Author Topic: Audiate's Thread Workshed  (Read 6676 times)

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Offline Audiate

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Audiate's Thread Workshed
« on: August 15, 2013, 05:38:13 am »
 I'll keep it simple. I make threads. Here's threads that I've made.



1st Engineers_
Colonel Culverton Fox (Audiate)
Lieutenant Andrew Hayes (Dwarf)
Colour Sergeant Ray Stopps (Sevey)
Colour Sergeant Richard Portman (Genocide)
Sergeant Nicholas Gregory (Julius)
Corporal Humphry Bradford (Bacon)
Corporal Ian Farr (Insomniac)
Corporal Patrick Dorking (Niophoris)
Lance Corporal Andrew Gedgrave (Marsh)
Lance Corporal Steven Cooke (Cook)
Private Benjamin Lamb (Newton)
Private Eric Palmer (Blake)
Private Harrold Gordon (Dino)
Private Jack Bramley (Assassin)
Private Lee Miles (Lee)
Private Philip Planer (Zacattack)
Private Steven Bensing (Altaire)
2nd Engineers_
Captain Malcolm Coppleman (Holo)
Sergeant Edward Dodds (Brave)
Sergeant Jeff Kirkham (Dread)
Corporal Ray Griffith (Jake)
Lance Corporal Stuart Portman (Wolf)
Private Clive Damant (Nicky)
Private Danny Tronson (Watano)
Private Dereck Crystal (Hood)
Private Garry Coulson (Bohannon)
Private Robert Sumpter (Vallthor)
Private Robert Sutton (Vladmir)
Private Rowland Sturgis (Rzar)
Private Stuart Peckham (Warlocal) 
Private Trevor Brown (Aviation)
Private Trevor Paton (Khalifa)
Private William Davis (Suo)
Introduction Company_
Recruit Alfred Harker (Space)
Recruit Brady Flynn (Dodo)
Recruit Charles Worley (Warpig)
Recruit Christien Whitson (Hovis)
Recruit Gordon Malahide (Diablo)
Recruit Ian Ryall (Blueslice)
Recruit Jack Aubrey (Captain Jack Aubrey)
Recruit Jack Holmes (Unicorn)
Recruit Mark Edmand (Rick)
Recruit Nick McVicar (Globo)
Private Nigel Robertson (Loyalist)
Recruit Greg Schofield (Interface)
Recruit Steven Hobbs (George)
2 Commissioned Officers
3 Sr. Non-Commissioned Officers
5 Jr. Non-Commissioned Officers
8 Enlisted
Total: 18
1 Commissioned Officer
2 Sr. Non-Commissioned Officers
2 Jr. Non-Commissioned Officers
11 Enlisted
13 Recruits

Head Count: 48

Click 'Select' and copy the highlighted text. Paste it in a reply, and answer each question. Be sure to click 'Post'!
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[b]What country you live in:[/b]
[b]Regiments and ranks have you achieved previously:[/b]
[b]Activity likelihood (1-10):[/b]

Who are the 3e Zouaves?
The 3e is an active French regiment in the Blood and Iron module for Napoleonic Wars. The 3e uses both line infantry and light infantry tactics, and aims to perfect its success in battles. The 3e is also a sister-regiment to the Napoleonic Wars regiment, the 93rd Regiment of Foot - Sutherland Highlanders. The motto of the 3e is J'y Suis-J'y Reste, essentially meaning I am, I Remain. This echoes the bravery of the 3e Zouaves, forever wagging a finger at the belief of post-Napoleonic French cowardliness. Historically, the 3e Zouaves were the most decorated Zouave regiment of the French Army, and one of the more highly decorated regiments of its time, and we would like to hold true to that bravery and determination as we play. Enlist today, and become one of the proud 3e Zouaves!

