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Offline Hercules

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NWWC 2018 Updates
« on: March 19, 2018, 01:52:33 am »
NWWC 2018 Updates:

The reason this was made was to allow updates to be posted here without people missing too much and having to scroll through the endless pages and spam on the forums.


Forum Update:
- All forums Pages up-to-date
- N.I.T Tournament Will be updated after Quarters date decided

Statistics and Predictions Page:
Please bare in mind these are still being updated and are still in working progess

- Predictions Page: will be released in a few days, last few updated being made.
- Statistics Page: will be released in a few days, last few updated being made.  (Had to adjust for new team players coming in and late matches)

I understand that People have been waiting a long time for these to be released, and Myself, Marxeil and Fwuffy are working hard on them. They shall be released very soon, and will have their own update explaining different parts.

Changes in Administration
I am currently in the progress of bringing Wilson in as a moderator, i'm yet to confirm this with shadow, but it looks likely

Challonge Updated:
- Challonge has been updated to show the final stage
- However these brackets may change within the upcoming week. These brackets were done automatically by Challonge, and looks pretty fair to what i can see.
- Secondary Bracket updated. Again these are the fairest brackets i can see, also done with the same format automatically by challonge.

Important Dates:
- Start date for the Quarters have been polled. Please post your votes.
- The N.I.T Start date will depend on when the Quarters will start.

Other Updates:
- Due to all the competitive community switching combat speed from medium to fastest, and the groupfighting server been switched to fastest, we understand that teams have little places to practice on Medium Speed.
- We have decided to launch an NWWC Groupfighting Server, with combat speed medium. This shall be live within the upcoming days with the help from Wilson and ESR.  If Groupfighting Official decides to swap back to medium anytime soon, i see no reason to keep this server live.
- Also captains may feel free to use any NWWC official servers for practice matches or events.

Important Information Captains should know relating to the Quarter-Finals
- Matches must be played within 2 weeks. No exceptions.  2 Weeks is PLENTY of time to organise your 1st match. If you take any longer, it's just you being lazy not organising it.  Captains should take screenshots every time they ask the other captain, in-case a default win does need to be issued. HOWEVER: If both winning teams have completed their matches, they may proceed to organise their Semi-Final match ASAP (2 weeks max), This just helps the tournament move as quickly as possible.
- Quarters/Semi's and Finals MUST have an official referee and Youtuber, and cannot be reffed by a captain.
- Teams CANNOT organise matches on the same day as another match.  This is so we can record all matches, and all matches have their own "special" day, even if they are organised at different times. This will occur on a "First-Come, First-Serve" Basis.
- Secondary Bracket and Primary Bracket will be their own Tournaments, so what i mean is that a match from primary and secondary brackets may occur on the same day.
- The winner of the Secondary bracket will fight the winner of the Primarys losers bracket for 3rd Place.

- The reason NWWC is not switching to fastest, is for the past few years, NWWC has always been on combat speed medium. Another reason is that all the groups have been played on Medium speed, seems pretty stupid to change now.  Thanks.

Huge NWWC Update:

Want to say thanks for putting up with no updates on the forum and in-game for 2 weeks, as you all know i had exams so it needed to take priority. Everything shall be back to normal and updated weekly now :)

- NWWC Teams
- ID's for Servers
- NWWC Media (Screenshots and Videos)
- Servers (Thx Wilson)
- Statistics (Thx Marxeil)
- NWWC Predictions (Thx Fwuffy)

