Author Topic: Word of Caution about a certain Individual.  (Read 1350 times)

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Offline Valkyrie

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Word of Caution about a certain Individual.
« on: February 16, 2015, 08:46:58 pm »
Please read First: If you do not wish to read this thread (it's very long and detailed) then please don't and move on. Do not make comments about how long or 'sad' you think it is or that you don't care, it's just a waste of everyones time.

Many of you probably don't remember me, and those who do probably not so fondly. But basically I have played NW since it's release, seen the rise and fall of many regiments, been accused of doing it myself in the past, but one thing I have always believed in is discipline, respect and friendliness in a community.

Currently I am a (asked to censor) Regiment and have been for over 6 months now. The regiment it'self largely I have no issue with, despite what people think I believe (the leader) to be a decent leader and reasonable person. The Regiment itself, though a little large for my liking is pretty good in terms of activity and skill too.

Anyway too the point.

First of all I know I will get hate, but this topic is not meant as a flame war but a word of caution, you can choose to believe it or not I really don't care.

The person in question currently in question is Major Alexis (Formerly known as Duke, Or Lennox). Basically I am posting here to voice my concern over this member having been in many regiments with him in the past.

The first time I met him was in the 65th. I used to be the Captain of the Cavalry and he was my second in command. During this time he was always lazy, obstructive and overall not a pleasant member to be around and always seemed to have a problem being told what to do. During the months to come I would find out that [65th] Duke had been spreading malicious rumors to the leader along with another Cpl that I had been doing awful things with the Cav Company (C company) and being very abusive of my powers which contributed to my removal, later on he took over the detachment which he frequently rubbed in my face until it collapsed some weeks later.

Since that period of time we have had our off and on periods in terms of personal friendship, but his destructive attitude towards regiments and other people has always been a concern. One great example is that I joined the old 7th Hussars along with him, I myself wanting to do very well there as I had great respect for them. After one training where he was removed for doing poorly (temp banned) he decided to use his server adminship on the teamspeak to destroy it and set the security level to a point where no one could join, this also lead to my removal due to recruiting him to the regiment.

Similar things happened when we formed a regiment with McPalfer. While I have no love at all for the man I believe again that the regiments down fall was Duke using his position to manipulate people and then moving to take over a regiment as he has done so many times in the past. This ended up very badly and again lead to another regiment breaking down.

After that we (Me, him and a few others) roamed around. Some Members (if you wish to contact them) Were: Aki (Lebelge), Spruce Moose, Borfy, Zombie Jr, Zer0grav1ty, Craven, Simon and a few others whom I can't remember. Another regiment that sticks out in my mind was the 90th. We formed (briefly) a detachment called the 90th_Skye which was the Rifle company, again this was under the leadership of myself but it changed to a Rifle company after duke convinced the members to do so. Due to inter company problems (again caused by the accussed) we were told to leave the 90th.

Eventually it got to the point where I no longer wanted to lead him. I still, for some reason now unbeknown to me , liked him as a person but I just didn't want the stress of trying to manage such a destructive and rank obsessed person, no receive his COUNTLESS messages about how (whatever regiment we were in) leaders were terrible and how bad the regiment was. In the end he ended up being the first in command and I just an NCO in any regiment we joined.

Many failed regiments later created by Duke, I decided that NW was no longer for me as association with him had not only destroyed my name but sucked out any fun. Upon returning recently I had found out that he was in (censored) regiment and had reached the position of Major. I thought about sharing my concerns with the leader but thought it neither my place to do so, only being an enlisted and I didn't want the drama it caused anymore due to personal issues of my own.

Even in this current regiment he constantly slandered the leader to me on steam, telling me of how hes never around, how poor is leadership is in every line battle, how he could do a better job and each time me responding telling him that I did not care.

*** Currently *** : I opened up a community in DayZ Standalone called Legion Gaming. In which, due to being goaded into doing so by his carefully placed words, gave him Server Admin on teamspeak 3, Website Permissions and an officer rank. During his time as Officer in my community he was only disruptive, on one occassion lying about killing a clan mate, which is a very serious rule breach then laughing like a child after I found out (hours later) it was a lie..

Two days ago, due to accident I found out that the server permissions had been tampered with on teamspeak (I had removed him from admin a few days ago due to trolling / promoting people specifically while I was away), and that his Lieutenant group some how had full unbannable server ownership permissions. Upon Confronting him he first lied to me until I looked through the logs, he then greeted the discovery with more laughter too which I banned him for 12 hours and removed his officer status too which he flamed me with a wall of text.

The next day I agreed to let him back as a Soldier with no power or voice on decisions. Later that day we open a brand new mumble server, everyone is pleased by this saying that it was a great idea and they loved it more than the old TS3. He then (an ex officer bare in mind) decides to come into teamspeak under the name 'GAAAAAAAAAAY' and starts flaming with soundboards, I later find it's him again through his own admission on steam.

