Author Topic: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications (old)  (Read 83857 times)

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Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #345 on: October 07, 2013, 01:04:59 am »
Community name: Renzo

Steam Name: Mr. Renzo

Age: 18

Location/Timezone: United States/EST

Applying for (Ts/Servers): NW_Official_NA_1

Regiments:29th Worcestershire Regiment of Foot. I've only been in the 29th. Right now I'm a Master Corporal but the 29th is my home.

About yourself: Well I don't wish to get too into it but basically I originate from Denver, Colorado but now live in sunny (sometimes) Florida. In my past time I play Garry's Mod (TTT) and NW. I'm a High School/College Student (Duel Enrollment), I like to play my acoustic guitar when I feel mellow, my favorite color is green, currently employed (stick it up your ass government shutdown!), and I've been playing PC games since I was 7. I've been in Boy Scouts since 1st grade and have acquired the hard rank of Eagle Scout. I also love to go kayaking and to enjoy summer to the fullest and to chill with my friends. And finally, I love to make friends and hate to have enemies. I'm a friendly, fair, professional, and above all respectful.

Why you would be a good admin: Why would I make a good admin? Good question. Well if you look at it in a theoretical standpoint, being an administrator requires a good amount of responsibility and dedication to obeying the rules. The rules are the code of law to make a structural server to which an admin is there to supervise and do the duties that are bestowed onto him/her. If I had to look at it from a side-view standpoint, a good percent of the admins (not all of them, some of them are pretty good at there job) don't even do there job or investigate a situation. I know first hand on how to be a successful admin. Being an admin requires that responsibility and maturity that the job calls for. Especially about being fair and enforcing the rules how they're suppose to be enforced.

Previous Experience (if any):I'm gonna go a head and give you a resume of my past admin experience. Well lets see... Bare with me because this will be a lot and most of these communities have either died out or just do not exist anymore for some reason. My first admin position was as an operator on Relenteless Roleplay (Back when they were Nexus base). As I became more mature into the position I got promoted to Admin and then Superadmin and then the community died due to lack of funds. Another community is Light4Ever Gaming which I started out again as an Operator and then got promoted to Superadmin when I was needed (Again, another Nexus base server). There was JackedUpGaming Inc. that was an OK OpenAura server, Can't Stand Idiots, another OpenAura server, then Tactical Surge Gaming, OpenAura then Clockwork, Teegee's Serious RP, OpenAura (HL2RP, Severence, Phase Four), and a lot more to name. Just to make this shorter, about 5 Counter-Strike: Source servers, a couple of TF2 and Day of Defeat: Source servers. And finally I've been admin of a couple of M&B Warband and NW servers.

Based upon my past experiences and the information that's been provided, I am an optimal candidate for the position for which I am applying for. Thank you in advance to those who read this application and I look forward to the feedback.

Sincerely, 29th_A_Sjt_Renzo
« Last Edit: December 26, 2013, 03:29:26 pm by Renzo »

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Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #346 on: October 10, 2013, 05:16:22 am »
Community name: Tillius

 Steam Name: 29th Tillius

Age: 16

 Location/Timezone:Richlands,NC Eastern Time.

Appyling for (Ts/Servers): NW_Offical_NA_1

Regiments: I am in the 29th Worcestershire

About yourself: Im a 16 year old that loves to play games. I had surgery done on my chest a month back nonthing to major so im bed resting for the next two to three months (Means no school or work just staying at home bored). I have been playing NW for about 8 1/2 to 9 months and loved every minute of it.

Why you would be a good admin: I play NA 1 every day for about 4-5 hours if not more and I hate seeing people trolling and taking advantage of no admins being on or of other members and I just want to be able to put a stop to it. I can be very very active read above that will explain why.

Previous Experience (if any): I am owner to the 29th_Worcestershire server for NW.

