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Messages - coverfire339

Pages: 1
Regiment Name: Minute Men Irregulars
Leaders Steam(URL):
Estimated Attendance: ~10
Applying for: Specialty event- Line Infantry
Have you read the rules: Yes
Do you have the TS bookmarked: Yes, and Thimo is very helpful ^_^

Events: NA / Re: Union Gaming Tuesday/Friday Line Battles! [NA] (Open!)
« on: October 06, 2014, 02:39:42 am »
Regiment name: Minute Men Irregulars
Regiment Class (LI, Arty, Cav, Etc.): Line Infantry
Predicted Attendance: 5 - 12
Leader's Steam link: coverfire339 (cn has me added :) )
How often do you plan on attending? What days?: ALL

Apologies for the re-application guys, after disappearing for so long. I started working about 10 months ago or so, and all of my shifts had me busy tuesday, friday, and sunday nights (right in the middle of your guys' linebattles!), so with much disappointment, I had to have a hiatus on the linebattles for while. That has changed, my employment has stopped, and now myself and the MMI are really looking forward to playing with you guys again. I've re-familiarized myself with the rules, and I'm glad that you guys still have this going- this group was one of the only ones that really had respectable admins that were actually available if you needed to talk to them. CN has me added on steam, if you guys need (haha, hey or just want) to have a chat. Will be checking the forum for your guys' responses! ^_^


Events: EU / Re: [NA][NW]Gentlemen's Sunday Night Siege[New Poll]
« on: February 17, 2014, 01:54:47 am »
Apologies guys, work has kept me rather busy on sundays, my officers have had the same problem. We'd like to reapply if possible, was always alot of fun playing your sieges :D

Minute Men Irregulars
Line infantry
8-12 members
We agree to all rules

would appreciate a speedy response so we can participate tonight

Events / Re: No Man's Land Event - Saturdays 6:00pm EST - [IRON EUROPE]
« on: February 11, 2014, 05:25:09 am »

Regiment name: King's African Rifles (Minute Men Irregulars from NW)
Estimated #:6-12
Your preferred role:Infantry
Do you agree to the rules? yes.

Regiment name: The Minute Men Irregulars
Regiment Class (LI, Arty, Cav, Etc.): LI, Arty, Skirms, Cav
Predicted Attendance: 6-15
Leader's Steam link: coverfire339
How often do you plan on attending? What days?: Tuesday and Friday

Regiment name: Minute Men Irregulars
Regiment Class (LI, Arty, Cav, Etc.): Line Infantry
Predicted Attendance:8-15
Leader's Steam link:
How often do you plan on attending? What days?: Both days

We hope to be in as soon as possible, if circumstances allow! Will be good to be with the NEC again :D. We were with you guys previous to you switching to NaS, hope to be back!

Regiment name: Minute Men Irregulars
Regiment Class (LI, Arty, Cav, Etc.): Line Infantry
Predicted Attendance:8-15
Leader's Steam link:
How often do you plan on attending? What days?: Both days

We hope to be in as soon as possible, if circumstances allow! Will be good to be with the NEC again :D. We were with you guys previous to you switching to NaS, hope to be back!

Pages: 1