  The 3e Régiment de Zouaves was an infantry regiment in the French Army. Established in 1852, and assigned to the province of Constantine, the 3e has served in many battles across the world, including Sevastopol in Russia, San Lorenzo in Mexico, and Kabylie in Africa. Over the years, the 3e has received many decorations, including the Médaille Militaire, two Croix, two Médaille de la Valeur, and the all-glorious Ordre National de la Légion d’Honneur, the highest award given in the French Army. The success of the 3e has made it one of, if not the most famous French Zouave regiment.
    The 3e is also well known for its photographs and paintings. As the Zouave unit arose, artists including the great Vincent Van Gogh set out to depict these sharp-dressed men. The typical Zouave uniform consisted of a white shirt, black shoes, and the signature red or orange loose-hanging fez, blue or black jacket with curls and patterns, and red or orange pants, often baggy, usually matching the color of the fez. Several Zouave uniforms also had a blue or black sash. This uniform, with styles based on the French colors, became extremely famous, eventually adopted by American troops during the Civil War.
  Artists have made more Zouave art than just photographs and paintings. On 1856, Georges Diebolt, a French sculptor, sculpted the Zouave du pont de l'Alma, often called the "Zouave de Paris", in Paris, no less. This statue is the most publicly seen attraction depicting a French Zouave. It stands 5.2 meters tall and weighs eight tons, depicting the Zouave as a strong, noble warrior, who fights nobly and respectfully, but just as fiercely. The 3e lived with those ideals; they fought smart and hard, resulting in their many awards.
  The 3e was very well possibly the most decorated Zouave regiment of the French Army. They achieved more and higher honored medals and awards than any other Zouave regiment, even more than the highly decorated 4e Régiment of Zouaves. They were trusted for many battles globally, and for good reason. After all, what else would make the 3e so highly depicted by artists to represent the new and unique Zouave regiments of France in the mid-1800's? They were no better equipped than the other regiments of their kind, but they fought harder and better.

Medals and Honors
There are two Medals given out in the 3e Zouaves: the Médaille militaire and the Légion d'honneur. These help officers know who should be promoted in addition to additional judgement of skill.
There are a total of eleven decorations that can be given out in the 3e Zouaves. Two of which make up the two medals, however, in the first instance of someone receiving a medal, they will receive the corresponding decoration, but only the first time. A player can only receive one of each decoration, and each decoration a player is given will be shown on their forum signature, if they choose to have and use one.

Médaille militaire
Given to Enlisted and NCO's
for acts of bravery.

