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Messages - Tango

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 18
Events: EU / Re: Napoleonic Sword Dueling Championship [NSC] Bracket Live
« on: January 17, 2016, 10:57:20 pm »
5-2 Peter Avastrat wins.

Community / Re: Tango's Workshop
« on: January 08, 2016, 12:34:32 pm »
Right, I had no internet for a week :'( but I will do all the sigs that have been requested eventually.


Events: EU / Re: Napoleonic Sword Dueling Championship [NSC]
« on: December 31, 2015, 01:18:22 pm »
Steam Contact: Tango
In game name:Tango

Community / Re: Tango's Workshop
« on: December 29, 2015, 08:38:26 pm »
Signature/Header/Avatar/Other: Signature
Picture: Any you can find of the Russian Line Infantry or Russian Arty
Any Writing: 29y Chernigovskiy Pehotniy Polk
Extra info: Make it look classy with a hint of Russian style to it if you can.

P.S Take as much time as you need, no rush.

Here you go :)  TBH I like your current sig a lot but if you want a new one then ok

[img width=500][/img]

Community / Re: Tango's Workshop
« on: December 28, 2015, 12:42:01 am »

Thanks xD and will get on the rest tomorrow

Community / Re: Tango's Workshop
« on: December 27, 2015, 04:26:02 am »
You mean you can't see what I'm posting? That's something wrong on your end then..

Nah I see what's in the quote it's just I don't get the point of posting a quote?

We're not posting just a quote, I have stuff typed there

I'll explain later cbf now

Community / Re: Tango's Workshop
« on: December 27, 2015, 04:03:26 am »
You mean you can't see what I'm posting? That's something wrong on your end then..

Nah I see what's in the quote it's just I don't get the point of posting a quote?

Community / Re: Tango's Workshop
« on: December 27, 2015, 03:54:18 am »
Wait a second. Is Skills4Evil becoming....less trolly ?!

Just to clarify all I'm seeing is a quote and nothing else, I see this quite often on fse but just want to make sure that's all you posted or is there something I'm not seeing?

The Mess Hall / Re: Avatar Signiture and Regiment Designs
« on: December 26, 2015, 02:47:39 pm »
These are epic man!  :D

Community / Re: Tango's Workshop
« on: December 26, 2015, 01:05:13 pm »
Here is your christmas present :)


You know what to do with it

I have to give you one now.


IN FULL COLOUR!!!!!!! Mate you're spoiling me <3

On a serious note I know I'm not a pro on photoshop but the more I do the more I learn and it's not like I'm forcing anyone to have a sit made from me and it's completely free so it's nothing lost for them and it's more experience for me, so how about being a total and utter prick just don't :)

Signature/Header/Avatar/Other: Sig
Picture: or find diff pic that looks cool
Any writing: Make it Say Jack The Ripper and use the Font like you used with Macca's Sig
Extra info: Just make it look sexy somehow  :P

Here you go, if you want anything changed just say :)

[img width=550][/img]

Type of Background: Signature
Background: Any slavic Warrior/Warriors
Any Writing: Eduard- Founder of Slavs
Any other requests: It´s on you :)

Here you go :)

[img width=600][/img]

Signature/Header/Avatar/Other: Signature
Any writing: In the middle  "BoP:1914"  and below that: The United Kingdom
Extra info: You do not have to use all these Pics, you can also use other Pictures if you think they are better


[img width=500][/img]
[img width=500][/img]

Community / Re: Tango's Workshop
« on: December 25, 2015, 06:27:05 pm »
These are quite shit.

Here is your christmas present :)


You know what to do with it

Community / Re: Custom Signatures V2
« on: December 23, 2015, 03:45:55 pm »
Could you make me a 92nd one? From the Gordon highlanders. My info is in my current one. I'm interested to see what you can do with it. :)

Ok here you go, took me ages to think how I wanted to make your one xD its not as plain as the normal 92nd sigs but idk, it's different at least.

[img width=500][/img]

Sorry double post, will just update this one with other sigs

Signature/Header/Avatar/Other: Image for a thread
Any writing: Company F "Irish Infantry" & Company E "Tioga Rifles"
Extra info: Could you make some writing in that style please, as two different images but slightly smaller, with no under line.

[img width=500][/img]                                                               [img width=500][/img]

Community / Re: Tango's Workshop
« on: December 23, 2015, 03:04:52 pm »
I am going to do all the requests I currently have before Christmas and will then will take a brake until the 27th or so

Community / Re: Tango's Workshop
« on: December 22, 2015, 11:49:32 pm »
Signature/Header/Avatar/Other: Image for a thread
Any writing: Company F "Irish Infantry" & Company E "Tioga Rifles"
Extra info: Could you make some writing in that style please, as two different images but slightly smaller, with no under line.

will get on it soon

Community / Re: Custom Signatures V2
« on: December 22, 2015, 10:51:57 am »
@TC.d Final GIF
Type of Background:Signature
Background: Anything that'll look good
Any Writing: Magdeburgisches Husaren-Regiment Nr.10    and somewhere else Recruiting Now (with link if you click signature
Do you want something regiment related on it?: if you cant find any good pictures use deathhead hussars totenkopf
Any other requests: I was trying to find the gif with blucher saying raise the black flag from the waterloo movie but couldn't find it, I would love it if it were a gif signature, but w.e you can do is fine, do your best and make it nice please :) It is a very vague request so be artsy but i prefer gifz

OK, this is what I have made, if you want anything else changed or made different just let me know.


[IMG width=500][/IMG]

Will get on the other two requests now
This is great, just please make the regiment name much bigger and more visible, but still in that corner, and as he talks have him say "Charge my children, Raise the Black Flag, No Prisoners and No Mercy" and if possible have the actual hussars charging instead of just bluchers face

OK here you go, once again if anything needs changed just give me a shout and I'll change it :)

[url=][img width=500][/img][/url]

Type of Background: Signature
Any Writing: Kapral Murch
Do you want something regiment related on it?: 14. Pułk Kirasjerów
Any other requests: non

Background: of Hussar/Hussars
Any Writing: My FSE name; Rhen
Do you want something regiment related on it?: Not for the timebeing
Any other requests: Show my epicness (superiority over Murch)

Will get on them both soonish
This is SO PERFECT just one more tiny tiny thing, please somewhere in the middle have it say as they are riding "Ride into Battle my Children, Raise the Black Flag, No Prisoners and No Mercy"


[url=][img width=500][/img][/url]

Type of Background: Signature
Any Writing: Kapral Murch
Do you want something regiment related on it?: 14. Pułk Kirasjerów
Any other requests: non

Ok, final version :)

[img width=550][/img]

Background: of Hussar/Hussars
Any Writing: My FSE name; Rhen
Do you want something regiment related on it?: Not for the timebeing
Any other requests: Show my epicness (superiority over Murch)

Hope you like a bit of chaos, I think the fire might be a bit too cartoony so tell me if you want it changed.

[img width=550][/img]

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