Author Topic: The Pirate battle admin Manual V1.5  (Read 3086 times)

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Offline Immortal212

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The Pirate battle admin Manual V1.5
« on: August 23, 2013, 06:18:27 pm »
Important Links
Pirate Battle 1 dedicated website:
Taleworlds Forums:,243774.0.html
FSE Forums:
Public Steam Group
(invite all of your friends to this group):
First of all, congratulations on making it this far in the Pirate Battle 1 admin selection
process. We are here to help you succeed, so ask us any questions regarding your new
position once you have read this manual, which is intended to get you started as quickly
and efficiently as possible. This official Pirate Battle 1 training manual will brief you on
standard Pirate Battle 1 admin procedures, including how to deal with bad maps, trolls, and
anything else that might come up but will not cover server rules. These are available on
PB1 forums and website and should have already been discussed with the applicant prior to
the distribution of the manual. They can be reviewed separately from this document. You
will be tested on your knowledge of the contents of this training manual prior to the
commencement of the next step in your training so please ensure that you have read it
over carefully. We think you have what it takes to be a great admin, so please don't prove
us wrong!

As a new admin, the first thing to remember is to always be friendly and engage with
players to make them feel welcome and appreciated as well as to help make it an
enjoyable time even when all they are doing is spectating.
That being said, it is important to keep all personal chat out of admin text and in the
general chat because a continuous stream of those purple letters is annoying to players.
ADMIN CHAT FOR ADMIN BUSINESS ONLY. It is meant to be used as a tool by which you can
1help the server run smoothly, not as an outlet for every personal comment you think of.
Use discretion when enforcing rules regarding the appropriateness of names. Be flexible
and don't nit pick every little issue with someone's name. Only go for the big stuff. We want
to run a server with a little freedom for players, not absolute control over their character
naming decisions.
When you first log in to the server, check that all the server settings are in order. This does
not mean changing server settings as you see fit. There are only a few that you should
concern yourself with which we will cover here, but before continuing, understand that
Pirate Battle 1 does not ever enable bonuses so do not activate those on request from
players, as we find they can tip the balance of game play unfairly depending on such trivial
things as who has more musicians and the like. However, you should always engage build
points, 45 points per team is standard, when you arrive (if you think you can supervise their
use to prevent sappers from blowing up their own ships), especially if the map doesn't make
use of the large movable ships and is thus more explosive friendly. At the same time, turn
OFF the map and nation polls. From the point at which you log in, you can control what
maps are appropriate as per how populated the server is or just let auto rotation do its
work. That being said, if people are extremely and visibly dissatisfied with a map, offer to
change it manually or turn on polls to let the people decide. When changing it manually,
always ask before hand and wait until you are flooded with a constant stream of “yes”
responses. The map may also be changed if it has been played for over 3 rounds but
because none of the teams have ever won a round, it appears that the game is stuck at 0-0
on the scoreboard. In this case, explain that 3 rounds has passed in the purple admin text
and that you will be manually changing the map once the 3rd round expires. A slightly more
difficult way to handle these delay situations is to order both teams to charge at each
other, hence making the round end early. You may even explain that, in order to make the
round count, you will be slaying everyone when the timer reaches 10 seconds, in the admin
If you find that players have polled for a map that you know is not a naval map (you will
learn all of Pirate Battle's maps eventually by heart simply through repetition or you may
check our FSE Forums for a complete list of currently uploaded naval maps), clearly state in
public admin chat that the map is not a naval map and that is should therefore be rejected.
If the map somehow passes, manually correct to a popular naval map, preferably one of the
recommendations listed later on in this manual. If abuse of the polls continues, disable
them and state your reason in admin text. A useful trick involves making use of the poll
accept threshold. When a non naval map comes up, edit the server settings so that the poll
accept threshold is set to an unattainable 100 percent. Then, make sure that you hit 2
yourself, thereby eliminating any remote possibility of the map being accepted (primarily a
rare, statistically impossible fluke that every other player hits 1). If you tend to forget yo
have tampered with the settings, do not take this step as you MUST remember to set the
poll accept threshold back to its default value of 51 percent once the inappropriate map is
inevitably rejected.
Always offer 1 reset at the beginning of each custom naval map for all of the people who
2come in late because they have to download the map. Wait until you can see that the
number of spectators has filled up or that a lot of people are in the dead chat before you
do this crucial reset.