Légion d'honneur
Given to Officers for their wise and
successful decisions on the battlefield.
Ordre national de la Légion d'honneur
The 'National Order of the Legion of Honour' is given to exceedingly impressive demonstrations on the battlefield of the ability of leadership among equal and lesser ranked soldiers.
Médaille militaire
The 'Military medal' is given primarily to the Enlisted and NCO's who show bravery and skill on the battlefield.
Médaille d’honneur pour acte de courage et de dévouement
The 'Medal of Honor for his bravery and dedication' is an award given to those who commit acts of courage and dedication.
The decorations below are given out at specific times with unspecific requirements; an acting officer will determine when and how these medals will be awarded.
Médaille commémorative de la campagne d'Italie
Médaille commémorative de l'expédition de Chine
Médaille commémorative de l'expédition du Mexique
Médaille commémorative de la guerre
Médaille commémorative de Madagascar
Médaille commémorative de l'expédition du Tonkin
Médaille commémorative de l'expédition du Dahomey
Médaille coloniale
The 'Colonial Medal' is only given to those who have received every other Commemorative Medal.
Note: We realize that not all of these medals are accurate for the 3e Zouaves; this is just a rewards system.
Uniform and Banner
In-game Banner
  Looking at two different soldiers from two different Zouave regiments, you could easily tell the differences between them. However, Zouave regiments were so inconsistent, that you could often mistake two soldiers of the same Zouave regiment as totally different regimental uniforms entirely. Typically, variation in uniforms depended on the Battalion, Company, and season. Indeed, the weather impacted the Zouave uniform. This bizarre irregularity does not distract from the fact that the Zouave unit is very definitive. The Zouave Garde is somewhat to blame for the confusing Zouave uniforms; they had different lacing patterns, often in significantly different colors, than the ordinary Zouave uniforms. Their turbaned fezzes were meant to signify their Garde status -- but that did not stop many people from confusingly depicting many Zouaves with mix-matched uniforms through the form of paintings.
  Regardless of the confusing nonsense of the French Zouave uniforms, the style originated from Arabic soldiers. As France stationed its colonies on more and more land across the globe, its units altered and changed significantly. In Morocco and Algiers, the French formed militia to station their colonies by recruiting the people already living there. The uniforms were adopted from Arabic troops, and as more and more Frenchmen moved to Morocco and Algiers, more and more Frenchmen became Zouaves. Soon enough, Zouaves were being pulled into official regiments (1er Imperiale, 2e, 3e, and 4e Zouaves) in France. This cultural osmosis happened very seamlessly.
  The 3e Zouaves in particular dressed generally the same. They didn't have significant changes based on weather, their battalions and companies were all dressed similarly; one could assume this is somewhat responsible for the 3e's credit in battles (a mix-match of uniforms could mean awards would be difficult to determine and hand out). Shown above, the 3e Officers dressed very similarly; from left to right on the Officers tab: The Regimental Staff (Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel, and Major) dress for the 3e Zouaves was extremely similar to that of a Capitaine or Lieutenant, however, the only significant differences was the equipment issued, the decoration, and the pants fitted for horse riding. The Senior Officer (including Capitaine and Lieutenant) dress was a simpler version of the Regimental Staff uniform; this was the uniform eventually adopted by the Union side of the American Civil War when mid-to-late Zouave regiments began to appear. Onto the NCO and Enlisted uniforms (shown under the Enlisted tab), the only difference between a Soldat, a Sergent, and anything in between, was the sleeves. Ranks were depicted by chevrons, started at none for a Recruit/Cadet, one gold for a Soldat, and an additional red chevron for each rank above the Soldat (gold chevron included). Yes indeed, the Zouave uniforms can be quite confusing during this time. As history unfolded, and WWI approached, Zouaves became less and less elaborate, and generally more and more like that of the 3e Zouaves. Regardless of the technical differences, the Zouave uniform has, and will always be, a favorite among many reenactors, artists, and war-fanatics around the world.

Fill out the application below and post it as a reply to enlist

[b]Steam Name:[/b]
[b]If you do not already, can you/are you willing to install TeamSpeak?:[/b]
Alternatively, you can add one of the following on Steam:

Capitaine Audiate
Lieutenant Dwarf

Non-Commissioned Officers

Soldat de Deuxième Bacon
Soldat de Deuxième Genocide
Soldat de Deuxième Gordon
Soldat de Deuxième Insomniac
Soldat de Deuxième jluke
Soldat de Deuxième Lord
Soldat de Deuxième Niophoris
Soldat de Deuxième Petschie
Soldat de Deuxième Redmoon
Soldat de Deuxième Spongebob
Soldat de Deuxième Yogibear






Soldat d'Honneur

Soldat de Première

Soldat de Deuxième


28th North Gloucestershire Regiment of Foot
"The Slashers"

About this Regiment
The 28th is an active North American-based regiment of the Napoleonic Wars add-on to Mount & Blade: Warband. Its members range from very experienced with several years spent with the game to new players striving to improve, with all members ambitious to improve the 28th as well as their personal playing skills. There are trainings several days every week. Though optional, these trainings provide practice, improvement in skill, helpful lessons about tactics and general gameplay, and to those who strive for it, advancement towards promotions. The regiment also provides leadership opportunities to those who have served with activity, dedication, and integrity, but are only granted to those who seek leading, providing a laid-back experience for the players who simply wish to play and have fun with their community. The 28th also expands to other games as a community, breaking the boundaries of exclusive professionalism. If one wishes to play a game with an officer or NCO, all they must do is ask.

