Author Topic: Cavalry 2v2 Tournament  (Read 12977 times)

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Offline Nejtro

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Re: Cavalry 2v2 Tournament
« Reply #165 on: January 25, 2021, 12:31:37 pm »
Well that's the problem. What is the start of the round?

bro just take the L man

Offline Grozni

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Re: Cavalry 2v2 Tournament
« Reply #166 on: January 25, 2021, 01:45:17 pm »
What are you on about? I did admit the organizer is right because he must know what his rule means. And he admitted the rule wasn't clear enough.

The "start of the round" is as unclear constraint as "early". Today you can go on pretending that everyone knows that this means "until one of the players is dead", but I don't believe most of the flamers would be that well informed two days ago.

And what about "until one of the players is dismounted", can that turn out to count as "early" as well? It may, although no one mentioned that variant yet. Just pointing out that this constraint has to be better defined, as dismounting on purpose can in some cases be a huge advantage, or at least make a round last much longer.

Offline SirNelsonGOE

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Re: Cavalry 2v2 Tournament
« Reply #167 on: January 25, 2021, 02:13:26 pm »
Thanks for hosting, it was very fun and went fairly well considering the amount of matches that were involved.

One issue that could be improved on is that on some occasions both the players and the referees couldn't agree exactly on what the current score of the matches was. It seems score tracking was left to the players, which is not a great solution as those focusing on the fight can easily lose track, and the score was decided by general consensus. There were probably no errors in the end, but still it doesn't feel very competitive that referees have to consult with players on score, seeing how sometimes the players couldn't agree among themselves as well.

A bigger issue is that referees allowed rule breaking in our round 1 elimination match vs Gimps, at the crucial moment when score was 4:4 (as far as we can agree that this is what the score was), where Shadey dismounted his horse, gaining the advantage of 2 dismounted vs 1 mounted. Since some referees (or those with admin rights, can't remember exactly) went as far as to say "it wasn't an early dismount" I can only presume they witnessed this and chose to do nothing, or at least were ignorant of the meaning of the rule that forbids this. While players may be forgiven not knowing all the rules, referees really shouldn't be. We hold no grudges against Gimps, who were a good team and had a fair chance to go to next stage without cheating, but ending our involvement in tourney with the referees' failure to be fair kind of tainted the tourney experience for us.

Those with referee tags present in spec when this happened: Thorvic, CokeTail, Treiz, OuRaNos
+ some players with admin rights, who need not be named as they weren't the ones who applied to do referee duty with diligence.

Again, thanks organizers for hosting this ambitious and fun event, this definitely wasn't your fault.

The rule states that early dismounting is forbidden, unless there are no remaining mounted opponents.
The rule does not say : No dismounting, unless there are no remaining mounted opponents.

We just didnt want people to complain if someone managed to dismount the 2 opponents right in the begining of the round and then dismount, because that would be early yet should be allowed.

I will try to make every rule as clear as possible for next time to avoid any problem like that again.
10 min circling around is early if you compare it to the age of the universe, rules are not clear!!  >:(

To be fare... We had a discussion in our team speak when that happened, and that does not happen if we all agree 100% with what occur so, as i love cringe:

1) I think Grozni did nothing wrong doring the match asking if that was a rule break because second part of the rule says  "No early dismount, 'unless the opponents are also dismounted'", and opponents were not dismounteds, that is a fact. TBH i thought the same as him when happened. I think this rule was made to avoid dismounting due to small arenas make difficult to avoid dismounteds so dismounteds actually can be a advantage. +Being a cav 2v2 and no dismounted 2v2 is a thing that dismounting is a bit unclean. Its not the same dismounting to duel than dismounting to kill mounteds. For me for example is more difficult to kill dismounteds.

2) With that all, even if it was not absolutly clear, we have to take into acount 2 more rules: "not delaying" (that maby was not totally a delay even if it was a bit frustrating) and moreover "The refereeā€™s decision will be absolute. (...) The referees will also be free to warn players if they feel they are delaying.". So, i think asking was a good point from Grozni, but also i think admins took a good decision, not in terms of dismounting rule, but ye in terms of players delay so we could have more fun with other plays that is the main thing. (But to be fare we wait Erik for 10 mins so objectivity with players may not be same, btw Fuck Erik, even if he gets us pregnant with his sexy voice).

3) I think admins must have said something like "not delay" before than shadey decided to dismount, so actually he was save from the prossible rule-break of dismounting before opponents are dismounteds.

Maby the thing is that it was not totally an objetive decision due tu a long match... +i think are better ways of saying things than "zzz" xd even if we think that. But i have to say that it was for the fun of everybody that is the main thing.

Fuck all, I like Erik his voice is like Benedict Cumberbatch

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Re: Cavalry 2v2 Tournament
« Reply #168 on: January 25, 2021, 02:42:08 pm »
I guess that if this specific thing is the only thing people still discuss after the tournament, it means that the tournament went really smooth and I'm happy of that!
If you have any other topic just message me on steam.

Go train yourselves for the Fantasy League now!