When you leave the server for the session, if there is no other admin on, turn nation and
map polling ON and set built points to 0. If there is, tell them you are now leaving the
server and remind them to correct the settings themselves when they leave. The full list of
your fellow admins is available on the Pirate Battle 1 Admin Steam group, so check it
regularly as it is updated all the time as new admins are hired and old ones fired. If you
have not yet joined or been invited to this group, ask a fellow admin to invite you
The map Wallonian Farm (Night) has unique rules because of its peculiar small size which
offers an interesting change in game play for players. These rules are that they may only
use sword and pistol, in other words, that they may only use officer class. This is enforced
with slays for all rankers, and for repeat offenders, kicks and for the extreme ones -
temporary bans. Please make sure to remind people of the officer only rule at the start of
the match before you reset the server. If people enjoy the map, bump up the team point
limit to 5. MAKE SURE TO SET IT BACK TO 3 FOR THE NEXT MAP. When the map begins,
shorten the time limit to 300 seconds. This MUST NOT be forgotten. I will have your head on
a stake if you forget to change back to 600 seconds once the next map commences (no
joke)! Note that players may also play as musicians and flag carriers but not sappers (just in
case, set build points to 0 on this map) as they will delay the game play too much while the
point of the map is rapid, chaotic game play. This is the busiest map for admins and the
only one where you may use the admin text to joke with players (ie: saying statements
which will encourage them to charge such as “Charge, ye scallywags!”). If they do not end
the round before the time limit is reached, do a mass slay in order to make the round
count. This is always done on this map in order to maintain a fast tempo.
Sappers can cause havoc on maps with custom made boats or sinkable default large boats.
For these maps (such as Quatre-Bras (Night) or Naval Battle (Day)), ALWAYS disable build
points. Ignore the complaints from trolls who want to take advantage of build points to sink
boats and kill team mates. If you ever slip up and forget to disable the build points, and
then catch a sapper actively deploying explosives and detonating them (as in see this with
your own eyes), you are allowed to issue a TEMP BAN as an automatic response, no matter
your admin rank. Don't forget to file a report with a head administrator giving them the
player name and a short description of the incident via Steam chat (if you are a trainee
admin and have not yet passed the two week trial period). This step will not be required
once you become a senior admin.
During peak times, when the server is populated with over 110 players, the time limit may
be extended on large maps to 700 seconds (100 extra seconds). Please remember to change
this value back to the standard 600 seconds once the map is done. If you are leaving,
remind another admin on the server to do this for you. If no admin is available, you must
stay until the time limit can be fixed when a map change occurs.
3As a new admin, you must undergo a 2 week trial period where you will most likely be
monitored by undercover head admins. During this period, you are NOT allowed to use
bans, either temporary or permanent, as punishment. Therefore, you are left with slays and
kicks, coupled with warnings, which usually do the trick. If you find i is absolutely necessary
to temp ban a player who keeps returning and repeating the same offence after being
relentlessly kicked, use your own discretion to temporary ban him and report the incident
to a head admin (WhiteEagle or Penn) later or just call on one of the admins who have
banning privileges to do so for you. In the former case, you do not have to file a report.
The order for punishments is as follows:
--- Senior Admins Only From This Point On ---
--- Head Admins Only From This Point On ---
Always be sure to state the reason you have punished a player for in admin chat for
everyone to see.
Lastly, be active. You are merely on the first few steps on the progressive ladder of
adminship. You should be most excited in your new position and most eager to take up the
menial tasks of admining, such as chatting with players. If you consistently fail to meet our
minimal activity requirements of 1 hour per day, you will be promptly removed from the
admin training program and our roster. You will be informed at the end of your two week
trial period, or roughly around that time, as to whether you have passed.
If you have any doubts about the conduct of fellow admins, please do not hesitate to report
them to the head administrator who recruited you, namely Penn or WhiteEagle.
To help you with demanding crowds bickering over a bad map, here are our most popular,
fail safe maps which you may revert to in case you are doing a manual map change:
-Colombian Farm (Day)
-Countryside (Fog)
-Champs-Elysees (Day)
Some peculiar map spawns include the spawns on The Island (Day). With too many people,
some of the players spawn trapped in the lower deck of the large, stationary, cannonequipped default boat. You should be prepared to spawn in on the attacking side with this
large boat as their spawn and teleport players who have spawned awkwardly or are stuck
to safety. They will be grateful! In other cases, people spawn and, lacking coordination, fall
off the railing of the boats they spawn on. This is there own fault and you must
acknowledged but not take action on their complaints that someone has pushed them off

