Author Topic: North and South RP/Campaign Event  (Read 1912 times)

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Offline JesterJc

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North and South RP/Campaign Event
« on: April 05, 2016, 04:05:11 am »
N&S RP/Campaign Events
Our Teamspeak:
Event on Hold, a set date will be applied soon. We will be revising rules as well.
Each week Union and Confederate teams will clash! They will be fighting over a piece of territory decided by the generals of each side.
General Information:
-You can sign up as a Brigade or Regiment, Brigades will be assinged to a General and Regiments to a Brigade.
-Event will be every Tuesday at 8pmEST. The Server is NA, if enough EU people would like to play, we'll either find a server or get permission to use another and set up a 8pmGMT Event.
-EU People who want to play hop on our teamspeak and find a head admin and have him write down your Name or your Regiment with how many people want to play.
-Numbers will be uneven for at least some of the events, as whichever team you sign up as is the team you play every week (We'll try to balance Union side and Confederate Side before official start).
-Generals can meet whenever and/or try and set up a set date for meetings, they then tell me (JesterJc) or some other head admin what they want to do for that week.
-Event Rules.
-Pubs who want to play without joining a regiment, can form a "militia" which you elect a leader and a side and play each week without being an official regiment.
-Militias are subject to the General of the side they choose, channel will be given to you in our Teamspeak.
-1 Channel will be given to every regiment that signs up, this is so if your teamspeak crashes or general needs you, you have your own channel.
-Numbers will be uneven for most events
-Generals Will Be Decided By Head Admins.
-2 generals for each side
-Must meet on own time. Channels will be provided for you.
-There will be a Skirmish Round at start of event. Line and Skirms Only. Your Choice. Whichever side wins gets to continue advancing into the enemy territory until they are stopped/event ends.
-If they are stopped the other side gets to push back until they are stopped or event ends.
-If you push an area, and you take that province, then your next push must be into a province adjacent to that one.
-States in yellow are free game, if you decide to push into it, if the other side has an adjacent province. A battle can take place if the other side wants to fight for it.
-If you push into a province without the enemy having an adjacent province, then you take it without battle.
Event Rules:
Army Composition for Generals: (Per Team)
Artillery: Maximum 4 Guns
Cavalry: Max 2
Skirmishers: Max 4
Sharps: Max 2
Infantry: Infinite
Rules For Everyone
-Admins say is final. If you feel it was unfair or bias please message me.
-No Ramboing
-3 People to reload
-Regiments must apply for a Sapper
-No Sapper Abuse
-You may barricade yourself in a building with anything except Dirt Mounds, TNT, or Planks (Planks okay if not spammed)
-No Reload on Charge (RoC) - Unless You are Garrisoning a Building, then the 'Defender' may RoC
-No getting or building onto roofs
-When Garrisoning a building you may spread out as much as you like
-No Stalling the round during All Charge
-No Reloads During All Charge
-Anyone can use Natural Cover as well as Man-Made Cover
-Fire on Charge is allowed (FoC)
-2 Sergeants Maximum, any line over 10 may bring 3 Sergeants. (If you somehow have over 20 then ask the Head admin)

-Anyone signed up as artillery gets 1 sapper automatically
-4 Max Guns
-Arty Guard acts like Line Infantry

-FoH is allowed, however you must be completely still when reloading. On Horse or not
-Dismounted Cav acts like Skirms
-Cavalry must dismount when they have 2 or less. You do not have to dismount during all charge

-5 Man Spacing
-Does not have to form a line (Just kinda blobs)
-Must bring Mississipi or Lorenz
-Sergeants can bring Bayonets, as long as they are the same unit

-8 Man Spacing
-Must go Sharpshooter class (Obliviously)
-Doesn't have to form line (Just blob)
-Sergeants may not bring Bayonets

Line Infantry
-1 Man Spacing
-Must be in line to shoot, unless on charge
-Must bring Buck N Ball, Springfield, or Harpers Ferry

War Map:
Sign ups:
Regiment Name: Example: 13th Vermont
Contact Info: Steam or Teamspeak
Will you be able to show up every week? Yes or No
How many guys to do average per event? Number
Admins and Info:
Any questions add me on steam:

*Some things will Change. We don't expect to change much. However, this is our first time doing something like this. Let us know if we need to add/change something*
« Last Edit: April 28, 2016, 12:12:29 am by JesterJc »

Offline Jonny Powers

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Re: North and South RP/Campaign Event
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2016, 03:48:37 am »
What is the status of the Indian territory and what is the significance of forts/capitols? I assume that that will result in a siege game being played?

Offline DomDowg

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Re: North and South RP/Campaign Event
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2016, 10:46:31 pm »
Is this DA or AoS only or just normal Tuesday LineBattle.

Offline JesterJc

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Re: North and South RP/Campaign Event
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2016, 11:20:17 pm »
What is the status of the Indian territory and what is the significance of forts/capitols? I assume that that will result in a siege game being played?
The indian territory is mostly there to allow moving from Texas to Kansas and vice versa. battles can be fought there but we dont expect much

Is this DA or AoS only or just normal Tuesday LineBattle.

It is run on AoS servers, however, we have admins, like Mageus, C.S.A Sniper, and TheDocotor who are from the DA. Attendance wise, its open to anyone, and generals are from both sides to. Its a mix between both really.

Offline Northern Ranger

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Re: North and South RP/Campaign Event
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2016, 11:59:21 pm »
Levy Best General NA...... Ha NOT

52ndNY Corporal North

28th Massachusetts Sergeant Major North