Author Topic: BoP: Iropia [WiP] (Volk+OttoFIN Game)  (Read 1834 times)

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BoP: Iropia [WiP] (Volk+OttoFIN Game)
« on: March 13, 2016, 07:29:25 pm »
(Banner Needed)

Welcome to BoP: Iropia

The year is 20 A.I. (After Iropia). A generation has passed since the miraculous and catastrophic fall of the great Empire of Iropia. Stretching the entire continent, the powerful Iropians ruled the known world for hundreds, some say thousands of years. Now the Empire is dead and gone, its oppressed subjects and enslaved peoples freed. In the wake of this great catastrophe, nations will rise from the ashes. Kingdoms will be born, cities built on the blood and backs of their people. The drums of war echo across this vast, lush, and lawless land. The allure of gold and trade, vast riches and wealth draw those willing to toil for it. Exploration and adventure await the bold, while knowledge and wisdom awaits those with the patience and the faithful. The future of Iropia will be shaped and crafted by the actions of those ambitious few who would risk everything for a page in the history books. Glory awaits!

Game Masters: Volk* and OttoFIN* (*Subject to Possible Change)

Blank Map "The Known World"
Nation Application
GM will reply to your application and suggest a few changes if they’re needed. No superpowers here, you’ll become big if you play your cards right.
Also, no trolling. You cannot be Vapenation with a meme as their flag and with alien technology in their army. It is wise to propose a rough draft of the nation application first without the history section filled out, then using the time before the game starts to create and write history with the fellow players.

[b]Royal House:[/b]
[b]Culture and history/background:[/b]

Application Explanation
Name: The name of your nation. This will be what you will be recognized as by players and the GM.
Classification: The government of your nation. (Kingdom, Tsardom, Republic, Free City Republic, Feudal Monarchy, Duchy, Democratic Oligarchy, Despotic Monarchy, Theocracy etc) Government hybrids are allowed as long as they are within reason and not OP. Each government type will slightly change the way you play the game and interact with the world.
Flag/Banner: The flag/banner of your nation. Making one in paint, Photoshop, or simply picking one you like from the internet and using it as your flag is perfectly fine as long as it is not obscene and within reason.
Location: Download the map and, as detailed as you possibly can, outline the lands that your nation occupies. From a tiny island city to a small tract of land, as long as you don't occupy too much land or lay claim to too much you will be fine. Most nations will start out small and expand, so don't worry about starting borders.
Royal House: The name of your ruling royal house. (May not apply to all) While mainly for RP purposes, Royal Houses may be important to nations with royalty, like kingdoms, and may lead to random occurrences in the game.
Culture, Religion, History & Misc. Information: This is what makes your nation unique. The people that inhabit your lands, your starting relationships with your neighbors, possible goals and aspirations, weaknesses and strengths, and values of your nation are all located here. What should be here are certain things such as what your people value, what type of religion/faith your people have, certain attributes/characteristics your nation/people are known for, the military values your nation has, etc etc. While a long wall of text is not needed, some original thought and detail is welcome and definitely appreciated. Please try to be original and creative. Making "Not-Germany" or "Not-Mongols" is boring and sets you up for failure against players who may shape their nation to excel at your weaknesses. Feel free to leave the History part of this section blank if you wish to create inter-player history.

Example Nations
Free City of Braavos
Name: Free City of Braavos
Classification: Mercantile Despotic Monarchy - City State
Flag/Banner: N/A
Location: Free Cities, Essos
Royal House: N/A, the Sealord
Culture and history/background: Abolished Slavery. Mixture of many worldly religions and cultures. Known for highly skilled Bravos, swordsmen trained in agility and speed rather than strength and brutality. Home to the Iron Bank of Braavos.

Volkovski Host (Volk's Custom Nation
Name: Volkovski Host
Classification: Elective Feudal Monarchy
Location: N/A (Example)
Royal House: House Volkov
Culture and history/background: The Volkovski are a tall wild people. Living in the snowy wastes and mountain ranges of the Northern Iropia, their harsh homeland gives the Volkovski people a natural toughness. Known for their excellent horsemanship and fierce heavy infantry, the Volkovski are infamous throughout Iropia as brave and courageous warriors, albeit undisciplined and prone to rashness. Their intense focus on the thrill of melee and shock combat leaves the Volkovski severely lacking in ranged infantry and cavalry, while their impatience and thirst for combat makes sieges and long campaigns difficult to sustain. The Volkovski people believe in one of the many groups of Old Gods of Iropia, having 3 specific Animist deities that serve as the basis for their deeply engrained caste system. The Horse, Wolf, and Fox serve as the three castes of their society. They value bravery, combat, death in battle, the thrills of liquor and the warmth of women. Faith is a central part of the Volkovski people. The Volkovski are excellent hunters, trackers, and trappers, excelling in the lucrative fur trade of Iropia.

Being one of the few peoples unconquered by the Iropians, the Volkovski find pride in their long held independence, swearing to never bend the knee to a foreign ruler. Past incursions and invasions into neighboring lands have left deep marks in relationships with their neighbors, particularly the *Insert names*, who once claimed the Northern Mountains as theirs. This bad blood and fierce independence makes the Volkovski Host vilified by its southern neighbors, who swore that the Volkovski Host will be broken apart one day.






« Last Edit: April 20, 2016, 04:55:07 am by Volk »

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Re: BoP: Iropia [WiP] (Volk+OttoFIN Game)
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2016, 07:29:32 pm »