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Messages - nilloc93

Pages: 1
Events: NA / Re: Saturday Night NaS Line Battle 8 PM EST
« on: March 13, 2015, 03:28:07 am »
Regiment Name: 38e suisse
Regiment Tags: 38e~suisse_rank_name
Preferred Role:artillery
Expected Number: 5-10
Leader's Steam Name:
Do you plan to show up every week: yes (scouting for a weekly saturday event)

Regiments / Re: 38e~Suisse Regiment d'infanterie (Revival Regiment 2012)
« on: February 09, 2015, 04:29:00 am »
first LB since reformation screens

photoshoot, top recruit SPOOKY holding the flag

AAR/post battle meeting

warrior photo

also totally bagged a pistol headshot as the first kill of the LB

General Discussion / Re: What is your favorite gamemode?
« on: August 28, 2013, 02:27:46 am »
commander battle, i love wreaking shit with heavy cav or wreaking heavy cav with foot guards.
TDM or DM are my next favs. Battle is too slow for me since i seem to be a ball magnet.

General Discussion / Re: Poll: Melee *Voting closed!*
« on: August 28, 2013, 02:26:21 am »
Having not played for about 5 months and coming back to this (the changed melee) i found it quite odd.
My main issue is that with up attacks nerfed i see alot more people down spamming all the time because its the best attack, early NW has the down attack being slightly better because it was easier to get the speed bonus on but not to the point of throwing out the up. Now less experience players just down attack all the time because unless your maximizing your up attack speed bonus it will not 1 hit people, and nothing is worse than a strike that does not kill when you know for a fact that if they get a hit you're going to die.

Its just made the melee very boring, and any attempt to mix it up is both dangerous and not rewarding 1/2 the time.

just a thought, not sure if i understand this well enough but i'll give it a go.
why not make the whole ship "limberable" so that there is a hold toggle that allows you to stop the ship (taking away the moving issue) and makes the ships guns able to shoot?
is it possible to have multiple cannons on the same object so that they will fire individually? I came up with this thought to cut down on lag, where instead of having the cannon attached to the ship as a separate object (or objects) it could simply be 1 texture with multiple load points.

Regiments / Re: 38e Regiment d'Infanterie Suisse (Recruiting)
« on: April 26, 2013, 06:15:16 am »
join us! after all we have a custom skin pack

Pages: 1