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Re: Sword and musket
« Reply #75 on: November 27, 2020, 10:54:37 pm »
Hello, I have read many messages here. It especially made me happy to see the old land debates here. Don't miss your messages.

I understood that the perspective on the Sword & Musket project is divided into Those Who Trust the Project / Those Who Do Not. There are issues that I agree with both sides on the reasons for this.

For example, when I read the messages of our insecure friends, they bring up Bannerlord gaming experiences before. They state that the game is still not ready and they are disappointed. I can join them on this issue. I can say this as the creative producer of the mod that I continue the project, you are right about this. If we come to another issue, it is the "Melee Mechanics" problem that we all see as critical. I give you an absolute guarantee on this!

Actually, I do not hesitate to explain some issues to you here because it is not bad for us to get information from experienced people in the community while making this mod.

Regarding the Melee Mechanics;

1. "Bayonet wearing animation" to switch to close combat

2. We have two options for Melee Animation.
Our first option is; Spear Animation in Bannerlord (almost same as NW)
Our second option; Melee Animation is similar to NW but in simple but advanced animations that aren't exactly the same (If we make this option, it might be possible that the mod won't hold)

There are two options, but if we apply the second option, the old masters who have been playing the game since 2012 may find it difficult to keep up with the new system. (Even if we try to simplify it, the fun may not be sustained. Of course this can vary from player to player. We are trying to produce different options. As soon as the Animation Plugin for the Mod Tools is released, the Import / Export will be done directly. I hope so Taleworlds will release it as soon as possible.

As for the models, we are working very meticulously in this regard.

Currently, we have friends who produce Infantry Regiments Uniform models within our project. I can say that we have started mass production. But as John has stated, I can say that it is currently being updated because it is in the Work In Progress phase.

Uniform texture and quality will differ in terms of polygons. Additionally, there will be 18 Infantry units in the British and French nations each. You can even see the list of regiments we are trying to do on our Discord channel.
(Line, Light, Grenadiers, Guards, Sailor, Gunners) are included.

Cavalry units will come after these stages. That's the easiest part for us. ;)

Probably a stupid idea but what if S&M had 2 different melee modes, one mode for casuals with a more simpler and maybe slower feel and another for competitive, one that involves some more complex mechanics (fast-paced, stuns, glances, momentum, and diverse hitboxes. This way you please everyone, casuals don't have to invest as many hours to get "good" and competitive players seeking a challenge can learn these mechanics. Although having just one base melee system would be a lot simpler and easier for the devs but just an idea to help solve what holdfast and bannerlord struggle with. I also understand that melee mechanics in bannerlord is hard coded so you probably can't even edit them but in NW with the script enhancer I think you can edit glances etc.

Warband Script Enhancer

feel free to voice your opinion I'm curious if this really is a stupid idea or not.

I was wondering. It caught my attention. What is in your mind?

I also want to convey this to the society. There is a lot of difference between Warband's mod system and Bannerlord's mod system. Personally, I did not give up on Bannerlord. If we come to the subject of Early Access, there are issues that I am disappointed with like everyone else. But I was even more encouraged to develop this mod and get support from members of many communities, even regimental officials. Some people know me, I do what I put in my mind.

But I can say that I think of your thoughts in general. If you have any ideas, please share them with us. Because we are all passengers of the same ship.

Note: Speaking of ships, a footnote for those who will ask questions about ship wars:

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Re: Sword and musket
« Reply #76 on: November 27, 2020, 11:28:02 pm »
I'm more stocked on Bcof but I do want to see what this mod can pull off, I'm a American and I started off on North and South but I  grown to like the Napoleonic Wars uniforms better than Civilwar uniforms I am really interested in what Bannerlord modding can pull off. I don't like the MP devs too much for obvious reasons (SA servers when). But modding has always where Mount and Blade has been out and after this post back to me being toxic.

Edit i still think Power and Shot is a better name

Offline John Price

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Re: Sword and musket
« Reply #77 on: November 27, 2020, 11:41:24 pm »
Edit i still think Power and Shot is a better name
This name came out of left field for me, I just logged onto discord and there it was  ;D Granted I wasn't actually CD then though.
Knightmare is from Albania, no?
Sorry, I can't accept this team.

Offline John Price

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Re: Sword and musket
« Reply #78 on: November 29, 2020, 05:23:16 pm »
Btw guys I've locked this thread as I've made a more official one here:

Knightmare is from Albania, no?
Sorry, I can't accept this team.