Author Topic: Unban Request - Cerce_Tentones  (Read 595 times)

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Offline Cerce Tentones

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Unban Request - Cerce_Tentones
« on: June 14, 2014, 08:06:46 am »
Name under which you were banned - Cerce_Tentones
Server(s) you are banned from - NA1
What was happening when you got banned -

Bit of a story, I suppose.  Initially, a user with the name of Spooky_Spook had been kicked and told to change his name by Thunderstormer.  When inquired by no less than 7 other users as to why, it was stated that Spook could be used as a racial slur and thus the name had to be changed.  I, and several others, voiced my opinion that Spooky_Spook could very well be an innocent name and should not be banned because of the simple possibility that he may be trolling.  The user in question had not acted in a trollish, immature, or racist manner, as far as I had witnessed, and I felt that the kick was unwarranted.  Others also chimed in with support and further questions.  Eventually, one of the more vocal users were kicked for opposing Thunderstormer.  Discussion continued, with some more unoriginal comments thrown around by others targeted directly at Thunderstormer, however I would like to clarify that I did not partake in this.  Instead, I asked if a name with Coon or a use of the color Black in it would also warrant a ban, and stated that such names need to be taken in context of both the user's actions and behavior.  Thunderstormer then stated that I had not listened to any of his warnings - of which he did not inform me specifically of, nor did he state that any further discussion would warrant such an action - and as a result permanently banned me after linking to this website.

I had no intention of intentionally causing any emotional response from Thunderstormer, nor did I seek any action to be taken against Thunderstormer - I merely was attempting to gain some insight as to why a user was kicked based solely on the possibility that their name might in some way be misconstrued as a racial slur.  I am obviously for kicking users with blatant racial slurs, but you don't exactly think of racism when you see a name Spooky_Spook - instead I think more of a harmless child out for candy at Halloween, or perhaps a cartoonish ghost that attempts to frighten people when in reality it's as harmless as bedsheet.

I can't recall the names of anyone other than
  • that partook in the discussion, but there were over 100 people on the server if I recall correctly, I'm sure someone can chime in.

Time and date - Aproximately 1:38 AM EDT 6/14/14
User Identification Number - 375305

Offline Cerce Tentones

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Re: Unban Request - Cerce_Tentones
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2014, 08:08:35 am »
Also I'm sorry if I'm not available to respond anytime soon - I can only play so late due to me working Night Audit on Mackinac Island at one of the hotels there after my work is done - they don't provide internet at the worker's housing, so... *Shrug*

Offline Thunderstormer

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Re: Unban Request - Cerce_Tentones
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2014, 08:58:52 am »
The server is provided for people to play the game, not have debate about the rules.    There is a rule regarding admin complaints is this.

- Do not harass or argue with admins. In the event that you are unhappy with an admins behaviour or ruling on a matter, please take a record and appeal to Deofuta, Thunderstormer, or Littleguy for NA, or Crusader, Tiki, Cenzii for EU.

We enforce the rules we are told to by the server owner so arguing with me or anyone else is in the server is pointless.  Not to mention this makes our job harder when we have to deal with all these comments.  While your comments themselves were pretty civil compared to others, your comments just inflamed the situation giving a few trolls fuel for them to start a fire.  One that my fellow admin and I had to put out.

I even put this warning out prior to your ban. 

00:35:37 - *Admin*[Thunderstormer]: The it means something else defence does not work in this server.  If your asked not to use something, then dont.

You were present for many warnings to the not to use slurs and the bans that occurred after a few warnings.  The "it means something else" has never worked.  There is a no tolerance policy when it comes to using slurs in the server and you used them.  You and a few others chose to ignore this and the other warnings resulting a harsher punishment.

I will go ahead and point out because someone in the server apparently didn't understand this.  If you have a complaint about me, then you would send it to Deofuta or Littleguy.  If you have a complaint about LG, then its Deo and I.  If it is Deo, then talk to the server owner Vincenzo.  If you feel the rules should be changed, talk to Deo or Vince.

If you have a question about the rules, then message one of the many admins or I here on the forums or other communication device and we will try and answer.  them to the best of our abilities.  It Is also a good idea to not break any rules while inquiring about them.

Bump this thread on 6/16/14 to be unbanned.
Should you need to talk to me regarding NA1 or or something regarding admining or the admins, PM me here on the forums and not on steam.  *

*This does not include Official Server Admins.

Offline Cerce Tentones

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Re: Unban Request - Cerce_Tentones
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2014, 06:13:44 am »
Bumping as per instructions.

Offline Thunderstormer

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Re: Unban Request - Cerce_Tentones
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2014, 07:17:42 am »
Unbanned, should be able to rejoin within the hour.

Be sure to reread the rules as to not be banned again or next time it will be longer.  Remember what I wrote above.
Should you need to talk to me regarding NA1 or or something regarding admining or the admins, PM me here on the forums and not on steam.  *

*This does not include Official Server Admins.