(this is impossible to do on the large boats and can only be done on the smaller sloops and
Another exception is the trolling on maps such as Colombian Farm (Day), where the driver
of the big ship players spawn on trolls by purposely turning sideways at the start of the
game or by ramming the smaller boats players can choose to ride during the game, which
pushes them off board the smaller boat and causes a mass drowning. This is punishable as a
major offence so keep an eye out on who is driving the large boats. If it appears accidental
in nature and occurs in the first round, offer an explanation that you must drive straight
out at the start of the round before turning and offer to reset the map. Another clever
trolling technique is to copy a player's name as closely as possible. This allows them to
bypass the server protection which prevents people with the same user name from being on
it at the same time and may confuse admins who miss subtle differences in names and
punish the innocent player and not the troll. In this situation, always look for subtle
differences in names before issuing a punishment (make sure the name of the offender
matches the name of the player you are clicking to slay, kick, ban or whatever) and
encourage the targeted player to change his name for his own safety and force the troll to
pick a distinctly unique name – all done through the purple admin text.
Another common form of trolling involves taking advantage of the preventative team killing
measure of self damage, where if you stab or shoot a friendly, you will take the damage
that should have been done on them had they been an enemy. Trolls will stand in front of
cannons or step in front of them at the last possible moment before they are fired, thus
causing the cannon ball to hit them and relaying that damage to the player who fired the
cannon, immediately killing them. This is a highly punishable offence, so make sure you
manage arty trolls as soon as they are caught. Server settings involving setting self damage
and friendly damage values between 25 and 50 percent were experimented with and were
able to prevent this form of trolling by killing the troll as well as the innocent player and
thus discouraging them from what would effectively have been suicide but also lead to an
increased number of regular team kills (head shots, stabbing when low health, kicking off
boats), and were thus abandoned. Ideas on how to effectively deal with this issue are
Spam is a relatively simple issue to deal with from an admin perspective. In an
authoritative fashion, once spam begins (usually with one or two players), simply type into
the purple admin text “Stop the spam” and watch as the spam slowly recedes. If this fails,
target the leading spammers with a kick – no warning required. Use them to effectively set
an example for others but allow them to play regularly once again if they rejoin and have
learnt their lesson.
You are encouraged to admin from the spectator position during peak times in order to have
better coverage of what is going on in the server but during slow days or times late at
night, you should join in on the fun and play! The same applies for when there are 3 or
more admins on the server at the time time, 2 or even all of you can spawn in as there are
now more eyes covering the map.