Accounts of the North Gloucestershire Regiment

1694 - Early in the year Colonel John Gibson, Lieutenant Governor of Portsmouth was given a warrant, or beating order as it was known, to raise a new regiment of infantry. At this early period such regiments were the personal property of their Colonels and were commonly known by his name. The new regiment was therefore to be known as 'Gibson's Regiment of Foot'.

1782 - After several changes of the regiment, another important change took place in this year when the government of the day decided to link regiments to districts or counties for the purpose of recruitment. So it was that when the 28th came home in the following year of 1783 it was to be known by the new title of the 28th North Gloucestershire Regiment of Foot. The county they were now linked to was also home to the 61st South Gloucestershire Regiment of Foot and the Royal North, and South Gloucestershire Militia's. Almost crowded from a military point of view! And unlikely that all those units could have found enough recruits within the county to satisfy all their needs. In any case the 28th had little chance to become acquainted with their new territory because they were immediately packed off to Northumberland for the winter. It may well be that they heartily wished themselves back in the warmer West Indies with all it's attendant perils of disease.

1801 - The French revolution began in 1789 and from then on set the whole of Europe alight with conflict. Under the genius of Napoleon Bonaparte the French had won battles against nearly every major nation and now dominated the European mainland. She now turned her attention outward towards Great Britain and Her overseas possessions. France had sent an expeditionary force to Egypt with a view to the invasion of India. The 28th were sent as part of a British force under General Sir Ralph Abercromby to counter that threat. They made an amphibious landing near Alexandria on the 8th of March. The French General Menou advanced towards the British who were camped about four miles to the east of Alexandria. He had the advantage of 1400 cavalry and superior artillery. He made a feint towards the British left but made his main thrust at the British right which included the ground the 28th were holding which was an old ruined fort on the Mediterranean coast. The fighting was very fierce and whilst under heavy attack to the front and flanks French cavalry was thrown at the 28th's rear. Lieutenant Colonel Chambers who had assumed command when colonel Paget was seriously wounded was undaunted by this alarming turn of events and gave the order ' 28th, rear rank only, right about face, and Although assailed from both sides the regiment calmly repelled all attacks in fierce hand to hand fighting. By 10.00 am the French were in full retreat along their entire line.

In honour of the 28th's conduct on that day they were granted the unique distinction of wearing a badge on the back of their head dress as well as at the front. This badge takes the form of a sphinx with the word 'Egypt' beneath.

1808 - An expedition under sir John Moore including the 28th was sent to Spain to link up with the Spanish army and drive the French out of the country. However General Moore soon realised that the Spanish army was not going to stand against the French. He also learned that the French were moving to isolate and destroy his force leaving him with no choice but to withdraw the 240 miles to the port of Corunna. The withdrawal began on Christmas Eve, and was carried out in terrible weather conditions over snow covered mountains. The 28th formed part of the rear guard under their own General Paget, now recovered from his wound and Divisional Commander under General Moore. Throughout this gruelling retreat the 28th had been in almost constant contact with the French and had fought many holding and delaying actions. The army reached Corunna on the 11th January and were able to regroup, get some much needed sleep and food, and be issued with arms and ammunition. They then fought the French again just outside of Corunna and succeeded in beating them before being successfully taken off by the Royal Navy. A precursor of Dunkirk? Although the main part of the regiment left the Peninsula it left a detachment behind in Lisbon which as part of a composite battalion under the Duke of Wellington took part in the battle of Talavera. Many more famous battles were fought before the final push in 1813 which saw the defeat of the French at the battle of Toulouse in 1814 and the abdication and exile of Napoleon to the island of Elba.

