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Messages - Gudin

Pages: 1
Servers / Re: Re: Cavalry Groupfighting Server
« on: June 11, 2013, 05:50:00 pm »
Someone ?

Servers / Re: Re: Cavalry Groupfighting Server
« on: June 07, 2013, 11:27:45 am »
Hello !
I didn't play to warband since a while. I launched my game this morning and I'm ban from this server. But I don't know why cause it has been a long time since I played. I don't know the reason and I don't think I was ban when I was playing.

In-game Name: KREUHVAR
Admin Who Banned You (If Known): /
Reason For Ban (If Known): /
Apology/Statement Against Ban: I can't remember what I've done or not... Sorry if I ruined a game or something.

Modifications / Re: Skin request
« on: April 15, 2013, 07:55:22 pm »
Yeah that could be nice as your skin is very close (only colors to change) to the skin I would like to have  :)

Modifications / Re: Skin request
« on: April 14, 2013, 11:51:38 am »
It would be awesome  :D

Modifications / Skin request
« on: April 14, 2013, 01:19:09 am »
Hello guys,

I'm quite new on this forum so I hope that I'm posting in the right place.  :)

Here is the skin I would like to see ingame for the french voltigeurs :


Maybe just a colour modification of the already existing "1er Tirailleur" skin can be enough :

Here is the officer's uniform :

the musician one :

the "Porte Aigle" one :

and finally the regiment flag :

(Sorry the pictures are a bit huge for the forum but you can open them in an other tab, and the render will be alright)

If someone think he can do these regiment skins for me, I'll donate if it's necessary.

(PS : Sorry for my english)

Pages: 1