The download link for this manual in PDF form is

Your's Sincerly Immortal
« Last Edit: August 23, 2013, 06:26:07 pm by Immortal212 »

Offline Immortal212

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Re: The Pirate battle admin Manual V1.5
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2013, 06:19:32 pm »
That was unexpected

Offline WhiteEagle

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Re: The Pirate battle admin Manual V1.5
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2013, 06:24:18 pm »
Just a raging ex-admin we kicked off the admin team because of his history as a troll. Thinks this is actually a secret document he is leaking -___-

Personal message me if you want the rest of the manual, its pretty applicable to other servers as well so it might be useful. my steam link is below:

I have to admit, I did put a lot of work into writing it up, so just want to make it clear that this lazy asshole who posted this didn't make it, haha


Better not shoot for the officers...

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Offline Penn

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Re: The Pirate battle admin Manual V1.5
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2013, 06:24:38 pm »
Penn and shitz

Offline Archduke Sven

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Re: The Pirate battle admin Manual V1.5
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2013, 06:26:47 pm »
This is so typical Immortal...

told that bih don't @ me

Offline Penn

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Re: The Pirate battle admin Manual V1.5
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2013, 06:27:49 pm »
This is so typical Immortal...

Indeed it is, Indeed it is.
Penn and shitz

Offline Immortal212

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Re: The Pirate battle admin Manual V1.5
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2013, 06:28:18 pm »
Just a raging ex-admin we kicked off the admin team because of his history as a troll. Thinks this is actually a secret document he is leaking -___-

Personal message me if you want the rest of the manual, its pretty applicable to other servers as well so it might be useful. my steam link is below:

I have to admit, I did put a lot of work into writing it up, so just want to make it clear that this lazy asshole who posted this didn't make it, haha



Troll? Very strong word don't you think. I've played on the server for months, for the last 2 days while i have been admin i have been doing perfectly and helping out and even you decided i was doing well but then Penn doesn't like me so he kicks me off the admin team! Well that's not very nice now is it.

Offline Immortal212

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Re: The Pirate battle admin Manual V1.5
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2013, 06:29:20 pm »
This is so typical Immortal...

Awww Penn's bringing his best freind's on now to post on my NICE thread which helps people become admin!

Offline Penn

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Re: The Pirate battle admin Manual V1.5
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2013, 06:30:34 pm »
This is so typical Immortal...

Awww Penn's bringing his best freind's on now to post on my NICE thread which helps people become admin!

Sven is a forum-junky, so he found this thread himself.
Eagle on the other hand I did send the link, I thought we'd have a laugh about your weak attempt of.. What are you attempting by the way?  :o
Penn and shitz

Offline Immortal212

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Re: The Pirate battle admin Manual V1.5
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2013, 06:32:46 pm »
This is so typical Immortal...

Awww Penn's bringing his best freind's on now to post on my NICE thread which helps people become admin!

Sven is a forum-junky, so he found this thread himself.
Eagle on the other hand I did send the link, I thought we'd have a laugh about your weak attempt of.. What are you attempting by the way?  :o

Just helping people become admin.

Offline WhiteEagle

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Re: The Pirate battle admin Manual V1.5
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2013, 06:33:10 pm »
This is so typical Immortal...

Awww Penn's bringing his best freind's on now to post on my NICE thread which helps people become admin!

Sven is a forum-junky, so he found this thread himself.
Eagle on the other hand I did send the link, I thought we'd have a laugh about your weak attempt of.. What are you attempting by the way?  :o


I'm slightly confused as to what the point of this is?
Better not shoot for the officers...

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Offline Immortal212

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Re: The Pirate battle admin Manual V1.5
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2013, 06:34:47 pm »
I'm great at Admining and i wouldn't have minded if i had gotten a sensible reason on why you kicked me off the team when i was doing a Fantastic job so.....

Offline Stevebot

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Re: The Pirate battle admin Manual V1.5
« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2013, 04:42:14 am »
Oh no, now everyone will realise there are reasonable guidelines and expectations set out for admins, and it isn't a server run by power tripping 15 year olds! Whatever will we do!?

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Re: The Pirate battle admin Manual V1.5
« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2013, 08:53:30 am »
This thread prooves that the admins were right in kicking you.

Digging yourself a hole here.

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