes a fantastic warmup though.

I eagerly await your reply.

I'm curious who everyone is betting/ rooting for in the Na'Vi v NiP ESEA game. I think Na'Vi might take it, it's an online and I think the teams are closer to being even online compared to LAN. Should be an interesting match that will show if NiP truly are the best team in the world, or simply champions of LAN. Definitely going to be fun to watch.

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Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« Reply #766 on: August 25, 2014, 07:06:16 am »
theyre playing on season so the match could go either way
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Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« Reply #767 on: August 25, 2014, 07:06:46 am »
I don't think it will be a very telling match, considering its a fairly unimportant bo1 with both teams burnt out after bootcamping for ESL.

pretty risky bet anyway

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Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« Reply #768 on: August 25, 2014, 07:50:47 am »

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Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« Reply #769 on: August 25, 2014, 04:11:10 pm »
Oh yes Na'vi Vs NiP tonight!

Offline Death by EMP

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Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« Reply #770 on: August 25, 2014, 05:49:42 pm »
Anyone wanna trade 1 or 2 mid value guns for a bravo crate? I only have my low and highs left.

Edit: 2 l8
« Last Edit: August 25, 2014, 08:03:52 pm by Death by EMP »

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Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« Reply #771 on: August 25, 2014, 08:07:26 pm »
n1 Na'Vi, would have been a fun match to watch.

Guardian and Seized are beasts.

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Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« Reply #772 on: August 26, 2014, 12:38:03 am »
that NiP extreme burnout

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Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« Reply #773 on: August 26, 2014, 12:39:05 am »
Wondering who to bet on today, throws seem imminent.

Make sure to bet the other team if you want to win skins
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god damn, Anthony is smart, he was able to get the shit AEF to tie with the best reg in the game. The tactical geniusness needed to pull off such a feat is insane. He's the Erwin Rommel of NW.
i always get an erection when i check my subscrptions and see that phresh cluelesswill vid
It won't be FSE developing it, so it will come out!

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Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« Reply #774 on: August 26, 2014, 12:45:11 am »
Bet on me.
I have found my divine form and I am now a true MLG legend
I could beat NiP and fnatic at the same time with my hands tied behind my back.

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Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« Reply #775 on: August 26, 2014, 12:45:44 am »
iBP won't throw when they are under the public's watchful eye. You won't get anything for winning the SKDC v Reliable match, swap teams or add value. Fairly sure LC will win.

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Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« Reply #776 on: August 26, 2014, 05:26:25 am »
Fucking hell this is intense. Good ol' CS (:

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Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« Reply #777 on: August 26, 2014, 12:35:20 pm »
mouz is my new favorite

what if i am shadowbanned

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Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« Reply #778 on: August 26, 2014, 12:39:08 pm »
mouz is my new favorite

Yeah Mouz are great online team, they never get their shit together on LAN though.

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Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
« Reply #779 on: August 26, 2014, 02:08:48 pm »
Damn it, I should have gone with my gut, that was 8 dollars of value right there...
« Last Edit: August 26, 2014, 02:11:43 pm by William »
Check out my YT channel where I post NW com/c/CluelessWill
god damn, Anthony is smart, he was able to get the shit AEF to tie with the best reg in the game. The tactical geniusness needed to pull off such a feat is insane. He's the Erwin Rommel of NW.
i always get an erection when i check my subscrptions and see that phresh cluelesswill vid
It won't be FSE developing it, so it will come out!