Things to be Updated within the next few days:
- Nation Profiles
- Maps

Other Information
- The Group stages are nearly over and the Quarter-finals are drawing close. Just like i did for the Group stages, i will be deciding the brackets for the Quarters/Semis/Finals for both the Main Stage and Secondary Stage, for a more intense and fun tournament.
- In terms of the start date for the Quarters onward, there will be a short intermission break between the Group stages and the Quarters, this is to allow teams to prepare and have a small break. The intermission will be no longer than 2 weeks (Probably only 1)
- In terms of Casting, for the quarters onward, i will be casting while recording, and hopefully Chadman will be available at this time too.
- When the quarters start, matches CANNOT be on the same day. This is so i can record and cast all matches. This will work on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you want a specific day, best get organising quick once brackets are released. However i will allow matches to be organised a few days after the 1 week deadline.
- From the quarters onward, the Match reports will be going live. This means pre and post match reports, and possibly mini interviews (if i can be arsed and its not too cringe)
- Once the tournament is completed, I will give the 1st and 2nd place captains the 4 players i wish to give the prizes to. The captains will then pick the other 4 players. (4 players + 4 players + 2 Captains = 10 Prizes)

During the intermission, i will be hosting a Mini-Internal NWWC tournament. This will be a 2v2 Tournament. (2 Teams vs 2 Teams, not 2 players vs 2 players. = 16v16) I will be putting up a Topic for this, NWWC Captains ONLY may sign up if interested, there may be a prize to win) FYI: you cannot choose who you team up with xoxox , Its a bit of fun to tide people over until the quarters start, and not to be taken too competitively

As i was going through the Media, i am missing the following videos from some matches, if you have the link, please send them me on steam, or PM me on FSE. Thanks!
Missing Videos
Week 1:
- Wales vs Norden
- Canada vs Greece

Week 2:
- MENA vs England
- Poland vs Hungary
- Sweden vs Belgium
- Norden vs Russia/Bulgaria
- Switzerland/Austria vs Czeckoslovakia
- Romania vs Ireland
- Italy vs Ukraine

Week 3:
- Hungary vs Sweden
- England vs Poland
- Germany vs USA
- Serbia vs Turkey
- Romania vs Switzerland/Austria
- Czechoslovakia vs Italy

Week 4:
- Croatia vs Wales


NWWC Big Update:

- Nations profiles for Group A Updates (will do the rest tonight if i can)
- Updated Team Rosters
- Updated Referee's (Kore, Cr3a Added)
- Updated Media (Tib & Dren, Nozza, Speculaaskoekje, Piercee, Sycrim Added)
- Statistics Page Completed. Being released the end of Week 1.
- Created a Referee Checklist
- Created a Media Checklist

Players Under Assessment
- Munj (Need a small talk on Teamspeak)
- JeffmcBiggie (Need a small talk on Teamspeak)
- Alex123 - Cleared due to Eligibility

Teams Receiving Penalties
Quickly want to note, teams who i am still awaiting minimum of 10 IDs. If you do not have them fixed before your first match commences, you will recieve an automatic 0-15 loss for your match

- Team NORDEN (Took 2 Extra Days) = -1 Start for First Match  //  Should be -2, but Zappy has been in constant contact with me and has been trying hard to get all IDs
- Team USA (Still waiting for 10 IDs) = -4 Start for First Match  //  No contact, Not even 10 players. Will be removed from NWWC if this persists
- Team Serbia (Still waiting for 10 IDs) = -1 Start for First Match  //  Should be -4, But mighty has been in constant contact with me, trying to get 10 IDs. Will give him another few days. (Awaiting Insult from mighty for -1 start ;))

Updates for Teams/Players
- Shogunai: Decided privately with Golden and Shogunai, to make it fair due to the fact i cannot prove he is/isn't Irish. I can only assume he is English due from my knowledge of him. I will not disallow him to play due to him being in the tournament for a while. However, He was made to trial for England (The Nation i assigned him back to) on the premise, that he trialled and tried his hardest, if he didn't get in, i would allow him to play for Ireland.  Myself along with others found this to be the fairest option, due to his situation was that i cannot prove he isn't Irish, nor can i prove he is. This is a Special Condition.