Hope this is everything you guys/gals need.
29th Worcestershire Regiment Of Foot

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Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #347 on: October 11, 2013, 12:04:42 am »

Community name: 3eVolt_SoP_Killington

Steam Name:  Killington (

Age: 16

Location/Timezone: General Toronto Area/Eastern Standard Time

Applying for (Ts/Servers): NA1

Regiments: 88th Sergeant, 88e Col, 3eVolt formerly AdjChf, currently SoP

About yourself: I'm a generally pleasant and nice person, I try to have a good outlook on life and be patient with people. I'm mature and I like to help people out when I can, and I try to make the game enjoyable for everyone involved. I'm a junior in high school and I'm taking AP Chemistry at the moment, and I plan to go to Waterloo and do organic chemistry. I play a lot of NW, split between 7NA_Groopfootin and NA1. I was very devoted when I was an Adjutant Chef but unfortunately my schedule changed so I am not able to attend linebattles everyday, and I resigned from the position. I've never trolled on NA1 or any other server to my memory, and I am not amused when people teamkill others and delay the round for their own entertainment.

Why you would be a good admin: I'm pretty attentive to the kill feed and the hijinx that people try to pull, I generally have good judgement regarding punishment and I'm pretty quick on the draw when it comes to using the slay/ban panel. With that in mind, I'm level headed and don't throw out slays and bans when I don't know what's going on. I have been on NA1 quite a while and am familiar with the rules.

Previous Experience (if any): I was one of the admins for FG_Groupfighting when it was still active, I had admin on 12thES_Groupfighting, and I am currently an admin for 7NA_Groopfootin.

« Last Edit: October 11, 2013, 12:06:19 am by TheSuperbad55 »

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Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #348 on: October 13, 2013, 04:58:37 am »
Community name: Dan the Chef
Steam Name: Dan the Chef
Age: 16
Location/Timezone: EST time zone/GMT -5
Applying for (Ts/Servers): NW_Official_NA_1
Regiments: First Royal Green Jackets(British Army), 3eVolt None
About yourself: My name is Dan, I'm still in High School(Football teams has scored only one TD in 3 years...), and I have been playing MM since 2009. I mainly play on the 33rd server and NW_1.
Why you would be a good admin: I do not put up will silly excuses, I am very familiar with the community, and I have had about 6 months experience as an Admin on the RGJ_Custom_Maps.
Previous Experience (if any): RGJ_Custom_Maps
« Last Edit: January 05, 2014, 10:36:20 pm by Dan the Chef »
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Offline Griffith

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Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #349 on: October 14, 2013, 09:28:02 am »
Community name: IXe[1erPLG]Szwol_Griffith

Steam name: Griffith The Kingslayer

Age: 22

Location/Timezone: NYC, Est timezone

Appyling for (Ts/Servers): NW_Offical_NA_1

Regiments: 4e, 259th, 1erPLG

About yourself: I play Napoleonic Wars about 30 hours a week.  Most of that time is generally in the evening and beyond from about 6pm to 6am. If I'm not in a linebattle; I'm in Na_1. I try to be nice to everyone and just have a good time. I am out of college and have a job that lets me make my own hours and I have a lot of free time as a result.

Why would you be a good admin?: I frequently find myself on when there are no admins. I would like to fill that gap. I want Na_1 to be a fun place free of hate and teamkilling and I want to help enforce the rules that police those things. I am very passionate about the game and its in game community. I really want the game to stay alive for a long time and I think keeping Na_1 clean is the best way to do that. I have spent a long time watching admins do their job on Na_1. I am frequently in teamspeak with active admins and know when they act and why. I have a good understanding of an admins job already.

Previous experience: I am an admin on the Na_Cav_Groupfighting server and I used to be admin of the 259th server before it was abandoned.

« Last Edit: November 14, 2013, 01:49:07 pm by Griffith »

Offline Boo

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Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #350 on: October 16, 2013, 06:10:10 am »
Community name: Vixen

Steam Name: [SXM] Vixen

Age: 18

Location/Timezone: North America/Pacific Standard Time

Applying for (Ts/Servers): NA_1

Regiments: 1erVL, 1erPLG, 10eme

About yourself: One of the quietest people in the community. I know a decent amount of the community. I am currently enrolled in College going for a Major in Computer Engineering.
Why you would be a good admin: I can be fair enough to people and aid William (King Badmin) in admining one of the most populated North American servers.

