Author Topic: A Catch 22 of Modern Warfare **CAUTION: Yet more reading.**  (Read 5673 times)

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Re: A Catch 22 of Modern Warfare **CAUTION: Yet more reading.**
« Reply #15 on: January 27, 2013, 04:31:00 pm »
But with this type of gameplay it needs to be a higher penalty for death. For example, you can go up a hill to get hill advantage or just go straight on and have an even battle against a bit bigger regiment. You can choose to go up to the hill, but then you will maybe not able to play the game. If you choose to do as commanded, you will just die and spawn in again next round.
Not exactly sure what you're trying to say. ???

Short Version: Its better to follow orders and just die for a round than being banned from several games so why would anyone disobey any orders?
That's exactly the point! This could be seen as a good way to make sure a general's role in battles does not become obsolete due to regimental commanders having complete free will. But there is always the possibility that a commander could, in a time where the balance of a round or even the whole event was at stake, take the massive risk of disobeying orders and take the course of action he felt was best.

*Snip* to save space.
A "larger purpose" is something my suggestion is steering events towards, as consequences for actions during a battle could cross over into the community, and into other events. Sadly I think this is just about the extent of what the organic capabilities of the community in BCoF will entail. I think hard coding and such would be needed to create something along the lines of a full "larger purpose" experience like cRPG Strategus for example.


Offline James Grant

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Re: A Catch 22 of Modern Warfare **CAUTION: Yet more reading.**
« Reply #16 on: January 31, 2013, 11:55:48 am »
Idea's like this are what tempt me to donate. Because that would be awesome.