- Team Bulgaria will be merging with Team Russia (They will pick 1 Russian captain, and 1 Bulgarian Captain):  The reason for this, is due to Bulgaria not being able to field a team, from what i am aware, the Bulgarian player base is semi-large, however very few Bulgarians are interested in NWWC, and those that wish to play have ended up conflicting internally with each-other, and breaking up the team. Yes, this is their own fault, however we want this tournament to be as fun, intense and competitive as possible. I Understand the merge is.......strange, but with NWWC Week 1 starting Today I feel there is little wiggle room, and i don't want to refuse Bulgaria to play at all.

- Team Yugoslavia has been removed due to no communication

- Team Serbia has been introduced completely, and added to all stats.

Information to do with Servers
We currently have 3-4 French Servers for NWWC with all NWWC maps and scripts uploaded. However i have not managed to acquire a German/Netherlands server through the community with the scripts and Maps.

I am currently trying to purchase a German server for those that wish to play on it, however i must stress that this may not be live for match week 1-2. I will try get it live, if i can.

This Section is for STAFF ONLY, unless you're bored

Referee Checklist
Ask Hercules

Media Checklist
- When joining the Server, Make sure you wear tags "MEDIA_*NAME*" If you are not on the media list, you will be kicked.
- Make sure you start recording/Streaming before the match starts, and stream/record all the way through
- If you can, Show the scoreboard after each round (makes my job so much fucking easier)
- When editing the footage, cut out in-between rounds, and show the score clearly in the top left.
- When posting the video. Link the following in the description:
  - FSE NWWC Board:
  - NWWC Trailer:

I would like all teams to clearly be aware, that if you have not posted ALL of your teams IDs before the tournament starts (16th April). You cannot play your matches, and the team will receive a loss. Choice is either receive a loss, or kick the player out until he gets his shit sorted and gives you his ID :)

All teams should have submitted their full minimum roster (minimum of 10 names and 10 IDs) Those that have not will be receiving minor penalties if they do not do so by Tomorrow before 11:59 GMT  You have until the 16th to submit the rest of the IDs/Names (Maximum 4 names and 4 IDs  = 14/14)

Note:  You will not be allowed to play, if your ID has not been submitted on the roster, you will receive an Automatic ban, and the team will receive punishment for using a player that is not in the team.
Note:  Penalty for not completing Minimum ID's by tomorrow: -1 start for first match (will increase by -1 each day).
Note:  Punishment for using players not in the team: Immediate loss for that match, -2 start for EVERY other game played.

Brackets will NOT be changing,  these are as fair as i can see them being.  All Groups have 2-3 Strong teams, with 2-3 Mid teams and 2-3 Weak teams.

Of course there are two final stage brackets. The First Consisting of 8 teams  (1st and 2nd Place from each group). This will be the main bracket where all the attention will be focused.

There also will be a Secondary bracket consisting of 8 teams (3rd and 4th Place from each group). This will be a secondary bracket, and prizes are still being discussed.

thread will go through major update on 15th April 2018. Where the following will be updated:

- First of all, Tiberias has been bought in as one of the NWWC 2018 Moderators, has helped me throughout the whole process.
- Nation Profiles (If captains respond ;))
- Referee's and Media (new videos to showcase etc and new referees being brought in)
- Signups (a big wave just signed up so that will be updated soon)
- Team Rosters
- Statistic page will be released (provided that captains update their rosters ASAP)
- Maps will also be being updated to fix bugs, adjust sizes and fix lag.
- Also we have been testing a new NWWC Map by Zebaad, looks good, hopefully it will be implemented
- All players under assessment will be given notice of what is happening to them

I cannot stress enough. that i highly advise players (captains in particular) to read the rules through. NWWC is fast approaching, and i can already spot around 5 teams that may be punished within their first match. Don't risk it. Because we will find out, and you'll just ruin it for the rest of your team. Thanks.

NWWC Update:

Notes and Important Information:
- Deadlines are fast approaching!, make sure that you have all of your ID's and rosters updated
- Make sure you have all read the rules thoroughly in preparation for your matches

Bracket and Tournament Information:
-Please note that within the next 2 days, the bracket may alter slightly by 1-2 teams, but apart from that, they will remain.