Previous Experience (if any): I have admined a few regimental servers like, IXe_Corps_TM_Server, NA_Cavalry_Groupfighting, and the 1erVL_Groupfighting.

Offline TheZachster

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Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #351 on: October 17, 2013, 02:59:28 am »
Community name: Zach / IXe[33e]CdB_Zach

Steam Name: TheZachster

Age: 17

Location/Timezone: NYC, US Est Time Zone

Applying for (Ts/Servers): NW_Official_NA_1

Regiments: F33, 33e

About yourself: I play a lot of NW and enjoy the communities within the games as well as actually playing. I play this game for fun when not in line battles and am fairly easygoing. I am a student and thus have a lot of free time to play videogames. I'm pretty well known in the NA community through the regiments I have been in and the events I attend.

Why you would be a good admin: I play in NA1 frequently enough to understand all the rules for the server. I also am in teamspeak with many NA1 admins often including Thunderstormer, Pepper, Sandford, and JD, so I understand a lot of the thought process that goes behind admining NA1. I have experience administrating both public servers and private line battles which could carry over to other servers. I am well-liked, well-respected, and impartial in the NW NA community and would like to help continue to keep NA1 fun to play on and troll-free.

Previous Experience (if any):  IXe_Corps_TM_Server, Assistant Admin in JD's Tuesday and Friday Hardcore LineBattle
« Last Edit: October 22, 2013, 03:15:45 am by TheZachster »

Offline Wimpie

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Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #352 on: October 20, 2013, 06:03:33 am »
Community name: Wimpie/29th_B_Sjt_Wimpie

Steam Name:Wimpie


Location/Timezone:United States, Pennsylvania (Home), EST Time Zone

Applying for (Ts/Servers):(Server) NW_Official_NA_1

Regiments:Currently: 29th Worcestershire

About yourself:A little about myself... Well talking about myself is awkward but for me, I'm the type of guy who enjoys playing Mount and Blade and I especially love playing on NA 1. Whenever is see the chat I try my best to keep myself out of it to keep a good name on NA 1 because like 90% of the chat is usually just trolling. I do enjoy the public on this server sometimes but it can get really annoying sometimes. But for myself, I try to stay on the mature side.

Why you would be a good admin:Being a good admin takes many qualities and I figure I've played on NA 1 long enough to know each of the rules. If I'm accepted I hope I can fill the slots of times when there are no admins on the server.

Previous Experience (if any):Not a lot of experience but I have been admin to the 54th line battle occasionally.

Offline Mecoo

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Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #353 on: October 27, 2013, 02:45:51 am »
Community name:  Mecoo
Steam Name:  [17th] Archduke Callum Mecoo IV(
Age: 24
Location/Timezone:   GMT +00
Applying for (Ts/Servers): NW_Official_EU_1

Regiments: 17th Leicestershire regiment of foot

About yourself: I’m a Scotsman who grow up in south east England, I moved back to Scotland when I was 17 and moved back to England about a week ago, I have loved games all my life and I love helping the guys who also enjoy playing them. I work as a police officer (although I am thinking of a change). Some of my favourite games are: portal, warband, crusader kings 2 and Victoria 2.
I spend most of the mornings and some of the afternoon in bed because I work nights (one reason I want a new job).I’m not a very sociable person IRL and spend most of time between sleeping work and gaming. I got into NW when a friend of mine asked me to join the 17th, since then it has been my only regiment and is full of great players who were all great teachers when it came to telling me how to play

Why you would be a good admin:  simply because I love to help people and make sure everything is running smoothly, EU_1 is the server I spend most of my play time on and I want to give something back to the community. as i said, i love the game and the EU_1 server and want to help anyone who needs it and try and filter out some of the trolls who are just trying to make everyone’s day a misery

Previous Experience (if any): I admin a couple steam RP groups, I admin the 17th tdm server when we have people on it and I used to help admin a clan on the PW mod for warband.

