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Messages - Shade

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Events: EU / Re: East Prussian Brigade Saturday Linebattle
« on: November 09, 2014, 05:58:02 pm »
Let's see how this goes.

Good luck.

Regiment Name: 5te Freikorpskavallerie
Unit Type: Cavalry
Preferred nation: Königreich Preußen
Numbers: 6-15
Representatives Steam: [5teFK] Shade
What day(s) would you like to come: Saturday
One time or weekly: Weekly
Have you read and agree to the rules and unit rules: Yes

Events: EU / Re: [DL]Saturday Historical Linebattle [EU]
« on: September 13, 2014, 01:57:56 pm »
Regiment Name: 5te Freikorpskavallerie
Number of Players: 10-12
Leader's Steam: [5teFK] Shade
Preferred Class: Cavalry
Preferred Faction: Prussia

General Discussion / Re: Please help
« on: August 08, 2014, 11:19:15 pm »

Off Topic / Re: Ukraine
« on: August 07, 2014, 09:38:37 pm »
Crimea is happy, yay we switched from a newborn democracy to a fascist Dictator! Yay!
Russia is a kleptocracy, not a dictatorship.
Also, don't use the term "fascist" simply because it connotes Hitler, abuse of Human Rights, violence, etc., as it is not applicable to Putin's Russia.
So you are saying that Russia is not violating the human rights?
Also Kleptocracy is not a form of government ye nub.
But yes Putin is a god damn thief stealing over £130 billion from his people, according to wikipedia.

Source? (what wikipedia article?)

Historical Discussion / Re: Civil War or Napoleonic Wars
« on: August 06, 2014, 09:26:35 pm »
Both wars were terrible for the soldiers.
I "like" both scenarios but I guess I'd go with the napoleonic wars for the look of it, the simplicity and what people call honour.
Both wars were incredibly cruel though, and I would not really want to fight in a war.

Historical Discussion / Re: What should children be taught? (History)
« on: August 06, 2014, 07:19:53 pm »
As most people here I also oppose the general opionion of history being boring etc.
But, having to make a statement, the emphasis should lay on teaching history objectively, correctly and as bias free as possible.
What follows is ofcourse to require more than basic repetition of several facts.   
To require the students, in order to achieve good marks, to understand historical backgrounds of certain events or developments in history and make an objective comment or discussion on the topic, is a good way of teaching I believe, but I cannot speak for the UK, in the part of  Germany I live in and in my school (things tend to varie by state and school alot here), at least in the higher grades, it's like this.
Some people already mentioned that the focus should not be on national history, I think it depends  on the country and is ususally not really relevant, it is good to learn more about the history of other countries, but your nationality is an important part of your identity and knowing well about your country's history is of great importance.

I agree with KL4R1N0G4MR0S, even if I wouldn't say it as radically.
You can critizise your education and maybe have to, but don't forget your place and the fact that alot of people who are more educated than you have thought much about putting it the way it is.
I think critizising the "how?" is alot easier than critizising the "what?" in this case.

Historical Discussion / Re: Favourite All Time Leader(s)
« on: August 06, 2014, 06:47:10 pm »

 The hammer and sicle is pretty cool, yeah, badass if you will.

And arguably the communism you refer to did probably not wor out, mhm, I could say communism never really was in effect as in like Marx and Engels intended it and therefore can neither have failed nor succeeded, but you know...

Anyway, let's calm down  I didnt mean to offend or upset you, nor enlighten or teach you, neither did I claim you were misinformed(as I said, you were joking and parts of what you said were right)
 let's not fight over this I don't think it's really worth it.

Historical Discussion / Re: Favourite All Time Leader(s)
« on: August 06, 2014, 02:37:37 pm »
I didn't take it seriously, I mentioned the "sarcasm", but it includes statements which simply are utterly false and dangerous and could be taken seriousy by others if not by you.

 I did not copy a single line from a textbook or wikipedia, thank you.

And if you would have read the edit I made then you would know that my reply wasn't only addressed to you.

Historical Discussion / Re: Favourite All Time Leader(s)
« on: August 06, 2014, 01:43:31 pm »
Do I get muted if I say Hitler? After all, Germany (where the FSE servers are hosted) tries to pretend that he never existed. (*coughs*, ashamed)

He rose from an injured soldier (and a failed, impoverished artist in Vienna in the 1920s) to the steely leader of Germany.
He started opposing the Weimar Republic from 1923, yet, funnily enough, was invited to be the Germany Chancellor by the President.
He intensified Germany' secret re-arnament from 1933...
He cleverly broke GER's diplomatic isolation with 10 year non aggression pacts.
He had the balls (or startegic mind) to gradually start extending Germany's territorial reach in Europe.
He gassed the Jews, Negroes, Catholics, Handicapped, Gypsies, Communists, etc etc, in order to create the puurrfect Aryan Master Race
No wait, that's a bad thing.  WAIT admin! I meant that he advocated or multiculturalism, and equal employment terms for all, regardless of gender or ethnicity, all while maintaining a tolerant political environment, where political pluralism was the key.
What a man.
[Get the sarcasm, Internet? No? Then you should be mentioned in the spoiler above ^ too.]