- NWWC 2018 Brackets

-First 2 teams qualify for Main bracket from each group, the next two teams qualify for secondary bracket.  (4 teams qualify in total)

Players Under Assessment:
- Munj
- JeffMcBiggie
- Alex123

Players that have been Banned
- Padawan: Sick of his shit.  Rude and Childish over steam, making demands saying that he is playing for Russia. Told him multiple times he cannot as it is breaking the rules, yet he persists. Done tip-toeing and being nice.

Update and Changes to NWWC 2018:

Dates and Times:
The NWWC is fast approaching, so i Strongly suggest that all captains are up-to-date on rules and have thoroughly read through ALL of them, I also strongly suggest you update your rosters soon with ID's and Players (i won't be doing this for you).

- The NWWC 2018 Will take place on Monday April 16th 2018 (easier to manage on Mondays)
- NWWC Team Roster Deadlines are April 10th 2018 (Remember you are still allowed 3 Changes if a members has played a match, and can swap anyone providing that they have not played a match. (do this 1 day in advance))
- Signups for ALL Nations will close on April 15th
- A Teams match for the week will be allowed to be scheduled any day from Monday-Monday providing both captains agree and a referee is available.

Changes Regarding Servers
- We currently have 3 servers running and usable with good ping (Thank you 33rd Spoons). These are all located in France, i am working on finding a German and Netherlands Server to balance this out (Anyone who has a stable GER/NL Server they are willing to provide/Borrow for NWWC 2018, please contact me).
- Captains will have the choice to play on ANY NWWC 2018 Server, However if there is a split in decision, the Referee will choose a neutral server.
- Servers will be provided for all matches, if a server is busy/cannot be provided, another external server may be used with permission of the referee.

Tournament System
Before making this decision, i had long and thorough talks with Tiberias and Fwuffy who provided an extremely detailed description of the suisse system and advantages/disadvantages.

- The Tournament System being used for NWWC 2018 is Round-Robin Group Stage system, the reason for this is due to it being as fair as possible and allow all nations a chance, as well as to provide an intense tournament and maintain NWWC's tradition.
- However, The Top 2 (1st + 2nd) nations from each Group will progress to the Main Finals stage of NWWC 2018.  The Next 2 teams (3rd + 4th) of the group stages will progress to the Lower Finals Stage of NWWC 2018. Here they will have a chance to gain 1st Place of the Lower Finals.  Prizes are still being discussed.

- The Original Rule of "If a caster is Available, they will be used and spectators will not be allowed, however the stream link will be posted on the forums" .  This will still be used, however more casters will be added to make this more agreeable, Youtuber's that aren't casting live, will not be classed as casters and therefore cannot request the server be set to private.
- To maintain the Statistics system, i will be grateful for when youtubers can get their videos to me ASAP so i can update K/D, Clutches and Points. Sooner the better :)

Nation Signatures

Thankyou Moskito you God.

Note: The Statistics page is still under construction, and due to the tournament starting so close (as well as myself having University/Team England) The Statistics page will realistically be updated every 2 weeks....hopefully, maybe sooner.

Note: NWWC Teams page has been updated and i've added a start to Nations Profiles, I'm still gathering information for nations that's why there is barely anything on there :)


Please Start to post and Update Rosters thankyou.

Once your roster is Complete with 14 People.  Please say "Player IN.  Player OUT" (Makes it easier for me when editing it)

Make sure all of your ID's are posted before we start. Thankyou.

