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Messages - Daedalus

Pages: 1
General Discussion / Re: Mount Blade / NW tking and admins
« on: April 08, 2013, 10:34:29 am »
if tk'ing is such a big problem why don't the admins just set it so you can't damage teammates? that seems a better solution than banning everyone.   :-\

Name used when I was banned: either Nr11_kpl_Demigod or Darthkillerdude

Server banned from: NW_Official_NA_1

Reason for being banned: I can't remember but i think I accidentally TK'ed

current time and date: 8:23, 4/6/13, I don't know when i was banned but I think it was about a month ago.

timezone: Pacific

User ID: 416051

Pages: 1