Author Topic: HFB Alliance - Carlist Wars - Saturday Campaign  (Read 498 times)

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Offline BARSOV007

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HFB Alliance - Carlist Wars - Saturday Campaign
« on: October 26, 2020, 04:54:19 pm »



Calderote, Primera Guerra Carlista - Augusto Ferrer Dalmau

Brief History

After the Spanish War of Independence or Peninsular Wars during the Napoleonic Wars, Spain returned to the throne Don Fernando VII de Borbón, who undid the liberal reforms promoted by José I de Bonaparte, his usurper to the throne, brother of Napoleon I de Bonaparte.

Spain was then suffering the so-called Spanish American Wars of Independence, led by those hailed as "Liberators". Generals exiled from Spain for illegal slave trafficking or for practicing Freemasonry, who had returned to the American continent with the help of the British and French to make their once Spanish Viceroyalties independent.

Also attacked on the peninsula by continuous liberal uprisings, it was plunged into great instability, still maintaining the loyalty of overseas possessions such as Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Philippines, Guam, the Caroline Islands, the Marshal Islands and Florida, possessions that would lose little. little by little until the disaster of 98.

The Nation was at a decisive point in its history, when Don Fernando VII was about to die without direct descendants.

His Wife, Maria Cristina de Borbón y Dos Sicilias was acclaimed as liberal, and in case her daughter, the Infanta Isabel II de Borbón, was allowed to govern, quite possibly the regent would promote reforms that would make the Traditional Spanish Monarchy, supported by most of the Spanish population, especially in the peninsula.

The heir to the throne should then be Don Carlos Maria Isidro de Borbón, brother of Fernando VII de Borbón, who swore to return the loyalty of the Spanish Viceroyalties, continue fighting against liberalism and return the industry destroyed during the wars of independence.

However, Fernando, shortly before his death, abolished the law that prevented the succession of the throne to his daughter, imposed by the first Bourbon monarch of Spain, Don Felipe V de Borbón. The so-called Salica law.

At the proclamation of his daughter Isabel II de Borbón and the abolition of the Fueros and privatization of all the lands of the peasantry and the nobility were carried out, the Carlists rose, as those who supported Don Carlos were nicknamed, for returning the Monarchy Traditional and stop liberal reforms. This bloody civil war that would last from 1833 to 1844, saved the lives of 160,000 men from the Carlista side and the nicknamed Elizabethan or Liberal together, leading to a Carlist defeat and therefore the proclamation of a liberal regime in Spain.


This military campaign will take place every Saturday from October 31 and the battles will be fought at the following hours::

21:00 ( Time : Russia Moscow )  (Time: 19:00  Spain Madrid, Western Sahara, Equatorial Guinea, Rome, Paris), 18:00 (Time Spain Canary Islands, Portugal Lisbon, United Kingdom London), 15:00 (Time Argentina, Rep. Banda O. of Uruguay, Brazil), 14:00 (Time Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela) 13:00 (Time Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Chile), 12:00 (Time Mexico City), 2:00 (Time Philippine Islands,  Carolinas Islands, Marshal Islands, Guam and Palau).

Battle Rules

- The units must follow the realistic formations, orders ... etc that would be given at the time (A Line Infantry unit for example could not be used as a Light Infantry unless it is a regular Infantry regiment ... etc )

- It is forbidden to leave a regiment and attack with a single man individually another unit, fortress ... etc

- Insulting / insulting between regiments or regiments is prohibited.

- Only Battalions registered as Sappers can use the Sapper Class.

- Only Battalions registered as Doctors can use the Doctors Class.

- Sappers can only make realistic defenses, cannot make floating constructions or to facilitate climbing to inaccessible places ... etc

- If a regiment is completely annihilated and only 1, 2 or 3 men remain, they must approach the nearest enemy regiment with arms raised and proceed to be shot. If there is a nearby allied unit, they can join it.

- Prohibited the use of bugs

- The Infantry is prohibited from firing while carrying out a charge, it is also prohibited by the Infantry unit that receives this charge as soon as a minimum of 4 to 5 Infantry soldiers come into contact.

- 5 rounds will be held per battle event, they can be extended if the public wishes and it is possible to two more, the faction that has won the most rounds will win. If a round ends in a draw but one of the two regiments is very seriously decimated, on occasions it may be decided whether the round has been victorious in favor of one faction and another.

Campaing Rules

- In military campaigns, the #🌐-maps-🗺  chat will be followed to fight each of the battles, depending on where the battle is fought, it will be fought on a different map. It will be fought mainly in the open field except in the case of cities.

- Every day a battle will take place. One side will have to attack and the other to defend, these will be exchanged every week.

- A leader of each faction will be chosen who will lead the strategy of the battles and that of the campaign map.

- The attacks of both sides will be published in the #💂-attacks-defenses-💂  chat

- When a side wins, loses or draws in a battle the result will be announced in #📰-news-📰 . If in a battle the defending side loses, the province becomes the attacking side, if the attacking side loses or there is a tie, the province remains on the side that managed to defend it.

- The campaign ends when one of the two sides capitulates or all the provinces or the most important provinces, previously determined, have been taken. (If not determined, the campaign will aim to take all the provinces on the map to win.)

- Administrators will modify the map as the campaign progresses.

- If the name of the provinces is unknown, indicate to an administrator or mark on the map when announcing an attack.

- Any questions to avoid confusion must be notified to an administrator.

- Thanks for your attention.

Campaing Map

Europe Map

America Map

Contact and Register

Discord Hispano - British - French Alliance : ( Obligatory to register, and know password and server name ).

Discord 75e Spanish Army :

Discord King´s Own Brigade :

Discord Hussars of Cantabria :

Discord Active Batallion of San Blás :

Discord French Empire :

Total Slots : 200

Carlist - Carlistas : 34/100

Liberals : Liberales : 40/100

DLC / Mod

This campaign will take place in Mount & Blade Warband DLC, Napoleonic Wars. No other DLC or Mod is necessary.

Old Events

- Battles of the Franco Prussian Wars -

- Battle of the Pyramids -

- Battle of Annual -

« Last Edit: December 04, 2020, 02:49:57 am by BARSOV007 »

Offline BARSOV007

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  • Nick: 75E_Rey_de_España_Barsov
  • Side: Neutral
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2020, 05:40:01 pm »

The registration to the military campaign is done through our discord of the British Franco-Hispanic Alliance:  You must join it in order to register your unit.