Other Information
- Date/Tournament System will be released Tomorrow, along with the brackets for that system. [Will probably change]
- I assure you, Moskito is working DAMN hard to get Signatures completed etc.  he has done a lot of them, but a few more still need to be made. Thanks a lot Moskito, yet another year you provide xoxox
- Team Serbia is Under Creation.
- Team Yugoslavia will be created, if they cannot draft a team, they will be merged.
- Nation Profiles are Currently Underway. I will be taking Quotes off captains and off well known players in the community to do this.  If i ask for a quote, i will appreciate it A LOT if you help me with it. Ty to these players and Captains.
- Statistics Page is currently under construction and is nearly complete. (Cannot complete it until all final rosters have been posted)
- I am currently reviewing new maps made by Zebaad (God-Tier Mapper) to add to the variation of maps.  I will also be fixing and tweaking my current maps to increase balance and fix bugs.
- The sooner you Complete rosters with ID's...the less i bug you ;)
- Captain Steam Profile Links and NWWC 2018 Steam Groups will be added to each nation Soon of the NWWC Teams Forum Page
- Media page still needs some slight updating.

- Before every match i will be doing a Mini-Interview with all captains. I will be asking a few questions that will only take about 5 minutes, this will be done 1 day before the match. I currently have had a few requests of help, If anyone is interested in doing this with me, message me on steam as i will be greatly appreciative, I will select the person to do it with me in the upcoming weeks.

Big Update to NWWC 2018:

Merges/Nation Changes/Nation Rules Changes
- Russia and Serbia will be Split up. Russia will be its own independent Nation.
- Bosnia, Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia will Make up Team Yugoslavia this year. Teams that make up Yugoslavia are more than welcome to make their own team (like Croatia). But if they cannot draft 10 players, they must play with Yugoslavia.
- Macedonia will stay merged with Ukraine.
- Austria and Switzerland are under consideration for a merge.
- The Ban on Wales and Scotland has been Removed.

Team Russia
- MrDixon will have until signup deadline to elect his Co-Captain. [This cannot be maxim]
- You must kick out all non-Russian players ASAP.

Team Yugoslavia
- Players from Yugoslavia, please message me to who you would like your captains to be.

Team Austria/Switzerland
- Please let me know if you are happy to merge, also if there are any obstacles to overcome if this merge was to go ahead. If all happy:
- DarkTemplar will be a Co-Captain if he still wishes to.  Dan1 will be a Co-Captain if he wishes to.
- Please make a Steam group for your nation asap.

Player Updates
- Heinrich: Completely Cleared, removed from assessment. Apologies.
- Mightypain: Due to the disgusting nature of the things you have said, no matter how much you are provoked, it is unacceptable. You have been Banned for your first 2 matches.

Tournament Updates
- In terms of the type of tournament (Suisse/Groups etc) I am still thoroughly thinking this through. I will explain my reasoning below for those who wish to review it. Please bare in mind there could be a maximum of 27 nations attending this NWWC (apposed to last years 20 nations)
Tournament Style
- Suisse System: The reason i am thinking on this is due to the fact, for the tournament to be fair, their would have to be around 12 rounds to make it so Every Team (Top 5 and Bottom 5) Get a chance to play a team of their equal strength. This is so a low tier team doesn't accidentally get placed vs All high tier teams, helping the higher teams while crippling the lower teams, although i can edit who fights who, i can only do this for the first round...So to make it as unbiased as possible. 12 rounds would be the most fair.  However.  This means 12 weeks of matches, which would take FAR too long for NWWC.
- Group Stages (Round-Robin): The Reason this has been used for all the past NWWC's is because it seems to work and flow the best. By calculating the Nations into 4 groups of 7 Teams (6 Matches Maximum, meaning 6 weeks). With a mix of High and Low tier teams in each group, it allows all the nations a fair bracket. Also due to this, it will be SOOOO much easier to make a lower tier extra mini-final for the Bottom 8-12 teams, as the lowest 2 teams from each group could be brought forward. (I'm sure i could probably drag together a Prize as well).

