Author Topic: Legio XV ''Apollinaris'' [Cavalry+Infantry]  (Read 2164 times)

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Legio XV ''Apollinaris'' [Cavalry+Infantry]
« on: October 13, 2013, 07:15:35 pm »

About the XV. Legio Apollinaris

The Legio Apollinaris is an active, disciplined ,experienced and German based clan that is aiming to become one of the greatest and high skilled clans in Bello Civil.  Luckily we are not a young Napoleonic Wars clan and our officers and the old members are quite experienced. Because of that, our clan can be the same home for the old NW veterans as the new member of the community who are interested in Bello Civil. The Legio Apollinaris is aiming for high quality and reward the actions of their members. Show that you have the skill to have an higher rank and you will receive one.

The Legio XV Apollinaris is at the moment still active in Napoleonic Wars too and known under the Name 2. Leib-Husaren Regiment.
 If you want to be a part of an active and skilled clan, enlist for service in the Legio XV Apollinaris!

2. Leib-Husaren/ Legio XV Apollinaris - Forum


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The Legio XV Apollinaris was established in 53 B.C by Caesar during the Gaulish War. After two years of fighting,  XV Apollinaris was based  at Aquileia in 51 B.C. and moved to Capua when Pompeius took command. During the Civil War the legion fought in  the battle of Pharsalos between Pompeius and Caesar. After Pompeius defeat and Caesars assassination XV Apollinaris were led by Octavian, later Augustus, in 44 B.C. till the battle of Actium. Because of this victory the Legio XV was given the surname Apollinaris after Octavian´s favourite god Apollos.
In the augustian era Legio XV Apollinaris took part in many expedition armies, for example in the campaign against the Cantabrians in Hispania from 27 - 19 B.C. During Tiberius reign Legio XV Apollinaris experienced it first peacetime.
When in 63 A.D the Parthian gain power the legion was sent as reinforcement under command of Legatus Marius Celsus in the orient. XV Apollinaris also conquered Jerusalem in 70 A.D  and stopped the Judean Rebellion. Afterwards the legion was sent back to their main camp in Carnuntum, Pannonia.
Due to the successful missions in the Dacian Wars Legio XV Apollinaris got multiple awards.
In 115, war with Parthia broke out again and the legion was sent in front with the XXX Ulpia Victrix. They fought in Mesopotamia which was conquered later on. After the conflict the unit stayed in their new Headquarter Satala in eastern Cappadocia. From this base the XV Apollinaris helped repulse an invasion of Alans in 134 A.D.
By 162, Pathia and Rome were at war again and the legion occupied the Armenian capital Artaxata. In 175 the general Avidius Cassius rebelled against Emperor Marcus Aurelis, but the XV Apollinaris remained loyal and earned the additional titlePia Fidelis.
Later on the legion taken part again in campaigns against Parthia, including the capture of Ctesiphon the Parthian capital.
The latest proof for the legions existence derives from the 5th century. The Legio XV Apollinaris still quartered at Satala and Ancyra.


Thanks to Cato for writing the short text about the XV's history
« Last Edit: October 15, 2013, 05:21:20 pm by Cooper »
Retired Clanleader, Cavalry, Student

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Re: Legio XV ''Apollinaris'' [Cavalry+Infantry]
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2013, 07:15:54 pm »
Retired Clanleader, Cavalry, Student