Thank you for taking the time to read my application, I look forward to hopefully working with you in the future.

Yours sincerely,
« Last Edit: October 27, 2013, 08:17:01 pm by Mecoo »
Do you hear the people sing?
singing the song of the 17th!

Offline Morman_Korman

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Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #354 on: October 28, 2013, 12:47:14 am »
Community name: Morman_Korman

Steam Name:mercenary121


Location/Time zone: US-EST

Applying for (Ts/Servers): NW_Official_NA1

Regiments: None/ mainly Merc for any reg that needs me or some more players.

About yourself: I have been apart of the Community since Pre-Waterloo Mount & Musket days and have been in regiments such as the 1er, 2e, and Rddt Brigade in Mount and Musket.

I have been offered admin in the official Servers in MM and have been admin in the training server back when regiments were each given time to train in the Official Training server.

I have never been banned and always followed the rules except for the mishap when Pierre used my name and got banned. When I got back on the server a day later I was banned, much to Pierrs's amusement, and I worked it out with Deo. I know many of the current admins and believe I am on good standing with them at least on my side.

I am only now applying for admin because I am starting to become a lot more active ever since Mount and Musket and plan to stay for the long run.

Why you would be a good admin: I believe I would be a good Admin because I have been in the Community since pre Waterloo and have known the rules, which pretty much have stayed the same since then. I am friends with many of the admins and I am on good standing with almost all of the MM community and NW.

Previous Experience (if any): As stated I was an admin on the old Official Training server and I have been admin on 2 Persistent World Servers.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2013, 04:58:55 am by Morman_Korman »

Offline SwissGronkh

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Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #355 on: October 28, 2013, 08:05:26 pm »
Community name: 2Lhr_Gefr_SwissGronkh
Steam Name: [2Lhr/LpWG]SwissGronkh[ULR]
Age: 13
Location/Timezone: Switzerland
Applying for (Ts/Servers): NW_Official_EU1
About yourself:I'm 13 years old come out of switzerland. I love play napoleonic wars on the NW_Official Server. I have Birthday on the 31st Decembre.(Best Day in the Year). I'm a really lovely. I can respect rules and watch that other do that also.
Why you would be a good admin: Beacuase i play really often on the Official Server and i see a lot of guys how trolling other player. I think i can change that. I wound like to change that, that people can play without any troller how teamhit them.
Previous Experience (if any): Cav-Groupfight No Lances, Groupfight_Arena
« Last Edit: December 24, 2013, 08:47:41 am by SwissGronkh »

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Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #356 on: November 03, 2013, 12:42:42 pm »
Community name: Eatjello
Steam Name: Eatjello
Age: 28
Location/Time zone: California PST
Applying for (Ts/Servers): NW_Official_NA_1
Regiments: 11te, 1st_RGJ(Old), The Forlorn Hope ~[FH]~

About yourself: I'm Male  work full time for the city of San Francisco as a gardener. I enjoy Netflix, Dark Beer, Mining on eve and dueling ppl that are better then me in melee to sharpen my skills(like if I had any). I have been playing Mount and Blade Warband for about 2 years. I started playing  Napoleonic wars for good year and half now after seeing it played on the battlefield 2 mod. When I'm not working or home im enjoying the outdoors on my local bike trail or reading a cheap book from the local mall.

Why you would be a good admin: I'm mainly applying for this server cause at the late/early hour theres no admins around their seem to be a lot of "questionable" things going on, During the day I see thunderstromer and getty doing a fine job and I would not want to impose on the great job they have been doing.  Furthermore I feel as a admin it your job to take a little bit of a beating way before u go into the admin panel and issuing out judge Dredd like judgements. I feel warnings are better then straight up slays or kicks, unless it's a Team Kill. I could also keep a track record if needed of my activity and actions (basicly what I do for work)

Previous Experience (if any): 1st Time admining came when I was in the RGJ regiment we kept every thing very regiment based. I have 2 of my own servers now and I host a Capture the Flag event I like to keep the gaming on my server clean and trouble free the servers I run have regimental based rules.