1815 - In March of this year Napoleon escaped from Elba and returned to France gathering popular support as he travelled slowly from the coast to Paris. Whole regiments that were sent to intercept and arrest him defected to his cause. An allied army was assembled in Belgium which included the 28th who had hurried across the sea from Ireland where they had been stationed for several years. Napoleon was aware that he had only a short time to obtain a quick victory whilst the allies were still bickering about who should do what and before the allied army grew to an overwhelming size. He therefore marched towards Brussels on the 15th June. He met the Prussian army at Ligny driving them off and nearly destroying them completely. Wellington had decided to stop the French advance at Quatre Bras some 25 miles south of Brussels and on 16th June at the crossroads the battle was joined. The 28th in square against cavalry valiantly resisted every effort to break them and eventually Marshall Ney, the French Commander was forced to withdraw. During the height of the battle Sir James Kempt, the Brigade Commander rode into the 28th's square, doffed his hat and cried 'Bravo 28th, The 28th are still the 28th and your conduct this day shall never be forgotten'.

After the battle of Quatre Bras the 28th joined the main army at Waterloo. Wellington had chosen the location for it's suitability to his now well known tactic of hiding the exact number and strength of his force by screening parts of it behind dips and rises in the land. As a bonus this also served to protect some units from direct damage from artillery. He intended to deny the battlefield to the enemy until Blucher's Prussians could recover from their mauling at Ligny and come up to re-enforce him. As he said afterwards, "It was a damned serious business, the nearest thing you ever saw in your life". During the course of the evening Napoleon was informed that the Prussians would shortly arrive, and in desperation he flung in the last of his reserves, the famed Imperial Guard. Unfortunately the ploy failed and the Guard were repulsed with heavy loss. Wellington took of his hat and waved it as a signal for a general advance. The French army was broken and fled the field. Napoleon went into exile once again this time to remain there until his death.

The 28th North Gloucestershire Regiment is proud to count Waterloo amongst it's many battle honours and equally proud to have been the only regiment mentioned by name in Wellingtons Waterloo Despatches.

The Companies of the 28th Regiment of Foot

1st Company
Company of Musketmen

The Musketmen are make up the backbone
company of the battaillon and focus on use
of the cold steel to show enemies what for!


Colonel Kieth Healy
Lt. Colonel Lee Stanhope
Lieutenant John Cooke
Staff Searjeant  Elmer Johns
Serjeant Paul Mansfield
Corporal  Stuart Knight
L. Corporal  Timmothy Holdsworth
L. Corporal Clive Flint
Private  Randy Reep
Private Thomas Hartley
Private  Lewis Wilbourn

2nd Company
Company of Riflemen

The riflemen were historically the shortest
men enlisted to the army, however, these
men are the most reliable to kill from range.


-Recruitment Closed-

3rd Company
Company of Artillerymen

The Artillerymen are responsible for
significant impact on the enemy, by
firing cannons into enemy lines.



How to join
Apply by filling out this form and pasting it on this thread.
[b]Steam name:[/b]
[b]How long have you played NW?:[/b]
[b]What regiments, if any, have you been in?:[/b]
[b]On a scale from 1-10, how active do you see yourself being?:[/b]
[b]What would you say your greatest quality is?:[/b]
You can also join by contacting me on Steam:
Colonel Kieth Healy

Audiate - Thread
Jezza - Roster Table


Regiment Summary
The 7th Royal Bavarian Infantry Regiment is a French Bavarian Regiment. We are a small, mature, fun, and dedicated regiment. We provide entertainment that enlightens both Pro players and Noob players. We strive at our max potential to improve and succeed at our goals

We are a French Bavarian Line Regiment that smashes through enemies with our pure melee strength and devastating volleys from above upon enemy. We treat every person equal and train everyone the same, with our pure logic and skill.

The 7th Royal Bavarian Infantry regiment fought with Napoleon's Army in the invasion of Russia, it's only known combat was at the Battle of Hanau. The regiment was not known well for it's Napoleonic era combat, but more for it's Late 19th Century and World War I combat. It was formed in 1732 under a different name, previously was the name of the regiment "Hohenhausen". The suffix "Prince Leopold" is after a regiment Leopold of Bavaria , son of Prince Regent Luitpold of Bavaria , since 7 April 1873. The regiment participated in the France-Prussian war, seeing action at the Battle of Worth and other battles. At the start of the 20th Century they went on a War Expedition to Boxers Rebellion. At the start of World War I it was sent to the Eastern German Front and suffered some 30,000 casualties. In 1919 the regiment was disbanded.

