
Bywargard Volunteer

Offline Offline
4 (0.003 per day)
Date Registered:
November 08, 2020, 11:02:40 pm
Local Time:
June 16, 2024, 09:05:05 pm
Last Active:
November 09, 2020, 08:53:11 am
Biography: It's a known fact dudes with girl or anime pics online are weak people who don't know how to fight. I am one man left of tradition that will not support these weaklings because it's not cool and neither are hipsters just a waste of space and resources. Neutral party slowly but surely becomming a republican because I'm mighty and smart to know money is the most important thing and not spend all my time online with pretend (fake friends) I will never see nor will I benefit from. The world is a cold place get used to it or ill eat you alive ahahah as some of my reasons. Also real democracy died along time ago and the majority of democrats only use it to fill their own pockets while everyone else is blinded even more so then the republicans do. I am building my own army and not online and welcome anyone near me to join or interested to pm me (Must own a harley davidson and be picked to move onto tryouts). I know nw since I used to play and known many people here.