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[NWIL] Rules
« on: May 12, 2022, 06:48:26 pm »


Welcome to the first season of the NWIL. The general concept of this tournament is a linebattle fight (1v1) between regiments of the community.


1. Basic rules

2. Attendance

3. Matches

I. No Fire in charge (FIC) and no fire out of formation (FOL), no reload in charge (RIC) and no reload out of formation (ROOF).
  1) You are in melee when one bayonet or one sword from either line strikes the player or weapon of the opposing team.
  2) Firing out of formation is when a shot is fired from a player of a line which is not stationary and in a tightly packed formation.
  3) The officer is not allowed to shoot on his own while his line is waiting in cover.
  4) If the outcome of a round is affected by a FIC, a FOOF, a RIC or a ROOF the referee can decide that this round is void. 

II. A line can only move in formation.
  1) A formation is a line, with no gaps when standing, and with gaps not bigger than 2 men average while moving.
  2) Charge movements only in reasonable distances - a charge does not require any formation.
  3) You can’t fake charge to avoid an enemy volley.
  4) A referee can insist on closing gaps in lines that are moving with too big gaps between their men.

III. Gaps have to be closed tight.
  1) If you fire without closing the gap beforehand, you may be punished by the referee.
  2) You are not allowed to open the gap after you take a shot.

IV. No officer aiming. This only regards the player in the officer class.
  1) In the following situations, officer aiming does not apply.
If the officer is standing in front, behind or in the line (from enemies viewpoint)
In a definite and obvious charge movement towards the enemy line.
  2) If  the outcome of a round is affected by an officer aiming, the referee can  decide that this round is void. 

V. Regiments have to play with the first line infantry unit of their nation (exemple : 45e for France and 33rd for UK).

VI. Only one line per regiment, only one officer per regiment.

VII. No Bonuses, no musicians, no flag bearers.
   I. The minimum attendance required is 15 men.
1) If a regiment does not bring 15 their opponents may use 15 regardless.
2) If both regiments are bringing at least 15 men, the match will be played with a perfect balance.

II. All the matches will be played on the same balanced custom map.

III. Matches have to be played on official NWIL Servers.

IV. You need to get a referee for your match (if you play without a referee your match will be void).
           1) Both regiments need to agree on the chosen referee.
           2) The chosen referee can’t be a member of one of the two regiments involved.
   I. If 2 regiments can't agree on a date to play their match, then this match is automatically to be played Sunday 7.15 GMT of the matchweek.

II. If one regiment does not appear in time, the other one will get a 10-0 win.

III. If both teams don't appear, both will get a 0-0 loss. This will result in 0 points for both teams.

IV. Players may only be in one regiment that is attending the NWIL. If a player is in two regiments that are both in the NWIL they must choose which one to play for.
1) Every regiment has to hand in a list of members who are going to play for the regiment in the NWIL. Needed are the Name under which the member is to be on the server, Community Name and Player ID.
2) This list is to be handed in before the start of the league and can be updated anytime.
3) A player can only play for one regiment during the all league.

V. No invites, no mercenaries.

VI. Regiment leaders are responsible for each player they are bringing.

VII. Referee rulings have to be accepted in a running match. You may not discuss it within an unfinished match. Excepting for registration name/ID.
1) The referee may send spectators of any regiment which is not part of the competing regiments off the server.
2) A regiment must follow instructions of a referee. If a regiment fails to do so after multiple calls, the round can be void.
3) You may appeal a referee's judgement with a video if abusing behavior is seen, or a wrong/biased decisions has occurred.

VIII. No global chat except for regiment leaders.

IX. If a regiment remains more than 2 min 30 without firing or moving, it will be considered as a camper and will have to move on the instruction of the referee. If they refuse to move then the referee can decide to give the round to the other regiment.

X. No flaming or insulting. Organizers may punish insults or inappropriate behavior with ceding or canceling points.

Inspired by the rules of the NWL organized by DasBrot
« Last Edit: May 27, 2022, 06:37:39 pm by MaxenceIV »