The OfficersThe Officers are the leaders of the regiment, they often lead the line, and are in command over the Fusiliers and NCO's. To achieve officer rank, dedication, loyalty, and command are all aspects to achieve this rank. They keep order and discipline in the line and train the Fusiliers and NCO's.
Ranks of the Officers
Oberst: The Leader of the regiment, they are in-command and manage the regiment.
Major: The 2nd highest Officer rank, often 2nd in command. They usually lead the line when Oberst is not present. They do minor responsibilities.
Hauptmann: The Captain rank. They support the Major and Colonel and often lead the line when Major and Oberst is not present.
Leutnant: The Starting Officer rank, they are often tested as officer and train the Fusiliers.
The NCO's (Non Commissioned Officers) are the sergeants and corporals that are the Officers pets. The NCO's are more professional and skilled then the Fusiliers. They occasionally take up leading the line and may receive a future officer position.
Ranks of the NCO's:
Feldwebel: This rank is usually referred as the sergeant, and also the highest rank of NCO's.
Unteroffizer: Unteroffizer's often start leading at this rank and start taking responsibilities of the regiment.
Korporal: The First rank of the NCO.
The Fusiliers are the common ranks of the company, they are the larger force and the fighting force against the enemy. Even with their common equipment, a musket and a butterknife, they are what keeps the regiment alive and running against their one and common enemy. Every man finds themselves starting out in the Fusiliers until promotion.
Ranks of the Fusiliers:
Fusilier Guard: Guards of the Fusiliers, often the most skilled and advanced players attain this rank.
Gefreiter: The second standard rank of the regiment.
Soldat: Equivalent to Private of the company.
Rekrut: Conscripts rank, given upon joining the regiment.


Officers & NCOs
Obsert  Gunther

Korporal  Nerve
Korporal  Timmay

Fusilier Guard  Maximilian
Fusilier Guard  Pineapple
Fusilier  Andee
Gefretier  treekicker
Soldat  VikingNiking
Soldat  Piehalo
Soldat  commanderX
Soldat  B10hazard
Soldat  Bladerunner391
Soldat  Plasmabacon
Soldat  Paul Baumer
Soldat  Cebby
Soldat  AgentFlorida
Soldat  AgentFlorida

Rekrut  Kreiger
Rekrut  Glaucus
Rekrut  napolean113
Rekrut  CrispyChicken
Rekrut  zacbran
Rekrut  warman
Rekrut  Bullseyebart
Rekrut  Joe Swanson
Rekrut  Zatara
  • Sunday N/A
  • Monday N/A
  • Tuesday Linebattle : 8EST
  • Wednesday Training : 8 EST
  • Thursday Linebattle : 8 EST
  • Friday Linebattle : 9 EST
  • Saturday N/A

Interested in joining?
Fill in this application
Steam name:
Or add welkindarcsens on Steam.

Misc. Info
Tags: 7thRB_Rank_Name
Banner: Bavarian Flag

Thank you Audiate for this thread!

 I also made the 93rd's thread (below), but unfortunately I cannot access the BB Code to post here.

 There are also some thread work that became discontinued/incomplete, and some various things I may show later, but am not ready to yet. Anywho, here's some misc. things I put together:


 If you'd like me to make any images, let me know of what the images should be, and in what style.

 If you'd like me to make a thread, please provide the name of the regiment, any pictures you would like me to specifically include, etc. I can handle making a thread using little given information, but it would be more likely for me to actually make your thread for you if you provide me the necessary material prior.

 Please keep in mind that I won't be following through with every request made of me, but I will try most.