- During the Captain meeting, a lot of captains made it quite clear that they would prefer the Suisse system, and i completely respect this. However these are my worries. Also this is to try and keep NWWC as traditional as possible.  Also the Group stages just make it so much better to edit and make the tournament really have an E-Sports feel, unlike the Suisse System.  As i said i am still considering this, and anyone that has suggestions or can give me some closure, please don't hesitate to contact me on steam about this.  One or two messages though please, don't spam me thx.

- The matches will be a First to 15 throughout the entire of the Tournament. A poll was made a while ago, and even though a BO20 would suit the tournament better as it allows Draws etc.  First to 15 is more competitive and allows for more interesting matches. However if it is close between nations, Rounds will be tallied up, and the nation with the most rounds will proceed.

Dates and Times
Me and Herishey are in discussion about the Final Date of when NWWC 2018 will start.  However we are 50/50 on whether it will start in June. We will decide June or April within the next few days, however we have decided on the dates below for each month.
- The Signup Deadline is being moved back to the 1st of April (If in April) or is being moved back to the 15th of May (If in June)
- Team Rosters should be completed and Posted by 3rd of April (If in April) or should be completed and Posted by 1st of June (If in June)
- NWWC 2018 will be due to start on the 15th of April (If in April) or will be due to start on the 17th of June (If in June) (THIS MAY CHANGE)

- These dates will be confirmed and either June or April will be decided withing 2-3 days

- Captains will be asked to come on Teamspeak for a small interview up to 1 day before the Match. for Pre-match reports.
- Captains will be asked for a small comment after the match, for a typed Post match report.

Can i remind all captains, the meeting is tomorrow (Friday) at 8pm.  Please make sure at least one captain from each nation will be ready, the teamspeak will be handed out on the Steamgroup for those that dont already have it tomorrow.


For NWWC 2018, i will be doing nation profiles. This includes the Strengths/Weaknesses of the Nation, Top 3 Players, Captain Ratings, Player Traits (Where they play, how they play, who they play well with etc.) and Player Ratings (BROUGHT DIRECTLY FROM THE STATISTICS PAGE) this means its not cancer and doesn't mean 1 player is better than another as its purely based only in NWWC matches and not opinion.

All of these will be Internal to the NWWC. and will be purely based on how well the players/nations have done in the tournament, taken straight from the statistics page that will be kept up-to-date regularly, so nobody can put a biased opinion.

If you have any ideas to add for this please contact me through steam.

Update and Scrutiny

The following players have been assessed and the most fair and reasonable solutions have been decided:
Players under Assessment
- Artista
- Patruk
- Centurion
- Fluffy Peritz
- Pierre (if he signs to Wales)
- Shogun (Still under assessment)

The Following Players have been cleared on the basis of:
- Fluffy: (Assessed for: Signing for GB last year, Playing for Ireland. Irish?) Found this to be True. He did sign for GB last year however he is Northern Irish, which is where the confusion has appeared. He is Northern Irish. Apologies
- Pierre: (Assessed for: Not Being Welsh) Found this to be False. He was born in wales but currently lives in England, goes over to wales a lot and lives there for short periods. Didn't bullshit me, saved me so much time. Apologies pal.
- Centurion: (Assessed for: Inviting for another nation last year) Not enough evidence to prove this.  However i advise that you watch it this year centurion. Don't want any shit like this to occur. Put Under Watch.
- Shogun: (Assessed for: Inviting for different teams over the past year for NWWC) Not enough evidence to prove this.  Have received comments off a few people mentioning this. However i cannot prove it. Same goes for you though Shogun. Make sure this doesn't happen this year. Put Under Watch.

The Following players will be receiving changes/punishment:
- Artista: (Assessed for: Insulting captains after being declined acceptance, and threatening admin abuse) Found this to be true in a way.  Everything else seems to be true, had a conversation with you and you seemed just to shift the blame back instead of trying to defend yourself. You seem like a sound lad but i cannot tolerate this at all. If i cannot trust your word i cannot trust your judgement as an admin, even if you were declined. The things that were said were quite disgusting, and i won't tolerate this as the host of the tournament this year. You are being Banned from NWWC 2018.

