Author Topic: The test server for the latest server side patch.  (Read 4845 times)

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Re: The test server for the latest server side patch.
« Reply #15 on: August 26, 2017, 08:33:25 pm »
also is the glitch of typing in 'UNRECOGNIZED TOKEN" in admin chat? if you type it in it puts up random images on the client's screen and it can even crash games if you type in the right thing. sorry if this is in the wrong thread

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Re: The test server for the latest server side patch.
« Reply #16 on: August 26, 2017, 10:03:14 pm »
also is the glitch of typing in 'UNRECOGNIZED TOKEN" in admin chat? if you type it in it puts up random images on the client's screen and it can even crash games if you type in the right thing. sorry if this is in the wrong thread
I showed Thunder this but it's not NW thing, it's a Warband game engine problem

1x NA Duel- Runner up |  3x 3v3- 3rd place (Seadderol Deflatriots) (Ez Money) (71st Guards + Russian) | 1x Duel League- 4th place | 1x Regimental Groupfighting- 1st place (71st)  l  1x 2v2- 3rd Place (Vortex/Theodin) | TNWL Season 2 - 1st Place l 1x 2v2- 1st Place (Theodin/Elite) l 2x NANWL-
 71st, Nr8(LG) l 1x 4v4- 1st Place (RussianFury, Waste, NickCole, Theodin) l 1x Cav Joust- 2nd Place l 1x 4v4-
 3rd Place (Theodin, AsianP, Sleek, Godfried, Lurvy) l 1x 5v5 - 1st Place (RussianFury, Yoshie, Krastinov, Jorge, Theodin - Thanos and his children)

Offline Thunderstormer

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Re: The test server for the latest server side patch.
« Reply #17 on: August 27, 2017, 01:12:36 pm »
Yep.  using the source files that i got from the latest NW patch. It was 2 shorter, which while small, is still something.  french light cav swords were longer as well.

Indeed I was aware of the sword lengths but had no idea about a difference in bayonet lengths. Nice find
thanks.  :)

british bayonet is the same length in the files.  it was shorter before.(136 length)

Weird, it definitely felt a bit longer than the Russian one, and I was being fairly rigorous in my testing. Oh well, at least it's not shorter, and it's now a pretty small difference.

birch does crush through most of the time on up attacks. not guaranteed from what i seen on NA1, where that change has been in place for a long time.   Which is fine i think.  It is a really slow attack,and you cant cancel it thanks to it being a unwieldy weapon.(cant really feint with it either.)   I don't think i have ever seen it crush through side blocks which is fine with me.

Yeah, I agree. In the hands of someone who's quite good at melee, it could be really strong, but it comes so rarely that it's probably not a big deal. And yeah, it never does, to my testing. Probably hit three or four dozen times with no crush on both side attacks.
its hard to say.  the game could be doing its own thing.   in the files they are the same length, so if they aren't in practice, then something else is off.   #warband things

it makes for a really good support weapon.    in a 1vmany, it is harder to use.  even in a 1v1 where the enemy has a better weapon, they can block other attacks fairly easily, and the up attack is slow enough they could spam you.

updated the OP.   working on canister.   not so much to buff it, but to make it easier for newer people to use.(go more towards the middle of the crosshair, rather than the bottom line).  also working on the weird issue where howis wont fire canister if you aim to close.(this will need some work)

 i will probably be adding in stuff in the next few days regarding item selections.  hopefully stopping people from getting guaranteed weapons as say a partisani, or doing other stuff like naked sappers.  i can test the former, but i cant test the later as i dont have the mod that lets you be a naked sapper.^^
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Offline Thunderstormer

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Re: The test server for the latest server side patch.
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2017, 02:51:39 am »
Updated the server.   Should be a limit to how quickly people can spam props.  you can till put them down quickly, but not 100 in a second.

equipment should be server side now, so no more having people spawn with the same items as partisani.(well, unless they are really lucky).  This should also fix the issue of naked sappers, and other stuff.

some work has been done to cani.   It now shoots out of the howi the same way its explosive does with regards to its angle.  while it may be tweaked some more, its on the server for testing. the cannons cani should shoot a little higher as well.     there has been an issue in the past where if you aim too low, or too close to an object(and maybe ground), the cani wont actually spawn.   I am trying to minimize when that happens, but its still a WIP.    ideally, on your average random map, this wont be an issue.   I am hoping it is something that is fixable, but it may be some engine issue. 

i plan on looking into the cannon not reseting properly next, when the round ends. (old bug)
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Offline Thunderstormer

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Re: The test server for the latest server side patch.
« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2017, 07:49:57 am »
Server updated.   Lots of minor changes in the code regarding valid props.   which means testing that cannons limber, unlimber, and still work.  boats will need to be tested as well. 

Non arty should no longer be able to unlimber arty from horses.

Pistols have been nerfed a bit.

prussian cuir should now have the same 1 hand prof as other have cav, now that they have the same armor.

pirate arty can now ride arty horses, but requires a client side change.

Heavy cav horses now have 2 more maneuverability and med horses +1.  light cav horses have stayed the same. 

update to how cani works on the howi.  it shoots based on the angle of the barrel, like the explosive shot.(so aim the barrel straight, but not too low or high to hit^^

cannon cani shoots higher. 

cannons should reset properly now between rounds.

music now ends when the map changes.(including pianos)

sp crate should be fixed, but ill test that later. 

things still to work on, swivel cannons acting weird when the round changes.

known issue with rockets.  rockets wont show on the tripod, but they still work. 

i think i got all the changes written for now.   ill update op later.

