Author Topic: NWDrama Newsletter Edition 1: 45e-Lizard love?  (Read 1176 times)

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NWDrama Newsletter Edition 1: 45e-Lizard love?
« on: August 24, 2016, 11:37:32 pm »
In a startling recent development, ultra-liberal 45e extremist and regiment leader Nappy "Reptile Rampage" Surena has been caught and prosecuted for allegedly filming himself attempting to goad a live Komodo Dragon into initiating anal sex with him while dressed up in an inflatable latex orca suit. The rest of the liberaly-minded 45e's regiment and staff shared that they were surprised and appalled by the incident, and would file a petition for his immediate release. According to them, Nappy "Killer Croc gimme me that cock" Surena was a respected and loved member of their tightly knit community, known for his popular catchphrases "Squack Squack!" and "Pilfer my blowhole like an oriental shark-wrangler!". The unfortunate event occurred a mere few days after the regiment's members agreed that flag bearers should not be bound by historical accuracy, as it is inherently rooted in an imperialist culture of regressive kink shaming.

45e chef de battalion Dj "Don't misgender or you'll feel this member" Overjoy was especially outspoken on the issue, explaining that Nappy's untimely removal put a wrench in their grand plan to turn the regiment into a fur-friendly space to the rival 58e. "People are noticing some of our members have flaws, and this is really dragging down our whole regiment." She claimed when caught and interviewed by a NWDrama Newsletter reporter outside a planned parenthood clinic. A tearful 45e ranker who wished to remain anonymous confirmed his complaint, sharing that he feels personally attacked by the addition of restrictions, limits or flaws to flag bearers, "Kitsune Uchiha can't have flaws, she is the dragon princess!" He explained, sobbing into a handkerchief.

45e lieutenant colonel Bryce could not be reached for a proper interview as he held the NWDrama Newsletter team at gunpoint in front of his privately owned marijuana field, refusing to believe that they were not "Area 52 Hitmen" sent to "Bag and Tag" him for his frequent utilization of repossessed radio equipment to communicate with a faction he referred to as the intergalactic federation of light. He eventually agreed to give his opinion on the issue in exchange for an official warning issued in the newsletter's next edition, urging the readers not to drink bottled water. "If you ask me, he was never there." He admitted, "It's the chip - it makes you see things. People who aren't there. Voices coming out of the mailboxes. It's how they control us - I cut it out though. See!? I cut it out!" Bryce later attempted to sell the news team cyanide pills, reasoning that they'd need them since they "Knew too much".

Another head member, "Xristo" also couldn't be reached for a comment as he currently sexually identified as a small inert tungsten cube and refused to give our reporter a definitive answer besides making what he claimed were rock noises with his mouth while rolling around on the floor, curled up in a fetal position.

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Re: NWDrama Newsletter Edition 1: 45e-Lizard love?
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2016, 11:38:57 pm »

Offline Nappy Surena

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Re: NWDrama Newsletter Edition 1: 45e-Lizard love?
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2016, 11:39:02 pm »
needs more banter

Offline Sleepy

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Re: NWDrama Newsletter Edition 1: 45e-Lizard love?
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2016, 11:39:12 pm »
>When you look for attention