Author Topic: [RO2/RS] Public Fight Night - Sat @ 8pm GMT  (Read 1601 times)

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Offline Marsh

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[RO2/RS] Public Fight Night - Sat @ 8pm GMT
« on: October 16, 2014, 02:36:53 pm »
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Hello all!,

I'd like to invite you all to AP1's new public event that will be taking place on our Battalion server at 8pm GMT on Saturdays! This event will be aimed at creating a fun atmosphere with teamwork and co-operation paramount. The event will be different to any other RO2/RS event we have hosted as it should provide an environment close to that of a scrimmage, yet it will open to the public! All we ask is you communicate in a friendly matter with your team mates and work as one big team. Members of the 29th will act as team commanders for each side through the event and they will try to adapt the general plan for their team to snatch success, so listening to them may be key to securing victory! The event will be run on the server called "29th Infantry Division [Battalion Server]" as detailed below:

Usual server rules, detailed HERE, must be upheld as usual during this event so please respect them and the event should run smoothly. If you catch anyone in violation of these rules, feel free to contact myself, PFC Marsh [29ID] or 2Lt. Neal [29ID] via steam or on the forums right here via personal message.

This event is open to all so please do invite your friends - the more the merrier! The more people we can get into the server means bigger teams and larger battles so bring as many people as possible along to gain the best possible experience from the event!

AP1 and myself hope to see as many of you there as we can fit in! Thanks for reading!

PFC Marsh
Event Co-ordinator,
Assistant Squad Leader,
« Last Edit: January 18, 2018, 09:08:38 pm by Marsh »