Offline kpetschulat

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Re: Audiate's Thread Workshed
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2013, 06:00:10 am »
So, I was wondering if you could one of your mont-saint-jean style soldier previews for the Loyal Lusitanian Legion.

The request:

Regiment Name: Loyal Lusitanian Legion
Regiment Type: Light Infantry and Artillery
Aligned Faction: United Kingdom
Origin: Portuguese Expatriates

The below quote is from Beta's Shack as a request for a reskin. I think the info and pictures will work nicely. The flag in the pictures is the correct flag, the banner in the flag reads: Leal Legião Lusitana

Unit name: Loyal Lusitanian Legion
Unit type: Light Infantry and Artillery
What unit do you want me to replace it with: UK 51st Light Infantry, UK Artillery
What Faction: United Kingdom

To distinguish the officer and the ensign, please use a bicorne, like in the last pack for the infantry officer only, they also ave a red sash, the ensign does not. The ensign in the infantry should use the officer uniform, but with the shako. The bugler/cornet for the infantry uses the same uniform as the rankers. If you can, please include the backpack that the British infantry use. Artillery ranker wore no coat, just their white undershirt, but if you don't want to do that, you can include their overcoat. The artillery train should use the same uniform as the ranker of the infantry. Also, if you're up for it, the infantry had a British light infantry insignia on the back of their hat, the artillery had an artillery insignia

Stockpile of pictures, hon.


If you could do the order like this, from left to right:

Captain, Lieutenant, Color Sergeant, Hornist, Two Light Infantry rankers, Light Infantry Sergeant, Two Artillery Ranker (One with green-coat, one with white shirt), and Artillery Sergeant. Total of ten units.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2013, 06:19:00 am by kpetschulat »

Offline Tango

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Re: Audiate's Thread Workshed
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2013, 10:31:06 pm »
Hey, I was wondering if you could make a thread for a new groupfighting server, have a space for admin list, a space for admin applications, ban and unban requests, and a space for basic rules, would be greatly appreciated.

Offline Audiate

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Re: Audiate's Thread Workshed
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2013, 10:37:50 pm »
Hey, I was wondering if you could make a thread for a new groupfighting server, have a space for admin list, a space for admin applications, ban and unban requests, and a space for basic rules, would be greatly appreciated.

 Could you specify the application forms? What various questions should they ask?

 Also, could you add me on Steam?

Offline Tango

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Re: Audiate's Thread Workshed
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2013, 10:58:55 pm »
sure add me: jjmanowski ? Also could you just write "add question here" and then I will fill it out, when I will have the time, all I am asking for is the structure and then I can fill in all the parts if thats ok, if not then I can give you all the info tomorrow as I ahve to go, greatly appreciated.

Offline Tango

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Re: Audiate's Thread Workshed
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2013, 08:09:36 pm »
Sorry could I cancel my request, hope I haven't made you waste your time.

Offline Audiate

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Re: Audiate's Thread Workshed
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2013, 06:14:41 pm »
Sorry could I cancel my request, hope I haven't made you waste your time.

 ...okay, then? Not exactly sure why, but sure.

Offline Stefiboy

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Re: Audiate's Thread Workshed
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2013, 05:07:46 pm »
Don't Know if this is still Active,Don't Know if you will make me something because of my reputation, but im trying my luck anyways.

Could you make me a 93rd Regiment of Foot-The Sutherland Highlanders

Offline McEwan

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Re: Audiate's Thread Workshed
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2013, 05:13:03 pm »
Audiate left the community weeks ago...

So I doubt your order will be taken.


Offline Commissar Jdf

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Re: Audiate's Thread Workshed
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2013, 05:30:08 pm »
Audiate left the community weeks ago...

So I doubt your order will be taken.

lol, that's what you think

Offline Stefiboy

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Re: Audiate's Thread Workshed
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2013, 05:33:27 pm »
Audiate left the community weeks ago...

So I doubt your order will be taken.
Oh Alright thanks for the info, McEwanMaster.