Author Topic: BoP: Europe 1938  (Read 1453 times)

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Offline Stark99

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BoP: Europe 1938
« on: November 21, 2015, 12:58:27 am »
This is the game thread

Every time a major event happens, such as declaration of war or simply anything that I decide Major, I shall make a post that a Major event has occured and allow all players to place an official reaction upon it. Think about your reaction carefully - changing your reaction every time someone posts will confuse the hell out of your nation which has its effects.
This forum game is a simplified, diplomacy-centered Balance of Power; Players take charge of a country of their choosing and represent these countries in negotiations. While players can issue orders to the army and the state, it’s in much simpler format; There are no ‘resources’, ‘coins’ or ‘trade agreements’ in precise amounts, but they do play a role. Areas which are rich in industrial and coal ought to be preserved and protected, or even conquered.

Players can take broad, tactical decisions. For example, they may decide to strengthen the Armed Forces, which will have several effects, not all of which you’ll be made aware immediately. You might decide to emphasis your industry on the civilian items - which made make your citizens happy and your economy better, but will weaken your military strength and thus your position on the negotiations table. Invest in education in a single national language, or allow different regions to have their own languages and school systems. Abolish conscription, get rid of the navy and solely play defensively; the choices are yours.

New nations may arise. The ideals of communism, Liberalism,Capitalism and Fascism are ever present. Dozens of peoples are without a state. Nations rise, empires fall...or maybe not? History may unfold as you please.



The players are limited to taking broad strategic decisions to fight their wars, and will usually be asked to send a strategic plan to the game master.
- Rules for warfare.
- Naval invasions into enemy territory are very risky and need considerable planning, meaning that once you agree to or order a seaborne invasion, it could be months before the invasion could actually take place. Demanding it to happen earlier means it is more risky. Players can order their army to prepare for a naval invasion of an unspecified location so that they are prepared to move out within considerable less time - however, changing tactics will take time. Unsurprisingly, nations with large and powerful navies, such as Germany and the UK, will be able to perform seaborne invasions much easier and quicker.
- Naval ‘invasions’ into friendly territory, such as allies, are much easier and less costly and can be planned and executed in considerable less time with considerable less losses.
- Mountainous regions will always give the defender the advantage, though it will not make them undefeatable.
- Defenders are always at an advantage versus attackers. Using overwhelming numbers or flank maneuvers can change the tide.
- Giving your forces time to dig in will strengthen their defensive capabilities, but will make it harder for your generals to react upon flanking maneuvers.
- Moving your forces around takes time.
- Your troops have morale. Making huge tactical mistakes or letting the country fall into destruction will have an effect and you might even find yourself fighting your own citizens.
- Players can take industrial decisions that will affect the performance of their armed forces decisions must be posted in public.
- As you can see the provinces on the map are quite large occupying provinces takes TIME.
Heavy machineguns (defensive bonus) - vs - Light machine guns (Offensive bonus)
Heavy artillery (bonus in static warfare) - vs - Light artillery (bonus in mobile warfare)
Air combat
Players can control they're air forces similarly to land forces with a few differences.
-Airplanes are more expensive to maintain and to make than to maintain an army so you will not be able to have huge air forces
- Planes can be shot down by anti-aircraft guns. (These can be built in cities)
- Planes can preform different types of bombing attacks
- Infrastructure bombing when you're planes bomb factories of the enemy.
-  Fort Bombing is when you're planes bomb enemy forts or defense structures to soften them up before and assault by land.
-  Ground Attacks are when you're plane will attack ground forces (this can be used in battles)
- City bombing is when you're planes bomb the a city to intentionally cause civilian casualties (if your capital city gets bombed for example your unrest will rise and your people may start calling for peace)

- Fighter planes can patrol around cities and look for enemy planes.
- Fighter planes can be launched of carriers (if you have carriers, they are very expensive) to attack enemy naval units
- If you have the tech you can drop paratroopers behind enemy lines how ever this is risky and sometimes troops may land in the wrong area etc.
It is a good idea to have some fighters some bombers and some transports in you're air force and not focus on one type of plane.
Partial mobilisation - All men up to 25 are mobilised for active service
Extended mobilisation - All men up to 35, except men in various necessary proffessions.
Full mobilisation - All men up to 50, also lowering the requirements and removing exceptions to forced enlistment.  Extended and Full should be considerered the standard mobilisation, as this was the kind of mobilisation we saw in WW2.
Excessive mobilisation - The enlistment of all men capable of service for active duty. Excessive mobilisation should be treated as a real last resort because it basically brings your country to a standstill.

You can also form home militias (Think Home Guard) or add a voluntary element to mobilisation - For example, you can decide to only install Partial mobilisation, but allow enlistment up to 35 and also order local Militias to be formed to further offer security. You can also tweak exact age limits; You can order Full mobilisation up to 42, for example - but try to keep that to a minimum.

The more men you mobilize, the harder your economy will be hit. The formation of local militias will allow your economy to keep on going while offering some improvement in training and readiness for war, but it's not as near as effective as mobilisation and of course useless for defensive actions.
- Don’t sign agreements that you will break quickly. Please. Just don’t.

- Negotiating an ‘opt-out’-clause in any treaty might give you an excuse later on to legally break the treaty if necessary.
Alliances must be defined as being ‘Only defensive’, meaning you’ll only come to each other aid when you are attacked, ‘General’, meaning you’ll always come to each others aid in time of war, or ‘Only offensive’.

- You can support nations at war (or rebellions) in different ways.
Declare diplomatic support
Allowing volunteers from your nation to fight for them, or even actively forming a volunteer corps - which is nearly a declaration of war.
Simply declaring war.

- Remember that your civilians also have an opinion. German citizens might not be awfully inclined to fight Norwegians because Germany’s ally Bulgaria has a war with Norway’s ally Romania, and it will hurt morale.

- Players may decide to install a puppet regime in countries, even if that country is played by a player. That player may, upon defeat, then decide to play as the puppet regime, meaning they be restricted in many ways, go into exile with allied nations or simply play as a different nation.

- Players should try to limit their posts to diplomatic decisions and statements, rather then continuously replying to each other.  Replying to statements is of course okay, but stay IC when doing so.

Credit to McLovin for the map.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2016, 06:51:36 pm by Stark99 »
Stark. For being a supporter of the IRA I will not permit you to take part in any forum games I GM.

Offline Ted

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Re: BoP: Europe 1938 [Starting Soon]
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2015, 08:31:10 am »
No. Just no, please. Stop making various BoPs while others are going, please, that's fucking playerbase and concentration!
« Last Edit: November 21, 2015, 02:02:44 pm by Ted »
Dat kid who put up a global banlist back in Betty's times.
Former Regiments: 7te Kurmarkische Landwehr, 6te Ulanen, kk Kürassierregiment Nr.4, kk Bombardier-Regiment Nr.3, kk AR Nr.2, GGR Nr.4, Artillerie im Kö.Preuß.IR Nr.33.