Thank you for you're time and sorry for my bad grammar and run on sentences.

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Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #357 on: November 03, 2013, 06:59:49 pm »
Community name:[1tes]Pmrs_Kpt_Audiate
Steam Name: [1tes]Pmrs Audiate
Age: 16
Location/Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
Applying for (Ts/Servers): NW_Official_NA_1
Regiments: [1tes]Pmrs (current), 2eSuisse, 3eVolt, 93rd, RM, 11thNY, 33e, 22ndLr
About yourself: It's really hard to explain myself, I think it should be like that for everyone...
Why you would be a good admin: I've been in this community for a while and I've seen and preformed a lot of administration on servers, which gives me a slight inclination that I sort of know the fundamentals of how to administrate well. Plus I really dislike using admin chat when it's unnecessary, like talking to people. Seriously, why would an admin need to make everyone in the server see a conversation.
Previous Experience (if any): Administrating various events and servers and stuff.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2013, 05:51:05 am by Sir Audiate »

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Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #358 on: November 08, 2013, 04:38:46 am »
Community name: ChrisTF, Christopher, Blade_Of_Ares
Steam Name: Christopher The Fallen
Age: 15
Location/Timezone: Wisconsin, Central Timezone
Applying for (Ts/Servers): Server- Nw_Official_Na1
Regiments: 1er Grenadiers (North American Company).
About yourself: I am currently a Sophomore in High School, as my age suggests, that loves playing video games. I am studying business and marketing and also hope to get into developing Web pages later in my high school years. I live in a friendly little town not to far away from Madison.  I spend most of my free time on NW recruiting for my regiment to help it grow and become stronger. Also, I am drawing near or recently hit the 2 year mark of being in the game.
Why you would be a good admin: I try to keep my head as often as I can. I try to be respectful to every player and give them their fair chance and most of the time when I'm on I see players breaking the rules (such as spam recruitment, glitching on top of roofs, etc.) Also I mostly play on the Na1 server.
Previous Experience (if any): Some admining on the 1er Server
« Last Edit: November 15, 2013, 03:26:08 am by Christopher »
“It is the way of the Guard. We stay as long as we can. Fight as hard as we can. Kill as much as we can. Only when we can do no more do we move on.”
"La garde meurt mais ne se rend pas! (Translation: The guard dies but does not surrender!)"

Wisconsin best state of Sin

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Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #359 on: November 10, 2013, 01:58:08 pm »
Community name: IB/ibsocal

Steam Name: ibsocal

Age: 21

Location/Timezone: California/PST

Applying for (Ts/Servers): NW_Official_NA_1

Regiments: 7th_UV, and 8thRI

About yourself:
Work most the day. Have fun boxing, mountain biking, and BSing on teamspeak. I've been playing M&B for 2 years, and NW since release.

Why you would be a good admin:
I like to jump on NW during late nights/early mornings when the placed has calmed down to around 20-40 players, so around 11 pm - 4 am PST. The only problem is that 8 times out of 10 there isn't an admin on to regulate players when they are sorely needed. With no admin the server declines pretty quick with people teamkilling/wounding or delaying making nights/mornings unplayable to some.

I'd like to make the early hours of the day enjoyable again for players like myself and others who just want to play the game and have fun by the rules without having to suffer from or tolerate trollish behavior until its finally addressed on the forums, which to be honest while a good method is still no replacement for an active admin seeing as most of the time people wont go through the trouble to even file the ban request.

Previous Experience (if any): Ran the UVG Tuesday LB for 3 or so months, also haven't stopped being an active admin on one thing or another for the last 3-4 years.