PW added to the OP.   it is just to keep random people from joining who dont know what is going on, and getting in the way. 

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Offline Thunderstormer

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Re: The test server for the latest server side patch.
« Reply #20 on: September 07, 2017, 11:45:52 am »
pistols have been changed again.  their speed was changed back but the damage is still lower.  will need to be tested

swievel cannons should no longer fall inside objects, or float above stuff after the next round starts.  they should now stay in their position, and rotate back to their original spot.  so if you made them float, they will still float :P

bayonet range has been changed to 136 for all factions.(where the brits were before)   the weapon is 136 length on screen, so that should mean little to no ghost range between where the weapon is and where it hits. 

colmesh for troops has been changed, to better fill up the chest.  the legs are inside the body again, and the feet are also inside the feet.  the head was tweaked as well.  most of these were minor tweaks, but still noticeable.  these will need to be tested.

here is how those look.
after some thought, i will make a post to show off the differences in the colmesh for troops before and after.  i might have more pictures laying around but these will do for now. 



and after.


i think things look nicer overall with the chest filled up more, and other parts like legs tweaked.

when boats reset on the map from either the map being reset, round ending, or when they reset on their own mid round, they should regain their full HP again.   this should mean boats like the schooner are no longer one shot able later in the round.   a known issue is that once the boat resets mid round, it wont die from cannon fire until after someone has taken control of the ship.   this is a minor issue. the only time boat HP should matter is when the boats are being used for attacking a fort and things like that.(grenades can still sink them from what i seen)

a wall that had a broken colmesh should no longer be selected when its previous version is damaged.  another wall will be used instead.

fixed a loop regarding sapper props and cannon balls.   this will need to be tested as well. 

trying some stuff with frigate colmesh as well.

we are waiting to hear back from TW regarding the new files so that isn't on this server. 

i think that covers it all for now. 
« Last Edit: September 13, 2017, 10:23:33 pm by Thunderstormer »
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Re: The test server for the latest server side patch.
« Reply #21 on: September 19, 2017, 11:36:01 pm »
Unblockable still works fine

Offline Thunderstormer

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Re: The test server for the latest server side patch.
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2017, 12:08:01 am »
Unblockable still works fine
yep.  that is because i took the fix off the test server due to other reasons.
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Offline Thunderstormer

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Re: The test server for the latest server side patch.
« Reply #23 on: September 29, 2017, 11:39:37 pm »
alright, so i changed a lot of the trees and their meshes.  from what i seen so far, they work.  hopefully it wont lead to too many issues in terms of clients and server disagreeing when walking next to a tree.

and the other change is that in commander battle, units will now have flag bearers and musicians, plus class limits.   a lot of the work for them was gifted by Grozni. I do not know if they want credit for it or not publicly, so i wont say their name for now.(i will gladly say so if they want me to^^)   i have done quite a bit of tweaking and adding on to it to make it work better overall and with our files.  still, this will require a fair amount of testing. 

units should spawn with the appropriate musicians and flags, if applicable.(some units do not have musicians or flags)

class limits should work, meaning no more having everyone be cav.  pirates and sailors are limited by the sapper %

musicians should play music.  normally this will be something like 55 seconds long, but for now, this will be 15 seconds.   musicians should NOT be playing the assemble the men, or other "commands".  some factions only have 2 songs on things like horns, and drums for highlanders.  others have 3 for their horns and 5 songs for their flute and drums.  the flute and drums should be playing the same song together.   units with horns only have that unit, so they have no one to play together with.   i am letting the piper play any of its 11 songs. 

one minor bug is that the music doesnt end if you change to a different game mode but the same map.  it keeps playing from the same space where the musician was.   this is minor.  i haven't had much luck fixing it, and as this is such a minor issue that wont come up normally during play, i will ignore it for now.    the fix for when you play music and the map changes is still in. 

i think this covers it all for now.    i may make the starting game mode CB for now, just so this gets tested. 
« Last Edit: September 30, 2017, 02:11:47 am by Thunderstormer »
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Re: The test server for the latest server side patch.
« Reply #24 on: October 06, 2017, 11:08:11 am »
updated the server.  you should no longer have units spawning with 2 flags randomly.  prussian dragoons should now have a musician and flag bearer.   

other things to test as well is if the server gets any errors when they become the musician. 

made a few other tweaks as well.   if all goes well, this may be the last stuff that needs to be tested before this is released. 
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Re: The test server for the latest server side patch.
« Reply #25 on: October 07, 2017, 04:37:43 pm »
thank you for repairing all bugs.
And I hope that you get the new version soon, so we can look forward to it

Offline Thunderstormer

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Re: The test server for the latest server side patch.
« Reply #26 on: October 18, 2017, 10:15:28 am »
Alright, i added bonuses for com battles.  the buffs only effect the unit they belong too.  so my musicians etc will not provide a reload buff for your troops nor will yours effect mine.  when the officer etc,. dies, the unit should lose the bonus. 

Officers provide speed for cav, and accuracy for skirms and infantry.

Musicians provide reload buffs for infantry and skirms.  2 musicians provide a stronger buff.   they also provide a speed  buff for skirms.  they provide damage buff for cav. 

arty officers should load arty faster.

flags/sargents provide a speed boost for skirms(skirms don't have flags so the musician takes that roll) and  provide a melee buff for regular inf and cav.

and i may have fixed another error i was having, but that will require testing. 
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Re: The test server for the latest server side patch.
« Reply #27 on: November 02, 2017, 12:47:43 am »
depending on the commands given, the flag bearers and musicians will pull out their swords or instruments.  they will auto play if they aren't already playing faster as well.
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