Some of what you say is true, though some of it is unacceptable regardless of the (poor, in my opionon) humor and what you describe as sarcasm it contains.

The President, Hindenburg, did never like Hitler, but in fact he often disrespected, disregarded and on many occasions ridiculed him by , for example, calling him the "Bohemian corporal".

Hindenburg was old and he, officially,  made Hitler become the chancellor, but what happened in the background and what made Hindenburg decide so was not mentioned by you.

A national conservative "circle" , a group of politicians mostly of noble and wealthy birth advising him in his political decisions saw their own interests in Hitler becoming cancellor, and in order to increase their own power supported him.

Hindenburg was surrounded by DNVP and conservative politicians of other parties (such as von Papen). The "Deutsche Nationale Volkspartei" was a , as I said, conservative party that was somewhat still loyal to the emperor.

Additionally, Hitler received high financial support by several German concerns of the steel and arms industry because these expected a lot of contracts and money from him once he would lead and they expected him to protect them and the German economy from the socialists and communists who were , at the time, almost equal in strength with Hitler.
The companies' money allowed him to travel around all of Germany, hold speeches and hangup election posters in almost  every German town and village as well as pay decent wages to the SA members(many people joined the SA because you'd get food and decent pay in a time of mass unemployment and poverty).

This part of the population,  a small group of wealthy conservatives and industrials, highly supported Hitler and put him into power, it was neither himself ( as you claim) or his party, nor the German voters (in fact in the few years  before his cancellorship things lookes bad for him with loss in members, bad election results and a financial situation getting worse and worse).

The political elite which lead these circles of people, mostly DNVP members, also thought that they would only use Hitler.
Hitler had to coalite with them inorder to form a government and so had they with him.
The plan was to put him as the cancellor of a government with mainly DNVP ministers and a DNVP president, Hindenburg.
Like that they thought they would enchain Hitler and put him under control, use him to gain power and restore order themselves.

The political structure of Germany before his takeover, the easy to exploit constitution and the serveral laws allowed Hitler to quickly expand his control over government and country.

Once he was in power, he began to seize most of which remained still in other hands.
There was serveral laws made that basically got rid of any oppositon, there was an order to shot Communists (who were his strongest counterpart) on sight.
Additionally, the seperation of powers was removed, so noone could stop him in bringing the state under his control.

Laws to bring political enemies in the predecessors of concentration camps were on the way.

On his takeover, Hitler did not only kill his political enemies, but also many of those who had helped him into power and those who knew much about him, even members of the same circles, incuding people from the cultis scene who are said to have helped Hitler at the very start of his carreer.

Granted, Hitler did , for the moment, improve the economic situation, but true is also that the improvements  had a high price in from of extemely highdebts .
His plan was to let the defeated countries pay the bills (Poland, France ...).

Hitler did not like you said, singlehandedly take over Germany, it was his supporters that put him in the right position which he knew to exploit and use to his advantage, that's two different things.

Hitler brought terror and sorrow to Germany, Europe and the world, his successes, achievements and "positive traits" are nothing but microscopicly small and irrelevant compared to the tremendous and unspeakable terror, pain and death he caused, period.

I wrote this not only because of you but for everyone who also considers Hitler a great leader or even the greatest in history.

You are wrong.

Sorry for interrupting you, but I thought that you might want to know that "1te Ostpreussisches Grenadiers" is as grammatically incorrect as possible.
In German word endings indicate the gender of the word they refer to.  1te "erste" refers to a female word and therefore can't go together with (unless you have an article like das infront) Ostpreussisches which refers to a neutral word.
I don't know if it's intended, but Grenadiers is an English word and in German we say Grenadiere.
Now, correct and historical would be : 1tes Ostpreussisches Grenadierregiment.

No offense intended.

Melee is more important, most , if not all,  the good regiments I know are good at melee.

Granted some people can shoot better than others, but the difference is slight in my opinion. Shooting is mostly luck, as some already mentioned, and where , inside of the reticle, the bullet will land you can't really influence as far as I know.
Yet, I think, shooting shouldn't be dismissed as mere luck, the individual aiming might be lucky, but for me a regiment that's good at shooting has to be able shoot good volleys with less delay and have a good discipline in firing, which can and will make the difference.

Still, once the shots are fired and you get charged, your firing discipline and "skill" is useless and you fully depend on your and your teammates' skill in using  the bayonet.


1. Grenadiers a cheval de la garde imperiale
2. 5e Regiment de Hussards
3.1te Leibhusaren "Totenkopfhusaren"
5. Vielle Garde
4. Chasseurs a cheval de la garde imperiale
5. Lützowsches Freikorps
6. Semenovsky / Preobrazensky Lifeguard
7. Highland infantry
8. Grenzer
9. Schlesische Schützen / 95th
10. Pavlogradsky Gusarsky Polk


I might be intrested, sent you a pm.

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