- Patruk: (Assessed for: Trying to play for another team) You are not receiving strict punishment, however you will be put under a "one more thing and punished" type of rule. Any other rule broke in its slightest and you will be receiving a form of punishment. Don't attempt to play for other teams. I've told you this year i won't tolerate this bullshit. The reason this is the case due to you not going through with the rule breaking. Still doesn't make it right.

Again i would like to clarify, for those that feel this is unjustified, i will be happy to have a conversation with you over Teamspeak. Also for those who were called for assessment, i apologise for the inconvenience and pressure you were put under.

Following players have been called up for assessment. I said this year i don't want bullshit, and believe me when i say i fucking mean it.  Will be asking questions to the rest of their team and friends, if i find out people are lying to me, they will also be punished if they are included in NWWC. Tell me the truth, and these players along with yourself can continue to play this year for the nation you SHOULD BE PLAYING FOR. Thanks.

The Following players are being called up for the next assessment
- Heinrich

Once again, if these players are found to be cleared, i am sorry for putting you up for assessment, but i have reasonable suspicion.

Update and Scrutiny

The following players have been assessed and the most fair and reasonable solutions have been decided:
Players under Assessment
- Bodya
- Max
- Shogun
- Shogunai
- y0da

The Following Players have been cleared on the basis of:
- KOBZIK: (Assessed for: Playing for Russia last year, when KOBZIK is Ukrainian) Found this to be true. He didn't bullshit me, got straight to the truth and saved a lot of time. However i will not be making him play for the team he played for last year due to him being Captain of Ukraine this year. KOBZIK will be under watch throughout the tournament, if found to have broke another rule, he will be receiving strict punishment to make sure the same thing last year, doesn't happen this year.
- Max: (Assessed for: Playing for Ukraine, when he is Russian) Found this to be true. However due to my rule of him playing for Ukraine last year, he will not be made to switch nation.
- Yoda: (Assessed for: Playing for a nation he isn't apart of, Inviting for another nation last year) Found this to be False. Completely cleared. Apologies Yoda.

The Following players are still under assessment, as not enough reason to dismiss has been presented:
- Shogun

The Following players will be receiving changes/punishment:
- Bodya: (Assessed for: Signing for a nation you are not eligible for) Found this to be 100% true.  You have been forced to switch nation (to Ukraine). Presented some evidence about background information. You must play for Ukraine this year due to two reasons. One you have been found to be primarily from Ukraine. 2. You initially signed up to Ukraine, not Russia. Look at Nationality Rules Number 4. Refusing to switch will result in a ban.

- Shogunai: (Assessed for: Signing up for Team Ireland when we believe he might not be Irish) You have been forced to switch nation (to England). Presented some evidence about his background, As much as i am inclined to believe this, and it does appear believable. I cannot go off of your word for it (hence why bodya was denied as well) as i have nobody else to support or deny the claim. Refusing to switch will result in a ban.

Again i would like to clarify, for those that feel this is unjustified, i will be happy to have a conversation with you over Teamspeak. Also for those who were called for assessment, i apologise for the inconvenience and pressure you were put under.

Following players have been called up for assessment. I said this year i don't want bullshit, and believe me when i say i fucking mean it.  Will be asking questions to the rest of their team and friends, if i find out people are lying to me, they will also be punished if they are included in NWWC. Tell me the truth, and these players along with yourself can continue to play this year for the nation you SHOULD BE PLAYING FOR. Thanks.

The Following players are being called up for the next assessment
- Artista
- Patruk
- Centurion
- Fluffy Peritz
- Pierre (if he signs to Wales)
- Shogun (Still under assessment)

Once again, if these players are found to be cleared, i am sorry for putting you up for assessment, but i have reasonable suspicion.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2019, 05:49:48 pm by MarxeiL »