After removing him from the community he then accused me of being a 'donation leeching c**t' who only likes people who give him money, as well as insulting me on a few very personal subjects, which I paid no heed.

This is all of the conversation steam has saved:

Never tell your password to anyone.
<LG> Valkyrie: I've turned into a donation leeching cunt?
[59th] Alexis: Ye
<LG> Valkyrie: Look at the 'regiment' your in. I have had exactly 130 pounds in donations over 1 month and a half, 30 pound on the site, collectively 25 pound on ts. 40 pound in a seperate account towards running an in game server when we need one
<LG> Valkyrie: 95 pounds into the clan
<LG> Valkyrie: 35 pounds I took for myself, after spending day after day after day of working hard to make sure things are run effeciently
<LG> Valkyrie: So take your bullshit accusations somewhere else Kid. You think I was joking when I said if I removed you then I would feel anything for it because I wouldn't. You like everyone else I speak too here are an internet person. As long as they are decent, respectful, nice guys then I like them. But if they prove to be immature self absorbed children like you then they get removed.

<LG> Valkyrie: I feel like saying some really nasty stuff at the moment but honestly it isn't worth the guilt I might feel later, as I said the offer still stands about if you want to play with me personally then I will be around
[59th] Alexis: Oh no i'm valkyire i ban my friends from my own clan for having thier name as gaaaaay
<LG> Valkyrie: It's your choice, don't take it personally, I would have done the same too any member who has done what you have recently
[59th] Alexis: i cba to argue with you as your clan is pretty shitty anyway and all you use it for is to steal donations, so i'm going to go do somthing else
<LG> Valkyrie: I'm Duke, I'm a friend who insults people over very sensitive subject and thinks its a joke, a person who has had so many people block him on steam because they 'bully him'. A person whos so far up his own ass he can't see whats wrong with himself and blames everything on other people when your the only one who fucks your life up. Go back to the 59th, do whatever you want there, you are not the sort of person I want in community. A person whom I can't trust on the slightest things and always have concerns about what you might do in the future due to the clans you've destroyed in the past
[59th] Alexis: that sad thing is that your wrote all that
<LG> Valkyrie: You can Believe what you want, if my clan was really 'shit' you wouldn't even be typing.
[59th] Alexis: i know it is shit thats why i'm going to stop
<LG> Valkyrie: Because I like to explain myself, but your right, it's sad, because you aren't worth the effort it took. Anyway as I said earlier the offer is always there to play with me personally. Maybe you decide to block me. In that case it was fun playing with you when you were a decent person, but ill likely forget you in a few days
<LG> Valkyrie: Im going to go play with people who deserve my company now, cya around :)

[59th] Alexis is now Online.
[59th] Alexis: xD
[59th] Alexis: <LG> Valkyrie: Im going to go play with people who deserve my company now that i leach money from, cya around :)
[59th] Alexis: :P
[59th] Alexis: Wait i know the reason you kicked me now!!!
[59th] Alexis: I didn't donate!!!
[59th] Alexis: Shit!!!

<LG> Valkyrie: [59th] Alexis: I'm going to go back to the 59th. Where the only people reside who haven't blocked me because I am such a stuck up little asshole. [Censor]. When I come home I sit at my computer in my [Censor], lie about every little thing and exaggerate everything in my life to fill in the insecurities about the fact actually it's not worth that much. Then to add to that, I get angry, defensive and insulting when a person who's stuck by me for years against the advice of so many people kicks me out of a clan for abusing his adminship, lying about killing clan mates and everything else, then calls him a 'donation leaching cunt'.
[59th] Alexis: Hahahahahahahaha
[59th] Alexis: XD
[59th] Alexis: OMG
[59th] Alexis: REALLY XD
[59th] Alexis: HAHAHA

<LG> Valkyrie: You can believe that if you want, you have two choices now. Either A) you stop spamming me in caps lock like a 10 year old child and we can play later in the future, or B) you block me and I forget you exist
<LG> Valkyrie: your choice, but for tonight im blocking you
<LG> Valkyrie: Im not having a decent day partially ruined by someone like you

Well thats about all I have to say. I personally wont be responding (hopefully) anymore towards this topic. Please bare in mind I have known this person close on three years, but now after recent misteps from him (after I thought he had changed his ways) causing my Community and myself harm, I have decided that the community of NW should be warned about this persons activities in the past.

Take what you want from this, he for me is no longer a concern, all I ask is keep an eye on him if he joins your regiment though likely now he will change his name.

« Last Edit: February 16, 2015, 08:49:33 pm by Valkyrie »

Offline Valkyrie

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Re: Word of Caution about a certain Individual.
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2015, 08:50:57 pm »
Locking Myself: Wrong section