Author Topic: Warriors' Matters [Game Thread]  (Read 1530 times)

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Offline Raddeo

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Warriors' Matters [Game Thread]
« on: April 01, 2016, 10:31:49 pm »

Cattle die, and kinsmen die,
And so one dies one's self.
One thing I know that never dies,
The fame of a dead man's deeds.

This is game thread of Warriors' Matters game, only players taking part in the duels should write here.

Currently Playing:
Season 1, Round 1

Current Duels:
Youxia (Portals) vs Jean-Baptiste de Villiers (The Mighty McLovin)
William "The Doctor" Kingston (DoctorWarband) vs Thorstein Höskuldsson (Raddeo)

Finished Duels:
« Last Edit: April 01, 2016, 10:54:30 pm by Raddeo »
There is a story that scientists built an inteligent computer.
The first question they asked it was "Is there a God?"
The computer replied "There is now."
And the bolt of lightning struck the plug,
So it couldn't be turned off.

Offline Raddeo

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Re: Warrior's Matters [Game Thread Season 1 Round 1]
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2016, 10:32:23 pm »
Youxia (Portals) vs Jean-Baptiste de Villiers (The Mighty McLovin) - Youxia enters first
The duel is to take place on the small, almost round in shape, island in the middle of river. Several metres wide on each side of the isle, the river is unpassable barrier which forces both participant to stay on their piece of ground to the very end of fight. The holme itself is just a piece of barren land, covered with sand and rare clumps of grass. It's never been measured in any way, but it's big enough for ten men to stand in a row and still a bit of free space would remain. Small group of spectators have gathered on each bank of the river, but many of them are busy with their own businesses and give little to no heed to the events on the isle. Concerning weather, it's early winter already, the sun is shining, but the air is cool and first snowflakes slowly fall from the clouds above.

William "The Doctor" Kingston (DoctorWarband) vs Thorstein Höskuldsson (Raddeo) - William enters first
Small, wooden arena was build on the edge of the forest a long time ago, to serve as place of entertainment for local citizens. There is nothing but dry sand on the arena. Oval-shaped place is surrounded by simple wooden fence which separate duelists from spectators gathered around. Wooden lodge for local noble was built on the eastern side of the arena, but is empty today and peasants behind fence are the only audience. They came in great number, perceiving appointed fight as way to spent this warm, summer afternoon. Many of them wear hats and hoods to protect their heads from scorching sun.
There is a story that scientists built an inteligent computer.
The first question they asked it was "Is there a God?"
The computer replied "There is now."
And the bolt of lightning struck the plug,
So it couldn't be turned off.

Offline DoctorWarband

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Re: Warriors' Matters [Game Thread]
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2016, 02:22:26 am »
"William taunts his opponent like he would taunt any kid in his neighborhood when he was little. He shouted, spitted and cursed him, calling him names even sailors wouldn't put on their lips. He then proceeds to delivering the toughest punch he could with his brass knuckle to his enemy's chin. He wanted to stun him enough, to be able to jump on him and strangle him before he could attack him. William took a deep breath before the punch, as he knew it can be a matter of life and death for him. "
The Dankest of Memes, start in the simplest of words. Wombo combo.

Offline Raddeo

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Re: Warriors' Matters [Game Thread]
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2016, 07:35:39 pm »
William "The Doctor" Kingston (DoctorWarband) vs Thorstein Höskuldsson (Raddeo) - Raddeo's post 1

Thorstein entered the arena wearing nothing but loose linen trousers. In left hand he's holding round wooden shield and spear with haft made of ash wood is in his right hand. As he walks through the arena he hears shouts and curses of William. The fell words of his enemy upsets Thorstein, no Norseman should be forced to hear such insults. Though usually calm and careful he loses his temper and quickly marches toward his opponent... just to receive one of the strongest punches he's ever got. During a battle, in the shieldwall, one often get punched, kicked or bitten, but warriors are too busy or weary to perform accurate or significantly strong hits. This one was different, blow was so tough that for a while son of Höskuld lost sight in his eyes and he fell on the ground, but to no avail for Kingston, as falling down Thorstein raises his shield thus separating both duelists. And though his back pains from hitting the ground he gathers his strengths to kick and push the shield back with his strong sailor's legs. This way he slips out from beneath his enemy. Shield he left in Williams' hands, leaving himself with just a spear held firmly with right hand. But even as he stands back on his feet, he thrusts this spear forward, aiming at enemy's head or chest to keep him at the distance, if not to kill him immediately.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2016, 09:02:11 pm by Raddeo »
There is a story that scientists built an inteligent computer.
The first question they asked it was "Is there a God?"
The computer replied "There is now."
And the bolt of lightning struck the plug,
So it couldn't be turned off.

Offline DoctorWarband

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Re: Warriors' Matters [Game Thread]
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2016, 11:39:37 pm »
William "The Doctor" Kingston (DoctorWarband) vs Thorstein Höskuldsson (Raddeo) - DoctorWarband's post 2

William, happy that he had been able to snatch the shield from his opponent's hands, quickly tossed said shield at his enemy's torso, in hope to stun him and attack. After tossing the shield he quickly took the staff off his back and delivered a blow to Thornstein's legs, strong enough to get him to fall, but not strong enough to break his legs. During the swing he shouted and cussed "You bloody wanker, even I know to not lose my shield!". He got to a personal level very quickly, and he had hoped Thornstein won't be angered by the exchange of words too much, as it might lead to unwanted sparring.

The Dankest of Memes, start in the simplest of words. Wombo combo.

Offline Raddeo

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Re: Warriors' Matters [Game Thread]
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2016, 06:24:53 pm »
William "The Doctor" Kingston (DoctorWarband) vs Thorstein Höskuldsson (Raddeo) - Raddeo's post 2

With one fluent move Thorstein dodges his own shield tossed at him and let it pass him by. Focused on the shield - indeed magnificent one, made of spruce wood, painted blue and white and rimmed with leather held by iron clamps - he doesn't notice William's blow and again falls on the warm sand. He feels a pain in his legs, but they're not wounded in any way for sure. Even the hit of toughest of men wouldn't be strong enough to hurt legs used to struggle against strength of the wild seas. Lying on his back, Thorstein grabs handful of sand dried by scorching sun and throws it at William's face to blind him and slow him down. Immediately after that he crawls back and springs back on his feet once more. As he was falling down he heard the voice of his enemy, but could not understand the words. Previous courses and swearwords he could easily comprehend - some words changed very little through long ages, other he could compare to those from other languages he knows, and above everything else he could guess their meaning by pitch and timbre of Doctor's voice. But these words sounded strange to him, and their meaning was unknown. And yet Thorstein wants not to leave enemy's words unanswered, so he cries aloud as he is standing up again "Þegi þú, rög vættr! Unmanly one, cease!". Then rising his spear Norseman shouts once more in his father's tongue "Flá er þér tunga, hygg ek at þér fremr myni ógótt of gala! False is thy tongue, and soon shalt thou find that it sings thee an evil song!" and having said that he strikes his enemy with spear again. Powerful thrust he aims at William's left side, and in the very same time he steps forward and with the other hand attacks him with an axe, which was previously fastened to his belt, slashing rightward from the left side. Thus he assails him from both directions, with spear from the right, and with axe from the left.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2016, 07:40:58 pm by Raddeo »
There is a story that scientists built an inteligent computer.
The first question they asked it was "Is there a God?"
The computer replied "There is now."
And the bolt of lightning struck the plug,
So it couldn't be turned off.