Check this. you want to make perfect austrian units:
look at this model.
Here you can see an hungarian drummer (it is the marching uniform, that means, no shako was worn and there were no colorful sleeves) A unit can be distinguished as hungarian if it has those skinny hungarian trousers and this little red signs. on the left side there are german troops of austria (also with the marching uniform. Also there are lancers and dragoons in the background.
Here you can see some examples of parade uniforms (which were not worn while in battle but since austria never had a real war since 1867 to 1914 (and uniforms were changed 1898 again) it is up to you if you want to add more colorful parade uniforms or the marching uniform) I suggest a mix of both (marching uniform for everyone except the officer, but still, you are the editor
) you want to get more info add me on steam: "Feldmarschall Ben"