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Messages - Estogamo

Pages: 1 2
Thank's Esto, you should join LB's sometimes.  :'(
Doing my best here, this weekend was chaotic, lost of stuff to finish. Will be there now, no worries.

Nice! Good luck!


We need that IV FF back NOW!  :(  :'(

Regiment Name: Four-Two Gaming (FTG)
Expected attendance: 6-15
Prefered class (line, footguards or artillery): Line
Did you read rules?: Yes
Sign up for once or weekly?: Weekly
Steam leader name: Estogamo  // |FTG|FMP|Skill

Events: EU / Re: Nr3 Pommersches Thursday Siege Event - LINE SPACES!!
« on: July 17, 2015, 02:26:20 pm »
Is this event still ongoing?

If so, i would like to signup.

Regiment Name: Four-Two Gaming (FTG)
Numbers attending: 5-10
Arty or Line: Line
Attending once or weekly: Weekly
Representative's Steam: Estogamo // |FTG|FMP|Skill

Events / Re: Bear Force 2 - FTG Sunday Event
« on: September 18, 2014, 07:02:12 pm »
If the event is still going on, we would like to come with around 10 or more men,
I'm sorry but we are no longer hosting it, but if I'm not mastaken, there was another clan doing it unless they stopped too.

Events: EU / Re: Bear Force II - FTG Sunday Event
« on: March 16, 2014, 08:26:00 pm »
What is the most updated mod we need for the event?

The latest version, wich should be 0.32 :

Events / Re: Bear Force 2 - FTG Sunday Event
« on: March 09, 2014, 12:54:44 pm »
Is this mod still alive? While ago,  I saw someone is trying to implement tanks into game, was it done?
We are trying to keep this mod alive. Dunno about that tanks thingy tho, but we are still trying to make this events.

Events: EU / Re: Bear Force II - FTG Sunday Event
« on: February 28, 2014, 07:25:13 pm »
Regiment Name: 501st
Leader's Steam Link:
Expected manpower: 5-15
We may have more veterans who want to play but we'll see what happens xD
Squad Color: Green
It's a reapplication by Dangerouwelsh (Since I've trusted him to handle the events now, I am not willing to anymore).
Alright, no worries ;)

Events: EU / Re: Bear Force II - FTG Sunday Event
« on: February 20, 2014, 03:25:06 pm »
Regiment Name: 501st Clone Troopers Legion
Leader's Steam Link:
Expected manpower: 10-20...but you never know how many veterans show up, most likely that 10-20 number, however it's not a distant possibility all the old veterans want the old action back...then we'll need more servers  :D
Squad Color:Since blue is taken, green!
Hope to see those veterans back!

Events: EU / Re: Bear Force II - FTG Sunday Event
« on: February 14, 2014, 07:19:45 pm »
Regiment Name: XIVe
Leader's Steam Link:
Expected manpower: 5-15
Squad Color: what colours are taken?

(we might be late)
I forgot to place each regiment color, blue and red are already taken.

Events / Re: Bear Force 2 - FTG Sunday Event
« on: February 13, 2014, 05:18:50 pm »
You're encouraged to post there to get more attention
Just did. Hope it works ;)

Events: EU / Re: Bear Force II - FTG Sunday Event
« on: February 13, 2014, 05:18:22 pm »
Applications are OPEN!

Events: EU / Bear Force II - FTG Sunday Event
« on: February 13, 2014, 05:12:42 pm »

The Four-Two Gaming community is starting to host events on Bear Force II. Since we like alot of Star Wars and even more of clone wars, we can't let this mod go. Some say its dead, others say its just on "stand by". What we really expect is to make this mod LIVE again! And of course have fun. The event will take place on Sunday 8 pm GMT +0.

The squads that has fewer then 8 people may have 1 Arc Trooper/Jet Trooper/Bounty Hunter/Magna Droid. But not a Jedi/Sith
Each squad of 8 players or more are allowed to have one Jedi/Sith unit.
To further prevent the server from crashing we are putting a limit of 60 players. The limit does not have to be 100% if can be a few less or a few above. But not all the way up to 80 players.
We are also implementing squad colors. Which means that your squad needs to pick the same color so allies are easyer to recognise on the battlefield.
We will try to host this event every sunday. From time to time we will also change gamemode to keep things interesting.

= Rules =
  • Minimum for a Squad: 5 players
  • Max for a Squad: 15 players
  • Don't rambo
  • No grenades. Since Clones can't use EMP, droids can't use grenades either.
  • A squad can not have more then one special unit unless they got 16 players
  • When a squad is reduced to 3 players they need to join another squad

= General Battle Settings =
  • Starting credits: 1500
  • Rounds: 7-10
  • Time limit per round: 20 min
  • Starting credits: 1500
  • Rounds: 5-7
  • Time limit per round: 15-20 min

= Application =
Regiment Name:
Leader's Steam Link:
Expected manpower:
Squad Color:

= Attending Units =
  • FTG - 10-20 - Blue
  • 32e - 10-15 - Red
  • RGJ - 15-20 - Yellow
  • 501st - 10-20 - Green
  • 33rd - 15-20 - Purple

Events / Re: Bear Force 2 - FTG Sunday Event
« on: February 13, 2014, 05:10:16 pm »
I would post on this board so you can get more attention/people.
I was a thinking about it, but since that one is just for NW events... might do it tho.

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